martes, enero 31, 2017



Beloved masters, the winds of change are blowing strongly within your inner and outer worlds, and you often feel you are being tumbled about by the winds of fate. You are being bombarded with so much new information that your body and brain are in overload. Everything is changing so rapidly in your world that you can no longer depend on what was considered to be the norm, and there is such a plethora of new information that it is difficult to know what to believe. Old concepts are being updated and the philosophies of the Eastern and Western worlds are blending as higher expanded truths are being presented for your learning as humanity strives to become spiritual adults and masters of their destiny.

59º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2017: Gobierno Trump, México, Noticias falsas, Conspiración, OVNI

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los 5 Engaños de la Vieja Energía - Salt Lake City, Utah, 21 de Enero de 2017

Los 5 Engaños de la Vieja Energía 
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Salt Lake City, Utah, 21 de Enero de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
El amor tiene muchas facetas. La nueva palabra es compasión, y a través de todo esto está el cambio. He pasado largo tiempo con todos ustedes, dándoles mensajes sobre lo que es posible, sobre lo que pueden hacer. El tema de esta noche ya lo he anunciado.
Se trata de lo que ha sido en la vieja energía, y las verdades de la vieja energía que ustedes asumieron en ese entonces. Las llamaremos "Los Cinco Grandes Engaños de la Vieja Energía." A través de todo esto, les describimos algo que fue, no que es.

Ron Head - The Council - Non-interference - January 31, 2017

The Council – Non-interference

There is a subject that we feel we must address at this time. This is a period of very chaotic energies. We want you to know that you would be better served to keep yourselves focused in ways that would keep you from interfering with those outcomes that you have dedicated yourselves to achieving. Now, what do we mean by that? What are we seeing that you, from your viewpoints, do not?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 31, 2017 Ones, in order to be loving it does not mean you need to throw out your personal boundaries. Far from it! Unconditional love honours everyone. It is not loving to yourself to accept abuse, nor is it loving to the abuser to allow them to continue in behaviour that does not honour them, either. If someone cannot treat you with love and respect it is healthy and loving to all involved to move them to a safe distance until new behaviours and patterns can be established. As your own loving parent, guide, and best friend, it is perfectly appropriate to insist upon safe, loving connections in your inner circle. ~Archangel Gabriel


by Patricia Cota-Robles

February 1, 2017

When we see the many challenging things taking place around the World, it is obvious that this is a very confusing and sometimes frightening time. In many instances it looks and feels like no matter how hard we try things seem to be getting worse. I know that is very disheartening and many people feel hopeless and helpless when confronted with all of the adversity occurring on this planet. But the good news is in spite of outer appearances things are NOT getting worse, quite the contrary.

lunes, enero 30, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a: Los 5 Engaños de la Vieja Energía - Salt Lake City, Utah, 21 de Enero de 2017

Introducción a: Los 5 Engaños de la Vieja Energía
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Salt Lake City, Utah, 21 de Enero de 2017


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Una vez más oyen la voz de mi socio, pero es diferente, y algunos de ustedes lo sentirán, porque se ha apartado completamente. El campo que genera es el de un hombre y se entreteje y enreda con una confluencia de los de ustedes. Creo que una vez les conté que mi socio no puede canalizar cuando estoy sin otros humanos (se ríe); se requieren humanos para canalizar, porque hay una alianza, una continuidad entre nosotros y eso les permite sentir la realidad de esto.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday January 30, 2017

Bless your space and your path by staying open to endless possibilities and potentials, Dear Ones, for that is the greatest way to accept and allow co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lee Carroll - Kryon - Monday Message - January 30, 2017


From Live Kryon Channelling, "The Fundamental Fractal"
April 2016 in Hot Springs, AR

Congratulations, dear old soul, for coming into this planet at this time, knowing these would be difficult times. You weren't going to miss the party, were you?


through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel

Linda Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - Your Energetic Pattern of Light - February 2017

“Your Energetic Pattern of Light”

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss your energetic pattern of Light.

You are a magnificent Being of Light.

When you burst forth from the Creator, you contained all of the attributes of the Rays of Light. You were imbued with all of the qualities needed to manifest your missions across the aeons. In each lifetime, you drew from your storehouse of attributes the qualities that were needed for that particular incarnation. Each time you worked with one of these qualities, it became stronger and brighter. This became part of your scroll of life in the akashic records.

