domingo, marzo 31, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Twilight of Kali Yuga: Countdown to the Satya Yuga - A Golden Age! - Mar 31, 2024

The Twilight of Kali Yuga: Countdown to the Satya Yuga - A Golden Age!

According to ancient Hindu cosmology, we are currently in the Kali Yuga age, which is known as the age of darkness, conflict, and chaos.

Kali Yuga is the final cycle in a larger four-Yuga timeline that maps the evolution of consciousness on our planet.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - March 31, 2024


Hello, my friends! The last time I chatted to you in this way seems an eternity ago, as does the cruise I had the pleasure of experiencing only last week! Time is a funny thing! On to business! Many are intrigued to know if you have any words to offer regarding the new Monolith that appeared ‘out of nowhere’ in Wales last week. Care to comment?

Natalia Alba - Many energies are coexisting within us at this time - Mar 31, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many energies are coexisting within us at this time. We are still immersed in the harmonic energies from the Libra eclipse. These stabilizing frequencies will be enhanced by the 4/4 Portal, in which many of you will be working on your planetary mission of helping the Earth's fabrics of time and space, other important structures, and locations that need stabilization and harmony, at this time.

Jim Self - Equinoccio - Una División en Dos Direcciones - Mar 31, 2024

Equinoccio – Una División en Dos Direcciones

Es tiempo de prestar atención

Jim Self

¡Hola! Muy lindo estar aquí. En realidad es excitante estar aquí. Esto es algo que yo creo que van a encontrar informativo, iluminador, tendrán oportunidad de dar un paso atrás y hacer una pausa… “¿Qué? ¿Estás bromeando?”

Lo que estamos haciendo es jugar en este punto del tiempo – en realidad yo debería retroceder y decir que hay muchas personas nuevas aquí que no había visto antes, bienvenidas, es lindo tenerlos aquí. Muchos han estado jugando aquí en Mastering Alchemy durante largo tiempo, y una cosa que vamos a hacer aquí es dar un paso atrás. Un paso atrás y ¿cómo llegamos aquí? ¿Qué estamos haciendo aquí? ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones aquí?

Who Are The Sirians And Their Mission on Earth.

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) - Mar 31, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here now to speak to you about resurrection and what it means. It can mean that you die in a body and then come back into that body, as you do every night when you fall asleep. Now, you don’t die every night, but you do leave your body, and remain corded, or attached, to your body while you’re on your journey through the astral plane, and then you come back into your body because you’re still connected to it. But a resurrection doesn’t mean a severing of that cord that connects your soul’s consciousness to your body consciousness and then coming back into that same body.

sábado, marzo 30, 2024

Steve Rother - The Group - Awaken Creators - April 2024

~ Awaken Creators ~

Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We join you this day from afar, watching the magical game that is unfolding on your planet. It is a wonderful time to be here and come together to celebrate unity. We see you quite differently than you see yourselves. You are creator beings, dear ones, unaware that you are creator beings. And there are some fascinating things taking place with that.

Jamye Price - April Ascension Energies - Ricochet - April 2024

April Ascension Energies - Ricochet

Blessed Beings, it is a time of great movement. The spiral tightens, and change intensifies.

Your work is to go with the flow of your knowing, not resisting the timing or temper of the changes.

It is a balance of Awareness and creativity, using your mind and heart to hear and transform within.

Within you is the timeless infinite, the potential.

It is here you first create.

It is here you first communicate.

It is here, in this vibrational symphony, that the universe hears you.
Receiving is Becoming

As you have practiced the skill of receiving information, you have built a strength of Knowing.

The Knowing that you are in a constant state of change in the physical realm.

The Knowing that your perspectives and choices are cherished by Life.

The Knowing that you are Life continuing Life.

Create it.

As you receive information into your Awareness, you are offered the opportunity to weave your desire into what is.

You have learned for many years not to just accept what-is and perseverate.

You have learned to use the positives and negatives you perceive and to create.

You are now in a time of movement that speeds the spiraling of information to and from.

This is the Ricochet of which we speak.

It is the deep Knowing that you are always creating more Love from the core of who you are.

It is the understanding that information is continuously received and given by you.

The creativity of change being so automatic that Love’s creation Ricochets from you constantly. 

Ricochet Love

Your work is still to observe with clear Awareness of your energy.

Your work is not to only think or feel positivity, but to allow the negatives and positives to meet your neutrality as soon as authentically possible.

Know that you are creating change with every breath.

Know that your core desires are within all that you are creating, and that change is constant here.

Your core desires revise, refine and Ricochet.

