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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Geometría Sagrada. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, junio 24, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue navigating this harmonic month - Jun 24, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue navigating this harmonic month, we feel the intensity of the recent transmissions and activations in our light body. Many of you are now healing your emotional female bodies of war memories, especially related to Cathar/essence timeliness, as well as galactic, as you retrieve your connection to your Monad and Unified Self, and therefore to your soul tribe.

sábado, mayo 11, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING MAY 2024


▲From your Hostess of Light

▲ Solar and Stellar Photons


▲The 5th Dimensional Heart


▲From your Hostess of Light

As we move forward in energy, light and future we come to many junctions and active choices that confuse the senses and mind. We are stretched dimensionally and biologically into many directions of development. Places with many doorways open where light consciousness has many long memories. Small places in-between time that we can easily slip in and out of, in a blink of an ‘I Am” Presence. This summer’s dimensional flux re-directs you onto places of cellular memory that needs healed before you can move forward into a higher light quotient. The body holds all memories thru time and incarnation, each physical pain is associated with a memory, a place, a time or situation that needs to be cleansed and released.

What is known as Ascension starts cell by cell; the cell is like a room that is to be renovated awaiting new paint /new bamboo flooring/ new larger windows, etc/ First however the cell has to be emptied of all old furniture. Completely emptied before the new can be become a reality. Will we willingly let go of the old furniture or hang on to that which no longer serves us? Think of winning the Lottery, having enough money to buy your dream house anywhere in the world, and yet you chose to stay put, enduring what you have always endured. Not receiving the good that awaits you!

All memories are held within the body, past present and future; some are sweet, some are nightmares, others have blended with the horizon not to be seen fully. As we increase our light quotient we push light into the cells that are not yet ready for renovation, as they are still holding onto the discomfort/comfort of the past and are afraid to fully release into more. When you ask for more light, more truth more love, expect the human body to rebel and react and have a tantrum. Speak to the pain as a small unloved child, with love and understanding in your heart. The parts of us that feel unloved live within the pain. Like a Master of light gently speak them into ‘unconditional healing.’

Solar and Stellar Photons

There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgrades or downloads to your dimensional field of light or you may find yourself in a time axis shift (one minute it is now the next minute you are into the future). The energies that come forth are moving at millions of miles per second coming forth from deep space and supernovas that turn into white holes. The stellar white hole pours itself forward into the center of our Suns Heart. These energies have no consciousness, they only have a mission to move throughout the cosmos and deposit their truths into living beings via the solar and stellar photons.

Man is hybrid being composed of earth and stardust that came forth from deep space. These energies that come forth pouring into the human heart do so at the request of the universe, remember Divinity always reaches its Destination. Earth moves forward into more whitecaps of light penetrating the cell membranes of all livingness, moving our DNA towards a biological revival.

The dispersion of these energies as living photons of light come forth as interstellar rays with no physical barricades of any kind, dispersing their molecular intent into all areas of life from our secret moods to the ‘mean-girl weather patterns’ we have been experiencing. These energies are demanding and make you look at what you do not want to see. Like a Personal trainer they demand more of you than you think you're capable of giving.

Each human being has an Achilles heal of sorts. These living photons of supercharged-light penetrate our inner Achilles heel deep like an Immaculate Cosmic Conception. These incoming Cosmic bursts ( in the form of CME, Solar Flares, etc.) will take you out of your comfort zone making you look at genres that you never thought you would engage; bringing forth deep cellular memories of what needs to be completed in your earth journey. Humans waste so much time being afraid and mad at everything and everyone around them. Pointing fingers at parents, presidents and past lives; not taking the fullness of responsibility for their creational choices. This emotional back-tracking, creates a double jeopardy clause; to avoid this technical difficulty, stop making excuses!


The fifth dimension is invisible to the human eye, as it is minuscule and curls up on itself like a pill bug rolls up under threat. Scientists and physicists do not agree on how many dimensions truly exist. Some say six, some say 10, and others say into infinity. String theory postulates that absolutely everything in this universe is a manifestation of a single object. The way it vibrates determines whether it’s a photon or an electron, everything is part of a single unified concept. These dimensions come in two types: those that you can see and those that are tiny and curled up, existing on a microscopic level.

Dimensions are simply different facets of what we perceive to be reality. Superstring Theory suggests that the universe exists in ten different dimensions. These different aspects are what govern the universe. Scientists believe that the fourth dimension is Time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. According to Superstring Theory, the fifth and sixth dimensions are where the concepts of possible other worlds arise. If we could see through the fifth dimension, we would see a world slightly different from our own with many similarities and many differences all possible futures.

In the sixth dimension, we would see a vast plane of possible worlds, that start with the same initial conditions as ours, In theory, if you could master the fifth and sixth dimension, you could travel back in Time and go to different futures. In the seventh dimension, you have access to the possible worlds that are birthed differently from earth. The eighth dimension gives us a plane of imaginable possibility. In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with the different possible laws of physics. In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals.