Brenda Hoffman - Reviewing Your 5D Global Actions - January 30, 2017

Dear Ones,

How can you observe and not participate in current earth upheavals? Your questions are likely, “How can I not be involved? Aren’t I required as a forerunner to be involved?”

So it is that it is time for you to move beyond your 3D need to caretake, to make the world a better place, or to create a world of peace – knowing deep within you that you cannot do so alone, nor is this the time to do so.

This is a pondering, reviewing, self-love time that opens you to new thoughts and ideas. That is not to say that protests are right nor wrong, merely that you do not yet have enough 5D information to affect the change you are chomping at the bit to initiate.

Marlene Swetlishoff - The Hilarion Connection©Update - February 2017

Marlene Swetlishoff - The - Archangel Anambriel©, Part 2
Part 1 -
More on the Venusian Collective - Jenny Schiltz -

Blossom Goodchild - January 30, 2017


Hello Offworlders! First of all let me say that the topic I’d like to talk about is not because I am depressed. I’m not. Yet, sometimes … and I have heard others express this also, everything seems a little bit pointless! I KNOW we are here to Love and raise the Vibration of ourselves and The Planet, yet STILL … the everyday conversations etc … just seem so trivial, when you consider what we are here to do. Any advice?

Good day to you. Thank you for your consistency in bringing about thoughts that many humans have upon your Planet. We could not possibly consider such a thought, for nothing that we do or think or express in anyway, would be considered mundane or pointless.

domingo, enero 29, 2017

Emmanuel Dagher - The Spark Is Back! - January 28, 2017

My friend,
Before we get to the many new energy updates coming through for you, my heart desires to express its deepest gratitude to you.
Thank you for choosing to incarnate on beautiful Earth during this transitional time and space.
Thank you for being committed and proactive with your inner healing and development, which is greatly helping to raise the consciousness of humanity.
It’s because of your willingness to walk a mindful and awakened path that the world is evolving at lightning speed now.
For all of this, and so much more: Thank you, and I love you.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - As The Experiment Phase Comes To A Conclusion: Increased StarGate Travel & Timeline Convergence Occurs: Physical Bodies Reconfigure Substantially as Star Chambers Now - 1/29/2017

Each is being "taught" how to balance an immense amount of high frequency energy from within their physical body now. How to function is part of our continual Mastery here.

We took all for-granted as humans, we didn't understand. As these huge influxes of energies activate all day/daily now, the physical body vessel is pushed to it's limits (on purposes), for you/we are not limited here.

Your human mind will be pushed beyond it's limits. Dense emotions will be pushed out of your physical body vessel/suit/star chamber (oooh, new one, Star Chamber, love it!)...

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday January 29, 2017

The enlightenment process, really, is about shifting beyond the old systems of control, or false power, into the freedom of your own divinity, or authentic power. It is a shift that is profound as it requires the dismantling of years and lifetimes of old conditioning.

Those who are not yet feeling ready to assume that responsibility for self will seek out people who are strongly authoritative to lead them, for that is what will perpetuate what they have always known. But your soul always seeks freedom and expansion, and will ultimately wish to evolve beyond that old paradigm.

Mike Quinsey - de su Ser Superior - 27 de Enero, 2017



Estáis involucrados en cambios tan colosales que cuando miréis atrás lo veréis como el punto de inflexión en la historia de la Tierra. Éstos son necesarios para barrer lo que os hubiera mantenido atrasados y hacer camino para los cambios que establecerán el escenario para que comience la Nueva Era. Los Oscuros ya no tienen suficiente control como para dictar el camino por el que progresa el futuro. También están sintiendo las consecuencias de perder acceso a fondos ilimitados para sus proyectos ocultos. También están encontrando imposible controlar estrechamente las operaciones sobre la Tierra, y gente que ha sido reacia a salir a la luz con lo que saben ahora están sintiendo el valor para hacerlo. Todo se suma a un cambio de los poderes sobre la Tierra y los que trabajan para la Luz no se sienten tan restringidos. El Presidente Trumpo tiene una lista de cambios importantes que quiere hacer y no perderá tiempo en ponerlos en marcha.

Marilyn Rafaelle -The Arcturian Group - January 29, 2017

Dear ones, in these times of global stress and conflict we remind you of the reality-- that all is well and proceeding according to plan. Know that you are actors in a grand theatrical production written and produced by you. The third dimension is not your real home and when you are once again back to your real home you will look on these times as powerful creations necessary to push the awareness of mankind into remembering.

