domingo, enero 31, 2021

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, January 31, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, January 31, 2021

You are understanding priorities. 

Lift off is a feasible plan
under one condition -
Self love. 

Learn how to not go against the self. 
Learn how to harmonize with the self.
Learn how to release all tendencies otherwise.

Jim Self y Roxane Burnett - Personas Irritantes

Conversaciones Matinales – Jim Self y Roxane Burnett

Mastering Alchemy

Personas Irritantes

Jim: ¡Hola, buen día!

Roxane: ¡Buen día!

Jim: Anoche tuve un sueño. (Roxane: ¡Oh, oh!) Pero fue realmente interesante, porque yo notaba cómo las personas aceptables ya no resultan aceptables.

Roxane: ¿La gente aceptable ya no es aceptable? ¡No entiendo!

Jim: ¿Has notado que has estado en lugares, en tu vida, en que simplemente aceptaste la circunstancia? Y aceptaste la gente en esa circunstancia. Pero a medida que empiezas a cambiar, a volverte más consciente, de pronto lo que era aceptable ya no lo es. De modo que en este sueño en particular era una situación fascinante, los ciclos de tiempo, moviéndose hacia adelante, y una persona, y luego otra persona, otra persona, otra persona. Y cómo evolucionaban, pero la gente a su alrededor, muchos de ellos, se alejaban. Otra gente se acercaba. Es así en la vida en general. Pero en esta experiencia en particular se trataba de esta consciencia individual cambiando significativamente, y volviéndose consciente de estar consciente. Y empezar a reconocer que todas las cosas que hizo en su vida, y todas las cosas que está haciendo actualmente en su vida, son movimiento y ruido. O simplemente que no necesariamente son siquiera lo que quiere hacer, pero es lo que se encuentra haciendo.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, January 31, 2021


You are on the planet to have the full experience. That means allowing yourself to fully feel. Many of you, due to your energetic sensitivities, have developed a habit of trying to diminish how much you feel. A lot of focus has gone on the importance of feeling into your more challenging feelings as part of your healing journey. Today we wish to encourage you to fully feel the good feelings.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 31, 2021

JANUARY 31, 2021

Dear readers, we greet you with love in these changing times. As best you can, avoid allowing the fear and doubt of the collective so prominent at this time to overwhelm you. Because most are unaware of what is taking place behind the scenes, it is very easy to judge by appearances and slip into fear.

Lev -From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 3 – The Great Quantum Transition - Jan 31, 2021


If we have a good understanding of how the Archons’ 3D Matrix works, it is very easy to discern the true causes of our constant or intermittent ailments: whether they caused by our inner transformation or by dark attacks.

By today, the Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, Karma Lords, Ascended Masters, and ground teams have almost destroyed the 3D Matrix on the Subtle Plane and are finally finishing it off on the Earth plane. DNI has covered this topic in great detail over the past months and will continue to do it further.

The main problem for those who help us transit into 4D/5D is that the 3D Matrix is deeply rooted in our Subtle and physical bodies, all the way down to our DNA.

How to destroy the 3D Matrix without killing us?

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - January 31, 2021



A short update on the energies

Recognize the uniqueness
of this moment,
this opportunity
to completely rewrite
the history of humanity.

It is a moment of great significance.

It is a time for celebration.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 11 - January, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

31 January 2021 17:00 UTC

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Enero 29, 2021

Como ocurre a veces, no ha tenido lugar un acontecimiento esperado, aunque todos los signos apuntaban a que iba a ocurrir. Entonces, ¿cómo se puede explicar el resultado para ayudar a superar vuestra decepción, después de que se esperaba que fuera tan positivo? La intención era bastante clara y muy convincente porque el resultado se consideraba fuera de toda duda. Sin embargo, se siguió un camino diferente para asegurar que se presentara una oportunidad que pudiera ser aprovechada sin causar grandes traumas y disgustos. El camino hacia la realización puede estar lleno de giros y de vueltas, pero el resultado está asegurado y se avanzará según lo previsto. El objeto de lo que tuvo lugar preparará el escenario para nuevos cambios que os llevarán por el camino que permita los (cambios) necesarios para pasar rápidamente a la siguiente fase.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - You Are A Star! - January 31, 2021

You Are A Star! 

