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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Activación. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, septiembre 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Piscean eclipse ends a cycle of profound integration and reconnection - Sep 10, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

The Piscean eclipse ends a cycle of profound integration and reconnection. During this year many have been the upgrades many of you have experienced, especially the integration of your female and masculine essences and the subsequent retrieval and activation of your shoulder portals, creating more synthesis within and hence in your life experience. Planetarily, the process of timelines reconnection also continues, as we step into a cycle of mental and physical emancipation, where we will finally disengage at all levels from the old ways of being and living.

miércoles, julio 17, 2024

Natalia Alba - Many of you are now undergoing a process of crown activation - Jul 17, 2024

Beloved Ones, 

Many of you are now undergoing a process of crown activation, in which all your sixth and seventh-dimensional channels have been reconnected. When you reach this level, the crown can be seen as a rainbow halo, as it is when implants, imprints, and other anomalies have been healed in both your DNA and your body portals, and you have grown your wings. Now you are ready for the embodiment of your mission, or further aspects of it, as many of you are here as feminine and masculine holders, restoring the earth's damaged templates. 

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we approach the triple 888 passage - Jul 11, 2024


Beloved Ones,

As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from your soul and monad, and the healing codes required to activate your DNA and monadic twin flame, within yourself. We are now reaching the peak of all we have been healing, retrieving this eighth universal year, revealing more of who we are, and our personal mission.

Numbers are often the language in which God expresses Herself. Behind numbers are letters and light codes that give instructions to our DNA, and coordinates that activate our time codes, allowing our consciousness to travel through time and space.

miércoles, julio 10, 2024

Aurora Ray - Rapid Evolution: Harnessing the Force of DNA Activation for Collective Transformation! - Jul 10, 2024

Rapid Evolution: Harnessing the Force of DNA Activation for Collective Transformation!

Morphogenetic Fields:

According to biochemist Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance, morphogenetic fields are patterns of information that help shape our biological systems, societies, and mental activity.

These fields allow the transmission of information between members of the same species, enabling telepathy-like collective consciousness and influencing the formation of instinctual behaviors.

Morphogenetic fields transcend space and time. They shape embryos and guide the operation of entire ecosystems. The cumulative morphic resonance stemming from repetitive activity patterns and ancestral experience influences each individual member of a species.

Morphogenetic fields contain an inherent memory transmitted across generations, accounting for evolution.

Sheldrake likens morphogenetic fields to television broadcast signals. When a new pattern crystallizes, a corresponding morphogenetic field becomes strengthened. Repetition not only amplifies fields already present, but also leads to habit formation and rituals in human society.

The organization and regulation of morphogenetic fields appear closely aligned with Jung's theory of the collective unconscious and archetypal patterns.

The cumulative information pooled in morphic fields may account for unexplained phenomena like phantom limbs, flock behavior, and human intuition.

Further research will reveal practical applications for morphogenetic fields in developmental biology, psychiatry, ecology, and synchronizing social change.

Epigenetics: Unlocking Our Full Potential

While the sequence of genes encoded in our DNA is fixed at birth, gene expression can be influenced by environmental factors and experiences throughout our lives. This phenomenon is known as epigenetics.

The epigenome, which regulates how genes are expressed, acts as an interface between our stable genome and our ever-changing environment.

Remarkably, studies have shown that our thoughts, emotions, lifestyle, and nutrition choices can modify the epigenetic tags on our DNA. This, in turn, determines whether certain genes are activated or silenced.

In essence, we have more control over our gene expression than previously believed.

The mind-body connection is highlighted by fascinating evidence from the field of psychoneuroimmunology. For instance, techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and hypnosis have been found to impact gene expression related to inflammation, stress response, and disease progression.

Our state of consciousness and beliefs seem capable of altering our physiology down to the genetic level!

By taking charge of our inner world through practices like positive thinking, stress reduction, and conscious living, we can be able to unlock the full potential encoded within our genes. Epigenetics reveals we are not simply victims of our DNA, but active participants in how our genes are expressed.

With this realization, we can transcend perceived limitations and activate enhanced human capacities!

DNA Activation:

For decades, scientists referred to the majority of human DNA as "junk DNA" because they did not understand its function. However, we now know that this DNA contains great potential. By raising our vibration and frequency, we can unlock the hidden treasures in our junk DNA!

This dormant DNA contains the blueprints for our next stage of evolution. It allows us to access advanced states of consciousness and tap into psychic abilities. When we activate our full DNA potential, we reclaim our power as divine creators.

It's possible that certain malevolent entities have encoded inhibitors into our DNA with the intention of slowing down the pace of human evolution. As we awaken to our true origins, we can override these inhibitors.

Meditation, spiritual practices, sound healing, and spending time in nature can all help raise our vibration. This allows more light and energy to flow through our DNA.

As each individual activates more of their DNA, it has ripple effects for collective consciousness. We elevate the frequency of the entire planet.

The Golden Age awaits, just within reach. This age coincides with humanity awakening our Divine DNA. By unlocking hidden potentials, we can create heaven on Earth and achieve rapid evolution. The keys lie dormant within us, awaiting activation!

With each activation of these dormant keys within, we edge closer to the dawn of a new era, where humanity shines in its full potential.