Every moment.

Love flowing in all directions, invisibly infiltrating information.

Not controlling, offering the magnetic resonance of the passive force.

It is who you are.

Love Boldly

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Mar 30, 2024

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

During your Easter celebrations, the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus defied death and showed that he is immortal. (Please feel free to use a name for him that resonates with you.)

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - ONENESS AND DIVINE LOVE - APRIL 2024




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss Oneness and Divine Love.

You are part of the vast, unlimited energy of Source. Everything that is or will be is part of the energy of Source. This is the energy of Oneness.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 29 de Marzo, 2024


Los asuntos en la Tierra están llegando rápidamente a una conclusión, pero parece que será una situación forzada y no por elección, y eso es comprensible a la vista de los acontecimientos que están teniendo lugar. Existe cierta incertidumbre sobre el camino a seguir para evitar una situación que podría desembocar en una guerra total. Hay varias cuestiones en juego y cualquiera de ellas podría desencadenar una guerra mundial, y decimos esto sin ánimo de asustaros, pero hay que afrontar los hechos. Por nuestra parte, nos mantenemos al margen sin ningún deseo de interferir, pero podemos difundir ideas que podrían conducir a un resultado más deseable.

How To Enter The 5D World's Infinite Possibilities

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Really Happens When You Look at the Night Sky - Mar 30, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are taking a multi-pronged approach to helping humanity at this time. We have those of you that we reach directly, like Daniel here, along with those of you we reach indirectly, such as the ones who are receiving this transmission. We also have all who are connecting with us through astral travel, and some of those are in the first two groups as well. We are reaching many individuals who have no interest in us or in any e.t. group through the energies that we transmit through the red giant known as Arcturus itself.

viernes, marzo 29, 2024

Aurora Ray - True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials! - Mar 29, 2024

True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials!

Many people are curious about ETs and what it would be like to meet them!

Today, we're going to talk about something exciting: signs that friendly extraterrestrials choose to visit us here on Earth. It's a topic that sparks our imagination and makes us think about the enormous possibilities of the universe.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - March 29, 2024

Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Through Valerie Donner March 29, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I've been working full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the Earth for many years now.

As you can feel, we are very close to the Earth’s ascension. Many have the sense that something big is about to occur. I know you have your eyes on the prize and your hearts in the Golden Age. The fifth dimension is far more than a temptation, it is a reality. It is your future where you will reside as your future self in all of your glory.

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - March 29, 2024

Straight from the Heart

March 29, 2024

Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “The energies are running rampant on the Earth. You can attribute this to the rapid shift in consciousness. This also has to do with the cessation of the third dimensional world where are you are programmed to live in linear time. You were mechanized with artificial time. It was used to enslave the planet and to keep you all in step with each other 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now as a result of the rising consciousness and the fall of the dark ones, the old matrix is crumbling. Even those who are not as awakened as you, recognize how much time has shifted and everything seems to be happening simultaneously. This is truly the end of the old world and the beginning of the Golden Age. In this new energy it is challenging to plan because events keep changing. The old way is falling apart and in so doing, often times resolutions to the old problems are not to be found. This means letting go. The feeling of surprise, magic, and spectacular unexpected events can keep you off balance. It can be extremely frustrating expecting things to be the way they were because they are not. Stay strong. Be connected to your inner self and the God within. Pay close attention to everything around you. The truth is coming out about everything so humanity is in for some big revelations. We are with you and are assisting you. You can count on us.”

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - Mar 29, 2024

Matters upon Earth are quickly moving to a conclusion but it would appear that it will be a forced situation and not by choice, and that is understandable in view of the events that are taking place. There is a degree of uncertainty as to what path to take to avoid a situation that might lead to an all-out war. Several issues are involved and any one could spark off a global war and we say this with no desire to frighten you, but the facts must be faced. We for our part stand aside with no desire to interfere, but can spread ideas around that could lead to a more desirable outcome.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday March 29, 2024

There are two states of being that are natural states of being for your soul. One is joy and the other is unconditional love. When you fall into the density of being human, it is very difficult to remember that.

That is what your ascension process is. It is remembering who you really are as you are having your human experience, and moving back into unconditional love and joy. They expand upon each other, joy and love do. When you are in your joy you are most connected to Source and you feel the expanded now moment of unconditional love. When you have a heart opening moment of unconditional love, you feel washed with joy.

