Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Brenda Hoffman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Brenda Hoffman. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, septiembre 09, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Let Go - September 9, 2024

Dear Ones,

Most of you reading this information are natural caretakers who accept the need to complete tasks that others could do. Perhaps this information is confusing because you wonder who will fulfill the tasks if you do not.

lunes, septiembre 02, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - You’re a Joy Activator - September 2, 2024

Dear Ones,

Even though you recently accessed joy in small bits and pieces, you are more than ready for full days and weeks of laughter and contentment. Starting this week, you will begin to enhance your happy thoughts.

The need for clearing, reviewing, and tears is over.

lunes, agosto 26, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Being a Forerunner Isn’t Always Comfortable - Aug 26, 2024

Dear Ones,

What happens to you and those you love once you fully claim yourself by crossing your bridge to new you? Will you remain who you are, or will you be so different that you do not need to complete anything now? Will the heavens open with golden sunshine day after day? Will you like your new self or the new self of those you love?

lunes, agosto 19, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Completing Your Crossing by 2025 - August 19, 2024

Dear Ones,

Even though you prayed for and completed all sorts of programs to reduce or eliminate your stress, many of you are concerned that your need to be comfortable and joyful is an unachievable goal.

Some of that stress comes from those close to you needing reassurance that you are not leaving them or that there is nothing wrong with them as they initiate their path. They are calling out to you to “Fix it,” whatever that phrase means to them.

lunes, agosto 12, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Meandering Path or Vibrant Highway? - August 12, 2024

Dear Ones,

You most likely want to know what your new path will be. But because your being is in the formation stages, your path is more like one step forward than exact knowledge of where it is leading.

Even though you will know your path in this lifetime, it is not yet clear to anyone, including you – a bit like not knowing what form your life will take after high school.

lunes, agosto 05, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Claiming Your New Self Is a Given - August 5, 2024

Dear Ones,

Many of you envision your new life and who you will become. Yet, your interests sometimes seem counterintuitive, even wrong.

Even though you are no longer a linear being with anticipated expectations, you continue to expect that your thoughts and actions will be linear, from A to B to C.

lunes, julio 29, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Stick Figures or a Michelangelo? - July 28, 2024

Dear Ones,

Unlike 3D puberty, each of you is creating a unique path that does not necessarily intersect with others; your development experiences will differ.

Instead of a somewhat monochromatic tapestry like the one you created in 3D, the tapestry you are now creating is multicolored and multifaceted. Individual tracks might intersect with others, but not necessarily so. It is unlikely that your experiences will be similar to others.

lunes, julio 22, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Nothing Is as It Was Two Weeks Ago - July 22, 2024

Dear Ones,

Your new life starts today.

This is so because you have internalized the pieces necessary to proclaim your oneness with the Earth and Universes. You no longer look in on the outside, whether as a human or a Universal being.

Your eons of Earth experiences were confusing because, in the back of your mind or in your dreams, you had more skills and flexibility than you displayed during your 3D Earth reality. You knew something was not quite right, but you had no idea how to shift that concern into actuality. Now you do. Even though those skills might not yet be displayed in your life, you have reclaimed your Universal skillset and added a few more skills you developed as Earth workarounds.

lunes, julio 15, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - All’s Not Lost at All - July 15, 2024

Dear Ones,

The next few days will seem confusing, not because you are determining who you are but because many Earth beings are doing so.

Even though the Earth is beyond 3D, it has been harboring a majority of beings who either remain of 3D or have not yet completely decided to move beyond 3D. The next few days will be the final, desperate rallying cry of those who wish to remain of 3D. It will seem as if every dark thought and action is highlighted, and all that has been glorious or sparkling is lost, especially for those who have transitioned beyond 3D.

lunes, julio 08, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Joy is Now Your Achievable Goal - July 8, 2024

Dear Ones,

How many recent activities produced joy in your heart? If you remember only one or two instances in the past week, it is time to re-evaluate your life and reactions.

What makes you smile, laugh, or, most importantly, experience joy?

