jueves, septiembre 30, 2021

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Babaji - FOLLOW YOUR PATH – GOD IS TAKING CARE OF EVERYTHING ELSE - September 30, 2021

In the end there will be harmony, everything will fall into place and into divine order. Until then, those who are awakened need to stay awake and continue their inner growth.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


Follow your path – God is taking care of everything else.
Shower from the treetops

JJK: When I was walking through the forest today, heavy showers kept dropping from the treetops. It had been raining all night, and in the thick forest the raindrops accumulated in the treetops until the weight of the water caused the treetops to bend and the water to splash to the ground. It was really exciting to observe this over the course of more than an hour – right next to me, in front and behind me, to my left and my right, the water splashed to the ground, only I stayed dry – fortunately. since I wasn’t wearing rain gear. That was really very pleasant. While I was observing this, a thought came to my mind:

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, September 30, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Deciding that you are ready is key.

You are beyond ready is the point.

Is the determining guidance.

To realize
that from the onset
you had decided
as a soul
what you bring to yourself
at the exact moment in time.

John Smallman - Saul - Fear is unreal, so invite Love into your hearts to dissolve it - Sep 30, 2021

Deep within every sentient entity there rests an eternal and completely unbreakable connection to the One, the All, LOVE. Every sentient being therefore has access to Source in every moment of their eternal existence, whether they are experiencing life as separate beings in form or as pure consciousness at One with Source. The difference of course is that when a sentient being is in form it has concealed from itself this unbreakable connection. However, by going within to your holy inner sanctuary, which you all have deep within yourselves, and because it is deep within you, you have to be able to be extremely quiet as you allow your consciousness – your Self, your Oneness with the All – to invite the connection to become active, and It will, immediately. 

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Truth - September 30, 2021



What you believe to be true at this moment is a resting point on your way to further growth. You are a constantly changing, evolving being of light; there is no end to the truth you can attain. ~ Creator


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, September 30, 2021


If you are actively pushing against something and getting nowhere, you may notice that you become more and more uncomfortable. This discomfort is designed to get you to redirect because you simply cannot create through resistance. They are quite opposite energies.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 16 - Sep 30, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

30 September 2021 17:00 UTC


24 Spread the wisdom of the prophets

Judith Kusel - In the vastness of all creation... - Sep 30, 2021

In the vastness of all creation... all is one and adheres to the Law-of-One.... For all stems from one and same Source.... no-thing and no-one was created without the Master Hand crafting exquisite Masterpieces and adorning them with, first of all LIGHT-BODIES and then, as this planet fell in love with its material from, physical bodies....

In the beginning, then, man had a light body... but then forgot where he came from and became attached to physical form..... In the process of falling in love with the illusion of his physical form and becoming attached to the physical world, he ventured further and further away from the Law-of-One and forgot his true origins....

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Will Bring You the Most Spiritual Growth - Sep 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving our attention to the aspects of the human consciousness that have been evolving and growing the fastest there on Earth, and we have discovered that it is through the examination of the self that you get the most bang for your buck, so to speak. You do the most evolving spiritually when you look at yourself and how you can change for the better, how you can become more present, be more kind and compassionate, how you can better love yourself and those around you.

miércoles, septiembre 29, 2021

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Los Atributos del Cambio – Parte 4 - Agosto 25, 2021

Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce - Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Miércoles 25 de agosto de 2021- Los Atributos del Cambio – Parte 4

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la cuarta canalización del mes. El tema es el cambio. Hemos hablado de varias cosas respecto del cambio, no todas atributos, podrían decir, que ahora están empezando a ocurrir en este planeta. No les vamos a contar nada que no haya ocurrido ya de alguna manera o en algún elemento de descubrimiento. El cambio, en su mayor parte, es consciencia. Y les hemos dado algunos ejemplos. Pero el cambio que está aquí no es una sorpresa, es realmente esperado, y se coordina con la precesión del equinoccio y muchos de los mensajes que les han dado los indígenas.

Jamye Price - October Ascension Energies – Innocent Power - Sep 29, 2021

[Note: The video is three practical steps for owning your Innocent Power. The channeling below is a deep activator and releaser of your Innocent Flow.] :o) 

Electromagnetic Love

We meet at the passive and active force of Love. As you expand your data processing to include a more powerful flow, the upgrade of the electrical system amplifies the expanse of your influence.

