Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Planetas. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Planetas. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, septiembre 05, 2024

Natalia Alba - The acceleration in our ascension journey - Sep 5, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The acceleration in our ascension journey that we are living during this year culminates with the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces, on September 17th. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, ruled by Neptune, we end an old Era of being immersed in human illusions, to begin a New Cycle of Light on a Higher Octave of Love based on integrity and authenticity, represented by Pluto moving into Aquarius.

sábado, septiembre 16, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 161: Photonic bubble, Planetary brightness, Solar stargate Huge ships, 12-strand DNA

In this third and final video documentary forming part of our trilogy on the Sun and its effects on Earth, we analyse phenomena that are taking place in our heliosphere and in planets belonging to the Solar System. These cosmic events include climate change in all of the Solar System’s planets, as a consequence of the interstellar energy cloud that we have been travelling through for the past several years.
The consequence of this reality and the fact that we are currently experiencing Solar Cycle 25 – which is reaching the peak of its activity – is that we are seeing an upsurge in powerful solar storms, which could cause the end of our civilisation, as was the case in Atlantis, Lemuria and Hyperborea.

Recent studies demonstrate that there are links between the Earth and the Sun, via ‘stargates’ that activate and deactivate in cycles. Furthermore, we will discuss biophotons and the influence of the Sun, including how it affects life on our planet, our DNA, and spirituality. Therein lies the globalist elite’s interest in eliminating the so-called ‘God gene’ from inside human beings. These issues also explain the prophecies made by Greek-Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus about the era we are currently experiencing. They are exciting topics awaiting discovery via this important documentary that concludes the trilogy on our nearest star, giver of life.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 161: Burbuja Fotónica, Brillo Planetas, Sol Stargate, Naves Gigantes, ADN 12 hélices 


En este tercer y último video-documental de nuestra trilogía sobre el Sol y sus efectos sobre la Tierra, analizamos fenómenos que se están dando en nuestra heliósfera y en los planetas del Sistema Solar. Entre estos eventos cósmicos está la modificación del clima en todos los planetas del Sistema Solar, como consecuencia de la nube de energía interestelar que estamos atravesando desde hace unos años.

Esto, unido al actual ciclo número 25 del Sol, que está llegando a su punto máximo de actividad, está teniendo como consecuencia fuertes tormentas solares que están en aumento y que pueden provocar el fin de la civilización, al igual que sucedió en la Atlántida, en la Lemuria, e Hiperbórea.

Las últimas investigaciones nos muestran que existen conexiones entre la Tierra y el Sol a través de “stargates” que se activan y desactivan cíclicamente. Por otra parte, los biofotones y la influencia del Sol, y su efecto sobre la vida en el planeta, sobre el ADN y la espiritualidad, de ahí el interés de la élite globalista por eliminar del ser humano el llamado “Gen de Dios”, o las profecías realizadas por el sabio greco-egipcio Hermes Trismegisto sobre la época actual que vivimos, son temas apasionantes que podremos descubrir en este importante documental que concluye esta trilogía sobre nuestra estrella dadora de vida.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

sábado, junio 24, 2023

Celia Fenn - Whales and Diamond Fire..../Ballenas y Fuego Diamante.... - June 24,2023

Whales and Diamond Fire....

This image of a Humpback whale was taken today close to where I live!

So wonderful to have their soothing energies here after the Solstice.

The Pluto in Capricorn energies continue to be felt, with things "breaking down" to make way for the new.

miércoles, febrero 22, 2023

Lisa Renee - Orion's Belt - February 2023

February 2023

Orion's Belt

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

This month we dig deeper into the dismantling of the complex AI systems that were running the Orion Matrix, which was connected to Orion's Belt, and was gaining power from multiple human holocaust histories connected to the Orion War timelines.

The third stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening during the Summer Solstice of 2022 addressed the ancient 9D Essene Tribe Tibetan Buddhist gateways being controlled by Nibiruian nets in the Wall of Time, that were being administered by the top levels of the 9D AI machinery program “Kronos”. Further, this 9D AI machinery Kronos was functioning as the master control programming for the multidimensional systems of sextant matrix and Fallen Angelic Timekeeper mechanisms that are used by the NAA for the management and manipulation of timelines. Segments of this master AI control system were being administrated by the highest level Thubanites in the Draco constellation and their subordinate AI hybrid factions of the Orion Group located in Orion's Belt. The victorious event of defeating the 9D AI machinery and enforcing Nets in Nibiru-Wormwood finally freed the original Universal Melchizedek Logos in his Sirian Maharaji blue human body, which began the series of actions required for the emergence of Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Elaysian Sun. The Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns are the organic consciousness divine counterparts and the original God parents that created the Threefold Founder Flames of the Solar Rishi that make up this Universal Time Matrix.

martes, septiembre 01, 2020

Natalia Alba - The Naegyrian Council - Planetary Alignments - Sep 1, 2020

Beloved Earthly Family,

Blessings from our Home Planet called Naegyria. We are the Naegyrian Council, talking to you through this channel who work, as many of you, for the betterment of your Planet. We come today to remind you the importance that planetary alignments have for you to align with, for they are other forms of Consciousness, as well as you are too, co-creating and evolving with you all.