Resist the temptation to add more negative energy to world conditions, but instead consciously allow love to flow to them regardless of what you are seeing. Love is all there is and is therefore the key to and the glue of every solution. Outer conditions are quickly lifting many into the realization that love is the only power and thus the only solution to every situation. Many who never before considered love beyond the human sense of it are awakening.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you - January 29, 2017

Light Circle

Dear Ones,

This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.

When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good. When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.

Sheldan Nidle - Este tiempo bendecido...- 24 de Enero, 2017

13 Cauac, 2 Yax, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Venimos en este día para seguir con nuestra narración. Todo está avanzando con firmeza. La oposición a esta distribución ha sido profundamente rota. Durante los meses que vienen esperamos completar la parte restante de este proceso tan complejo. La República está finalmente preparada para la plena revelación. Ha llevado mucho tiempo, porque su anuncio oficial es aún algo de mucha controversia. Esperamos que el resto del paquete sea entregado muy pronto. Este régimen de facto ha estado en el poder durante tanto tiempo que se suponía que su legitimidad parecía estar más allá de la reprobación. Por lo que nuestra misión está ligada a explicar a todos los implicados cómo va a ser proclamado oficialmente este nuevo gobierno. Este proceso está casi preparado para la revelación y tiene que ser explicado antes de que este régimen de facto e ilegal se centre. Es de vital importancia que esta serie de revelaciones se detallen plenamente al público americano. Con respecto a esto, nos hemos comprometido a cambiar la forma en que este gobierno es plenamente anunciado y adecuadamente instalado. Si se hace sin una cuidadosa planificación podría causar algún daño importante inicial. Por lo que se tiene que emplear una adecuada secuencia.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Physical Body Density Binds Each to Physical Dimensions: Expansion of Consciousness Changes Physical Body Density, Therefore Physical Dimensions - 1/29/2017

For those asking, the physical body density is what holds each to the lower dimensional planes of existence. You will see many's physical bodies start purging, detoxing, cleansing and bringing those walls around the heart and veils from within the mind faster and stronger than ever before.

Yes, those humans are bound to those lower density realities, because they have not gone through the in-depth inner work yet, which resolves separation which changes the physical matter mass/density of each's physical body structure so that they can be free/free themselves from the matrix reality hold.

sábado, enero 28, 2017

Asara - Energy Update From The Galactic Council of Light - January 28, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

At this time, we wish to offer you our support and assistance in stabilizing your energies. 

In the past few weeks, you have experienced, what you term "a rollercoaster" of energies and emotions. 

Dear Ones, do not get impressed by what the illusion of your reality is presenting to you. 

Judith Kusel - The New Frontier: Maturity - January 28, 2017


We are asked now to remember that whatever has come before, has been an immense learning for the whole of humanity, that if one does not honor the highest within oneself, that infinite One-ness with the Divine, that one then will self-sabotage in some way, and end up sinking ever further into the seas of forgetfulness, as one has severed that intimate connection to the Divine.

Within the subconscious programming of humankind, lies the fear of abandonment, the infinite pain of separation from the Divine, which was caused by the humanity’s own choice to go against the Divine Laws, and then to wilfully create outside of these laws. With that then creating chaos and self-destruction, unceasing wars, and with it a deep mistrust of each other, and even a mistrust of the Divine and its intentions.

Truth Within Extraterrestrial Contact and Channelling

Gerrit Gielen - Sanando y Comprendiendo la Antigua Batalla entre Hombres y Mujeres - 24 de Enero 2017

Gerrit Gielen

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La Creación: Una Cooperación de Energías Femeninas y Masculinas

Al inicio hay Creación: el tiempo y espacio se crean a partir de lo que es el Uno. La diversidad es la consecuencia: la vida adopta formas interminables, hay un número infinito de campos de experiencia, esferas, dimensiones y mundos por explorar. Esto plantea la cuestión ¿Por qué ocurrió la Creación?

La unidad lo incluye todo, y para que ustedes puedan ser conscientes de sólo una parte de esa unidad, la Creación es necesaria. Para darles un ejemplo: la luz blanca es la suma de todos los colores. Para experimentar colores individuales, tenemos que desintegrar la luz blanca con el uso de un prisma. Esta difusión de la luz blanca en todos los colores del arco iris es a lo que llamo Creación: creando la diversidad a partir de la unidad.