Natalia Alba - We Are already stepping into a new energetic month - Mar 29, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We Are already stepping into a new energetic month. The more we raise our consciousness, moving into a more illumined dimension, the more we feel the acceleration of time, sensing days, months, and years passing incredibly fast, for it is a sign that we are finally moving into a more simultaneous dimension.

The Pleiadian Council

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Mar 29, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are not here to tell you what to do. We like to offer teachings, which you can view as suggestions. You can see us as wise, old friends that you can learn something from, and you can benefit from our experience, but we are not here to tell you what to do. We do understand the value of self-reflection, of the inward journey, and we encourage you to move in the direction of your inner self, because we know that many of the answers that you seek arise in the moment that you need that answer, that you need that direction.

jueves, marzo 28, 2024

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday March 28, 2024

Dear Ones, the time has come to let go of anything that is holding you back from living life in its highest expression. Many of you put off living fully with your self talk. “I’ll be happy when I lose 10 lbs.” “I’ll live my life for myself once the kids are grown.” “I’ll start taking care of myself tomorrow.” “If only I could find the right partner…” Every time you procrastinate in such a way you are making a conscious decision to keep yourself small and have a ‘less than’ experience.

Natalia Alba - We are stepping into April - Mar 28, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are stepping into April, a month to expand our hearts, radiating love, light, and joy to All who are willing to embrace it. A month to expand in the physical as an important part of who we are too, and a time for us to rebirth, after all the inner work achieved, more illumined and dedicated to our personal, and universal mission.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Humanity is Setting & Breaking Records - Mar 28, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to give you this transmission because we do recognize how much you appreciate progress reports for humanity. We want you to know that from where we sit, and from the perspectives of your souls, you are doing very well there on Earth, and you are making history, setting records and creating all sorts of new universes as a result of what you are living. There are more people present on planet Earth at this time than there has ever been, and that is a remarkable feat because it shows you all how many souls want to incarnate there. That means you must be on an incredible journey, whether you are always acknowledging that or not.

miércoles, marzo 27, 2024

Jim Self - Hay un Juego Nuevo. ¿Quieres Jugar? - 20 de febrero de 2024

La Vida se Encamina en una Nueva Dirección

Considera cómo se ha jugado el “juego” de cierto modo, durante largo tiempo – presentando solo dos opciones, una que se estima buena y una mala. Pero, ¿qué tal si está disponible un tablero de juego totalmente nuevo, con nuevas reglas y nuevas maneras de jugar?

Aurora Ray - Ascending Together: Building a Brighter Future - Mar 27, 2024

Ascending Together: Building a Brighter Future

In life, we're all on a journey. It's a journey of growth, of change, of becoming the best versions of ourselves.

This journey is what we call ascension. But what exactly does ascension mean? And how can we journey through this together?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 27, 2024

What if we told you there was a magical element available to you all, for free, that creates a bridge between where you are and where you want to be?

It is through this element that you can find new love, healing, virtually anything that you would like to experience in your life that you do not already have. This element is very easy to use, you just must intend what you would like and surrender to it as it sweeps you up and takes you to brand new vistas in your life.

The Fifth Dimension

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Predictions About the Upcoming Eclipse - Mar 27, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always approaching another level of consciousness here in the ninth dimension, and so are you there in the fourth. Every step forward for you is a step up in terms of your vibration and the level of your consciousness. You don’t ever have to worry about regressing, backsliding, or remaining stagnant for that matter, because you are always progressing with each and every breath. Now, you want to understand that your evolution does not have to involve pain and suffering, just as it doesn’t have to involve chaos and cataclysmic events.

martes, marzo 26, 2024


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 26, 2024

We have talked extensively about the endless releasing and clearing enlightening human beings have been experiencing as your earth and her inhabitants continue to shift. At each energetic alignment, you are locking in your energetic progress, as you become lighter and lighter, and embody more of your true essence.

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness - What Is Alignment with Source? - Mar 26. 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You do tend to notice when you are not in alignment with Source. However, you have many different names for that state of being and many different ways of describing it. You are meant to be using the feedback that you are getting from your emotions, from your bodies, and from the conditions of your life to determine whether you are pointing your consciousness in the right direction or not. When you point your consciousness inward and you discover the alignment with Source that you are seeking, everything out there, including the physical and its conditions, tends to be taken care of for you.

lunes, marzo 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - With the coming of the eclipses - Mar 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,

With the coming of the eclipses, we are immersed in passage of infinite possibilities, a vortex of manifestation, and profound revelations, for the ones who have done the inner work of becoming more whole and unified. The eclipses are helping us to trigger the inner transformation required, to work on what was fragmented, reconnect our body channels to the Divine within us, and start acting as sovereign beings, in direct communion with our God Self.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday March 25, 2024

Why not do one thing today that will make your life a little easier? It need not be a big thing, just something, perhaps that you’ve been putting off, that will create a bit more ease and flow. This small act will announce loudly that you are intending to create more ease in your life and that you are moving into action to make it so.

