martes, octubre 31, 2023

Aurora Ray - New Earth's Promise: Global Financial Reset and Advanced Technologies On the Horizon! - Oct 31, 2023


New Earth's Promise: Global Financial Reset and Advanced Technologies On the Horizon!


Global Financial Reset:

Get ready for a big change in how we handle money and resources!

A brand new financial system is on the way to our new Golden age, and it's all about making things fair, honest, and doing what's right.

This change is all about ensuring that everyone in the world gets a fair piece of the economic pie. So, get excited because a better financial system is just around the corner!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message~ Tuesday October 31, 2023

Self presence, simply put, is holding space for yourself to become everything you wish to be. It is creating a stabilizing place of pure acceptance to assist both your current self and your future self in the highest unfoldment of you. When was the last time you simply sat with yourself without assessing, judging, or trying to fix anything? That may very well be exactly what you are craving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Octubre 29, 2023


Blossom: ¡Una vez más, Hola! ¡Su turno ahora! ¡Arrancamos! Pongo total confianza en que cualquier cosa que digan elevará enormemente la Vibración de todos los que se topen con sus palabras. ¡Vamos!

FOL: Buenos días, Blossom. Buenos días a Cada Uno.

¿Es un buen día? ¿Es una buena tarde? ¿Es un buen momento para ti? ¿Es un buen espacio en el que resides?

¿Permites que los pensamientos que te deprimen... lo hagan?

¿Miras y escuchas información que reduce tu Energía y te desintoniza con la Vibración en la que estabas antes de hacerlo?

¿Ustedes? ¿Lo hacen ustedes, Querid@s?

Natalia Alba - The Energies of November 2023 ~ Wings on the Ground - Oct 31, 2023



Beloved Ones,

As we end this seventh universal year of wisdom and profound light activations, we realize the many changes that we have experienced, from both a personal level and a planetary one. Polarity is being emphasized by the ones who desire to continue living in separation. At this time our planet is experiencing a massive holocaust clearing, in our timeline and other parallel ones. We are seeing the evidence of how the victim and victimizer roles are being highlighted, in an endless battle to regain control.

James & JoAnna McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - The Second Coming of The Christ [Consciousness] - Oct 22, 2023

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these very perplexing times that you are in at this point.

How so many of you over the many thousands of years, many thousands of lifetimes you have had, you have succumbed to the programming, just like everyone else has. But deep down within each and every one of you, you have a knowing. You have a spirit that needs to break free. And that is what is happening now: you are breaking free. Your spirit, your soul is breaking free now, breaking free of the ties and the binds that have held you down for so many lifetimes. But no longer. Because the old programming is fading away more and more.

KRYON - Peeling the onion - Creating your reality

An Extraterrestrial Celebration: Earth Welcomes the Galactic Federation!

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Move Closer to Source with this Simple Non-Action - Oct 31, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We welcome you to join us in our celebration of consciousness, of existence. It is enough to exist. It is enough to be. Everything else is a bonus, the icing on the cake as you might say. You are not there to experience perfection; you are there to experience everything, to exist in everything. If you can accept everything as it is, you can begin to get closer to Source. Source not only accepts everything as it is, Source loves everything as it is and knows that Source is everything that is. Therefore, acceptance is the first key step for all of you there on Earth, a place which has been disparaged by many, but it is a wonderful place to exist, a wonderful place to be, and there is much on your world and within yourselves to love.

lunes, octubre 30, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Cosmic Alignment: Earth's Magnificent Evolution in Cosmic Harmony! - Oct 30, 2023



The Cosmic Alignment: Earth's Magnificent Evolution in Cosmic Harmony!


The great transformation of Earth is unfolding according to divine timing.

There are cosmic cycles and energetic alignments occurring beyond our ordinary perception that make this the perfect moment for this evolutionary leap. While the shift may feel sudden or surprising from a human perspective, on a galactic scale, the timing has been carefully orchestrated.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - YOUR DIVINE ORIGIN - NOVEMBER 2023






Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your Divine origin.

You are a beautiful Being of Divine Light. You are a Spark of the Divine Creator. This is your Divine heritage.

Your Divine heritage contains many attributes that are part of who you are.

