jueves, junio 30, 2022

Jim Self - ¿Estoy Abrumado? Preguntas y Respuestas - 9 de junio de 2022

Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy - 9 de junio de 2022

¿Estoy Abrumado? Preguntas y Respuestas

Entonces, déjenme pasarle esto a Roxane, ella explicará lo que pasa, y por favor, hagan preguntas, por favor, hagan preguntas. Allí es donde están las respuestas. ¿Rox?

Roxane: ¡Hola, a todos! Aquí Roxane, para tomar sus preguntas en el panel de control, y yo las podré formular por ustedes, déjennos saber si están en Nivel 1, 2, 3, o si no están en ninguna clase de M.A. en absoluto, y eso ayudará a Jim para responder a sus preguntas de acuerdo. También déjennos saber de dónde son ustedes, eso es interesante saberlo.

Natalia Alba - We are heading into one of the most powerful portals of the year - June 30, 2022

Beloved Ones,

Since the Solstice, we are entering into an accelerated passage of profound embodiment and releasement. A passage that extends to the Lions Gate, and that will help us descend wisdom and healing frequencies, as never before in our ascension path.

We are heading into one of the most powerful portals of the year, and it is pivotal to be open and aware, something we do through deep communion, to the many benevolent energies that are there to help us at this time, for we may be obfuscated, glamourized, by the Lions Gate, and 7/7 Portal, ignoring other important energies that can help us tremendously to work with what we need, at this time.

Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation: FREE Energy - June 30, 2022

Galactic Federation: FREE Energy

Dear ones,

This is a message for humanity from the Galactic Federation. We are here to inform you that, based on new developments and research, we are introducing this new initiative on the planet earth.

The idea is to create a free energy zone here on earth, which will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects.

This new breakthrough in technology will change the entire planet.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 22 - June 30, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

30 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 30/6 17:00 From midnight until 6 UTC this morning the frequencies remained on their respective base values, from 6 the Primary Frequency quickly moved around 7.50 Hz which it has more or less maintained until now, the other frequencies have not followed this downtrend and Amplitude movements have been moderate around Power 18. The highest value so far has been Power 22 at 10 UTC when Frequencies 2 and 3 also dropped momentarily.

Schumann Resonance Today 29/6 23:30 Today’s movements, after a day of complete calm, began with a first oscillation of the frequencies that began shortly after 14 UTC, it led to a movement of the Amplitude that reached Power 18 at 15:30 UTC. A more decisive decrease in frequencies began at 18 UTC and this time the intensity of the movement of the Amplitude has increased reaching the maximum of Power 25 just before 20 UTC. The tendency to the decrease in the values of the frequencies continued reaching the maximum between 21 and 22 UTC with the Amplitude that reached the maximum of today at Power 59 at 21:30 UTC. At the time of this update, the frequencies continue to remain all in the lower quadrant.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, June 30, 2022

Many of you will put off doing something that you know needs to be done. For whatever reason, your soul is beckoning you to take care of something, yet you resist. What is interesting to us is the fact that the resistance to that act is often much more uncomfortable than doing the actual act.

When you are being resistant you end up being in a tug of war with yourself. You go back and forth, knowing you should really just take care of something but then resisting the call to actually do it. This will create a build up of energy that will only find release once you follow through on the action that needs to be taken.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Do This to Receive All You Want & Need - June 30, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite certain that you are being offered everything that you need in this moment, and we know this because we are one of the groups who is offering you what you need. We also know that not everyone is open to receiving what they need, and most people are not open to receiving what they want. One of the best things you can do for your fellow humans is open to up and receive what you have coming to you, because not only are you setting the example for others and creating the template that others can also use, but when someone comes up to you and says, ‘How come your life is so great?’ you can tell them that you receive consciously from the nonphysical all that is being given to you.

miércoles, junio 29, 2022

Jahn J Kassl - The Archangels - HEAVEN ON EARTH IS NEAR! - June 29, 2022

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Be fearless – rather, have courage and faith in God, because even if events exceed the imaginable, you will be carried safely and lovingly through these hours of breakdown and shift.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Heaven on earth is near
Being prepared with God

Beloved humans,

prepare yourselves for the big moment of the shift, that moment in time that is about to come and is bound to come, so that the world can once more focus its full attention on the light, and so that mankind can awaken.

Be fearless – rather, have courage and faith in God, because even if events exceed the imaginable, you will be carried safely and lovingly through these hours of breakdown and shift.