Come on in and take a seat…the film is about to begin. Others have joined you for this momentous occasion; your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones. They are as excited as you are! As you settle in and the opening credits roll, you realize this film is all about you and how you can change anything while it is in progress. Do you like the story line? No? GREAT, you can change it any time you would like! Do the lead actors resonate with you and your personal experience? No? Wonderful, you have the power to bring in whomever you choose! This is YOUR story, your journey and you can alter it in any way you see fit. And the best part…I am with you every step of the way, my shining star! ~ Creator


Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - One way to Balance within is to allow yourself to Love and be Loved - January 31, 2021

One way to Balance Within is to Allow Yourself
to Love and be Loved. 

Dear One,

When you allow yourself to love another person, it opens channels within your being to receive Divine Love from God, the Infinite Source. There is an inexhaustible supply of this love. When you begin to freely give this Love, you are blessed with more, so you can continue to give. In this way you will never be starving for Love because you feel you have given too much. You cannot give too much Love, because the inexhaustible resource of God's Love is equal to every demand.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - All Eyes in the Galaxy are on the Awakened - Jan 31, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to move energy around with your ingenuity, your creativity, and with all of the skills that you develop as artists. We see you taking what you are given and using it like clay, molding the energies to suit your needs and desires, and those of you who take the time to work with the energies are always rewarded with more. And you inspire others to work with energy as well, even if they have no idea what they are going to do with the energies that they receive.

sábado, enero 30, 2021

James Gilliland - The End of the Tyrants, 2020 - Jan 30, 2021


The End of the Tyrants, 2020

We have spoken of an alliance as far back as three years ago, a master plan which is unfolding as we speak. There was much resistance to this message yet now the time has come to reveal what you will not hear in the mainstream news, social media as well as many alternative media. This plan is multidimensional and we will address all dimensions to this plan. There was an alliance created years ago between Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, and Modi. Many leaders are involved we are just naming the main players. There are others backing them with wealth beyond imagination which shall go unnamed that have not allowed that power and wealth to corrupt their souls. They have a code of honor, it is ancestral and they live according to that code. The code is aligned with Universal Law, The Law of One, the basic tenants in all religions aligned with service to others. There is a force that aligns with these codes of honor which is the ultimate power, the well spring from which all life, all sound all vibration originates. There are God/Goddess beings that have become one with that force, a host of multidimensional beings, civilizations often referred to as the Greater Family of man, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders, Star Nations, etc. pressing in on Humanity and the Earth assisting in what is best referred to as planetary liberation. One can also refer to them as Angelic Beings, Masters, Saints and Sages yet that is a limited vision of what is unfolding.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Jan 30, 2021

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

You are entering a new phase on your ascension journey now. 

The current energies are designed to raise your vibrational frequencies more rapidly, as you have been prepared for it on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. 

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, January 30, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, January 30, 2021

You are learning to live from your heart. 

Now, you may feel this will fail you. 

You will be pushed to the side and run over. 

Nothing could be further from the Truth. 

You will be lifted up
with a strength unknown to most. 

It is a matter of fine tuning. 

