Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Judith Kusel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Judith Kusel. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, agosto 29, 2024

Judith Kusel - We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band - Aug 29, 2024

We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band, and this means that we now need to truly go deeper into our heart space, and therein with love, hold a picture, a vision, of the New Golden Age. 

miércoles, agosto 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares - Aug 28, 2024

We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares, plus the energies released from both earths, are rising into crescendo, plus other cosmic events which are simultaneously occurring.

Yes, it is all happening at once, and not on visible levels so much, as on invisible levels and as our soul never sleeps (even when we are supposedly asleep) our soul is constantly briefed by our higher guides and Ascended Masters as to what is happening on universal and cosmic scale. 

domingo, agosto 25, 2024

Judith Kusel - Open your heart now to receive - - Aug 25, 2024

Open your heart now to receive and become as one with Divine Love and the Love you are in truth.

Allow this love to permeate all your bodies and fields and all that you are, so that you are held in a bubble of pure white energy with soft pink, blue and pure gold. 

Affirm: I AM Divine Love. I AM That, I AM. 

I AM Divine Love, in thought, in word, in deed.

I AM That, I AM.

We are now going through quantum shifts, where all which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good will simply dissolve.
More than this your heart and soul know the truth. Live your soul truth with love, through love and within love.

Call in Archangels Chamuel, Charity, Christiel to assist you and open your heart center even more, so that you can expand into ever higher levels of love and live this.

The Age of Love is here, risiding already in your own heart, the sacred temple of Love, within.

I AM Love, I Am Loved, I AM Loving.

Judith Kusel

Photo: All credit to the artist

sábado, agosto 24, 2024

Judith Kusel - Life on earth is not a destination - Aug 24, 2024

Life on earth is not a destination – it is but a journey of the soul through quantum space and eternity.

Yet within this journey, the soul attains lessons in Quantum Mastery, ever reaching a higher degree of Consciousness, as it journeys throughthe different tiers of Creation, visible and invisible, form and formlessness.

Thus, the soul is ever on an evolutionary journey of discovery of the Divine Source within itself. The soul in truth is the Divine experiencing its own creation through the journey of souls.

Eventually all souls can choose to become AS ONE with the Divine Source again, thus remerge with it AS ONE, or continue its soul journeys through quantum space.

All is but ONE single Whole.

One single experience, although each soul group or monad consists of 144 Souls, and Soul Cluster groups of 144 000 and so forth.

Yet the Monad itself expands through the tiers of Creation and the soul evolves through the six monads, the solar-monadic grouping, the galactic monadic grouping, the universal-monadic grouping, the multi-universal monadic grouping, the Cosmic Monad, according to the Cosmic Ray the soul embraces at that time, and then the Ultimate Cosmic Monad.

It is vital to understand this, for all journeys, are but experiences the soul chooses to embark upon. As it advances with the Monad or Soul Group, through the different tiers, it advances in Ascended Mastership, Galactic Mastership, Universal Mastership, Multi-Universal Mastership and so forth.

This puts life on this planet into perspective.

For in truth, we are here, as souls, but for a single eye-wink in eternity, and when we finally grasp this, we will simply understand that we are nonetheless here on this planet for one reason only: -
To fulfill our soul purpose and mission as agreed upon before we incarnated, and to gain in soul mastery.

Especially at this momentous time, as we are ascending into the New Earth, the fifth to seventh dimensional state and New Golden Age, in accelerated motion, it is vital to understand that we have been given the opportunity to advance in quantum leaps of consciousness, way beyond anything souls could ever experience on earth before!

It is a privilege and an honor to be here on earth at this significant time. We were prepared for this through thousands of earth years and now is the time to embrace this quantum leap journey through the open-heart center, allowing ourselves to be transfigured with immense love and total devotion.

We are now at the half-way mark, and from now on the ascension process will accelerate beyond anything known before!

We are entering cosmic space!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

viernes, agosto 23, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Purification inside and out - Aug 23, 2024

The Purification inside and out

With the huge expansion the immense cosmic energies plus Solar Flares are currently pouring down upon us, and inside of us, we are in stage of huge purification. 

I have done cleansing and clearing work, dissolving emotional charges and past live patterns for years, and yet still things are coming up, for releasing. I can understand this for as old souls we have had many incarnations on earth, and in every lifetime, we interacted with so many souls, and especially since the Fall of Atlantis, this has been exasperating. 

miércoles, agosto 21, 2024

Judith Kusel - Walking between worlds - Aug 21, 2024

Walking between worlds

It can often feel like you are walking between worlds at this time, because of the immense changes which are occurring on all levels now, as the old is being churned up to be dissolved and the new is forming.

domingo, agosto 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan - Aug 18, 2024

When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan, and more than this, follow our intuitive guidance, our inner Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, and shut out the all the noise, the clamour of those who are still choosing the old existence in the Old Earth, new doors are opening and will open, as we are ready to step through them!

viernes, agosto 16, 2024

Judith Kusel - All is shifting beyond the beyond - Aug16, 2024

All is shifting beyond the beyond - Beyond all which we ever believed possible - Into the seeming impossible!

We have, as souls, worked towards this for millenia.