We all thought that regular black holes were weird and mysterious think again, because for the first time, physicists have successfully replicated what would happen to black holes in a five-dimensional world and how they behave could threaten our fundamental understanding of how the Universe works. The simulation suggested that our Universe is made up of five or more dimensions. In other words, five-dimensional black holes would contain gravity so intense, the laws of physics we know would fall apart. I know this is a lot to wrap your head around. In a five-dimensional universe, physicists have theorized that black holes are more like very thin rings, rather than holes, as they evolve they generate a series of ' energy bulges' that become thinner and thinner over time, and eventually break off to form mini black holes elsewhere. In these 'ultra-gravity rings', gravity is so intense it creates a ‘naked singularity’. Naked singularity is an event so strange no one really knows what would occur, except that the laws of relativity would no longer apply.

The 5th Dimensional Heart

The 5th dimensional heart is not a place for sissies it is a place for those who wish to achieve celestial perspective. It is a place that's full of emotional slopes, mountains of hope and valleys of dead-ends & endless possibilities. The 5th dimensional heart reaches out past the earth heart, feeling the need to extend itself in dimensional quest. It reaches out like the arm of the Milky Way Galaxy spiraling out thru time, reaching for the unknown. Within the human heart lives four living-chambers; one chamber represents the distant past, one represents the recent past one represents the present and one represents the future. The heart is the only organ that does not renew itself as other organs in the body. It gathers all flavors of love, requited and unrequited, thru time and situation and holds it dearly.

The human heart holds the hopes and dreams and wishes for a species that has outwardly ‘lost Hope’. The human heart is necessary for Earth to survive as a species, without it they will perish. As a species Humankind cannot bear the pain of one more sadness, one more loved one passing, or one more bad diagnosis. The rooms within the heart are piled so high with disappointments and sadness’s there is no room at the Inn for anyone or anything. At this time the human heart demands to ascend... moving upward like one that takes a plane flight instead of driving to their destination. Lifting up thru time, above the Earthly self-imposed obstructions; the human heart seeks to be more, feel more, and Love more at every intersection of life. The 5th dimensional heart seeks to shine outward and onward without exception and without fear of losing itself.


Sacred geometry is a mirror to the soul reflecting

All possibilities and outcomes simultaneously

This magical sacred geometry combo fashioned in copper, comes at the perfect time as we all integrate the dimensional adjustment we experienced on the 2024 solar eclipse. We are all entering a trans-dimensional time, moving in and out of multiple dimensions, and overlapping light fields. This summer Space-Time is getting a face-lift. While the cosmic waves of light flow in, thru and around us will be recalibrated in order to adjust to the rising arrival of solar signals. Consider this a kind of ‘Quantum Entanglement Makeover’ which is triggering cellular streamlining. Sacred geometry unites light and form as well as science and spirituality. All of nature is geometric of form. All life forms emerge out of timeless numerical codes. Patterns and codes activate our natural cognizance. This beautiful crystal copper inlaid sacred twosome come to give us the gift of symmetry they call themselves ‘Solar Illumination Structures.’

The Star Tetrahedron is composed of two equally sized tetrahedrons, one facing upwards one facing downwards. They are exact reflections of each other. The Star Tetrahedron is the geometric representation of the human body, the male and female, heaven and earth, it is also called the Merkaba. The word Merkaba is an Egyptian word; the word ‘Mer’ is translated into ‘Light’, ‘Ka’ refers to the Spirit, while ‘Ba’ refers to the body. The mercaba is an excellent tool as it activates and enhances the Light body quotient. It is an ancient symbol that protects the aura while clearing the light field. It enables us to experience expanded awareness, and restores memory of the infinite possibilities of our being. This sacred symbol stabilizes and revives the two sides of the brain, representing the unity of the finite within the infinite.

The gift of the Crescent moon is one of release. This is a time to let go of anything that no longer serves your most high-good. The crescent symbolizes creativity, change, dreams, and release surrendering to the natural flow and order of the Universe. No matter what the moon is or where it came from, it obviously holds power over earth and her inhabitants. Its secrets are locked beneath a pearly veil. It is a talisman of the inner voyage, taking one deep into the self to retrieve what seems to be missing, pulling back the veil so you can see beyond time.

Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness Solar cycles play an important role in the advancement of human awareness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process. It stimulates change in matter, energy, and consciousness. Evolutionary change is Sun driven, energy is always coming from deep space thru the portal of the sun. As the heart and brain of this entire solar system, the Sun sends a twelve-faceted geometric light into every atom of its solar universe. The Sun is a portal thru which streams info and light emanations from other light systems and worlds above ours. It is a storehouse of vital energies and is considered to be the great heart. Stars like our sun are the visible raiment’s of celestial beings that are far ahead of us in their spiritual evolution. Their inner aspects are invisible, just like ours. The sun is simply the heart and brain of our Universe, The sun feeds its family: just as the heart feeds the body. Go to to see pix and prices

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217

miércoles, marzo 13, 2024

Judith Kusel - Huge and powerful influx of cosmic energies are pouring in - Mar 13, 2024

Huge and powerful influx of cosmic energies are pouring in, to prepare us for upcoming events which will bring in dramatic changes.

