Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Diana Cooper. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Diana Cooper. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2024

Diana Cooper - 7D Crystalline light body and brain - Sep 4, 2024

Currently, we are preparing for the next spurt of human evolution, which will be the sixth root race of humanity. We are gradually transforming from a carbon-based form into a crystalline-based one. The metamorphosis will take place at a cellular level. Many light workers are now preparing for their seventh dimensional light bodies. This happens as the body holds a higher wattage of light, containing love, knowledge and wisdom. This is the journey to higher ascension.

martes, enero 02, 2024

Diana Cooper - 2024 brings endless possibilities - Jan 1, 2024

2024 brings endless possibilities so be clear about your vision, trust it, focus on it and only think and speak in positive terms about it. 

Give no attention to the fear-based predictions that are being spread about for we certainly have the power to create them if we believe in them. WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE, YOU CREATE.

martes, junio 06, 2023

Diana Cooper - June 2023 Newsletter - June 6, 2023


Dear Friends,

There will continue to be shocks and collapses this month as the disintegration of the old 3D world accelerates. And as summer arrives simmering anger will boil over as masses are on a quest for equality and justice worldwide. While anger is totally understandable it is a fear reaction. The task of Lightworkers is to stay calm, centred and in mastery. When we take responsibility for the thoughts, words, beliefs and actions that have created our own personal situation, we can change what we attract. When enough individuals raise their frequency and create equality, love, justice, respect, peace in their own lives, this higher vibration will spread to the world. Ultimately it is quicker to switch on your inner light than to fight the dark.

jueves, mayo 11, 2023

Diana Cooper - EXERCISE: Weather Visualization - May 11, 2023

EXERCISE: Weather Visualization

Have you ever sat outside on a dull, cloudy, rainy day and visualized a patch of blue sky appearing, then the sun coming out? Or intensely focused on a cloud forming and rain falling? And it happens. These are the powers of the mind we all have.

As weather becomes more extreme everywhere it will be helpful if people do this for the highest good.

domingo, marzo 12, 2023

Diana Cooper - There are currently unprecedented opportunities for ascension to the fifth dimension - Mar 12, 2023

There are currently unprecedented opportunities for ascension to the fifth dimension… Why?

Since the fall of Atlantis ten thousand years ago our planet has become very dense and dominated by masculine energy. The reason we fell into such a dark space was two-fold. First we were a plane of free will and no one anticipated we would use it to cause such destruction. Secondly Earth is the solar plexus chakra of the universe and so we have taken in and transmuted the fear of this entire universe.

lunes, marzo 06, 2023

Diana Cooper - Lady Gaia Meditation - Mar 6, 2023

1. Climb onto your magnificent unicorn and let it carry you down a shaft of pure white light into Hollow Earth, the vast seventh-dimensional chakra in the centre of Earth where every being, every civilization or culture that has ever incarnated is represented in etheric form.

2. Your unicorn glides with you through this wonderland and you can see magnificent dragons, people from ancient cultures, animals and many beings of light.

jueves, marzo 02, 2023

Diana Cooper - Star Children - Mar 2, 2023

Star Children

There are many who are continuing to come to Earth from other universes, stars and planets. They bring many gifts though some are still coming simply to experience life on this plane.

Some of these have not been here before, and even some who have, will not be able to cope with the ethos of current schools. They are seeking peaceful ways of relating. Not only are cultures being mixed up but souls from many different parts of the universes are all intermingling in schools. This has never been honoured in our systems but in the future it will be. New movements will arise which teach them how to understand each other and to relate considerately. This will have a big impact on how children feel. They will have proper tools for expression.

martes, enero 10, 2023

Diana Cooper - Choosing Your Family - Jan 10, 2023

Have you ever wondered why you chose your parents or your siblings? There are, of course, many reasons, karmic and otherwise. Two of my friend’s children are totally different from each other. One is sturdy and worldly, the other ethereal and emotional. I often wondered why they chose to be brother and sister. And then one day recently I had a vision. I watched and heard a clear cosmic scenario take place, rather like watching a film on television. This is what I experienced.

sábado, agosto 06, 2022

Diana Cooper - August 2022 Ascension Report


Dear Friends,

The most significant spiritual happening this month is the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8th August. 8.8. The Lion’s Gate Portal opens between July 26th and August 12th but is at its optimum energy on 8th. It occurs when Sirius, Earth and the Sun, in the sign of Leo, align with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The sign of Leo is about true positive power, courage, creativity, inspiration and love.

The Navel chakra is connected to the Sun and this is a special opportunity to expand the frequency of your navel, which is about oneness, warmth, community, equality and fairness. It brings in the friendly, warm, welcoming energy of the golden future. Celebration and ceremony enhance your Navel chakra and also light up the Lionsgate portal. Archangel Gabriel is in charge of the development of your Navel.