Consider there to be a symphony, a new color spectrum that you are adjusting to.
It is a matter of the heart.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Waiting For You - January 30, 2021

Waiting For You 

Dearest child…like many others, you may find yourself at an odd in-between place. Not asleep but, not 100% alert. Not passive but not fully motivated to move forward on your chosen path. Rest assured; all is well! The Universe is always moving, planning, and anticipating so you can slow down and determine a different direction if you so choose. Take a moment, decide what you genuinely want, and it will be waiting for you. ~ Creator

Natalie Glasson - Mother Earth - Ascension Gift 4: The Truth of the Earth - Jan 30, 2021

Ascension Gift 4: The Truth of the Earth by Mother Earth

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

View on the Website HERE

Greetings, I am Mother Earth, I come forth with the deepest of love and blessings. I am greatly honoured to be in your presence and humbled to be of service as a source, an expression and to guide the Earth and all beings. It is such a beautiful ascension process we are all embarking upon now. I know many of you may see the chaos, the turmoil, the upheaval that may be present on the Earth. I see the beauty, the love, the truth, and the essence of the Creator within all beings and within the Creator, as the Creator manifests in numerous forms, ways, and creations on the Earth.

Lev - From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 2 - The New Galactic Year - January 27, 2021


Many people today are experiencing such a mood. The 3D Matrix, created by the Black Archons and their earthly “elites”, continues to emit low-frequency negative energy even in its current nearly destroyed state. With its help, they still hope to retain their power, which is increasingly slipping out of their hands.

The holes and breaches in all places of 3D Matrix no longer prevent us from receiving, accumulating, and retransmitting Source’ energy to others. With the beginning of the New Galactic Year, more and more powerful waves of this energy are coming to Earth. And all of us can now freely absorb it, tuning our vibrations to this tide.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - SHINING YOUR DIVINE LIGHT - FEBRUARY 2021 - Jan 30, 2021



Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss shining your Divine Light.

You have entered into a new era of higher frequency Light. It has permeated the Universe and all of Creation. It is truly a time for advancement to higher levels.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 450 - January 30, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

30 January 2021 22:30 UTC


Natalia Alba - The Essence of February 2021 - Jan 30, 2021

We are heading into the second month of this changing Year. A new energetic month that leads us into our authentic nature, and that is always one of love and compassion. Both pivotal at this time, when Earth's bifurcation is more evident than ever for the collective, as even though the ones who were already transiting on this evolutionary journey knew, the collective is now awakening to this Truth. It is vital that we help sustain this loving and harmonic frequency that is being seeded in our new reality by not deviating ourselves from our main aim, building a free space for All to be who they are, without control or manipulation.

Sarah Varcas - 30 de Enero - 21 de Febrero de 2021: Mercurio retrógrado en Acuario - Enero 26, 2021

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" 
Somos lo que hay bajo la superficie  
por Sarah Varcas
26 de Enero 2021

Todas las fechas son UT

En el momento de la retrogradación de este Mercurio (3:46 pm UT del 30 de Enero), Lilith está en conjunción con Eris, por lo que no da golpes ni hace prisioneros. Tampoco quiere permanecer cautivo, porque promete la liberación de las cadenas de nuestros propios engaños. No hace referencia a estafas complejas, sino a las vueltas y giros cotidianos que damos para evitar encontrarnos cara a cara con quienes somos realmente. La Luna aislada en Virgo señala la necesidad de un discernimiento cuidadoso a la hora de auto evaluarnos y definirnos. La identidad es algo delicado: puede facilitar nuestro viaje por este mundo o puede ser un catalizador de conflicto y división. Necesitamos mucha habilidad para manejar sus bordes afilados con sabiduría y gracia. 

No somos nuestras etiquetas 

Cuanto más invertimos emocionalmente en la persona que creemos ser, más nos costará abrazar las partes de nosotros que no encajen con esa imagen. Si nos vemos compasivos, podemos ignorar nuestro desinterés por el dolor de otra persona. Si nos consideramos personas espirituales, podemos dejar de lado nuestras características humanas más mundanas o más sencillas. Si nos percibimos singularmente diferentes, tal vez nos sea difícil reconocer lo que tenemos en común con los demás. Este Mercurio nos invita a examinar las etiquetas que elegimos para nosotros y por qué significan tanto. Ya sean espirituales, políticas, religiosas o de otro tipo, todos las tenemos. Pueden ser útiles para expresar determinadas lealtades en un mundo complejo. Pero si están investidas de una importancia considerable, también pueden convertirse en las mismas cadenas que nos roban la libertad. 