Jennifer Hoffman - Total y Totalidad - 25 de Enero 2017

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada aspecto de su energía es total y completa porque resuena con su vibración y frecuencia energética. Ustedes están en totalidad a cada paso de su experiencia de sanación, alineados con las lecciones y el propósito de su vida en cada momento. Con cada cambio en la vibración energética, lo cual ocurre primeramente en los planos internos de conciencia, ustedes se sienten fuera de alineación.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday January 28, 2017

Think of a time in your life when things worked out beautifully – so seamlessly that it felt like magic. That is the feel of the universe serving you for your highest good while you are in a space of complete acceptance of that supportive flow. It may have felt like having the day where everything fell into place in the most wonderful ways, or something more specific where the universe aligned perfectly to intersect you with your next great love, or some other perfect match.

Ron Head - The Council – Pushing Your Buttons - January 27, 2017

The Council – Pushing Your Buttons

We hear you saying “Something big is happening!” Please know that you are feeling, as one enormous impression, the accumulation of an uncountable number of changes that we have been speaking of for years. As more and more of these changes come to fruition, there will be moments when that feeling will push itself to the forefront of your consciousness.

Sometimes you will ascribe it to one current thing, such as a wave of incoming energy, for instance. And at other times you will just be at a loss for a cause of the feeling. But if you are able to stretch out your senses enough, you will almost always be able to sense the building momentum of planet-wide change.

Suzanne Lie - Inter-dimensional Light Language - Part 2 of Becoming a Golden One - 1-28-17

Inter-dimensional Light Language
Part 2 of Becoming a Golden One

By Sha-ier through Sue Lie
Hello dear earthlings whom I can perceive, but I am not sure if you can perceive me, or even our Starship. I am Sha-ier, returned to tell you more about my life on the Starship.

Let me tell you how we can perceive you from our Ships. I say “Ships,” plural, because now that I am on THE Starship, I can see that there is an “Armada of Ships” that awaits the NOW to reveal themselves on the threshold of the fourth and fifth dimension.

Afterlife: The TRUTH about "LIFE-after-DEATH" ~a SUPERNATURAL documentary on Heaven, Hell & Angels

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - 2017 The Call to Pioneer ~ Moving Into Creation After Completion - January 28, 2017

Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence again. We honour you for your commitment to your enlightenment process, and your diligence to your growth and expansion. How much you have accomplished over the past year of your linear time!

The energetic shift between the energy of 2016 into 2017 is greater and more profound than you usually experience from one year to another. That is because you have just wrapped up a year of personal completion, as well as a cycle of completion. To be clear, it has been completion within completion, which is what has made 2016 a memorable year for many of you in terms of healing and release.

Lauren C. Gorgo - El Final del FINAL: la liberación de la esclavitud humana - Diciembre 13, 2016

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Y aquí estamos. El último mes del último año que abarca un intenso viaje de nueve años de extraordinaria (e incluso milagrosa) expansión y transformación.

Estamos en el final (oficial) del final, completando las terminaciones de un ciclo bastante legendario de la experiencia humana y, como resultado, cada uno de nosotros está siendo celebrado por los muchos seres iluminados que han estado trabajando con nosotros desde el comienzo para conseguir tan extraordinarios objetivos.

La culminación de este ciclo de 9 años nos ha ofrecido a cada uno de nosotros la capacidad de desfragmentar, de unificar todo aspecto perdido del Ser a través de la plena aceptación e integración de nuestras sombras ... aquellas partes de nosotros que, hasta ahora, no estaban totalmente iluminadas. Aquellos de ustedes que han restaurado su visión para ver cada parte de ustedes mismos como AMOR, estarán entrando en el nuevo ciclo de creación con la habilidad de experimentarse ahora a uds. mismos como AMOR.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Ascension Tidbits, Individual Upgrades & Collective Cleansings for Huge Timeline Jumps: Teleportation, Materialization, StarGates, Transcending Human Drama Energies, Physical & Emotional Death Cycles - 1/28/2017


Aloha beautiful love family!