Judith Kusel - We are in for drastic and unprecedented changes - Oct 30, 2023


We are in for drastic and unprecedented changes were all the old western structures disintegrate, like the fall of the Roman Empire and the totally new emerges.

It is time.

And in this all will change to the core and balance is being restored.

Brenda Hoffman - Diamond Embellishment - October 30, 2023

Dear Ones,

A piece of your former 3D life will be highlighted this week in ways you cannot yet imagine. As if discovering an unexpected boogeyman under your bed. You will finally let go of the big chunk of fear hounding you in this life.

Of course, you are angry because you assumed you let go of everything before becoming new you. And so you have – except for this piece. It could be financial, physical surroundings, physical well-being, or relationships.

Wave of Transformation: Earth's Astonishing Energy Shift as a Perfect Puzzle Fit!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Interpreting the Signs from Your Guides & Us - Oct 30, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of discovering new pathways, new entry points into your conscious minds. We are working with your guides and your higher selves in order to determine not only what is best for you, but also what the best delivery systems are for what we can offer. We want you to know that help is always on the way and that if you pay attention to the signs that you are getting from the outside world, you will know that everything is going to be okay. And when you notice those synchronicities keep piling up in your experience, then you will start to understand that everything is going to be more than just okay.

domingo, octubre 29, 2023

Aurora Ray - Guardians of Transformation: The Galactic Federation's Role in Our Evolution - Oct 29, 2023


Guardians of Transformation: The Galactic Federation's Role in Our Evolution


The Galactic Federation, often shrouded in mystery and intrigue, stands as an extraordinary assembly of advanced civilizations from various corners of the universe!

These celestial beings possess an enlightenment that transcends our current understanding of existence.

At the core of their mission lies a profound commitment to guide and nurture civilizations like our own on the journey of spiritual enlightenment, technological evolution, and intellectual growth.

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS - Remember And Awaken The Power Within - Oct 8, 2023

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these high times of of energy change that is happening now, energy change that is happening all over the planet. For the dark forces have been, and are continuing to come more and more fully out of the shadows and into the understanding, and even the site in many respects of the population of the planet.

For they are being revealed for what they are. The secrets that they have held for so long are being revealed, as the truth coming forward. And nothing, and no thing at this point, can stop that from continuing to happen. For you are all destined at this point to become the power houses which you have always been, are now, and will continue to be forever. For there is no ending. There is always the continuing on of the journey. And this part of the journey is more and more coming to an end. It only needs you. You and all of the collective consciousness of this planet that are in the awakening stage at this point, and all of those that are moving to that awakening stage. And yes, indeed, many, many are awakening at this point. Because they are realizing finally that the dark forces have been holding back the truth for so long. And that truth can only still be held back for a short period of time. For more and more are continuing to awaken, and will continue to awaken. And as you have heard many times, you are the catalyst.

You, the Forces of Light, you the Lightworkers and Light-Warriors, are the catalyst to bring this light forward, this truth forward everywhere, and for love to completely overcome those forces of darkness, where the power of love takes over, once and for all, here on this planet. They only need you, each and every one of you, to more and more fully realize who you are, and that power you have within you, that power that those of the forces of darkness have tried to hold down, hold you from realizing the power within you. But they can no longer do it. Because once awakened, you will not go back to sleep. And if you know that, then you know that the collective consciousness of this entire planet are more and more coming to that realization that they do have a power within them.

And once they realize that they have that power, just as you realized it, then there is no going back. There is no more falling back asleep, but yet, remaining completely awake. Awake to be able to move fully and freely throughout the rest of their lives, knowing that they are sovereign beings. Sovereign with the right within each and every one of you to have the freedom of choice.

And you all have that freedom of choice. Continue now to relish in that moment. Relish in the moment when you fully awakened. And know that so many more will relish in that moment when they awaken as well.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to move forward in your journey, and continue to realize the full potential within each and every one of you, and remembering that all of these things I did as Yeshua you can do, and more of these things you can do.

Peace and love be with all of you.

ONE WHO SERVES(Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here.

We are ready to continue to assist you in your great awakening that is indeed in process of happening. And there is nothing that can stop it at this point. You have awakened, and many, many more are awakening, and many, many more yet shall awaken. Because it is destined, destined for all of you to move fully into the higher vibrational frequencies of the high fourth and fifth dimensional expression.