The ascension of mankind has been heralded over the course of centuries, and for just as long, you have been preparing during various lifetimes. Now the time of truth has dawned and the time of the light has come. Not a grain of sand will remain where it used to be.

Aurora Ray - Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence - June 29, 2022

Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence

Beloved dear ones,

All of you beautiful Starseeds and Lightworkers who have incarnated on this planet at this time to awaken your light bodies and help the planet ascend out of the lower vibrations, to set humanity free from the hold of the dark forces holding this planet in place; we once again appeal to you to raise your personal vibration and send out this message to all those who need it.

This is the only way we can liberate all of humanity and this beautiful planet from all forms of slavery and darkness.

As Starseeds and Lightworkers, you have come to Earth to co-create a new way of life. You have decided, as a group soul, to make the changes necessary to bring love and peace back to this planet. This is not an easy task as you will be met with resistance from the darkness of the current structures of society.

Being a Starseed and Lightworker often feels like being in a foreign land. You don't quite fit in anywhere. You feel different and alone. You may wonder whether you are part of this world, whether you belong here, what your purpose is, and why you were brought here.

Many starseeds feel they are not from here or that they don't belong, yet they remain on the planet to fulfill their mission during this crisis times-to raise the vibration of Gaia as well as humanity as we move into the New Earth.

The planet Earth is now in a state of grave crisis. The great responsibility of those such as yourselves is such that you must now take action to undo what has been done to disrupt the Earth's Spiritual Atmosphere.

The dark forces are urging Earth's citizens to abandon their beliefs and return to sleep. They want you to forget about the pain that they cause on Earth and the suffering of millions.

They want you to forget all that has happened in the past. They want you to deafen your ears; they want us to block our spiritual messages. To do this, they use their radio messages, television messages, online messages, mobile messages. They want to take your energy and use it not only to feed themselves but to destroy the Earth.

The raw free flow of energy has been hijacked by dark forces, which are part of the invisible. This flow of energy should have provided free health care, beautiful homes to live in, essential food, happiness, and prosperity to the people of the planet. But this energy flow was manipulated into making financial investments which resulted in certain individuals becoming extremely rich.

You are all-powerful creators. The time has come to shed the masks and get down to the business of bringing forth the Golden Age on this planet. It is time to get your power back. We can't continue allowing these dark forces to control humanity and, more importantly, the collective consciousness on this planet.

Humanity is entering a new phase of existence. As this occurs, those humans with no souls will be removed from the Earth. That's right. All who do not have souls will be removed or "cleansed," as many people like to say.

Do not blame those who perform the cleansing, for they follow the only path open to them, and they do it out of necessity. During these times of transition, you must learn to follow a different path and evolve into higher frequencies that allow you to pass through the portals that stand open before you.

Gaia is alive and was created to become an ascending planet. Light frequencies are allowed to ascend, but not the lower frequencies. These lower frequencies are meant to be transmuted into higher frequencies. Gaia is transforming into her light body and becoming ascended while not destroying all life on her surface, including humans.

Everything is shifting at great speed. The presence of starseeds and lightworkers on Earth is preparing Gaia for a new paradigm of contact with non-physical beings and acceptance of extraterrestrial life forms. Gaia will be cleared and upgraded to a 5D planet and become a light hub for this part of the galaxy.

This has increased her frequency and vibration rate by nearly 1000 times compared to just a few years ago. She has evolved into a new level of her existence and function.

The central sun is now anchored into Gaia and has transformed her into a beautiful butterfly. Gaia is now ready for multidimensional residence!

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Jim Self - ¿Estoy Abrumado? - 9 de junio de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy - 9 de junio de 2022

¿Estoy Abrumado? - Conferencia 


¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos! Siempre muy lindo estar aquí. Me gustaría preguntarles, ¿cómo les está yendo? ¿Cómo está su día? ¿Cómo va su vida? Y ¿están notando que hay muchos cambios en el proceso que atravesamos? Muchos cambios; muchos cambios realmente interesantes; muchos cambios que son interesantes pero no tan interesantes, ¿han notado todo eso?

Estoy notando que hay unos cuantos nombres de personas que no conozco, de modo que bienvenidos, si esta es la primera vez, cualquiera sea el caso, los veo y les doy gracias por estar aquí. Mucha gente suele estar aquí a menudo, gracias por estar aquí.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangels Zadkiel - REFINING YOUR FOCUS - JULY 2022



Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss refining your focus.