Ahhh, where to start. There is always so much (and nothing at all), all at the same time. Collectively, HUGE things going on and for those SOULS in the depth of huge body/cellular cleansings, huge outer-world re-alignments, huge upgrades, whether conscious of this or not. Everyone, in each dimension of Earth, playing out their current roles, doing exactly what is necessary for continual completion/re-birth, continual template cleansings, continual physical DNA/Genetic re-coding. Each one of us, Gaia Earth Ship and all Galaxies too.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (31) - San José, California, enero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (31)
en San José, California, enero de 2017

Saludos, queridas mujeres, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se aparta. Él no está enterado de lo que se dice; esto es en honor del género de ustedes; no hay secretos. Quiero hacer de este un mensaje a la familia, y lo que quiero decir con eso es lo que dije durante la última canalización en este mismo salón.
Aquí hay una camaradería, y quiero que estos sean mensajes de amor; no necesariamente informativos como suelen ser.
Si consideran los cambios y transformaciones de género, y lo que un género teme, al contrario del otro, ustedes son distintas. Cómo reaccionan ante el cambio es diferente, y difiere por razones de su género. Esta es una extensión del último mensaje que fue sobre su reacción y su consciencia ante el cambio.

Horóscopo chino 2017 - El Año del Gallo de Fuego Rojo Yin - Enero 28, 2017

Elemento Fuego

El día 28 de enero 2017 empezará el año de la Gallo Fuego rojo Yin y terminará el 15 de febrero de 2018. Este va a ser un año complicado y tenso. No va a ser fácil para nadie. La diplomacia y la mano dura, serán necesarios para mantener el orden y para tirar para adelante con la economía mundial.
Será prioritario para todos mantener la Paz en el mundo y el diálogo. Pero va a ser muy dinámico, cambiante, de progreso y resolutivo en muchos aspectos. El Gallo va a potenciar la conciencia del esfuerzo, el trabajo bien hecho, le legalidad, el trabajo duro y va a empujar, para que todo se dé y todo evolucione positivamente de la mejor manera.
Los signos más favorecidos por el Gallo serán: Serpiente, Gallo, Dragón y Buey. El Dragón el que más. Tendrán un año excelente.
Los signos más perjudicados serán: Liebre, Perro y el Caballo.
Los que tendrán un buen año: la Rata y el Tigre.
Los signos que tendrán un año movido y muy variado, con momentos buenos y otros no tanto serán: el Cerdo o Jabalí, el Mono y la Cabra.
Los números de la suerte: para los que juegan a la Lotería o los juegos de azar, los número más afortunados serán: 5-7-8.

viernes, enero 27, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Mary Magdalene - Embodying Your Ultimate Relationship - 27th January 2017

I, Mary Magdalene, come forth with immense love for you and all of humanity. Love is my role, purpose and gift that I wish to give to humanity, inspired by my connection and divine relationship with the Creator. As Ascended Masters upon the inner planes, our service to humanity and the Earth is inspired by our personal connection with and experience of the Creator. Everything that we are and do is inspired by our remembrance of the integration of our soul with the Creator. As I bring forth to you my love, I place bouquets of the most beautiful and serene flowers, shimmering and glistening with light, at your feet. While this is a symbol of the love I share with you, it is also a portal or gateway of light that encourages you to explore my synthesis with the Creator as well as your own.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message - January 27, 2017

You are involved in making mammoth changes, that when you look back will be seen as the turning point in the history of the Earth. They are necessary to sweep away that which would have held you back, and make way for changes that will set the scene for the New Age to commence. The dark Ones no longer have sufficient control to dictate the way in which the future progresses. They are also going to feel the consequences of losing access to unlimited funding for their black projects. They are also finding it impossible to tightly control operations on Earth, and people who have been reluctant to come out with what they know, are now feeling the courage to do so. It all adds up to a shift in the powers upon Earth, and those working for the Light no longer feel so restricted. President Trump has a list of important changes he wishes to make and will lose no time in putting them into place.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Kryon ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (30) - Boulder, Colorado, enero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (30)
en Boulder, Colorado, enero de 2017

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se aleja. Hemos estado dándoles información durante cierto tiempo con respecto a Lemuria, específicamente lo que ahora llaman la Hermandad Femenina. Me gustaría continuar dándoles información - puede que las sorprenda, o tal vez no - acerca de cómo era entonces, y qué están haciendo ustedes ahora. Y también una comparación de lo que ahora pueden hacer con lo que nunca podría haberse hecho entonces.
En primer lugar, lo que tienen en toda la idea de una Hermandad Femenina es un verdadero despertar, un rejuvenecimiento de una antigua idea. Literalmente, desde entonces a ahora, lo que tienen es una sociedad que desechó el núcleo de su espiritualidad.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Innato Realzado - San José, California - 15 de enero de 2017