So we are ready now for your questions if you have them. Are there any questions?

Guest: I have a question please.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: As we were having our discussion earlier, we were mentioning areas of conflict on the planet. And what came to mind for me was Khazaria, or the Ukraine, and then the connection perhaps to Maui and releasing of energies there. And now this place with Israel. Are there ley lines? Is that a triangle of energy perhaps, linking to further energies or healing energies?

OWS: Please repeat that last part, as there was some interference there.

Guest: Yes, thank you. Is there a connection between those points of energy. I see it as a triangle. Is there a meaning there that there needs to be that release of those three spots, or a healing energy, or a connecting energy, or a freeing energy that has come together at this time? Thank you.

OWS: You have very rightly intuited beyond the normal, we will say here, of what is in process of occurring. As the energies from these various areas, and more that shall open and release the tension that is there, release the karma that is there. As a volcano releases the steam, releases the pent up energy, the forces within it. It is the same thing that is happening here as the Earth, as Gaia, is releasing these energy points and opening up—and this is the important point—opening up new portals everywhere. So whether it is a triangulation—yes, you are correct about that, but there is so much more yet to be discovered here. Or, in your case, in a sense remembered. As that is what is occurring with you at this point. You are remembering many different things that are coming forth to you. And more shall continue to come as you continue to keep yourself wide open to the possibilities and the probabilities of what is coming. Okay?

Guest: I thank you very much.

OWS: Yes. Would there be any other questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes.

Guest: I might be sorry for asking this, but I’m just wondering how do we tell what is actual truth? And I’m wondering who or what’s to believe that is actually true. I know you are going to say go inside to ask. But when I do that, I don’t get any answers. And I’m just wondering what is actually true. In fact, I really don’t know if what you are saying is truthful.

OWS: Very good, Dear Thomas. We applaud you for asking this question, because it is something that has been troubling you for quite some time.

So what we will say, and we would always say ‘go within,’ certainly. But there is also an understanding that you must come to that the truth shall reveal itself, and is revealing itself every moment of your lives here as you are moving forward, as you are open to it. You see, there are many that are closed to the truth at this point. But many, many more that are awakening to the truth as it is coming forward and realizing that they have been lied to for a very long time.

So for you to understand the truth versus the nontruth here, or the misdirection as has been happening for quite some time, you do need to go within, certainly. But know that it is in many cases not being fully shown as the full truth coming forward, unless you are using your own intuition and own inner knowing of what is true and what feels true, we will say here rather, not what is true, but what feels true to you. So it is your feelings that brings forth the truth. And when you have that feeling, then you know that yes, indeed, what you are seeing, what you are hearing is true. Because you have the deeper understanding and, indeed, the memories that are coming forward now to continue to catapult you forward in this journey to understand and fully remember the truth that has been held back for some time in the shadows. Okay?

Guest: Sending images test my gut, my intuition.

OWS: Yes! Very good! As you even said, go within.

Guest: (Laughs)

OWS: Very good. You answered the question yourself. Funny how that happens.

Guest: (Laughs)

OWS: We are ready now for the next question if there is one?

Guest: I have one that is related, please.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: I trusted my instincts in an instant with a person that was asking for money, and there are a few around. Some people I just don’t feel like I want to as before. But with this person I did. I thought, “oh, this will be great, I’ll help her, having her come to an empty room.” And it felt so good, like it just felt right, you know? Other people were advising me to be cautious. So it turns out that she was scamming me, and is an addict, which I didn’t see at all with her age and demeanor. So it was just sort of ‘funny’ because with my instinct, what I felt was my gut saying help this person, and then it turned out she was messing me off. Now I guess the good thing is I didn’t feel bad about it, I just felt that, okay;, there was something to this, she learned something and I learned something. But I still was perturbed about being so sure that she would be a good fit.

OWS: So, what is your question?

Guest: Why was my instinct off there, when it felt like it was the right thing. I was so sure I was doing the right thing, and apparently she would have been very back news for her to live here, I found out.