The higher vibrational energy is continuing to reach your planet. It is bringing many possibilities for choices on your path.

You may find that many of these possibilities are entering your awareness. They may be areas that you have previously been interested in, or they may be completely new.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Today we offer an explanation to help you understand why the past seems to come calling as soon as you decide to move forward in a new direction.

Think of it this way. Let us suppose you are wishing to expand in a certain way. That immediately creates a fork in the road that honours your free will. You get to choose whether you move forward in the new direction or whether you wish to continue down the same old path. There is no right or wrong, just free will choice and an awareness that you now have two options.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Afrontar el temor básico - Junio 2022

~ Afrontar el temor básico ~

Hola queridos, soy el Observador.

Hoy me reúno con ustedes lleno de orgullo, al verlos progresar a un ritmo increíble. Sí, podemos ver los desafíos que esto causa cuando la humanidad empieza a evolucionar a un ritmo extremadamente rápido. Pero además, es muy emocionante observar lo que sucede. De manera que bienvenidos al Hogar. Nos encanta reunirlos porque todos son seres creadores. Todos y cada uno de ustedes tienen la magnífica oportunidad de trabajar en el espacio-tiempo para que todo se concrete. Queridos, cuando los seres creadores se toman de las manos, el efecto es exponencial. No solo representa 2 o 3, sino 1, 10, 100 y 1000. Ustedes son los seres creadores de la Tierra, son magos. Únanse a nosotros y empecemos.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 23 - June 29, 2022

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Schumann Resonance Today

28 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 13:30 A new strong series of oscillations on all frequencies that started around 10 UTC led to a massive new movement of the Amplitude, initially around Power 20 for about two hours, from 13 UTC it started a steep climb to reach what has hitherto been the maximum value of Power 87 at 12:30 UTC.


Cosmic Awareness: "The Ride of a Lifetime" (29 June 2022)

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Our Current Activations are Just the Beginning - June 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sending you energies at this time that contain vibrations that you have never felt before, and we invite you to see your journeys there on Earth as being about feeling into vibrations that you have yet to discover. We send you activations all the time, and sometimes those activations are for something very specific, like the activation for a spiritual gift or ability. Other times, we send you activations that are designed to get you to feel a vibration that ultimately also exists inside of you. But for the most part, you don’t feel a vibration inside of you unless something happens outside of you first to let you know that there’s something going on inside of you.

martes, junio 28, 2022

Natalia Alba - We will be immersed soon into a very loving and healing month - June 28, 2022

Beloved Ones,

We will be immersed soon into a very loving and healing month. Astrologically, July is a calm and soothing month, that is introduced by a very loving New Moon in Cancer, at the end of June. A month that despite its harmonic essence does not imply inactivity, as this is what many will believe, due to this month's retrogrades.

July is a very special month, with lots of Fire energies, coming from Leo, preparing us for the Lions Gate, bringing all this creative movement and manifestation within, where we truly transform and create, before it can be manifested into our physical world. It is a month for expanding in our inner realms, achieving higher levels of wisdom and love, something that can only be done through deep communication with our God Self.

Aurora Ray - The Final Battle - June 28, 2022

The Final Battle

The time has come for the final battle between good and evil. Those who are truly united with the heart of God will be victorious. Be alert! The battle is upon you, and it will require all your strength.

Previously, many of you were not prepared to stand up for your most precious gift—your individuality—nor to give up your most cherished illusion—separateness. This illusion of separation is at the core of all fear.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, June 28, 2022



If the thing you fear the most is judgement, why do you continue to inflict it upon yourself? Is your understanding and acceptance the healing balm you seek? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 23 - June 28, 2022

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Schumann Resonance Today

28 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 13:30 A new strong series of oscillations on all frequencies that started around 10 UTC led to a massive new movement of the Amplitude, initially around Power 20 for about two hours, from 13 UTC it started a steep climb to reach what has hitherto been the maximum value of Power 87 at 12:30 UTC.


LOWER CHAKRAS Alignment 》Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus 》Boost Positivity 》CHAKRAS ALIGNED Series

Celia Fenn - Sun into Cancer and the Divine Feminine energy flows - June 28, 2022

Sun into Cancer and the Divine Feminine energy flows

The Sun moved into Cancer on the 21st of June. Cancer is a beautiful Water sign that flows with Goddess energy.