El Innato Realzado 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Es el final de dos días, y muchos en este salón se han reunido para ambos, y en ese proceso ha habido una continuidad en la consciencia. Aquí ha habido mucho para sentir, hoy y ayer, si ustedes lo permitían. Todavía hay algunos frustrados porque no están sintiendo nada. Podemos hablar sobre ciertas cosas, canalizar sobre ciertas cosas, pero la realidad es que no lo están captando en absoluto. Casi todos los presentes están aquí con un propósito de aprender cómo ayudarse a atravesar este cambio.
Queridos, si no se reconoce el cambio las cosas pueden empeorar, porque no pueden insertar un paradigma de la vieja energía en la nueva energía. No pueden seguir haciendo en la nueva energía lo que habían estado haciendo antes, no funciona. Más tarde o más temprano verán esta disfunción propia si no ingresan en esto, en esta nueva forma de pensar, en esta energía que está dispuesta a apoyarlos.


Christine Meleriessee - Decree ~Finding Balance within the Masculine Self ~ Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair - January 27, 2017

Walking Terra Christa conducted their first class of 2017 for the Golden Etheric Cities within the City of Aslaanetair which resides over Sweden in the 5th dimensional Earth.

As we are working within the Law of Gender, this golden city was a perfect journey as it represents the 10th Ray of Pearlescent Inviting the Soul Merge of the Masculine and Feminine Divine Energies to Become One.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday January 27, 2017 is always a part of you that is calm, settled, whole, and empowered. The idea that there is not, or that you cannot reach it, is illusion. If you simply stop and intend to connect back to that divine you, you will always, always, find your way back Home to yourself, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly how you will anchor the energies of heaven on earth and heal the illusion of separation once and for all. ~

jueves, enero 26, 2017

Suzanne Lie - Sha-ier - Part 1- Becoming A Golden One - 1-26-17

Becoming A Golden One
Part 1

 By Sha-ier through Sue Lie

Greetings, I am Sha-ier,
I am a representative of the Ashtar Command. I am now in training to join the Golden Ones. There were many initiations that I had to complete before I could purify my human component of SELF in order to fully merge with my Multidimensional SELF, and begin my transmutation back into being a Golden One.

In order to begin my re-unification with my Golden One SELF, I was instructed to share the stream of my consciousness from my third dimensional, Physical Self, through my fourth dimensional Astral Self, and into my fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - You Are NEW Earth Anchor Points: Clearing Karmic Cycles: Intentional Realities Replace Unconscious Ones - 1/26/2017

You are here to ANCHOR your highest vibrational realities in YOUR PHYSICAL now. Your human won't understand. You will have to connect DEEP inside (and for some "up" until it's inside), yet the guidance you seek will challenge your human, for none of this process is as your human "thinks".

Lisa Transcendence Brown - StarGates Alignment of the Physical Body/Physical Reality World Continually Synchronizing ALL to Higher Frequency Bandwidth Existences NOW - 1/26/2017

​The physical body/physical reality upgrades and re-calibrations shall continue to increase as we go. We are in continual Star-Gate alignment, continual crystalline activations, continual upgrade-mode, continual physical reality alignment, continual physical body upgrades/integration process that do not stop anymore. They may shift to a different activation, but they do not stop. Substantial increases push the physical body harder to integrate, push the human harder to let go/get on-board/open up/connect up, push the physical reality ..... this is what Super Quantum Timeline Collapses do. They collapse the separation of time, the separation of programs, the separation of consciousness once held.....

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Cambio - San José, California, el 14 de enero de 2017

El Cambio

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Durante la canalización, muchas veces percibimos el momento de entregarles información profunda, cosas que los humanos necesitan saber. Hoy es un poco distinto.

La condición humana, cómo piensan, dónde están en este planeta en evolución, es realmente lo que ahora está cercano. Queridos, quiero crear algo en este salón; quiero crear armonía, armonía de pensamiento. Quiero hablarles en forma personal en este momento, sobre lo que están enfrentando, que para algunos sucede lentamente y para otros rápidamente, porque todos tienen su sendero que es único. Pero todos ustedes, todos, están ante el cambio.