The active force, foremost, is your inner focus, though it may lead to action. The electromagnetic power of your thoughts and emotions is called to amplify the innocence of Love within you, such that the saturation into the field is more aligned with your true subtle nature. 

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Trusting in who you are at this time is essential.

You are timeless.

You are beyond time.

Allow yourself
to bathe in this

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - ATTUNING TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS - OCTOBER 2021


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss attuning to higher consciousness.

You are making great strides on your ascension path. You are assimilating the incoming energy and moving to higher levels.

Attuning to higher consciousness can assist you in this process.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Changes Yet To Come - September 29, 2021

Changes Yet To Come 

Today, you are being invited to look back at the last year or two of your life. How has it changed? Are you where you want to be, doing what you want to do? If you have set goals for yourself, where are you in the process? The Universe would like to let you know…there are still many changes yet to come and you always have an opportunity to embrace those moments to become a better you. And, as always, you are love and supported on your journey. ~ Creator

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - September 29, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

29 September 2021 17:00 UTC


23 Connect with A Mariel to light up the Soul Star Chakras of the world

Aisha North - The cellular dynamics are speeding up - September 29, 2021

The cellular dynamics are speeding up
as you continue to restructure the past
by remembering the future.

Because there is no separation between them.

You stand in the crossroads
between what was and what will be.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Each person’s spiritual journey is a completely individual unfoldment. Sometimes it will involve figuring out what it’s not before you figure out what it is. There will be letting go phases as well as gathering phases. There will be times where the focus is on comfort, and other times where the focus is on the harder work. 

Judith Kusel - The Sacral Chakra - Sep 29, 2021

It is quite interesting how the base and sacral chakra and the clearing of these, are making themselves known.

The Sacral Chakra not only deals with our most intimate relationships, as I deeply address in my Goddess Energy Course, but our relationships with our families, into which we were born, as well the greater human family, in conjunction with the Navel Chakra.

We need to truly clear the chakras as the orange of the 3rd dimensional chakra, changes into a beautiful soft pink, in the 5th and 7th dimensional state, with a touch of pure White. It is when the higher dimensional sacral chakra is fully activated, that we can finally attract true love into our lives, and indeed the highest type of Sacred Union.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Recruiting for the December Solstice Event - September 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very capable of enlisting more of you in our ground crew because those who have yet to awaken while in their waking state of consciousness still do meet with councils and collectives like ourselves when traveling the astral plane at night while they are asleep in their beds. And this is something that will ultimately help them to awaken, and it has helped many people awaken, as they will remember bits and pieces of those astral travels as if they were recalling a dream about meeting extra-terrestrials or very wise elders.

martes, septiembre 28, 2021

Judith Kusel - As our cosmic consciousness is being restored...- Sep 28, 2021


As our cosmic consciousness is being restored and we tap into inherent knowledge we step into our full soul mastery.

Our full psychic abilities are returned and all our intuituve and manifesting powers, as we adhere to the Law of One, and cocreate for the highest good and best for all concerned, through the open heart and with unconditional love.

We resume our galactic and Universal citizenship as we step fully into the galactic space age.

We are being welcomed back.

The whole Universal hosts are here to help us remember and to indeed welcome us home, as we step fully into the New Golden Age.

We are free.

Judith Kusel

Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Dource please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.


We hear about ZOMBIES and the apocalypse. The dead or half dead. The dead rising. The end. of the world as we know it.

Then we hear about the ASCENSION where ONE enters into knowing and being their embodied Light form GOD SELF in which through their heart experience a REBIRTH into a higher dimension of awareness and BEING.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Septiembre 22, 2021

Blossom: Hola, Oh, portadores de Luz y Esperanza. Esperemos que lo hagan hoy, porque parece que la gente de nuestro Planeta está muy necesitada. La trama claramente se ha perdido y no se encuentra por ninguna parte.

FOL: Querida Blossom, queridos portadores de Luz y Esperanza. Por todo lo que imaginan que "nosotros" somos, es eso exactamente que SABEMOS lo que somos.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Being able to be kind
and kinder still to self
will open doors
undreamed of.

The tendency
to switch
from self love
to self hate
is strong.