OWS: We would say because your mind, and the programming within your mind, and the feelings of guilt in some ways were encouraging you to assist this one. The fact that you did, though, is not something to be overly concerned about. It is, what you might say, a lesson learned for you. And what you did for this one, though, is also helpful in some respects, which is not necessary for you to understand at this point. But know that each one helps another without them even realizing why or how they are helping them, you see?

Guest: Yeah. I figured there was something like that maybe she learned. And because she was probably resentful in a way that she didn’t have the opportunity have a better life theoretically.

OWS: But it is not for your concern to understand why, again, or how it affected this one, but you learned in the process here.

Guest: Yes. Okay. Thank you.

OWS: Yes. Any other further questions?

Guest: I have a question. It’s kind of related to what you are talking about.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: For a long time, there were many ways that the cabal has done mind control and to convince people that they are hearing correctly, or they are listening to the right people, or if it’s propaganda, all the different ways, even witch craft, you know, they are using as a mind control tactic. How do we fight against that to get people awakened?

OWS: First of all, you do not need to fight against it for other people, only for yourself. And for each one of you it is not a concern at this point to be mind-controlled, because you have moved beyond their ability to do so at this point because of your higher vibrational frequency most of the time. So do not be concerned about others and how they are dealing with it unless they ask you for your advise. And if they ask, then you can assist them. But until they do, again, do not be concerned, just know that more and more people are in the awakening process and will come out of the ability for those of the ability of the forces of darkness to control them as well, you see?

Guest: Thank you.

OWS: Yes. Any further questions before we release channel? Nothing further? Then we are done for the time.

We just repeat here that it is important for you to continue to realize within each of yourselves the power that you hold within, and to fully begin more and more to utilize that power as the situation calls for it.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - Oct 29, 2023






Once again, Hello! Over to you! Off you go! I put total Trust in that whatever you say will greatly lift the Vibration of all who come across your words. Go for Gold!

Good morning, Blossom. Good morning to Each One.

Is it a Good morning? Is it a Good evening? Is it a Good time for you? Is it a Good space that you are residing within?

Do you allow thoughts that bring you down … to do so?

Do you watch and listen to information that lowers your Energy and makes you at odds with the Vibration you were in before you did so?

Do you? Do you, Dearest Ones?

You may say it is necessary to learn of such things … that one SHOULD know what is taking place in the World … That one SHOULD be aware.

Soulful Companions: How Pets Heal Emotional Wounds and Guide Spiritual Evolution

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Use Your Power to Change Everything That Will Happen - Oct 30, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are very happy to connect with all of you again, as we always are. It is a pleasure for us to feel the expanding consciousness of the human collective consciousness of which we were once a part. We don’t consider ourselves to be separate from you, but you have your own collective consciousness there in your dimension. We want you to know that it is perfect for you to be there. You being there is not a mistake, it is not a punishment, and it is not because you haven’t gotten something right yet. You want to have incarnations in a variety of different places simultaneously, and you, as your soul, does.

sábado, octubre 28, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Emergence of Higher Consciousness: A New Dawn for Humanity!- Oct 28, 2023


The Emergence of Higher Consciousness: A New Dawn for Humanity!


People everywhere can feel that big changes are happening around the world right now!

While major events and movements seem to disrupt the status quo, there is also a growing sense that humanity is truly transforming, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It's as if the Earth itself is undergoing a metamorphic shift!

Many describe this time as a turning point in human history. Old patterns and paradigms no longer serve us. We are being called to shift towards greater unity, peace, and connection with each other and the planet.

Natalia Alba - Today, with the coming of the lunar eclipse - Oct 28, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today, with the coming of the lunar eclipse, the last one in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis, we have left behind a cycle and started a new one, introduced by Scorpion energies who will lead us into the next year's gateway. A portal with unity codes for us to continue with our process of DNA synthesis and polarity integration.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Report - Oct 28, 2023

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Beloved One, as you are going through your experiences, some pleasant, some unpleasant, it is important to remember that God wants your perfect Happiness.