It is also the time when the Royal Star Lions begin to make their presence felt in preparation for the Lions Gate.

The Star Lioness carries a beautiful soft and loving energy that is available right now. I felt it today as I was having a quiet break after lunch. It was a surge of very high and fine energy that felt joyous and loving and peaceful. It was indeed the Cathar/Magdalene energy of the Pure Light and the Shining Ones returning to the Earth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The July 2022 Energies & Your Purpose - June 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very eager to see what you do with the energies coming in for the month of July. July is going to be such a pivotal month in the evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth, because you are going to get so much support for the accessing of more of your sense of your purpose in this lifetime. And those of you who have known what your purpose is in this lifetime will be getting support in regards to furthering those pursuits. Also, even if you think you know what your purpose is in this lifetime, we have news for you. You don’t just have one purpose for being there; you have many. Any more of your purpose for being there, or your purposes for being there, will be revealed to you in this month of July, 2022.

lunes, junio 27, 2022

Aurora Ray - Important Ascension Update - June 27, 2022


Important Ascension Update 


Dear beloved ones, the ascension process is well underway, and the Galactic Federation is working hard to assist the many millions of people choosing to ascend as quickly as possible. This is a monumental process, and as such, some delays can be expected as it is carefully coordinated with more than two million ascension candidates.

The first thing that you need to know, and I am bound to tell you, is that we are not individuals; we are souls. I'll take it a step further and say we are not even souls: we are consciousnesses. And if we go a step further, we can always exist in pure space.

John Smallman - Jesus - You are to awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself - June 27, 2022

We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love. All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One. There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, June 27, 2022


Surrender is how you heal the pain of separation because it is how you rejoin the divine whole, which is the safe, supportive whole, not the churned up energy of the collective. It is from there you will be able to hold your balance and implement the changes you wish to see on your planet because surrender is a solution based system. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 87 💥 44 - June 27, 2022

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Schumann Resonance Today

27 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 17:00 After the movement to Power 87 previously reported the frequencies have temporarily returned to rise, during this phase at 13:40 UTC a new peak reached Power 44; from 14 to 16 UTC the situation remained calm and then came back to life when the frequencies started to decrease again, leading to a movement taking place at the time of this update. The value touched by the Amplitude at 17 UTC is Power 19.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/6 13:30 A new strong series of oscillations on all frequencies that started around 10 UTC led to a massive new movement of the Amplitude, initially around Power 20 for about two hours, from 13 UTC it started a steep climb to reach what has hitherto been the maximum value of Power 87 at 12:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 26/6 17:00 After a period of relative calm that lasted just under 8 hours, from 3 to 11 UTC, a new very deep and sudden sinking of all four frequencies led to a very strong period of activity that lasted about 3 hours, from 11 to 14 UTC; within this time-frame, for a period of just under two hours starting at 11:30 UTC the minimum value was Power 60. The maximum value was reached at 12:30 UTC with the powerful Power 80.

Schumann Resonance Today 26/6 11:00 Between 21 UTC yesterday and 3 UTC this morning there was a strong activity in the form of Pillars of Light, each lasting about an hour, there were five, three in the last hours of yesterday and which led to the maximum value for the day just passed, Power 57 just before 23 UTC. Today’s maximum was reached by the last Pillar of Light which touched Power 54 shortly after 2 UTC. All these movements were triggered by large fluctuations on all frequencies in the period in question, from 3 UTC the frequencies started to rise and activity is reduced to a minimum.


Brenda Hoffman - It’s Time to Fly - June 27, 2022

Dear Ones,

Even though you are likely frightened or angry by recent global events, those events are starting points for your emotional health.

In your outer-directed past, you expected someone to make your life better – the government, your company, friends, or relatives. And if you were among those without similar support systems you often elected to believe that God/the Universes would perform those functions. Relief was expected from someone outside yourself.

Judith Kusel - The energies are skyrocketing - June 27, 2022

The energies are skyrocketing and the old cannot hold form anymore and as the cracks are appearing everywhere, all will disintegrate which cannot ascend into the higher dimensional state.

Let go of the old.

Flow with the new even if it feels like you are being liquidized.

What is being left behind is the old you.

What is being formed and emerging is the new you.

Stay centered in the heart and soul.