The placement of the neutral
will give you indications
of where you have slipped off
love's occurrence.

Just notice the mind.
Where can you be kinder to the self?


432Hz | Pure Hang Drum + River Sounds | "Blue River" | Pure Positive Energy

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Many enlightening human beings have trouble accepting compliments. What we want you to understand is that it is imperative for all of you moving forward to embrace all aspects of the flow – the give and the take, the supporting and being supported – and to accept the balance that comes from both giving and receiving.

One tip we would like to give you that may make it easier for you to receive a compliment is to see it as acknowledging the energy you hold rather than the personality traits that you have. So for example, if someone said, “You are so good and kind” in response to something you did, you might be tempted to brush it off immediately, but if you reframed it in your mind as, “You hold the energy of goodness and kindness” you might not be resistant to it at all!

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 10 - Sep 28, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

28 September 2021 17:00 UTC


22 Connect with Archangel Christiel to bring peace to the world

Judith Kusel - A magnet magnetizes...- Sep 28, 2021

A magnet magnetizes. Thus is consists of a negative and a pole. If you try to cut a magnet in two pieces, because you do not like the negative pole, you will find it does not work.

The whole Omniverse rests on exact Universal Laws. All of Creation is created on the same Universal Laws which govern all life and all existence. All is perfectly balanced. No-thing is out of place.
What is this teaching us?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Mass Awakenings to Finish Off 2021 - September 28. 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to witness your evolution of consciousness as a human collective, and we are noticing that there is a greater possibility for mass awakenings to occur in these final months of 2021 because of how well you have done in handling the equinox energies and the overall September energies. You are helping your fellow humans in ways that you cannot possibly quantify, or even understand with the physical human mind.

lunes, septiembre 27, 2021

21 Ignite the Navel chakra of the planet and touch the world with Oneness

Suzanne Lie - Gaia Calls for Assistance - September 27, 2021

Becoming ONE with People and our Planet

How can we, the members of Gaia's Earth, become ONE with the the planet, as well as become ONE with the other humans who have chosen Gaia's Earth to be their Home?

Or actually, how can the humans who chose to take an earth vessel on Gaia's Planet Earth, remember the reasons why they chose to assist, as well as live on, the planet Earth?

How many humans have remembered, to remember, the vow that they took to protect and honor the planet who is now also known as Gaia?

How many humans who live on Gaia's wonderful planet can remember (and promise never to forget) that Gaia's Earth body is a living being.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Los Atributos del Cambio – Parte 3 - Agosto 18, 2021

Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce - Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Miércoles 18 de agosto de 2021 – Los Atributos del Cambio – Parte 3

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ciertamente ustedes son perlas lustrosas, una metáfora del valor, una metáfora del brillo de la luz. Todas estas cosas nosotros las celebramos. Si no han oído esto antes, yo vengo en esta época con un mensaje que celebra el hecho de que ustedes estén aquí en una nueva energía.

Todo este mes les hemos dado mensajes de cambio. Comenzamos diciéndoles que los cambios de los que hablamos han sido predichos. Les hemos dado algo de información sobre qué han sido y de las fuentes; algunas de esas fuentes ustedes las conocen, otras no; se las dimos. Solo para enfatizar que esto es un consenso mundial de líderes espirituales, chamanes, todas las cosas que podrían esperar, que celebren lo que esta sucediendo espiritualmente en el planeta. Incluso los indígenas hablan de los ciclos. Y ahora los ciclos se están envolviendo para reiniciarse o bien para cambiar dramáticamente. Y aquí están ustedes.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, September 27, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, September 27, 2021

What you are aspiring to is greatness.

Your story is not to be one of the darkness but continual alignment to light.

Allow this light to circulate, to stir you and bring you to new realizations.

What if cursing at the darkness is not your strength but your weakness?


OM × OCEAN WAVES Sounds | Music for Meditation & Yoga | Meditative Mind

Judith Kusel - Let us keep our frequencies and vibrations and energy fields crystal clear...- Sep 27, 2021

Let us keep our frequencies and vibrations and energy fields crystal clear so that we are lifted into the highest state where we will not be influenced in any way and form by the seeming craziness and madness which is going on now and will escalate in 2022.