James & JoAnna McConnell - Ashtar, OWS, Shoshanna - The Magnifying Glass - Oct 1, 2023

ASHTAR (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Ashtar. It is my pleasure and privilege to be able to be with you in this way. That I can bring about change, or be the catalyst to help you be the catalyst to bring about change to the planet. And know that if you do these types of experiences, especially together as a group, you affect greta change on whatever it is your intention is for this particular experience. And as it was your intention to be the catalyst, or be that magnifying glass to bring the energy down through the group to those areas of your intent for the planet to enlighten and illuminate those areas of the planet, know that as your intention was it, it shall be, and is now in this moment. Even having that change, that effect.

Pleiadian October Broadcast 2023

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Oct 27, 2023

Nota de Mike Quinsey.

Las pruebas que deberían disipar cualquier duda sobre la existencia de los E.T. aparecieron en las noticias australianas y procedían de Andrew, que desapareció sin dejar rastro durante casi tres años, y afirmó que había sido llevado por ellos a su planeta, donde vivió durante casi tres años. Trajo monedas que mostraban un cráneo con cabeza y hombros de rasgos casi humanos, pero grandes ojos negros, típicos de muchos E.T. Las monedas estaban hechas de metales desconocidos para el hombre, brillaban débilmente y emitían extrañas vibraciones al ser manipuladas.

The Unbelievable is coming: The Galactic federation’s Mass Ascension Is Just Around the Corner!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension? - Oct 28, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in what makes humans happy, what brings you the most joy and puts you in the greatest amount of alignment that is possible. We witness you in many different scenarios, and we notice the ones that you thought would make you happy and compare those to the ones that actually do make you happy. What we have noticed is that happiness comes spontaneously to those who are choosing to look for that which is intrinsically joyous in their experience. In other words, if you turn your head slightly, you could be looking at a pile of garbage, but if you turn your head slightly in the other direction because you are seeking something to observe that will put a smile on your face, you could notice that there’s a field of flowers, just forty-five degrees from that pile of garbage.

viernes, octubre 27, 2023

Aurora Ray - Heaven on Earth: The Promising Futures of the Unbelievable 5D Shift! - Oct 27, 2023



Heaven on Earth: The Promising Futures of the Unbelievable 5D Shift!

The dimensional shift from 3D to 5D is often described as a profound and rapid transformation of human consciousness and perception. We will literally feel our consciousness expanding as we transition into the higher vibrational state of 5D.

The transition from 3D to 5D life will open us up to a higher state of being.

While 3D existence is characterized by separation, fear, and limitation, the 5th dimension vibrates at a frequency of love, unity, and self-expression.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – October 27, 2023

The problems in the world show no signs of going away, on the contrary they are getting worse and the prospect of an even greater problem is staring you in the face. However, behind the scenes at the highest level much negotiating is going on to achieve the first priority in Gaza to create a safe passage for all civilians trapped there, while they are being bombed unmercifully with little means of escape. So much depends on the outcome, not least of all an expansion of the war. There are greater powers than on Earth that oversee the situation but it is you who are writing the script.

James & JoAnna McConnell - St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - You Are Part of The White Hat Alliance - Oct 15, 2023


SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing times of great change that is happening all across the planet.

In many, many areas, change is happening. Some not so seemingly great. Some quite miraculous and wonderful. All depends on the time-line at this point that you have all chosen, all of you that resonate, that is important, that word resonate) to my word now. All of you are beginning to understand more and more that change is inevitable, and change is necessary and needed at this point in your evolution. But change, as someone rightly said earlier, is adapting, adapting to what is needed.

A Paradigm Shift: From 3D Confinement to 5D Freedom!

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators - Avoid the Spiritual Ego & Do This Instead - Oct 27, 2023

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You have been on a path for a very long time. Your path did not begin when you woke up in this lifetime. Your path began so very long ago that it would be difficult to quantify it in a number of years. The journey is always changing because you enjoy variety and you enjoy challenges. You do want to fathom how old you really are so that you can understand how wise you really are, how masterful you really are. In order to do that, you must see yourself as being bigger than this singular incarnation would indicate.

jueves, octubre 26, 2023

Judith Kusel - We are in the midst of huge changes of energy and vibrational energy fields - Oct 26, 2023


We are in the midst of huge changes of energy and vibrational energy fields as the higher dimensional frequency bands are being anchored in and cosmic portals open.

