Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Judith Kusel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Judith Kusel. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, noviembre 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - We have stepped into a new period of Transfiguration - Nov 18, 2024

We have stepped into a new period of Transfiguration where we are asked to truly now access our ineffable soul attributes, knowledge and wisdom and into full Soul Empowerment.

Lord Melchizedek this morning used the symbol of the seed. The seed is now changing form and is sprouting through the earth, and now slowly but surely takes on the form of a mighty tree.
This is the growing process of the sapling growing into a mighty tree. Not just an earthly tree, but a cosmic tree!

martes, noviembre 12, 2024

Judith Kusel - The purification process is intensifying - Nov 12, 2024

The purification process is intensifying, and with it then also the dissolving, dissolution of the old ways. This is done so quietly that most people are not even aware of what is truly happening.

lunes, noviembre 11, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are at a crucial moment of no-return - Nov 11, 2024

We are at a crucial moment of no-return, where the chaff is being separated from the corn. This is not meant to be read as the Apocalypse, for the latter in Greek means RENEWAL, but rather where the souls who are forerunners, in the process of ascension are already in the 5th and even accessing the 7th and higher, and now being asked to step fully into their soul purpose and calling, with love and joy.

domingo, noviembre 10, 2024

Judith Kusel - In the next few years leading up and into 2032 - Nov 10, 2024

In the next few years leading up and into 2032, we are going to go through intense and immense changes on all levels. As our own Light shines brighter, we radiate forth such a blinding high potency light, that everything still hidden in the dark is being illuminated as if by powerful spotlights in areas of total darkness. All those people who hide in this darkness and operate undercover, are going to be exposed and they will try their best to regain control of the planet and powerbases they once held. 

With these disturbances, great Earth upheavals will arise, as this is the great cleansing and purification and the return to the Heart of Love, Unity, Balance and Harmony.

Through this seeming chaos, the New Golden Age rises in all its splendour and glory. The message I received very clearly this morning, is that we now need to truly step up and fully into our soul’s highest purpose for being here on Earth: to lead humanity through this immense transition and transfiguration with love, with joy, inspired from deep within, no matter what may seemingly be happening around us, and more than this to sow the seeds for the New Golden Age, and to lay down those building blocks for the New Humanity.

Interestingly, Mother Mary is making her Presence felt and her message is profound: She was prepared for her incarnation for thousands of Earth years, just like we all were. When incarnated, she had to face so many hardships, and indeed moments when her mother’s heart was wrenched open to the core, yet she always held the vision in her heart of the New Humanity, the New Earth even then, for indeed that is what was being anchored in at that time: the Universal Christ/Buddha/Atma/Eternal Self Consciousness, opening the way for the birth of the New Earth, the New Humanity and New Golden Age!

She is speaking directly into your own heart, reminding you that you too, as soul, have been prepared for many thousands of cosmic years for this exact incarnation. You knew what would happen, and you knew that at exactly this time, you would go through this immensely powerful transfiguration process, in the midst of a world that seemingly had gone mad.

“When I experienced those years of turmoil, of the immense chaos which ensued, I always went into my inner sanctuary, the sacred temple of my own sacred heart, and I would rest in there in the full knowing, that I had to keep the vision of the New Earth and New Humanity, the Era of Peace, Unity and Harmony, ever before my eyes, and sow the seeds for future generations to come.

I am now assigned to do this for humanity at Universal levels, and I therefore now speak directly into your heart. I hold the vision of your own immaculate conception, the perfection of your soul, as you now become a living example to the rest of humanity, and I will assist you to keep your heart open no matter what, to keep focused on fulfilling your soul mission, every single day, in whatever way you are being called to do so, and to keep on sowing those seeds of new life and new beginnings with love, with joy, loving grace.”

We all are called in different and unique ways, yet in truth we are One.

When we fully embrace the Divinity within, there is unity, harmony, peace, joy, unconditional love, power and wisdom present and overflowing. We live this truth, we exude this truth, we think it, we speak it, we live it.

By doing so, we are paving the way for other souls to follow, yet in addition, we are now asked to expand our vision to cocreate Communities of Light with great love. For as we radiate forth, we draw those of the self-same wavelength and frequency to us. We do not need to even be in the same place or country – for the soul has no boundaries and the frequencies of light, love, sound, power, can be read and picked up by any soul who is tuned in, not only on Earth, but intergalactically and universally. 