The New Earth is here, as the Schumann resonance spikes are proclaiming. That is why we need to keep our energy centers crystal clear.



***De su Anfitriona de Luz - Profecías autocumplidas
*** Los miedos salen a la superficie
*** Creen y entren en Portales de Elección
*** El momento preciso es siempre una elección universal


Al salir de los meses de verano entramos en lugares de profundos charcos de emoción; como las hojas que cambian de color en otoño, no estamos preparados para la transformación al entrar en las estaciones emocionales. Todos los lugares y tiempos parecen fusionarse en un collage de sentimientos que no pueden ser ignorados o apartados. Las erupciones espontáneas de lágrimas y miedos salen a la superficie a medida que avanzamos hacia más cambios y despertares. Lloramos y nos lamentamos por cosas que ni siquiera han ocurrido, pero las vemos claramente como si fueran fantasmas del futuro que acechan nuestros días.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, September 27, 2021


As you continue along your enlightenment journey, you may start to experience more and more knowingness. You may have more awareness of other life expressions you have experienced. You may bring forth skills that were honed in other places and times. You may suddenly become aware of an ease of connection to other guides or beings you had forged relationships with during those lifetimes. In a sense, you might start to consider and experience yourself as your own collective, being able to draw on various aspects of yourself for wisdom and guidance! There is much knowledge and ability within the many experiences of you that you can tap into and explore. And one of the most exciting elements of this next phase you are currently stepping into is you will take that level of knowledge and wisdom as a starting point and grow and expand it from there. There is so much opening up for you, and many new possibilities that are now viable options due to this. We simply cannot wait to see what you will do and what you will create from this combination of acquired wisdom and pure potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - One Step Closer - September 27, 2021

One Step Closer 

What you believe to be right or wrong is wrapped in a conundrum of your perception. It is your place to be accepting, rather than judging, of others perceptions. When you reach a place of peace knowing that each is viewed and loved as they are, you are one step closer to understanding the workings of The Universe. ~ Creator


Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 12 - Sep 27, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

27 September 2021 17:00 UTC



Judith Kusel - Infinite Being and all cosmic existence are in multiple forms - Sep 27, 2021

Infinite Being and all cosmic existence are in multiple forms, in octaves of existence and dimensions exist simultaneously.

It is in intricate masterly movement of simultaneous existence, in one single eternal dance of perfection, and not one single cog in the giant spiraling vortex of Creation is out of place nor nonfunctional – creation always exists in perfection.

Yet it is then forever expanding onto itself, continuously. Nothing is ever static. The laws of death and rebirth are one continuous cycle for nothing which is stagnant can ultimately enhance the greater spirally flux and therefore it will disintegrate in its stagnancy at some point.

Brenda Hoffman - Rapidly Changing Your Life During Dream/Meditative Time - September 27, 2021

Dear Ones,

You feel as if we, of the Universes, built your dreams higher than your reality. That we lied to you. Of course, such is not true. You are merely not yet noting enough difference in your outer world to believe what we prophesized.

In your dream/meditative time, you experience a different world than your current outer-world reality. Now that you are more tuned into your other than fully awake states, you want to actualize those dream/meditative experiences.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Will Humanity Ascend on December 21st 2021? - Sep 27, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very satisfied with your progress since you had your equinox event there in September on your world. You have been acclimating to these energies very well, and you have been building the remainder of 2021 on your calendar with so much joy, so much love, so much confidence in yourselves and in your collective. It has been very easy to get down on humanity over the past year and a half, because of all that has transpired, all that has not come from a place of love or from a place of joy. But enough of you have seen the true heart of humankind, of yourselves, of your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, and even your family members.

domingo, septiembre 26, 2021

Lemurian Councils on MU & the Star-Seeding of Humanity

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Los Atributos del Cambio – Parte 2 - Miércoles 11 de agosto de 2021

Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce - Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Miércoles 11 de agosto de 2021 – Los Atributos del Cambio – Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este mes tiene un tema. Cada mes hemos estado dando un tema en cuatro mensajes, y este no es diferente. La primera semana del mes les dijimos cuál sería, y ahora lo continuamos. Queridos, los cambios están próximos. Y lo que esto verdaderamente significa es que el cambio es, yo diría, yo indicaría, más que nada, lo que van a experimentar en esta nueva energía, que es tal vez el elemento más grande de lo que podrían decir “Bueno, lo que era entonces y lo que es ahora, lo que pasó antes y lo que pasó después del Covid, es el cambio.” Y hay cuatro cambios profundos de los que deseo hablar. Ya he hablado de uno, y hoy será otro.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, September 26, 2021