Natalia Alba - Today we are embracing the energies from the Penumbral Full Moon -

Beloved Ones,

Today we are embracing the energies from the Penumbral Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra. A cosmic passage that brings balance, harmony, and heart healing. This a passage that will serve us to stabilize our light bodies, continue seeding more harmony on the earth's fabrics and grids, and on a more personal level, to continue mastering our divine reunions, creating balanced relationships.

Brenda Hoffman - Let Go of Your Safety Net - March 25, 2024

Dear Ones,

You have mixed emotions – most of which are not cheerful or fun-filled. You feel as if you are slogging uphill day after day. Nothing seems quite right, and you do not have the energy to determine why. You just know waking up is not that interesting or exciting, and going to bed is a relief.

Such is to be expected. You are shedding your former persona minute by minute and creating a new being much different from who you were even a week ago.

A Starseed's Purpose On Earth

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Is Your Technology Taking You to 5D? - Mar 25, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see how many of you are using technology appropriately. You can use technology to connect with one another. You can use it to access information, and you can use it to share aspects of yourself to the world. You can be very creative with it, and you can use it to help other people and reach other people who are in need of your help. Those of you who are truly awake are using technology in these positive ways, and you are helping to shift the collective consciousness of all of the various human collectives through your use of technology. Like anything, it is fundamentally neutral, and it can be used in a positive way, but it can also be over-used, abused, and used to promote something that is negative.

domingo, marzo 24, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Great Awakening: Earth's Quantum Leap into a New Era! - Mar 24, 2024

The Great Awakening: Earth's Quantum Leap into a New Era!

Our beautiful planet, Earth, is undergoing an extraordinary evolution - a quantum leap in its journey through the cosmos!

This process, known as the Earth's Ascension, is a complex and multifaceted transformation of the planetary consciousness and its physical structure.

Natalia Alba - We are already crossing the Libra eclipse threshold - Mar 24, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are already crossing the Libra eclipse threshold, preparing ourselves to seal the body portals that we have been working with, during March, healing, clearing, and stabilizing them to retrieve our Divine connection. To finalize this healing phase, we may retire, if this is our guidance, to rest our bodies and focus on our personal mission, for this specific time.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Eclipse Lunar de Luna Llena en Libra Marzo 2024

La Temporada de Eclipses 2024 comienza con un Eclipse Parcial de Luna Llena en el signo de Libra el 25 de marzo.

Los eclipses de Luna Llena amplifican la energía de la Luna Llena, así que puedes considerarlos como la energía de la Luna Llena multiplicada por diez. Por esa razón, son increíblemente poderosos y se cree que abren portales a estados superiores de conciencia.

Higher Light Decree: Clearing and Upgrading the Heart Chakra

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen - March 24, 2024

Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.


Dear One,

Your path in life in many ways is decided upon before you take birth in human form. Your soul reviews the lessons necessary for highest growth, and then chooses those life experiences that will provide them. From a human perspective, this choice is often difficult to comprehend. Many outwardly horrendous lifetimes have powerful lessons and seem beyond human understanding.

Revealed: Discovering The Hidden Key That Will Transform Your Life In An Instant!

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - Access Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities - Mar 24, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

You are doing wonderfully well, no matter where you are on the planet right now, no matter how it seems like you are doing there in your lives. You are living out a life that has meaning, has value, and that value cannot always be quantified, or even acknowledged, by others. Therefore, you must be able and be willing to acknowledge yourselves. You have so many more gifts within you to discover, and when you see someone else who has a gift that you don’t have yet, you must realize that they are in your life or in your awareness to inspire you, to show you what is possible.

sábado, marzo 23, 2024

Ailia Mira - Ascension Update: Eclipse Cycle Opens - Mar 23, 2024

Hi, Beautiful Friends~!

Welcome to the first Eclipse Cycle of 2024. We’re already feeling the energies and this afternoon (Friday, March 22) there were 2, M-Class Solar Flares, which kicks everything off in a big way. 🔥✨

Eclipse cycles are always about transformation.Eclipses are part of the fuel of our ascension. They always provide an opportunity and the energetic support to release things, to complete things, and to shift into things that are more aligned with your higher potential and your higher path for expression.

