Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Conciencia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Conciencia. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, septiembre 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are crossing the threshold into a new destination - Sep 15, 2024

Sotrndposel:ale48rm .fcgbai00 mpt9sl81s1c4e5 m1g5197e7am1tilcm 7la6fag9u0e4. hd1 9 ·

Beloved Ones, 

We are crossing the threshold into a new destination. Many of you are now strongly feeling the Piscean lunar eclipse that is already being formed in our Heavens. The Piscean eclipse acts as the antechamber of the energies that we will be working with during 2025. Energies that are key to helping us awaken our ninth chakra, ending the reconnection to our monadic dimension, and starting with the process of healing and activating our sapphire body.

sábado, septiembre 14, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Are You Losing Your Identity? - Sep 8, 2024

Have you been feeling strangely empty lately, like some essential sense of who you are is slipping away?

Maybe roles you used to play in life are no longer so important to you. Old interests and passions are no longer so compelling. And spiritual practices that used to bring so much joy are no longer working.

viernes, septiembre 13, 2024

Natalia Alba - The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun - Sep 13, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun. Many of you, in a perpetual state of omnibenevolence and love, have started to receive the Divine Transmissions required for the next initiation into higher levels of wisdom. The eclipse in Pisces is facilitating this descension, another great source of wisdom, that is already being formed in our Heavens, even though from our limited view we can only see the final result on the 17th.

jueves, septiembre 05, 2024

Natalia Alba - The acceleration in our ascension journey - Sep 5, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The acceleration in our ascension journey that we are living during this year culminates with the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces, on September 17th. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, ruled by Neptune, we end an old Era of being immersed in human illusions, to begin a New Cycle of Light on a Higher Octave of Love based on integrity and authenticity, represented by Pluto moving into Aquarius.

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now - Sep 4, 2024

The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now

I am so thrilled to share this information with all of you who have been willing to deal with the deep and dark issues that have been left to fester in the shadows for far too long. I am sharing this message with you all in this way because I believe that you are the leaders in this mass ascension process. You are showing us all how we can evolve into beings who live our lives loving each other and loving ourselves.

martes, septiembre 03, 2024

Natalia Alba - Many of you are now experiencing a profound shift in frequency - Sep 3, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are now experiencing a profound shift in frequency. Ascension occurs when we embody higher levels of love, moving into a more illumined state of being, and as a consequence of the previous, we raise our Consciousness, stepping into a more evolved timeline, which is what many of us are already living. 

sábado, agosto 31, 2024

Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - Recordando Quién Eres - 25 de agosto de 2024

Proyecto Banco del Parque -
25 de agosto de 2024

Recordando Quién Eres

Jim Self: ¡Hola! Bienvenidos. Es muy lindo estar aquí, sentados en este banco del parque con todos ustedes. Va a tener más sentido en unos pocos minutos. Este es un proyecto que se está desarrollando de una manera bastante notable, y hablaremos de esto a medida que vamos por esta sesión. Es muy excitante observar una oportunidad percibida que viene a existir, y eso es lo que estamos haciendo aquí, sentados en este banco del parque.

Natalia Alba - Our Guardians the White Elohim - Aug 31, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Our Guardians the White Elohim are supporting the biological shift that is taking place in our DNA and that the earth's elementals are too undergoing, for we are All shifting and evolving as species. We have been constantly receiving Solar plasmatic and Aurora transmissions together with the Emerald ones that have triggered the planetary change that many of us are now witnessing, behind the physical scenes.

jueves, agosto 29, 2024

Judith Kusel - We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band - Aug 29, 2024

We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band, and this means that we now need to truly go deeper into our heart space, and therein with love, hold a picture, a vision, of the New Golden Age. 

miércoles, agosto 28, 2024

Aurora Ray -How To Live In Pure Consciousness - Aug 28, 2024


How To Live In Pure Consciousness

Vipassana (Sanskrit:'seeing in the mind and heart') is an ancient Buddhist meditation practice that seeks insight into the true nature of reality. It's taught entirely from observation and reflection as a method for discovering freedom from suffering.

martes, agosto 27, 2024

Jamye Price - September 2024 Ascension Energies – Preparing the Body



Hello Powerful Light!

We are heading into Equinox month and we have an eclipse a few days before that. These are powerful times of change. Rollercoastery, so I'm trying to remember to enjoy the ride in all of it's ways. 

domingo, agosto 25, 2024

Judith Kusel - Open your heart now to receive - - Aug 25, 2024

Open your heart now to receive and become as one with Divine Love and the Love you are in truth.

Allow this love to permeate all your bodies and fields and all that you are, so that you are held in a bubble of pure white energy with soft pink, blue and pure gold. 

Affirm: I AM Divine Love. I AM That, I AM. 

I AM Divine Love, in thought, in word, in deed.

I AM That, I AM.

We are now going through quantum shifts, where all which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good will simply dissolve.
More than this your heart and soul know the truth. Live your soul truth with love, through love and within love.

Call in Archangels Chamuel, Charity, Christiel to assist you and open your heart center even more, so that you can expand into ever higher levels of love and live this.

The Age of Love is here, risiding already in your own heart, the sacred temple of Love, within.