I was quietly sitting and preparing for my White Flame Teaching Session on sacred geometry and numbers, etc. when suddenly these surges of energy started coursing through me.

sábado, diciembre 02, 2023

Patricia Cota-Robles - TIME TO FOCUS OUR ATTENTION - Dec 1, 2023



Patricia Cota-Robles

December 1, 2023


The Company of Heaven is reminding us that we are in the midst of a 40-day intensified assimilation of Light that is more powerful that anything we have ever experienced. That means that every thought, feeling, word and action we express is being amplified in ways we have not previously known.

During the month of November, in order to remind us once again that we are Cocreating our Earthly experiences, we at Era of Peace were asked by the Beings of Light to replay Vlogs 10, 11, 12 and 13 from our Bigger Picture series. These Vlogs clearly describe how our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs have caused the good as well as the painful things we are witnessing and experiencing at this time. The Vlogs also reveal what we can do to change the things we want to improve.

sábado, octubre 07, 2023

Aurora Ray - Enter the Fifth Dimension: Earth's Shining Age of Music and Celebration! - Oct 7, 2023


Enter the Fifth Dimension: Earth's Shining Age of Music and Celebration!


Geometry and math, along with knowledge about planets and stars, play a big role in creating dimensional doorways.

Some famous places, like Knossos in Crete, the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Acropolis, Machu Picchu, Tiahuanaco, Delphi, and more, serve as these doorways to other dimensions. These structures use sacred geometry, which really baffles today's science.

domingo, septiembre 26, 2021

Judith Kusel - The higher and the lighter we become...- Sep 26, 2021

"If fear is still lurking around, then go and work on your base and sacral chakras. The inner child. The false programming. The False doctrines. Ever seek the highest truth, and your soul will recognize it, into the very core. Live your truth!

The higher and the lighter we become, the more the subconscious stuff will materialize for us to finally work through and to heal. So that our buttons do not get pushed anymore and we do not give our power away. Our soul power, to anyone. Not to our family, not to our spouse, or whoever.

viernes, diciembre 07, 2018



Ustedes/Nosotros hemos estado “trabajando” en servicio (por siempre) para anclar estos inmensos códigos de luz aquí, para sostenerlos y distribuirlos, cómo sea más apropiado y alineado en un Nivel Álmico Galáctico para todos nosotros....

martes, abril 24, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Learning How To Function Foggy-Groggy: Anchoring the Higher Dimensional Realms & Heaven on Earth Here: LightBody, Gravity Shifts, Dizziness, Energy Bursts, Sleep... Learning all NEW Ways...- 4/24/2018

You ARE a Frequency Holder, GateKeeper & GridKeeper

There are many things we have to learn to do from scratch, in all new ways and all over again, because everything is different than it once was....

Your human body sleeps to wake up, your LightBody (Soul Body) never sleeps... so sleep will be all over the place for awhile and all along the way. Every massive blast/activation of high frequency light, will interrupt your regular "human" sleep patterns, and often knock you completely out... for hours... days... however long (even on & off for years, depending on how veiled a human experience you chose on a Soul Level).

miércoles, agosto 02, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Estructuración Molecular Mejorada de nuestro ADN Cristalino de Silicio: Rápidas Conversiones Avanzadas de ADN con la Integración de Nuevos Códigos de Luz Solar - Julio 11/17

Hemos entrado en Rápidas Actualizaciones Avanzadas del ADN Cristalino para mejorar nuestros Cuerpos de Luz Cristalinos de Silicio mediante la activación de nuevos códigos y secuencias, que nos llevan a toda una nueva fase de “descomposición y reestructuración” a nivel molecular/celular de toda la materia física (el cuerpo y la realidad física externa también).

Estas geometrías avanzadas forman parte de un continuo PROCESO DE CONVERSIÓN que aumenta sustancialmente a medida que continuamos con la Ascensión de la Tierra y su reconfiguración, de un planeta/nave inconsciente a uno completamente consciente (de nuevo). La Evolución de nuestra especie nos lleva a todos de vuelta a nuestros orígenes galácticos y álmicos ahora. El Cielo y “otras galaxias” convergen en nuestro plano físico (mientras se manifiesta el infierno para todos los que todavía mantienen dentro estos programas). Transiciones al “otro lado/más allá” se aceleran tanto para lo físico como no-físico también. Algunos traen su cuerpo a la NUEVA Tierra (un proceso evolutivo donde se activa el Cuerpo de Luz), mientras que otras Almas completan sus misiones y abandonan la forma del cuerpo físico, para ayudar a los humanos que permanecen en la tierra con el regreso a la plena unidad-amor desde dentro.