We never gave up - even when facing severe persecution, when we experienced whole continent sinking, when civilizations literally melted from the inventions used to annihilate and wreak destruction.

jueves, agosto 15, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Shift of the Ages - Aug 15, 2024

The Shift of the Ages:

I have been very much aware in the last two days, that the Shift of the Ages is busy occurring on all levels, as we have now fully shifted into the 5th Dimension, and thus this is the New Life beginning, in all its forms and expressions thereof.

miércoles, agosto 14, 2024

Judith Kusel - All is shifting beyond the beyond - Aug 14, 2024

All is shifting beyond the beyond - Beyond all which we ever believed possible - Into the seeming impossible!

We have, as souls, worked towards this for millenia.

We never gave up - even when facing severe persecution, when we experienced whole continent sinking, when civilizations literally melted from the inventions used to annihilate and wreak destruction.

martes, agosto 13, 2024

Judith Kusel - The length, the breadth, the profundity of what is now occurring at deep cellular - aug 13, 2024

The length, the breadth, the profundity of what is now occurring at deep cellular, atomic and energetic level is beyond anything ever known before. It permeates all and everything at the deepest levels, even into the depths of creation, visible and invisible.

It is far beyond our knowing and even our understanding.

jueves, agosto 01, 2024

Judith Kusel - Do not be surprised - Aug 1, 2024

Do not be surprised when the very foundations of the Old Earth start and are already shaking to the very core.

All this needs to happen, and this applies to your own life, as much as to the collective. 

All will be shaken: the old belief systems, the old government and social structures, corporations, even the latest seeming unfailing technologies, and whatever else. Things we have come to take for granted, support systems, etc. 

viernes, julio 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Things are going to start happening now at Lightning speed - Jul 19, 2024

"Things are going to start happening now at Lightning speed, and at times it will feel as if your physical body cannot keep up with the degree of the vibrational changes streaming in. 

This is not only coming from within, but with the release of so many Sun Flares, keys and codes are being activated with souls, which contain a lot of information containing the primordial keys and codes of Creation. This is because the Sun Flare energy, plus that of Helios, the Central Suns and the Suns beyond the Suns, are now pouring in as well. 

jueves, julio 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Fires of Transmutation and Transfiguration - Jul 18, 2024

The Fires of Transmutation and Transfiguration

The purification of our planet is now escalating, and indeed as the cosmic spotlights have been turned on, and so much now is surfacing, which needs to surface, so that it can finally be brought to light, to surface, so that it can be transmuted into the highest light.
This is happening in all the countries of world, in families, and in each one of us.

miércoles, julio 03, 2024

Judith Kusel - True and everlasting is the beauty, purity and perfection of your soul - Jul 3, 2024

True and everlasting is the beauty, purity and perfection of your soul.

When you deeply, purely, connect to your soul and see it, in its perfected form, something deep within you triggers and starts shining through. You see, feel and see, who and what you are in truth, and start living this truth, from your heart and soul, with love.

sábado, junio 22, 2024

Judith Kusel - I experienced a huge shift yesterday morning - Jun 22, 2024

I experienced a huge shift yesterday morning, when I was taken back to my conception, the pregnancy and birth, after I did a huge clearing of the solar plexus chakra and activation of the 5th to 7th dimension chakra. Then I experienced my true cosmic Divine birth. It defies words for such Love and loving birthing is not known on earth.

I was then told that with the soltice, we are now in the stage where the seed dies, and the birth of a totally new life and life form sprouts into form and being.

jueves, junio 20, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are being prepared at the deepest and highest soul levels - Jun 20, 2024

We are being prepared at the deepest and highest soul levels for what is now to come, and what we are expanding into.

We are transcending the old patterns we ever created and lived and therefore, in the here and now, are stepping into the Universal consciousness of all embracing love, unity and Oneness.

miércoles, junio 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - With the accelerated ascension - Jun 19, 2024

With the accelerated ascension a lot of the old energy centers and stuck energies, even in the astral planes are being cleared.

I have done a lot of energy clearing work since 2009, and what struck me the most and truly touched my heart and soul, was clearing of half man/half beast, which were created in Atlantis and even before Atlantis. They were the most tragic of all to clear, for they were not animal nor were they human. Some were monsters beyond description. This was such a dark phase in what science can do, when they try to go against Divine Universal Laws and create pain and suffering.

martes, junio 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - It is the beautiful unfolding - Jun 18, 2024

It is the beautiful unfolding of the higher awareness of who and what I AM in truth, wihich expands into Unity consciousness and experiences of the interconnectedness of life.

The awareness of the Cosmic Divine Masterplan which is unfolding in the here and now of the glorious, golden Age.

lunes, junio 17, 2024

Judith Kusel - A message which came through so powerfully this morning - Jun 17, 2024

A message which came through so powerfully this morning, is that no matter what seems to be going on in the Old Earth now and in the next months and years, the outcome has already been determined.

As much as past, present and future is one and the same, at this present moment Oneness, unity and harmony and the New Earth is already here. Now!

It is up to you to keep the bigger picture in mind, and to live it in the here and now, with great love.

You are already cocreating the NewEarth within your own soul.

Judith Kusel

Photo: Shambala Light Visionary Art