Judith Kusel


Photo: Shazdidthis

domingo, junio 26, 2022

Jim Self - Banco del Parque - Fase Final - Integridad - 5 de junio de 2022

Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy – 5 de junio de 2022


¡Hola! Bienvenidos. Como siempre, un placer estar aquí. ¿Cómo les está yendo? Cómo están experimentándose a sí mismos, encontrando esa experiencia que hemos creado en la última sesión, creando ese nivel de luz en ese candelabro. ¿Cómo está funcionando eso para ustedes? ¿Qué están notando? ¿Cómo estuvo esto de simplemente estar sentado en el banco del parque? Sin hacer nada, en cierto modo, solo disfrutar y empezar a tener experiencia con esta octava.

Aurora Ray - The Challenges You Are Experiencing At This Time Are Due To Gaia's Ascension Process - June 26, 2022

The Challenges You Are Experiencing At This Time Are Due To Gaia's Ascension Process.

The challenges that you are experiencing at this time on your planet, Earth, have been brought to you by Gaia's ascension process.

Your DNA is being affected as she ascends into a new location in time and space, and as she does so, your DNA is affected. This means that your DNA is being changed by her ascension, and it is also re-coding itself in response to the energies presented to you from other locations in space and time.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 80 💥 - June 26, 2022

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Schumann Resonance Today

26 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 26/6 17:00 After a period of relative calm that lasted just under 8 hours, from 3 to 11 UTC, a new very deep and sudden sinking of all four frequencies led to a very strong period of activity that lasted about 3 hours, from 11 to 14 UTC; within this time-frame, for a period of just under two hours starting at 11:30 UTC the minimum value was Power 60. The maximum value was reached at 12:30 UTC with the powerful Power 80.

Schumann Resonance Today 26/6 11:00 Between 21 UTC yesterday and 3 UTC this morning there was a strong activity in the form of Pillars of Light, each lasting about an hour, there were five, three in the last hours of yesterday and which led to the maximum value for the day just passed, Power 57 just before 23 UTC. Today’s maximum was reached by the last Pillar of Light which touched Power 54 shortly after 2 UTC. All these movements were triggered by large fluctuations on all frequencies in the period in question, from 3 UTC the frequencies started to rise and activity is reduced to a minimum.

Schumann Resonance Today 25/6 17:00 The day started with the frequencies stable on the base value and no other significant movement, from 9 UTC the 1 and 4 frequencies began a slight and gradual decrease and just before 11 UTC there was the strongest movement so far, Power 11.


Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Do not dwell in past patterns. Simply accept those choices and move ahead - June 26, 2022

Do not allow yourself to dwell in past patterns. Simply accept those choices and move ahead. 

Dear One,

As you move through your life, you are given many opportunities for growth. There may have been times when you chose ways of behavior which now seem inappropriate, and may even cause you great pain when you think of them. You may also have a sense of guilt for the pain you feel you caused others. You are here at this place and time, reading these words, to know that it is time to accept the choices you made in the past and to move on with your life. You were doing the best you could at the time.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Don’t Wait for The Event/Solar Flash - June 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been examining and exploring the various ways that you all have of letting your higher selves in and becoming that fifth-dimensional version of yourselves that you are destined to become on a full-time basis. We have noticed that you are most likely to let your higher self take over during times when you are laughing, playing, and letting go of all the cares that you have, all the worries, and even all of the goals that you have set for yourselves.

sábado, junio 25, 2022

Jamye Price - July Ascension Energies - Beingness - July 25, 2022

To Be is the only answer. The questions merely serve to distract the self from the Self.

Any outward focus is the reflection of the mirror calling you inward.

Being One

To discover the Self, one must look within for authentic connection with Life.

The understanding and the over-demanding of life continues to weave into thoughts and perceptions.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - Vuestro fuego es eterno - Abril 9, 2022

Queridos amigos,

Soy Jeshua. Estoy entre vosotros y entre vosotros permanezco.

Yo fui, en mi día, un precursor de lo nuevo, pero ahora sois vosotros quienes portáis el impulso de Cristo y quienes estáis transmitiendo esta energía. Una energía que nace a través de vosotros y que, de ese modo, fluye hacia el mundo, si bien esto es algo que ocurre no en virtud de lo que hacéis o decís, sino de quienes sois y por medio de vuestro corazón. Vuestro corazón está abierto, aunque decirlo así hace que parezca más fácil de lo que realmente es. Abrir el corazón significa ir más allá de la voluntad personal, más allá del ego. Habéis llegado a un punto en el que os rendís y soltáis lo conocido, la certeza, el control, y os entregáis a la corriente que fluye a través de vosotros y que os lleva hacia un territorio nuevo e inexplorado. Esa corriente emana del corazón.