Durante estas tres semanas podemos librarnos de las etiquetas y ver cómo nos sentimos. ¿Cómo es desvanecerse en un segundo plano, ser invisibles? ¿Qué se siente al dejar de lado nuestro nombre, nuestro pasado, para renunciar a las historias que nos contamos sobre qué y quiénes somos? ¿Significa que ya no somos nadie? ¿Y esto quita sentido a nuestra vida? ¿O descubrimos una verdad más profunda y permanente sobre quiénes somos realmente? 

Esta experiencia de un yo más profundo, al que no llegan las flechas de la vida cotidiana, es crucial ahora que nos acercamos a la primera de las tres cuadraturas de Saturno con Urano de este año (el 17 de Febrero). El futuro pende de un hilo y hay que tomar decisiones. 

¿Mantenemos el status quo o sentamos las bases de una nueva forma de ser? ¿Elegimos el amor por encima del miedo o el miedo por encima del amor? ¿Abrazamos lo desconocido o huimos de sus garras, sin importar cuán sofocante se haya vuelto lo conocido? ¿Ponemos en práctica lo que decimos o eludimos la responsabilidad que conlleva estar vivo en estos tiempos extraordinarios? 

La mayoría de las personas quedaron traumatizadas hasta cierto punto el año pasado. El shock colectivo ha sido más que palpable y ha reverberado a través del campo unificado que nos conecta a todos. Miedo, desesperación, frustración, dolor, ira… Hemos sentido todas estas emociones mientras navegábamos por circunstancias que nunca habíamos vivido antes. Tales circunstancias polarizan a la gente. Corremos a refugiarnos o nos quedamos congelados, como un conejo ante los faros de un coche. Cada día la vida da un vuelco, las expectativas son arrojadas al viento, los planes se echan a perder. Buscamos un terreno seguro que compartir con los demás y sospechamos de quienes eligen una roca diferente. Nacen las identidades, de las que surge el conflicto. Sobreviene la división, que nos debilita a todos.

Revelando el YO SOY

Nos encontramos en un punto crítico. Lo que suceda este año determinará cómo se desarrollará esta década. Estamos construyendo juntos las bases de nuestro futuro. Pero para hacerlo bien, primero debemos conocer nuestra esencia. No quiénes creemos o elegimos ser, sino quiénes somos bajo esa superficie: el Ser que sabe que todas las cosas son una sola, para quien la identidad es una simple distracción. Este tránsito de Mercurio retrógrado destruye el "Yo soy esto, aquello o lo otro" para revelar el YO SOY que, sin alboroto ni fanfarria, descansa bajo la superficie de todo. Desde este lugar podemos tomar decisiones prudentes y discernir la acción más sabia. Nos anima a soltar nuestras identidades más queridas, aunque sea por un momento, para convertirnos en lo que hay debajo de ellas.
Cuanta más energía invirtamos en la noción de "Soy este tipo de persona que vive este tipo de vida", más tropezaremos con esa identidad en las próximas semanas. No porque no seamos quienes creemos, sino porque somos mucho más de lo que cualquier etiqueta nos permite ser. El radiante corazón universal no aumenta ni disminuye por la identidad del ego. No se puede definir en términos que satisfagan la mente, por lo que permanece fuera de nuestra conciencia… mientras perpetuamos identidades que sí lo hacen. Pero con Mercurio retrógrado en Acuario podemos renunciar a la necesidad de ser alguien y bañarnos en el campo sagrado que nos conecta a todos. Cuando más adelante la vida nos exija retomar nuestra identidad, como inevitablemente sucederá, podremos hacerlo con menos inversión emocional, con menos esfuerzo energético, menos insistencia. Sabremos que toda autopercepción es un pálido reflejo de la inmensidad de nuestra esencia. Desde este lugar más fresco surge la claridad, fluye la sabiduría. No hay nada que no podamos saber. 