Copyright Applies: excerpt from my "The Divine Imprint" Course.

Judith Kusel

sábado, noviembre 09, 2024

Judith Kusel - Become aware that very powerful cosmic energies are pouring in and this is making us super sensitive - Nov 9, 2024

Become aware that very powerful cosmic energies are pouring in and this is making us super sensitive.

It is imperative to clear your whole chakras, bodies and energy fields twice daily, and even more, as your energy fields extend around your body for 32 kilometers and more, in some cases.

martes, octubre 29, 2024

Judith Kusel - Becoming unshakable like the Mighty Tree of Life. - Oct 29, 2024

Becoming unshakable like the Mighty Tree of Life.

As we ascend deeper into the New Earth and our new Solar Light bodies, it does not mean that the Old Earth and all its Illusions will not come and try to uproot us again.

lunes, octubre 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - We need to understand that we have already moved into the 5th dimension and the 7th is already here - Oct 28, 2024

We need to understand that we have already moved into the 5th dimension and the 7th is already here.

Now, some souls are not yet there, and still struggling to finally let go of the old patterns of pain and suffering, programming, belief systems, etc.

It will feel so often, as said before, that you are looking through a veil of glass which is separating you – you can see each other but they cannot hear you anymore.

viernes, octubre 25, 2024

Judith Kusel - Although many are not aware of this - Oct 25, 2024

Although many are not aware of this, the ascension process is speeding up, and you will find that you simply do not react anymore to things which are seemingly happening in Old Earth. You simply do not wish to engage anymore, and with this, then fears evaporate and there is this deep inner knowing that all will work out in ways you may not quite foresee right now, but that is how it is supposed to be. 

martes, octubre 22, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Transitionary Period - Oct 22, 2024

"The Transitionary Period

We are in the midst of a huge transitionary period as we transfigure into the New Lightbodies and into the New Earth.

So much of the old stuff is surfacing, the old patterns, old stuff. A lot of the old family stuff, and humanities’ deepest shadows are going to emerge for it needs to!

martes, octubre 15, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are living in an unprecedented moment on earth - Oct 15, 2024

We are living in an unprecedented moment on earth, which will never repeat itself again, in such a momentous way and form.

Perhaps few of us realize the blessing of this ascension process, for it has never happened before on such a momentous scale.

I was called in for a meeting with the Intergalactic Counsels last night, and the whole Universe is here, supporting us and way beyond this. All the Ascended Masters who are here in their droves, all have had lifetime on earth, and they are truly adding their light and love in every way and form they can. And all the heavenly hosts.

lunes, octubre 14, 2024

Judith Kusel - What most do not realize - Oct 14, 2024

What most do not realize, is that in the last weeks, with the immense energy shifts, a lot of souls are already fully living in the 5th dimension, and some are not quite realizing the full magnitude of this.

You will suddenly realize that something deep within has shifted. Your value systems have changed, and so has your perception changed. Whereas before you were still doing the balancing act between the third and the fifth. Now you are looking at the old through glass windows, as from afar. You can still see it, hear it, notice, but not be in it anymore.

sábado, octubre 12, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Divine Living Waters are pouring into us - Oct 12, 2024

The Divine Living Waters are pouring into us, blessing us we the regerative powers of the very life forces, washing away the old, as a deeper cleansing and purification occurs.

Deeply into the very soul of soul of all living beings on earth, within her and without.

viernes, octubre 11, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are in the midst of a huge transmutation... - Oct 11, 2024

We are in the midst of a huge transmutation, transition, and transfiguration right now, and this is working on many layers, and not just one.

So many Lightworkers are already functioning in the 5D, and some even higher. We have pulled this through, and we are pulling it through.

jueves, octubre 10, 2024

Judith Kusel - In the inner planes... - Oct 10, 2024

In the inner planes, so much is happening, as the old Earth Timelines have been closed and we have stepped into the New Earth existence, in which the past has completely gone, and the only moment now, is the present. The Future at this moment is still in the unmanifested, yet manifested, by Divine decree.