Aurora Ray - Are You An Indigo Child? Here's How To Tell! - June 25, 2022

Are You An Indigo Child? Here's How To Tell!

What Is An Indigo Child?

Indigo children are kids or adults who have a special blend of gifts and qualities that can make them seem like they're "different." They may be sensitive, intuitive, psychic, and even rebellious.

Indigos simply cannot accept any authority or authoritarian systems.

While all children have their moments of acting out, these kids can be especially challenging at times. But the truth is that they have a lot of potential to go on to do great things in life. The key is to help them connect to their inner guidance, let their light shine, and give them tools for coping with the world as it is.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - June 25, 2022

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

You are stepping more and more into your creator abilities and with that, you will have more and more opportunities to create Your Divine New Earth reality.

What does your Divine New Earth look like?

We can observe the momentum that each one of you is creating already, and each individual has the potential to experience it.

Celia Fenn - Despertando Conciencia: Sabiduría Galáctica: Navegación Estelar 101 y la Puerta de los Leones - Junio 25, 2022

Despertando Conciencia: Sabiduría Galáctica: Navegación Estelar 101 y la Puerta de los Leones

Mientras entramos en la temporada de cáncer y nos dirigimos hacia la Puerta de los Leones, están pasando tantas cosas a nivel galáctico. Los Royal Star Lions se han vuelto mucho más activos y nos están enseñando las "habilidades" de Navegación Galáctica que necesitaremos para la Puerta de los Leones, donde daremos un gran "salto" hacia adelante.

La navegación estelar es una habilidad antigua donde el chamán, o sacerdotisa/sacerdote, tendría una conciencia específica para guiar el camino de la Tierra en una dirección determinada. En la Puerta de los Leones estamos llamados a mantener nuestra Conciencia en una alta frecuencia para que podamos guiar a la Tierra a una frecuencia más alta en su próximo ciclo. Juntos estamos creando una Red de Luz que levantará la Conciencia en la Tierra a través de la Puerta y en el próximo ciclo de Creación y Manifestación.

Celia Fenn - Galactic Wisdom : Star Navigation 101 and the Lions Gate - June 25, 2022

Galactic Wisdom : Star Navigation 101 and the Lions Gate

As we enter Cancer Season and head towards the Lions Gate, there is so much happening on the Galactic levels. The Royal Star Lions have become much more active and are teaching us the "skills" of Galactic Navigation that we will need for the Lions Gate, where we will make a massive "leap" forward.

Star Navigation is an ancient skill where the Shaman, or Priestess/Priest would hold a specific consciousness to guide the Earth's path in a certain direction. At the Lions Gate we are called to hold our Consciousness at a high frequency so that we can guide the Earth into a higher frequency at her next cycle. Together we are creating a Grid of Light that will lift Consciousness on the Earth through the Gate and into the next cycle of Creation and Manifestation.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JUNIO 2022



*** De su Anfitriona de Luz

*** Verano 2022

*** Mantener su visión en silencio



A medida que entramos en nuestro verano solar, sean conscientes de que realmente se les está dando la oportunidad de convertirse en un receptáculo de sanación y amor que contiene una Gran Luz Celestial que se magnifica y fluye dentro de nuestra estructura solar. Este verano viene en forma de muchos aprendizajes ocultos que están desplegando verdades largamente olvidadas. Mientras la energía de Géminis se bate en duelo consigo misma hasta el nacimiento del verano solar en el Solsticio, todos nos sentimos arrastrados en todas direcciones, como un torbellino, rodeados de remolinos de polvo, escoltados por un huracán. Todo viene a distraernos de lo realmente importante. La oscuridad y la luz de los gemelos astrológicos exigen que hagamos las paces con la oscuridad interior y la oscuridad exterior.

Judith Kusel - Immense work is being done - June 25, 2022


Immense work is being done on our sacral, base, navel, solar plexus chakras since the soltice.

Much of the ancient trauma, pain, fears, etc. which are deeply subconscious are surfacing in order to be released now.

It is time to deep cleanse these areas.