Es hora de desconectar

Si últimamente te has sentido agotado o desbordado, es un buen momento para desconectar de todo y volver a lo básico. En esta era tecnológica en la que basta con presionar una tecla o deslizar una pantalla, hay un exceso de información y de insidiosa adicción a las pantallas. Utiliza estas tres semanas para discernir cuánta tecnología necesitas realmente y dónde trazar la línea. El hecho de que cada vez nos veamos más forzados a ingresar en un espacio en línea para cualquier actividad, no significa que debamos hacerlo. Podemos mirar por la ventana, leer un buen libro antiguo, escribir una carta con bolígrafo y papel, dibujar, cantar, rezar, bailar, caminar, correr, hacer yoga, tai chi, kárate. 

Mercurio retrógrado en Acuario nos trae de vuelta a nosotros mismos, para descubrir qué y quiénes somos realmente, sin importar lo que el mundo diga que deberíamos ser. Fíjate en quién llama tu atención en estos días. ¿Cómo respondes emocional y físicamente a los eventos en línea? ¿Tus interacciones te aportan paz, sabiduría y claridad? ¿O desencadenan emociones dolorosas, reacciones de estrés… o esa obsesiva y seductora compulsión de participar en algo que te aleja de la paz por un conflicto de opiniones? 

Así es como cambiamos el mundo 

Si damos un paso atrás, nos examinamos y reflexionamos de esta manera, podremos ser más claros y sabios cuando este Mercurio retrógrado haya terminado. Nos habremos arraigado en el Ser ilimitado del que fluyen la verdad y la autenticidad. Podemos seguir manteniendo nuestras opiniones y diciendo lo que pensamos, honrando nuestro conocimiento interno y nuestros compromisos externos. Pero podemos hacerlo desde un lugar de claridad, más allá del "pequeño yo" y viendo el campo unificado que nos conecta a todos. Conocer en profundidad este campo ahora es vital, porque la dinámica de este año (aunque muy creativa), es potencialmente desafiante. Hay mucho en juego y refugiarnos en facciones de opinión enfrentadas no va a ayudarnos. Pero una comunidad global de personas que se basen en la verdad, en la sabiduría eterna y que honren el campo unificado del que todos surgimos…¡Imagina cómo eso podría cambiar el mundo!

Sarah Varcas

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, January 30, 2021


Many of you are having healing opportunities coming up for you concerning old hurts or mistreatment. This is a wonderful sign that you are ready to process that wound and release it, once and for all.

There is a pervasive belief that says that you must have closure from a person who hurt you in order to move on. This is a faulty belief, as it would put your healing in the hands of another. If a person was operating from a space that was hurtful to you in the first place, it is highly unlikely they will suddenly be able to offer any kind of healing or closure to you, not because they don’t want to but because they simply don’t have it to give. What is more likely is that you will be disappointed or wounded again because they haven’t yet evolved to a space that can give you what you are looking for.

John Smallman - Jesus - To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address - January 30, 2021

We are on the edge! Humanity’s awakening is imminent! The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close, even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying. Much collective karma is arising to be released as this happens, hence the chaos and confusion. Do not be anxious, the divine plan is flowing perfectly smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place. As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Will of Source - Jan 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are surrendering our will, surrendering ourselves and our desires in favor of the universal shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing together. In other words, we have given ourselves over to the will of Source, and because we are where we are, we have found that the will of Source feels even better to us than if we were to have our own agendas that we were seeking to fulfill and actualize.

viernes, enero 29, 2021

Denise Le Fay - First Contact Made - January 28, 2021

No I’m not talking about ETs. I’m talking about first contact with this next level and section of incoming NEW Divine Mother diamond crystalline Christ Aquarian Age energies. And just so there’s not confusion or doubt about what I’m saying, SHE/IT, IT/SHE —Divine Mother in this NEW energy costume package— is personally delivering them to Volunteers first that can embody and anchor them into this ascending Earth for humanity and more.