Joy is your new trajectory, your primary goal.

lunes, julio 01, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Rest, and You’ll Receive - Jul 1, 2024

Dear Ones,

Even though you are likely experiencing miracles here and there – some minimal, others more obvious, you thought everything would happen instantaneously. Such is not true for several reasons, the most important of which is that you and your cohorts must adjust to your newly accepted skill set.

lunes, junio 24, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Opening Your Freedom Gates - Jun 24, 2024

Dear Ones,

The freedom you now claim is what you hoped for in 3D.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. As a new being, you are free to express and expand your joy. In this new world, knowledge is joy.

Perhaps that last statement appears odd, for how can knowledge equate to joy? This is so because you no longer eliminate that which you did not allow yourself to experience previously. The ability to do this and the knowledge about that. Information that frees you to explore when and where you wish.

lunes, junio 17, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Your “Bed of Nails” Is History - Jun 17, 2024

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you need reassurance that your life and world are becoming more loving rather than less loving.

Your media continues to promote that lack of love, yet your inner being seems to have less need to be part of the convoluted world the media promotes.

lunes, junio 10, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Dabbling in This and That - Jun 10, 2024

Dear Ones,

You are in the midst of a wild ride without much comfort. What you wish for is the ability to know when and how you will react at any moment. Such is impossible during this ride because you will grasp a bit of excitement here, fear there, and boredom over there. Nothing is as it was, so even though you will attempt to repeat what was once right for you, it or they will likely feel lifeless.

lunes, junio 03, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Living “The Wizard of OZ” - Jun 3, 2024

Dear Ones,

Slowly but surely, you will pull away from 3D words and actions. Not because they are wrong for 3D, but because they are wrong for you.

This transition is not, about and …, but about this and only this. What was, including 3D you, is no longer. What is now is shifting you inside and out, as well as your interactions and, therefore, your culture.

lunes, mayo 27, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Relax Into New Solutions for 3D Issues - May 27, 2024

Dear Ones,

You are not in 3D anymore, so those issues that feel out of control are of little consequence because you now have the skills to jump through or around them. But your solutions will not necessarily be 3D.

Many of you are concerned about financial issues and hope that a lottery ticket or some long-lost relative will provide the answer. Solutions that were appropriate in 3D are not quite right now.

lunes, mayo 20, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Formalizing You - May 20, 2024

Dear Ones,

In the next few days, you will undergo a significant shift. Even though you have shifted almost continuously since you began your transition journey, the shifts happening now are more profound than you are accustomed to.

As is true for any growth, each shift adds to what has already been achieved. So, it is an accumulation instead of a lone addition. And with each accumulation, the depth of knowing or sensing grows exponentially. In a sense, shifting from being amazed at the wonders of your baby rattle to reading words and creating concepts with those words.

lunes, mayo 13, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - You Helped Create a New Human Species - May 13, 2024

Dear Ones,

It’s time to negate your 3D beliefs that someone somewhere needs to care for, protect, and save you. You are it.

You have creation skills, dimension, frequency, and time shift capabilities, and the wisdom of the ages is within you. You are the most powerful being the Earth has ever hosted.

lunes, mayo 06, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - You’re an Official Universal Zoomer - May 6, 2024

Dear Ones,

Maybe you recently jumped between dimensions and frequencies or traveled to places you never before explored, or perhaps not. You and your cohorts opened the Universal gate the past few days, allowing you to jump when or if you feel comfortable doing so.

Even though this gate has always been available because you are all Universal beings, your inner being stopped you from opening that gate while of 3D Earth because it would have been too confusing. Much like you did not read Shakespeare’s works when you were eight years old because the meaning of Shakespeare’s words would have likely been beyond your comprehension skills.

lunes, abril 29, 2024

Brenda Hoffman - Subconsciously Exploring Frequencies, Dimensions, and Time Travel - April 29, 2024

Dear Ones,

What was supposed to happen recently likely did not, and that which was not supposed to happen happened. Missed appointments, incorrect directions, and mixed messages created complete confusion.

You are flipping in and out of time zones—here this morning but not this afternoon—and returning later in the day. This, like all other recent phases, is confusing. You feel neither here nor there physically, similar to how you felt recently with the people you know and love.