Many of you have been studying and learning skills to support your journey and to be of service to others. You might think of it as gathering all kinds of different ingredients and elements in a basket. What we wish for you to know is there may well come a time in your journey, as you step into your next phase of service, where you feel guided to create brand new offerings that are a beautiful combination of some of the skills you have gathered along the way with the inner knowingness of your soul. It is like blending those ingredients together in a new way to create a casserole that people haven’t tried before but is absolutely delicious. Is it time to trust what you have learned, add in what you know deep in your being, and step forward in your service in brand new ways? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, September 26, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, September 26, 2021

At no time are you without leverage
and power.

It is the belief in victimhood
that has held you back.

And what you believe, what you conceive of
you manifest and create.

We are assisting you now in your paradigm shift.

20 Invoke Archangel Michael’s strength and protection

L’Aura Pleiadian - THE SECRETS HELD WITHIN THE UNIVERSE - Sep 26, 2021

What word would you prefer? Twin flames, pure love with another, eternal love; either way a DIVINE relationship is NOT what you think. It is more than that and it is all that is, eternally.

These mere mortal words do not portray the profundity of the frequency I am transmitting to you.

For it is not of this world in which I activate. Nor in which you receive.

I do not transmit from Earth.

19 Invoke Archangel Sandalphon’s 5D bubble to raise the frequency

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - What we would like you to know now - Sep 26, 2021

J: Hi Ashian, as you may be aware, the energy is all over the place and those of us who are holding the light are tired and overstretched – that’s the kindest, shortest version! What can you say to help us along?

A: Greetings and blessings to all who feel this message.

J: Actually, why do you say ‘feel’ and not read?

A: Because when you (or any channel) channels a message, you draw into the field of consciousness a particular vibration; the higher that vibration is, the greater its resonance and the more people are affected by it, even if they have not read the channel.

That is why being thankful is good, because gratidude changes the amplitude of humanity’s vibration. That’s also why we would encourage you all to do free writing/speaking/drawing/dancing/daydreaming, because in your creativity, you are channeling; you are drawing down insight and vibrations from higher dimensional aspects of yourself and the ‘invisible team’ that work with each of you.

J: That’s brilliant! Thank you. Now I know you’ve discussed the ‘invisible team’ with many of our clients, but I think it would be great if you could explain that to those reading this blog.

A: A wonderful suggestion! Many humans are aware of the concept of a ‘guardian angel’ or a guide that stays with you through your lifetime, through all your lifetimes indeed. This is only part of the truth.

You all work with a team, far more than just one being. Every person has a team, which can vary in size, but eleven beings is not uncommon for light workers. That team includes about three members of the ‘global team’, for example Ascended Masters and Archangels with whom you have a special connection, this could be Mohammed, Jesus, the Divine Mother, St Germaine, Krishna, an unnamed aspect of the Divine, as well as any specific Angels or Archangels with whom you feel a sense of connection. They know you, and they work consciously with you and your energy.

Also part of your team is your ‘personal team’; these are often members of your soul family, your galactic family, higher dimensional aspects of yourself and any other higher dimensional beings with whom you share a specific connection. They help you to develop your talents and to remain as true as you can to your lifeplan, but they never take away your free-will, expect in the instance of protecting you from something that is not your karmic balance.

You see, you are never alone! They do not intrude, often working with you when you are asleep, daydreaming or your mind is occupied deeply in a different issue.

The beauty of this is that you can develop a much closer relationship with them; you can ask them all to give you a hug at the same time to uplift you when you feel tired or depleted; you can ask them to assist you in your day – for example by helping you to see the best decisions with clear insight, or to help you develop your intuition. The possiblities are endless: the invitation to work consciously with them is open to you. Enjoy your partnership

J: That’s wonderful Ashian, thanks. I think so many of us feel battered, tired and worried that we aren’t doing well enough.