Judith Kusel - We are the Wandering souls... the Volunteers.... - Jan 29, 2021

We are the Wandering souls... the Volunteers.... We are the ones who visit other stars and star systems in their hour of greatest need....

We dabble Sunshine wherever we go... and sprinkle stardust on all those whose lives we touch....

So often we end up being the Wounded Healers, for we tend to open our hearts.... We cannot bear to see other’s suffering, yet so very often end up suffering ourselves.... Yet, strangely, it is through our own wounds that we heal others....

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 29, 2021

As sometimes happens an expected event has not taken place yet all the signs pointed to it occurring. So how can the outcome be explained that would help overcome your disappointment, after it was expected to be so positive. The intent was quite clear and very convincing because the outcome was considered beyond doubt. Yet a different path was followed to ensure that it laid down an opportunity that could be taken advantage of without causing great trauma and upset. The path to fulfilment may be full of twists and turns but the result is assured and you will progress as intended. The object of what took place will set the scene for further changes that will carry you along the path that allows for those that are necessary to speedily move you into the next phase.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 30 📈 35 📈 25 - January 29, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

29 January 2021 17:17 UTC

Judith Kusel - The Time of Vast Expansion - Jan 29, 2021

The Time of Vast Expansion

Expansion is the Key Phrase on Intergalactic and Universal Levels now, as the New Earth is accelerating into the 7th Dimensional state and indeed, access is granted to those who are ready to receive this, to the most sacred knowledge which has not been accessible, or even comprehendible to those in the Old Earth and the 3D.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, January 29, 2021


One phase always serves another, as the universe works in an overall system of balance. If you are in accelerated flow, it is sure to be followed by a period of rest. If you are in a period that seems to be stalled, all of that energy will be accumulating until such a time as forward movement is supported and will sweep you forward in a giant wave of tangible forward movement. There is never, ever wasted time or a phase that serves no purpose. So we advise you to embrace the positive aspects of whatever period you are in, knowing it is serving you, and your soul’s growth and progress, in ways that are divinely perfect and far more intricately thought out than you could possibly imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - It Is Okay - January 29, 2021

It Is Okay 

It is perfectly okay to be scared, angry, frustrated, sad, lonely or isolated. These things only become issues when you decide, within your own free will, to continue to hold onto and feed them. Treat each of these emotions as if you are a rock in the middle of a stream; let the water flow around you, knowing it will only touch you momentarily before continuing its journey. ~ Creator

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Are Co-Creating New Worlds - Jan 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have taken much that we have received from humanity and have been able to co-create new worlds, star systems, and even galaxies with that information that you have all provided. You see, you are doing so much more than just living your lives in this lifetime. You are always in the process of creating, and everything that you are creating is more expansive than what you are currently living.

jueves, enero 28, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Being Real - January 28, 2021

Being Real 

What is being real? It is being your true, authentic self regardless of what others think. It is embracing who you truly are, refusing to wear a mask to fit in or belittling yourself to make others feel better about themselves. Yes, you want to be accepted, however, if you are not showing the world who you truly are…you are denying yourself the experiences for which you came. Trust that The Universe will send people who understand you in the highest and best way. Remember; there is no one better than the real you you are right now. ~ Creator


Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Enero 24, 2021


Blossom: Hola, amigos de Luz. El título de la última canalización fue '¡Se acabó la espera!' Claramente, no fue así, ya que no se hizo ningún anuncio ... y estaban tan seguros. ¿Qué pasó?

FOL: Queridísima Blossom y Toda Luz que viene a este lugar para escuchar o leer nuestras palabras. Nos preguntamos qué criterio pueden emplear con nosotros, ya que muchos están nuevamente decepcionados con el proceso de espera continuo.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, January 28, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, January 28, 2021

You are learning to trust yourself. 

Do not discount the place of small beginnings. 

Each success will build upon the next. 