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Mar 23, 2024


Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you will be able to see more and more through the workings of the Ego Mind.

The Ego Mind is the architect of the Ilusion experience.

The New State Of Cosmic Consciousness

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - This Homecoming is Coming - Mar 23, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are destined to experience that homecoming, that return to Source, that is inevitable for all beings in all times and all places throughout this universe. This is what ascension is essentially about. It is about getting closer to home. You have the ability to bring yourself closer to Source, all day, every day. You do not have to wait for anything to happen that would make it easier for you to experience Source as your true self, as an aspect of you that exists within your very being-ness. In fact, for some humans the path has been to go as far away from Source as they possibly could with their consciousness so that the snapping back would feel so much more exciting and life-affirming.

viernes, marzo 22, 2024

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center! - Mar 22, 2024

Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center!

Earth and humanity are at a pivotal moment of evolution and ascension!

Powerful surges of cosmic energy from the Galactic Center are bombarding the Earth, catalyzing our evolution!

These influxes of light are flushing densities out of the quantum field around us and stimulating positive change on all levels.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO MARZO 2024

*** De su anfitriona de la Luz
*** El camino de la totalidad
*** La pluma blanca de la Justicia


A medida que marzo nos hace girar, nos distribuimos dimensional e interdimensionalmente con un poco de nosotros en el pasado, un poco en el presente, y algunas diseminaciones en el futuro. Al igual que los espantapájaros después de una tormenta, también intentamos recomponernos mientras tratamos de averiguar quiénes somos en esta nueva asignación del tiempo. El propio tiempo fluye y refluye mientras todos sentimos náuseas intentando mantener el equilibrio. Estamos aprendiendo a "no sacar las manos fuera del vehículo del tiempo" al darnos cuenta de la velocidad de la manifestación y la creación en este marco de tiempo. A medida que aprendemos las nuevas reglas del juego, aprendemos a jugar dentro de esta realidad replicada, sabiendo sin lugar a dudas que todo está conectado a través del tiempo.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self -Mar 22, 2024

Matters are progressing in a way that we expected, and you could have hardly failed to notice that the changes you are experiencing are increasingly affecting the population of Earth. The problems for Humanity are still mounting up and stretching you and your resources to a maximum. Unfortunately much is unavoidable as the old ways are no longer adequate to bring in the required changes that will take you into the New Age that has already started to show itself. Meanwhile the dark Ones see the chaos as an opportunity to establish their idea of how life should be led. They are ready to enforce them to bring about peace upon Earth, with draconian measures that rely upon their ability to control the population upon it. They will not succeed as greater forces than theirs control the outcome that will see the people of Earth lifted up and beyond their reach.

Natalia Alba ·- As we approach the lunar eclipse - Mar 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the lunar eclipse, the loving and harmonic energies that have been descending upon our planet will increase, assisting us to work on self-love, worth, and respect towards ourselves and All within Creation, before initiating ourselves in further ascensional phases. This is after all our main mission in this earth plane, to become the Love that we all are. This is a time to focus on both our inner and planetary work, depending on where we are in our evolutionary path.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday March 22, 2024

Dear Ones, know that you are blessed in this moment, in your body, exactly as you are. You are revered for being the wonderful aspect of Source you are, and honoured for playing a role as a creator of the New Earth. For your victories, for your disappointments, and everything in between, you are loved beyond measure. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Arcturians

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - Faster Manifestation - Mar 22, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are excited to be connecting with you.

This is a glorious time for humanity because you have access to so much. So many individuals have tapped in to so mFaster Manifestationuch nonphysical consciousness that you do have more teachings available to you. You do have more tools, more tricks and more techniques to utilize in the creation of your experience of your reality.

jueves, marzo 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are heading into the first eclipse of the year - Mar 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the first eclipse of the year, a Penumbral Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra that brings balance, harmony, and heart healing. This a passage that will serve us to stabilize our light bodies, continue seeding more harmony on the earth's fabrics and grids, and on a more personal level, to continue mastering our divine reunions, creating balanced relationships.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday March 21, 2024

We understand that while in the body and in the illusion of separation, it can be difficult to understand certain circumstances. Illness, the passing of a loved one, or disaster, just to name a few, can seem so very wrong and unfair. Dear Ones, let us reassure you that there can never be an event in your lifetime that you have not actively participated in the creation of. Your free will is always at the helm, from the planning stages of your incarnation, to this right now moment. It is a complex system of wise and intricate planning to ensure you have the exact experiences you desire. While events may be challenging, they can never, ever be wrong – not for you or for any other human on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young