With the unlocking of our latent potential encoded within our very being, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and collective enlightenment. As each individual awakens to their true essence, the collective consciousness of humanity rises to new heights, heralding the dawn of a harmonious existence where peace, love, and prosperity flourish abundantly.

Together, let's create a world where rapid evolution and boundless possibilities await. The time for awakening is now!

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

martes, julio 09, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are reaching the culmen of the individual and planetary galactivation phase - Jul 9, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are reaching the culmen of the individual and planetary galactivation phase that we started at the beginning of this year. A year marked by the 8 universal number that now achieves its peak on the triple 888 Emerald passage. A period of wisdom integration and monadic reconstruction that many are undergoing and that our planet too is achieving.

sábado, junio 22, 2024

Natalia Alba - Monadic Twin Activation - Jun 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,

During this time of polarity synthesis, many of you are simultaneously undergoing a process of Monadic twin activation and hence, soul reunion. A process that involves the soul reunion with your divine equal or counterpart, in which the male activates the divine female spark within and the female the divine masculine.

miércoles, mayo 29, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we heal, clear, and transform our light bodies - May 29, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we heal, clear, and transform our light bodies, with the support of the current energies, we are experiencing a massive upgrade and reconnection. Our electromagnetic fields, composed of our female (magnetic) and male (electric) energies, are being recalibrated at this time, due to the inner work achieved during months.

As you know, our essence is an electromagnetic one, as multidimensional beings, we are made by our female and masculine fields, in our light body or Merkabah, essences that are directly related to our male sixth-dimensional body, and seventh-dimensional ones, and corresponding shoulder portals, where true activation and polarity integration takes place.

miércoles, mayo 22, 2024

Natalia Alba - Since we started this year of monadic integration - May 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Since we started this year of monadic integration, many of you have been working with the conscious reconnection to your soul, and monad, embodying your unique soul purpose and higher levels of consciousness. A process that my Guides call Galactivation. This symbol I have received is for those who are guided to work with it and are undergoing a process of monadic integration.

sábado, mayo 04, 2024

Ailia Mira - Melchizedek - Conscious Evolution - May 4, 2024

FROM Melchizedek, the Universal Logos

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,

I greet you with love. I am Lord Melchizedek. I am the Universal Logos and I hold you all within this universal field that I am, with tremendous awareness of who you are and with so much love.

Today I wish to reconnect with you consciously. To open up within you the great remembering of your Universal Self; the expansiveness of you that exists beyond this planetary level, beyond even the galactic level of your being. To reacquaint you with the Universal Oneness that We are, and in doing so, lift you up and assist you in reorienting to your embodiment, with great joy, clearer understanding and a deep sense of connection.

domingo, abril 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - The keys and codes are now being activated - Apr 28, 2024

The keys and codes are now being activated for the next stage of the ascension process.

Huge activations ard occurring and this will continue until all 50 to 300 chakras are fully opened in the New Golden Age for the new human race.

It is opening new faculties in our brain as the heart-mind becomes more balanced, in harmony with thd soul itself.

jueves, abril 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - Soul Star Activation - Apr 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,

After the Scorpion passage with its healing and reconnective energies, many of you will be experiencing the activation of your soul chakra, your eight-dimensional one, 12 inches above the head, as your inner work and the current planetary energies facilitate this opening.

lunes, abril 22, 2024

Aurora Ray - Ready to Radiate? Opening Up to Light's Dormant Abilities Activation! - Apr 22, 2024

Ready to Radiate? Opening Up to Light's Dormant Abilities Activation!

As we journey through this monumental shift, it is essential that we open up to the incoming light that is catalyzing the Earth's ascension.

The light carries higher vibrational frequencies that activate our DNA, trigger dormant abilities, and expand our consciousness. To fully participate in this evolutionary process, we must be willing to embrace the light.

martes, febrero 20, 2024

Aurora Ray - New Earth Awaits: Your Guide to Lightbody Activation and 5D Transition - Feb 20, 2024

New Earth Awaits: Your Guide to Lightbody Activation and 5D Transition.

Your lightbody is a powerful multidimensional energy field that surrounds your physical body. It contains the blueprint for your soul and higher consciousness. Activating and strengthening your lightbody is essential for ascension to 5D.

As you raise your vibration and shift into higher dimensional frequencies, your lightbody becomes more active. This allows you to access ascended abilities and connect with your divine spiritual essence.

viernes, enero 05, 2024

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message January 2024 Article - Jan 5, 2024


Beloved ones we greet you,

As the new year frequencies were anchored across your earth plane there was a monumental reopening of a series of alternate reality spaces across the planet. These expansive multidimensional reality spaces contain vast sacred meeting points that naturally create a more authentic Network of Light to flow and build throughout the planet. This expansive Network re-establishes the completed multidimensional structures within the Vortexes, Portals, and Ley Lines within the earth plane. With these higher, functioning structures you are being given a more complete multidimensional setting in which to become self-realized within your Heart.

miércoles, diciembre 20, 2023

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Switching Out Our Reality Blueprint - Dec 20, 2023

Switching Out Our Reality Blueprint. 

Cosmic Light Codes are flooding into Earth's living libraries.* These light codes inspire the next level of the divine blueprint. This new divine blueprint will be transduced into new laws of nature for our natural world to operate from. Simply put, a new reality is beginning to take shape in the ethers and beginning to merge with humanity. The future is calling us home.