What you may see as inconsequential has great lasting value indeed.
It is the energetic consent that you have given
to part ways with fear at last. 

As you trust yourself.

Judith Kusel - The Divine Feminine like the dance itself of Creation - Jan 28, 2021

The Divine Feminine like the dance itself of Creation, and therefore the same twirling and swirling spiraling energy which she holds as the Prime Creator of all.

She is the Sound frequency and vibration which regulates and conducts, commands, the movement of the stars and the planets, and galaxies and star systems itself.

Lena Stevens - Actualización de la Luna Llena del 28 de Enero de 2021 - Enero 26, 2021

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de 

La luna llena en Leo es el jueves 28 de enero a las 12:18 p.m., hora estándar de la montaña. (MST).

Queridos amigos,

También conocida como la “luna del lobo”, esta luna llena es el momento perfecto para anclar tu pasión en algo, en algún lugar y en alguien que amas. Busca lo que quieras y considera el bienestar del colectivo y la comunidad, ya que están al frente y son visibles mientras estiras tu contenedor para recibir y brindar apoyo. Si esperas magia y milagros, puede que los obtengas. Hay muchos regalos durante este tiempo. Pide claridad, coraje, acción correcta, buen camino, mucho apoyo y mucho mérito del amor del espíritu.



Derechos de autor 2020 The Power Path

Angel of Mercy

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, January 28, 2021


Your sensitivity is a gift. Seeing it as a negative trait only puts you in resistance to yourself and keeps you from exploring and discovering the wonderful things that come with that gift. Almost all empaths have been told to stop being so sensitive, and many have been conditioned to think sensitivity is a bad thing. Dear Ones, your ability to feel is your superpower! It is what makes you kind, compassionate, and understanding. Your beautiful sensitivity is one of the things we love most about you.

Gerrit Gielen - The Inner Love Flow - January, 2021

The Inner Love Flow


We seem to be always looking for love, and we especially want and expect it from our fellow human beings: as a child, from our parents, and later in life, from our partner. The latter, in particular, often turns out to be a disappointment, which in many cases leads to bitter reproaches. Divorces are often accompanied by tremendous hatred and resentment; people feel betrayed. The partner did not give us the love we thought we were entitled to, and now, apparently, we are without love.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 41 - January 28, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

28 January 2021 21:30 UTC

Steve Rother - El Grupo - La casa de los espejos - Enero 2021

~ La casa de los espejos ~

Saludos, queridos. Soy el Observador.

Me uno a ustedes hoy porque justo está por llegar un cambio de energía. Estas son oportunidades para que se vean unos a otros en niveles más elevados, y esa es la energía que esperamos que se arraigue en los próximos meses. Entrar en acción cuando es necesario posiblemente no sea un proceso fácil, sobre todo porque la división sigue creciendo.

Jamye Price - February Ascension Energies – Embracing Your Uniqueness - Jan 28, 2021

 You are Unique

In all of time and space, you are unique. Areon says this constantly so that you deeply take in your sacredness to life. Yet, it is a paradox as well. Many years ago I was shown that our DNA is .0000000000000000001% unique. That is a lot of similarity, but it is still unique.

The difference is essentially your space and time, which creates a slight difference in your experience. But from a linear, magnified perspective that .0000000000000000001% is a chasm of uniqueness.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Access All of Your Power - Jan 28, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring many possible timelines for humanity there on Earth, and we have seen some beautiful futures for all of you, but the future is especially bright for those of you who have owned that you have issues, that you have trauma, that you have negative emotions that you don’t always allow yourselves to feel. You are the ones who understand that in order to evolve and become more of who you really are, there’s a certain amount of self-awareness, self-reflection, and work on the self that must occur.

miércoles, enero 27, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Releasing Fear - January 27, 2021

Releasing Fear 

Some of you may have noticed that fear is showing itself more frequently than before. Fear can present itself as a great motivator, pushing you to do things out of the ordinary. It can test your faith in humankind and may be challenging to eradicate once it is established.