I AM Love, I Am Loved, I AM Loving.

Judith Kusel

Photo: All credit to the artist

sábado, agosto 24, 2024

Judith Kusel - Life on earth is not a destination - Aug 24, 2024

Life on earth is not a destination – it is but a journey of the soul through quantum space and eternity.

Yet within this journey, the soul attains lessons in Quantum Mastery, ever reaching a higher degree of Consciousness, as it journeys throughthe different tiers of Creation, visible and invisible, form and formlessness.

Thus, the soul is ever on an evolutionary journey of discovery of the Divine Source within itself. The soul in truth is the Divine experiencing its own creation through the journey of souls.

Eventually all souls can choose to become AS ONE with the Divine Source again, thus remerge with it AS ONE, or continue its soul journeys through quantum space.

All is but ONE single Whole.

One single experience, although each soul group or monad consists of 144 Souls, and Soul Cluster groups of 144 000 and so forth.

Yet the Monad itself expands through the tiers of Creation and the soul evolves through the six monads, the solar-monadic grouping, the galactic monadic grouping, the universal-monadic grouping, the multi-universal monadic grouping, the Cosmic Monad, according to the Cosmic Ray the soul embraces at that time, and then the Ultimate Cosmic Monad.

It is vital to understand this, for all journeys, are but experiences the soul chooses to embark upon. As it advances with the Monad or Soul Group, through the different tiers, it advances in Ascended Mastership, Galactic Mastership, Universal Mastership, Multi-Universal Mastership and so forth.

This puts life on this planet into perspective.

For in truth, we are here, as souls, but for a single eye-wink in eternity, and when we finally grasp this, we will simply understand that we are nonetheless here on this planet for one reason only: -
To fulfill our soul purpose and mission as agreed upon before we incarnated, and to gain in soul mastery.

Especially at this momentous time, as we are ascending into the New Earth, the fifth to seventh dimensional state and New Golden Age, in accelerated motion, it is vital to understand that we have been given the opportunity to advance in quantum leaps of consciousness, way beyond anything souls could ever experience on earth before!

It is a privilege and an honor to be here on earth at this significant time. We were prepared for this through thousands of earth years and now is the time to embrace this quantum leap journey through the open-heart center, allowing ourselves to be transfigured with immense love and total devotion.

We are now at the half-way mark, and from now on the ascension process will accelerate beyond anything known before!

We are entering cosmic space!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

viernes, agosto 23, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Purification inside and out - Aug 23, 2024

The Purification inside and out

With the huge expansion the immense cosmic energies plus Solar Flares are currently pouring down upon us, and inside of us, we are in stage of huge purification. 

I have done cleansing and clearing work, dissolving emotional charges and past live patterns for years, and yet still things are coming up, for releasing. I can understand this for as old souls we have had many incarnations on earth, and in every lifetime, we interacted with so many souls, and especially since the Fall of Atlantis, this has been exasperating. 

jueves, agosto 22, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO AGOSTO 2024




▲ De su Anfitriona de la Luz

▲Truenos y relámpagos: las enseñanzas internas del año de la Tormenta Galáctica Azul

▲ La verdadera energía detrás de las tormentas eléctricas y los rayos

▲ Todos los pensamientos son importantes


A medida que elevamos nuestra percepción consciente unos cuantos niveles, llegamos a muchos senderos con nuevas comprensiones que exhiben allí verdades como migas de pan en un camino perdido. La consciencia misma del clima ha cambiado al igual que nosotros, y es el momento de observar nuevos patrones de verdades ocultas. Todos sabemos que el clima tiene un temperamento y todo clima surge de muchas partes del mundo y se envuelve alrededor de aquellos que no entienden ni quieren las enseñanzas planetarias.

Natalia Alba - Our ascension journey is a continual process of purification and soul remembrance - Aug 22, 2024

ptsooSedrn04o8gdl5tf2:m58 ff lmhga mis6.af27es9aa30l.ah5163a2gat01 16co ·

Beloved Ones,

Our ascension journey is a continual process of purification and soul remembrance. During this time of heart expansion and amplification of the light transmissions received during this last phase, we move now into a purification phase with Virgo. Cleansing, especially after long periods of embodiment is another important part of our ascension journey, to release all we have healed and let go of. 

Ascension Unveiled: Navigating the Shift with Love and Faith

miércoles, agosto 21, 2024

Judith Kusel - Walking between worlds - Aug 21, 2024

Walking between worlds

It can often feel like you are walking between worlds at this time, because of the immense changes which are occurring on all levels now, as the old is being churned up to be dissolved and the new is forming.

Natalia Alba - The process of self-synthesis has been initiated - Aug 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The process of self-synthesis has been initiated for many of you who have been bridging your physical and divine selves. This is a universal light-encoded reconnective symbol I received for those of you who are on this path of self-reconnection and initiation into a new ascensional stage.

domingo, agosto 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan - Aug 18, 2024

When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan, and more than this, follow our intuitive guidance, our inner Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, and shut out the all the noise, the clamour of those who are still choosing the old existence in the Old Earth, new doors are opening and will open, as we are ready to step through them!