Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Arcturianos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Arcturianos. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, mayo 15, 2024

Ailia Mira - The Arcturians - You’re different. It’s a new beginning - May 15, 2024

  New Message Channeled by Ailia Mira
15 May 2024

WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS and we know you. We have connected with you in other ways when you open your field to higher light and we are happy and honored for this opportunity to connect now.

miércoles, mayo 08, 2024

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 8, 2024

Being a co-creator means having a dream but also being open and flexible to the universe showing you other options and outcomes that you may not be aware of. It is like having the seed of a wonderful idea and presenting it to a team of experts who know all the ways it can be tweaked and customized into your perfect match with the greatest amount of ease possible. Your willingness to trust and flow and allow the unfoldment is how you manifest magical and miraculous results beyond what you could ever imagine. That is the joy of co-creating and pioneering in unprecedented energies, and that wonder is absolutely available to each and every human being on the planet to play with and utilize whenever they choose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

martes, abril 16, 2024

Natalia Alba - As ascending souls our template is uniquely designed to assist planet Earth - Apr 16, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As ascending souls our template is uniquely designed to assist planet Earth, in the way we chose and are divinely guided. As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional template, to be able to fulfill your purpose on earth.

Depending on your lineage you have certain DNA strands already activated, to assist the earth raise its frequency, help the earth's grids restoration project, and many other different roles that require your connection to other dimensions, through your DNA strands, as everything is connected as multidimensional beings.

jueves, marzo 07, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Arcturians - Mar 7, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The Arcturians, seventh-dimensional highly evolved beings, with their polarities balanced, are now helping many whose main mission is to be or become healers, whether at a more personal level, or planetary one.

As you know the Arcturians are master healers, who have soul agreements with many ascending souls whose main mission is to assist in the anchoring of the Arcturian Light codes that are helping our planet embody the fifth-dimensional band frequency.

lunes, febrero 05, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we cross through the Aquarian portal - Feb 5, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we cross through the Aquarian portal, the Dragon Year, and what it represents, the bridging of the 5th-dimensional timelines is emphasized. We are finally anchoring the 5th-dimensional consciousness that we hold within, with the New Earth that is emerging. 

Many souls who are now choosing to leave the planet can already step into more illumined timeliness, and our work here, as ascending souls, is to continue seeding and protecting, this new harmonic dimensional opening. An opening that is possible because humanity is now prepared to see the Truth, disengaging from eons of disempowerment.

sábado, julio 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - Arcturian Ascension Transmission For Humanity - July 22, 2023

Arcturian Ascension Transmission For Humanity

I have come to you today to share some fantastic news with you. I am writing to you on behalf of the Arcturians, with a message of love and healing for our dear Planet Earth, at a time when many events are taking place.

Dear Ones, these events were brought forth into our collective reality by those who have taken control of our world system. They have done so by controlling our Institutions, banking systems, media systems, and food supply systems.

sábado, julio 01, 2023

Méline Lafont - The Arcturians - Timeline Bridge - June 21, 2023

Timeline Bridge

By the Arcturians through Méline Lafont

A Timeline shift has occurred. It was a shift in time, a change of momentum during the bridging of the Solstice. This Beloveds, is an activation, a start, a point of acceleration which instigates this momentum of the Now.

Energies are building up and as these come into an acceleration, a shift point breaks through as to where a bridging momentum suddenly shifts into Higher gears. So you are, as of now, evolving into an accelerated modus. Although it may appear to your human eyes that all is the same, nevertheless your ears are receiving high pitch tones and you are all catapulted into an accelerated speed.

sábado, junio 17, 2023

Aurora Ray - Exploring the Mystical World of the Arcturians: Unraveling the Secrets of Their Advanced Consciousness Technology - June 18, 2023

Exploring the Mystical World of the Arcturians: Unraveling the Secrets of Their Advanced Consciousness Technology

The universe is full of mysteries, and the Arcturians are one of them.

These extraterrestrial beings are believed to possess advanced consciousness technology that can help humans overcome their limitations and reach their full potential.

In this post, we will explore the mystical world of the Arcturians, their philosophy, their technology, and their impact on humanity.

Who are the Arcturians?

The Arcturians are a race of beings that reside in the fifth-dimensional and higher realms. They are believed to be one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, with a deep understanding of the universe and its mysteries.

jueves, marzo 23, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Arcturians

The Arcturians

The Arcturians are a race of mature beings who have dedicated themselves to service to others, as they are fundamentally devoted to assisting humanity in its passage through the Ascension process.

They are spiritually advanced beings whose vibration is higher than that of humans and who are therefore able to interact more easily with humans.