It opens up a new vulnerability in many souls as the old patterns are busy breaking up and have been dissolve in so many cases, as they are being cleared up to the first primordial creation on earth, and in this solar system, in galactic and intergalactic and Universal levels, the trauma, the pain and suffering is being released, also those of the Wars of Heavens.

Aurora Ray - The Evolutionary Leap: Awakening Our 12 DNA Strands with Pleiadians guidance! - Oct 26, 2023


The Evolutionary Leap: Awakening Our 12 DNA Strands with Pleiadians guidance!


The Pleiadians, an advanced ET civilization, have been observing Earth and monitoring human progress for millennia. For eons, they have been waiting to physically reveal themselves and their advanced technology until humanity was ready to evolve to a state of higher consciousness and spiritual awareness.

Our planet has now reached a critical point where we face challenges that require new solutions, innovation, and expanded thinking. The Pleiadians recognize that humanity has an opportunity at this time to make a quantum leap in understanding ourselves, the universe, and our connection to all life. They want to assist in this process.

Steve Rother - EQUILIBRAR LA GUERRA - Oct 22, 2023




Presentado en vivo el 22 de octubre de 2023


Hola a todos. Gracias por reunirse. Hoy tendremos un GlobalLight especial en el que nos unimos y comenzamos a trabajar con todo este caos que está teniendo lugar ahora mismo en nuestro planeta. Voy a hablar durante un par de minutos y trataré de mantenerme al margen de los detalles porque sinceramente no son realmente importantes en este momento, pero hay mucho que hacer con todo lo que está sucediendo con Israel y Palestina y con Ucrania y Rusia. La guerra está a lo grande en nuestro planeta una vez más. Hay muchas razones para eso. Hay muchas cosas sobre esto. Hoy trabajaremos para calmarlo. Pondremos una energía de tranquilidad en todo eso. Hoy enviaremos energía a ambos lados de cualquier cosa que pueda estar sucediendo porque estamos todos juntos en esto, y si dejamos de tomar partido, podemos empezar a intervenir en la solución de parte de esto.


Natalia Alba - As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage - Oct 26, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage, in which many of us are immersed in a mission of restoration and gridwork, as the eclipses are activating many planetary spaces where we can start anchoring the sixth and seventh crystalline energies received, during this time.

We have been, especially during the Solar Eclipse, clearing past timeliness, on both a personal and a planetary level, and it is now the time for us to anchor more love, restoration, and clearing in the areas where our planet is experiencing separation, which is what we see from the outside, as what is truly taking place is the rehabilitation of certain planetary gates and the many intents for it not to happen.

The Cosmic Guardians: How Cats Connect you with Higher Consciousness!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What the Volunteers Really Volunteered For - Oct 26, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been noticing how many of you there on Earth are bearing witness to yourselves and to others in your lives without rushing to judgment, and we want you to know that this is a huge sign of spiritual evolution. Any time you are resisting the knee-jerk reaction of judgment, you are growing and evolving. And because you are not choosing judgment, you are choosing compassion, or at least acceptance. We want you to know that there is great power in just accepting yourself as you are, others as they are, the world as it is. Once you make peace with yourself and others, then you can make better decisions.

miércoles, octubre 25, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Final Phase of Earth's Evolutionary Shift to the Fifth-dimensional Frequency! - Oct 25, 2023


The Final Phase of Earth's Evolutionary Shift to the Fifth-dimensional Frequency!


We are living in an incredibly exciting time, as the Earth is entering its final phase of a massive energetic shift to a fifth-dimensional frequency!

This shift is known as the Shift of the Ages or the Great Shift, and it has been prophesied for millennia. It is an evolutionary process that is causing us to awaken to higher states of consciousness and greater connection with the divine.

Cosmic Awareness: "How Are You Handling the Changes?" (25 October 2023)

Cosmic Wonders Unfold: Earth's Extraordinary Evolution!