A: The fears and doubts are ‘thought blankets’ that have been used to undermine humanity’s intuition and ability to take action. The more you follow your knowing – even if you’re not 100% certain, but only 55% certain, then go for it! – the more you destroy the vibration of that ‘thought blanket’.

J: Do you mean a kind of programming?

A: It’s more than that; it’s programming – like radio, television, memes, apps, songs, advertising, gaming… – but it’s also a distorted lower vibration that was ‘beamed’ into your planet. If it was just a low vibration, many of you would have been able to raise yourselves above it as you evolved; but, by making it a distortion, they managed to make it more ‘sticky’, the distortion made it significantly more difficult to rise above it and to evolve beyond that way of thinking.

J: So are we there now? Beyond/above it??

A: Yes, and the system has been dismantled. What is occuring now is like the fading of piece of music as the song ends. It’s weak and you can easily rise above it by focusing on the good and the positive.

J: Wow! Ok, this conversation did not go in the direction I thought when we started, but I think we covered a lot! Thank you.

A: It is we who thank all of you for your perserverance and commitment. Our love is always with you.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021 www.jennifercrokaert.com

Shiv Mantra (108 Times) | Wipe Out Negative Energies | Powerful Tandav Beats

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - A Gentle Stirring - September 26, 2021

A Gentle Stirring 

It starts as a gentle stirring…a feeling of love in your being. It grows and pulses outward to everything and everyone around you. It is send out to The Universe and is returned to you in waves. You will begin to love everyone, even those that do not appear to ‘deserve’ it. This is when you know, really know, you are part of The Divine Incarnate. ~ Creator


Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 💥 62 💥 75 💥 80 - Sep 26, 2021

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Schumann Resonance Today

26 September 2021 17:00 UTC


Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit and any question can be answered - September 26, 2021

When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit and any question can be answered. 

Dear One,

You have within you an enlightened state of mind where Truth prevails and Divine Love empowers you, filling all the dark places. Give yourself the gift of finding this place, and become so familiar with it that you are able to connect there with a breath and a thought.

This enlightened state within you is beyond normal waking-consciousness and can even be called a super consciousness. It is an expanded place of Light, Peace and all Wisdom. It is possible through prayer and meditation to connect deeply with this beautiful, enlightened state within your mind.

Judith Kusel - The higher and the lighter we become...- Sep 26, 2021

"If fear is still lurking around, then go and work on your base and sacral chakras. The inner child. The false programming. The False doctrines. Ever seek the highest truth, and your soul will recognize it, into the very core. Live your truth!

The higher and the lighter we become, the more the subconscious stuff will materialize for us to finally work through and to heal. So that our buttons do not get pushed anymore and we do not give our power away. Our soul power, to anyone. Not to our family, not to our spouse, or whoever.

18 Bring the Gold Ray of Christ to Earth

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Spiritual Evolution is All About - Sep 26, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been interested in the ways in which you all interact with each other socially for quite some time because it says a lot about who you are as individuals. Who you are with each other is who you are with yourselves. If you are hiding aspects of yourself from another person, or everyone, then chances are you are hiding something from yourself as well. You are in denial of an important aspect of you.

sábado, septiembre 25, 2021

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (99) - Septiembre 21, 2021

Canalización de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll (99)
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana - Septiembre 21, 2021

Nuevos Comienzos para la Hermandad Femenina 

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta canalización marca un momento auspicioso, un cambio de ciclos, se podría decir. Muchas podrían preguntar “¿Por qué ahora, Kryon? ¿Es esto importante?”. Muchas veces las energías de las cosas siguen sus propios modos, sus propios caminos, y esta es una de ellas. Y ahora hablamos de la Hermandad Femenina.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - SEPTEMBER 2021


From your Hostess of Light

Fears drift to the surface

Create and Enter portals of Choice

Timing is always universal choice

From your Hostess of Light As we exit the summer months we enter places of deep pools of emotion, like leaves changing color in the fall, we are not prepared for the transformation as we enter emotional seasons. All places and times seem to merge together in a collage of feelings that cannot be ignored or driven away. Spontaneous eruptions of tears and fears come to the surface as we walk forward into more shifts and awakenings. We weep and mourn for things that have not even occurred, yet we see them clearly as if they are ghosts of the future haunting our days.