Archangel Gabriel is working intensely with the base, sacral and navel chakras now, and the White Flame of purification and ascension and you may call on him to assist you, with his pure white energy. The 9th dimensional unicorns and white flame dragons work with Archangel Gabriel.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 11 - June 25, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

25 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 25/6 17:00 The day started with the frequencies stable on the base value and no other significant movement, from 9 UTC the 1 and 4 frequencies began a slight and gradual decrease and just before 11 UTC there was the strongest movement so far, Power 11.

Schumann Resonance Today 24/6 17:00 So far the day has been characterized by oscillations of the frequencies around the base value, they have generally been moderate except the movement around 10 UTC which occurred on all four frequencies and produced a movement of the Amplitude, which lasted about an hour, which has reached the maximum value of Power 48 at 10:30 UTC. After this oscillation both the Amplitude and the frequencies returned to calm values.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Channeling Collectives from Higher Dimensions - June 25, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are interpreting the energies that are coming to us from the higher-dimensional realms in the same way that this channel is interpreting our energy and creating with us these daily transmissions. What we have noticed in our channeling is that the collectives in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions are very interested in seeing how you all are going to continue to expand and evolve there on planet Earth, and they are also expressing how much love and compassion they have for you all, as well as how much they want to help.

viernes, junio 24, 2022

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Junio 24, 2022

Un mensaje del Arcángel Miguel transmitido a través de Ronna Herman por mayo de 2003, "El tiempo es ahora”, parece más relevante en este momento, ciertamente más almas han evolucionado desde entonces y lo apreciarán mucho más ahora. Es un mensaje muy detallado que se relaciona más con el período en el que nos encontramos ahora, y deja claro que es un momento importante.


Amados maestros, una vez más, es hora de que respondáis a la llamada, es hora de que deis un paso al frente y digáis: "ESTOY LISTO", es hora de que descartéis los restos que quedan de los disfraces que asumisteis para el drama terrenal que elegisteis representar en esta vida. Habéis estado jugando con el concepto de "empoderamiento del yo" durante mucho tiempo. Es hora de extender la mano y tomar el manto de Luz que os está esperando, una ropaje que contiene todo el conocimiento, los atributos y las cualidades de maestría que dejasteis atrás cuando encarnasteis en el envase físico.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 24, 2022

A message from Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman for May 2003 “The time is now” seems more relevant at this time, certainly more souls have since evolved and will appreciate it much more now. It is a most detailed message that relates more to the period we are in now, and makes it clear what an important time it is.


Beloved masters, once more, it is time for you to answer the call, time for you to step to the fore and say, “I AM READY,” time for you to discard the remaining remnants of the disguises you assumed for the earthly drama you chose to play out in this lifetime. You have been playing with the concept of “empowerment of self” long enough. It is time to reach out and take the cloak of Light that is waiting for you, a garment that contains all the knowledge, attributes and qualities of mastership that you left behind when you embodied in the physical vessel.

CROWN CHAKRA Alignment @480Hz 》Chakra for Kundalini Awakening 》7 Chakras Aligned Series

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - What is Your Infinite Blessing? - June 24, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 
Greetings beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I come forth with Angelic frequencies to support and assist you in this time of your Ascension. Today I wish to speak of your infinite blessing, the infinite blessing that you can bestow upon yourself and upon the world. Many of you wish to be of service and many of you do not understand or cannot recognise how to be of service in your reality and for Ascension. Recognising your infinite blessing allows you to be of service, not only to yourself and your own Ascension, but to the Ascension of all, because your infinite blessing becomes an energy and tool that you can share with the entire world, energetically or physically, distantly or face-to-face, it becomes your tool, your skill and ability. When you share your infinite blessing with yourself and the world, you are sharing the infinity energy of the Creator, the freedom, and liberation energies of the Creator. In truth all that is the Creator and all that is at the source or the core of the Creator.

Aurora Ray - A Message From The Galactic Federation - June 24, 2022

A Message From The Galactic Federation

Dear beloved ones,

I am delighted to share the message from the Galactic Federation. The message is relayed by a multitude of light beings – some of whom have been with us for a long time, others are newly arrived, but all of them have a common goal – to help us:

"We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are a collective of thousands of civilizations that exist on the outer edges of our Galaxy. We are contacting you to greet you on behalf of the collective consciousness of your planet.

We live in a universe of energy, frequency, and vibration. We are all connected via invisible energy lines that make up the grid. Our goal is to share our advanced technologies in order to elevate humanity to its true potential.