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - What You are Meant to Do on Earth - Oct 25, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We appreciate all of you, especially in your efforts to make a difference on your planet and in this universe. We know that you have good intentions, and we also know that you want to live a good life. You want to enjoy your life experience while also making a difference in the collective of which you are a part. And we want you to know that the two things can co-exist. They can be two simultaneous intentions for you to have. You can live a good life and be of service to others. You do not have to continuously look for ways of denying yourself some creature comfort so that you can be of greater service to another. Sometimes by allowing someone else to do something for you, you are actually giving that other person an opportunity to fulfill an aspect of their mission in this life.

martes, octubre 24, 2023

Pleiadian Frequency Light Shields Transmission: Protection Against 4D Etheric Weaponry

Blossom Goodchild - Conversando con la Federación de la Luz - Octubre 22, 2023




Blossom: Bueno, ¡Hola! Ha pasado algo de tiempo desde que me comuniqué telepáticamente, debido a mi viaje. Cuéntenme, ¿tienen algo para contar? ¿Qué podemos esperar antes de Navidad? El problema es que sé que no podemos usar el "tiempo" como una verdadera guía con ustedes, ya que no lo tienen... sin embargo, una perspectiva general sería buena. Gracias.

FOL: Querida Blossom... Bienvenida de nuevo a "nuestra zona". Imaginamos que has comprendido que en esta pausa tu Vibración ha aumentado, como de hecho lo han hecho muchos.

Aurora Ray - Revolutionary Galactic Federation Technologies Transform Humanity! - Oct 24, 2023


Revolutionary Galactic Federation Technologies Transform Humanity!


The Galactic Federation is an interstellar federation of thousands of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations across the galaxy. Their mission is to serve as galactic guardians, bringing love, light, and peace.

Members of the Galactic Federation hail from star systems like the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, and Arcturus. They are benevolent beings of light committed to assisting humanity and protecting planet Earth during its ascension process.

KRYON - Peeling the Onion - Being Unworthy


Natalia Alba - We end this powerful month with another Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus - Oct 24, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We end this powerful month with another Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus. The last one of the Taurus-Scorpio cycle. An eclipse that will help us transform ourselves, descending, grounding, in the physical, the change, and all the healing that we are triggering, in the depth of our being, with the energies of Scorpio.

An eclipse that reminds us of the importance of navigating between both the ethereal and the physical, descending into our tangible world what we have first envisioned in the soul planes.

Harnessing the Power of the Twelve Chakras: A Roadmap to Self-Discovery

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - All You Need to Know About Life on Earth Right Now - Oct 24, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been following all of the events there on Earth in every moment of every day. We do not just tune in to the trauma and the tragedies of life on Planet Earth. We feel into all of it at once, and overall, you are continuing to raise the level of the collective consciousness there, and you deserve to feel very good about how you are evolving as individuals and as a collective. Now, do you have to get your house entirely in order there on Earth before you can feel good about life on Earth? The answer is of course, no you do not. Everyone is carrying something and working on something. Everyone is evolving out of something and shifting from something else. Therefore, you must look for those opportunities to laugh and sing and dance and play, in spite of the fact that you still have your challenges.

lunes, octubre 23, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Kundalini Code: Your Gateway to Self-Discovery and Transformation - Oct 24, 2023


The Kundalini Code: Your Gateway to Self-Discovery and Transformation


Deep within every person's body, there is a remarkable force known as Kundalini. Imagine it like a coiled-up, snake-like energy residing at the base of your spine. When we recognize and awaken this force, it has a profound impact on our inner light, grounding us and providing stability, especially during times of major energy shifts.

Traditionally, Kundalini awakens around the age of forty, as this is considered the point at which we become mature enough to handle its power. However, for many, this energy remains dormant, and they start to feel older and less vibrant instead of being rejuvenated by it.

Brenda Hoffman - Bountiful Self-Reward - Oct 23, 2023

Maybe you tried to create your dreams in the past without success. Or maybe you did not think it was possible to do so, so you never tried. It does not matter what happened before because you are a different being in different times.

What is it you wish for or dream of? What do you feel you need? What are you lacking? Those questions have the same base – the need to feel fully alive and joyful.

It is time to acknowledge your creation skills and use them.

An important Message of Grand Transformation: Embrace the Galactic Federation's Call!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Makes You the Lightworkers & Changemakers - Oct 23, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always on the lookout for a new perspective, a new approach, a new way of leaning in to our work and our ability to perform the work that we have in front of us. We know that there is so much that we still have to discover, and we look forward to each and every droplet of new experience and new knowledge that can come our way. We share everything that we can with you, once we make a new discovery, and in our constant observation and study of all of you, we often make new discoveries.

domingo, octubre 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - Energies of Change: Earth's Quantum Leap Initiated by the Galactic Federation's Assistance! - Oct 22, 2023


Energies of Change: Earth's Quantum Leap Initiated by the Galactic Federation's Assistance!