Divine Will is now superseding free will, as the Divine Masterplan is fully on track, despite the seeming chaos, as everything is surfacing which has been hidden in the dark for so long, and the last death throws of the same.

I was reminded again of focusing on Joy, or what inspires us, what uplifts us, what we truly love doing, being, expressing and that which nourishes our souls, rather than give more energy to what is occurring. This does not mean there is no empathy, nor compassion, but to rather now focus on the good things, which are always simultaneously everywhere.

Is it not that when disaster strikes, everyone rallies around, and help comes from all directions, and human angels appear, and from all quarters?

I am reminded of an incident with Dr. Leo Buscaglia mentions in one of his books, where a man was sitting on a park bench and was crying. A little boy, came and sat next to him and started crying too. When the mother asked the boy, afterwards, why did he do that, he answered: "I helped him to heal." 

Now that is love!

The most poignant part of me, where the photos shared of the Mule trains and how these animals were being used to get supplies to those totally cut off from the outside world, as the roads have been washed away. Who would have thought that mules would be utilized in this way again?

It shows the purity of of the human heart when ego's step out of the way, and when love comes to the fore. It immediately counter balances all the other stuff. This was and is a huge wake up call for all of humanity and this will spread out to more areas of life in the next few weeks and months.

Let us not forget that with every dark side, there is a light side.

With every calamity there is the loving support.

And more than this, the power of prayers, the power of combined energy, and power of communities when they stand together.

The big and open hearts - all are showing us home to the fact that we in truth are all one.

In truth, the knowledge that somebody cares, that someone is there to shed a little light, that one can share even the little one has, and that indeed, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. 

When we truly see with the eyes of love, we find miracles everywhere.
And where is the miracle greater than in hearts who truly care?
Hearts filled with love.
And so much more!
Let us for one moment close our eyes, open our hearts, and just say thank you!
And we can all send love and healing to those places on earth where all need it the most, knowing that every soul is exactly at the right place at the right time, and indeed our light and love and communities are spread all over world, like shining beacons of Light and Love!

You matter.

I matter.

We matter.

And in truth, in this present moment, the New Golden Age, is already here, forming within us and then manifesting without!

Judith Kusel

viernes, octubre 04, 2024

Judith Kusel - The only way is now deeper within - Oct 4, 2024

The only way is now deeper within, and allow the infinite Divine within guide your every step and way.

Many souls have completed their soul journey and contracts now and are leaving their physical bodies behind. Others will in the next few months etc.

jueves, octubre 03, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Super-Quantum Shift - Oct 3, 2024


The Super-Quantum Shift

We are the midst of a super-quantum shift, and this is going to escalate into the next year or so.
To me this is ultimate awakening, to the truth of who and what we are – in truth, as all the shackles and bonds which held us prisoner for so long, now totally fall off.

miércoles, octubre 02, 2024

Judith Kusel - Planetary and Cosmic Events - Oct 2, 2024

Planetary and Cosmic Events

As much as we all are deeply connected to the different planets, galaxies, and all heavenly bodies, I have always tended to just see them as cosmic events, and you can choose how these will influence your life or not.

When I was in my twenties and even later, I was obsessed with wishing to know the future and especially mine, and somehow these never constellated into form and being the way they were predicted to be.

lunes, septiembre 30, 2024

Judith Kusel - This morning I was told to go and sit in the sun - Sep 30, 2024

This morning I was told to go and sit in the sun, a rather wintry sun, even though it is supposed to be spring.

I was shown how the sun with the flaojres is emitting sacred geometrical patterns filled with sound. These are directly downloaded into our pineal and pituitary glands and activating the dormant faculties within, as it is activating our new lightbodies, and super human abilities.

domingo, septiembre 29, 2024

Judith Kusel - East coast USA connects to Atlantis - Sep 29, 2024

East coast USA connects to Atlantis, and with the intense flooding a lot of old soul memory banks of the Fall of Atlantis and the sinking of landmass, during the Great Floods, will surface.

sábado, septiembre 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - As much as the Shift is moving us further into the 5th and 7th dimensional state - Sep 28, 2024

As much as the Shift is moving us further into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, so much is and will surface, which now finally needs to be released, in old negative patterns we ever created with other souls through multiple lifetimes.