Dear ones hold onto your seats because I have some mind-blowing news for all of us!

Brace yourselves as the awe-inspiring Galactic Federation, composed of super-advanced civilizations, has set its complete focus on none other than Earth itself!

Just imagine the magnitude of this extraordinary development. We, the inhabitants of our humble planet, have captured the attention of these incredible beings from across the cosmos. It's as if the universe has chosen us for something truly remarkable.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Ascension Update: What We Notice About You - Oct 22, 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. It is beautiful to connect with you now, in this way as you are in this state.

The light within you is not only continuing to increase in frequency and also in information, but it is acclimating you to living in higher awareness. Notice the sense of peace and well-being that you are able to access nowadays, so much more readily, than in the past.

Lisa Renee - Enki DNA Overlays - October 2023

October 2023

Enki DNA Overlays

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Last month’s astrological shift into Virgoan constellation alchemy (September 16-October 30) began the powerful sequence of trigger events igniting another intense stage of lunar transfiguration impacting the corrupted elementals and artificial red wave machinery that were used to encode Enki DNA Overlays into angelic humans. The spiritual magnum opus is rising for those ascending Christos Starseeds with divine missions that include working on the embodiment pieces for the Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon’s Sacred Sophianic Awakening of White Queens on the Earth, which is the lunar transmutation process of the shadow elements that have been running Enki coded red wave overlays into the planetary DNA. Last month’s Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire described the holy matrimony of the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King at the Hill of Tara, returning the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. This planetary activation catalyzed subsequent tsunami waves of incredible dark resistance aimed at the Christos Guardians through the forces of chaos being generated by the NAA using the artificial red wave alien machinery as a weapon to control the artificial timelines, more specifically, the legions of Enki’s Army.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - Oct 22, 2023





Well, hello there! It has been a while since communicating telepathically in this way, due to my trip away. Tell me, are you able to let any cats out the bag? What can we expect leading up to Christmas? The trouble is, I know we cannot use ‘time’ as a True guideline with you, as you have none … yet, a general perspective would be good. Thank you.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Oct 22, 2023

OCTOBER 22, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

Do not doubt that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of present world appearances. The increase of high resonating Light flowing to earth as well as being manifest through the presence of increasingly more evolved states of consciousness is causing a great deal of ancient but active karmic energy to surface and manifest, allowing it to be recognized as obsolete and no longer valid in an evolving world.

Part 1c NEW EARTH CODES ~ Conclusion


Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 20 de Octubre, 2023

Los problemas del mundo parecen no tener fin y el futuro se presenta bastante sombrío. Sin embargo, siempre hay personas de buenas intenciones que se esfuerzan por intentar aminorar el efecto de la confrontación que se está produciendo. Muchas almas en las altas esferas están buscando la manera de llegar a una solución sensata sin la pérdida de tantas vidas. También estamos intentando calmar la ira de ambas partes que está alimentando otra masacre. ¿Cuánto tiempo más va a resolver la Humanidad sus diferencias a través de la pura fuerza, y potencialmente la muerte de tantas almas inocentes que están atrapadas en esta red de guerra? Lo que está ocurriendo es un test de la capacidad de la Humanidad para resolver sus problemas de forma justa y pacífica. Haced los primeros movimientos en esa dirección y estaremos con vosotros.

From Darkness to Light: Unlocking the Inner Door

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - A Healing for Earth & Her Inhabitants - Oct 22, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here, now, in this transmission ready to give planet Earth and all of her inhabitants a healing. We are transmitting more than words through the channel here, and we want you all to realize that the healing energies coming through are for you and for everyone else, because everyone is carrying some sort of weight, some sort of trauma. Everyone there on Earth needs to receive more healing, and so we offer the healing energies, and we invite you to receive them in your bodies and in your minds. We seek to help you in opening your minds so that you can believe in the possibility for healing. We invite you to unclench, to release all the tension that you are holding in your body right now, so that you can receive the offering of our healing.