Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Numerología. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Numerología. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, septiembre 02, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - September 2024 Energy Report - Sep 2, 2024

Have you ever noticed that the holiday season creeps on us and while we think we have weeks to get ready all of a sudden it’s time to think of holiday celebrations, gifts, and decorations? As we enter September we are in that mode because although we have known for months that we would eventually arrive at the monumental re-entry of Pluto into Capricorn for its final visit, it happens this month. In fact, it happens on the second day of the month, September 2, along with the new moon in Virgo.

miércoles, agosto 28, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we move through this process of density emancipation - Aug 28, 2024

osnpotrdeSa.i8 6o: cs38h0 .04l12l3a20cfiat 1o 3pc806gl acdh m31sa9laa6teim9 ·

Beloved Ones, 

As we move through this process of density emancipation, focusing on conscious release and rejuvenation is pivotal to preparing ourselves for the next embodiment phase. One that will enhance the importance at this time of our ascension journey of purification, so we can enter into another transformational phase, the last one in this eighth universal year, within an eighth universal month that prepares us for activating our sapphire body.

domingo, agosto 04, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - August 2024 Energy Report

July is over and we’re in a new month. The year seems to be going by quickly but that’s a product of the energy movements, solar flares, and probably our ongoing lack of sleep. I have been telling you for months that this period would be very volatile and eventful and we are not through it yet, it probably doesn’t end until some time in September.

domingo, julio 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Triple 888 passage - Planetary Galactivation - Jul 21, 2024

Beloved Ones, 
As our planet continues receiving the eight-dimensional frequencies that have descended upon us since this year started, finalizing the phase we are immersed in of planetary galactivation, many of you are now assisting on planetary transmutation, so the Emerald retrieval can take place, embodying the universal Emerald code within your DNA, and seeding masculine and female synthesis in the planetary structures that were deeply distorted.

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we approach the triple 888 passage - Jul 11, 2024


Beloved Ones,

As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from your soul and monad, and the healing codes required to activate your DNA and monadic twin flame, within yourself. We are now reaching the peak of all we have been healing, retrieving this eighth universal year, revealing more of who we are, and our personal mission.

Numbers are often the language in which God expresses Herself. Behind numbers are letters and light codes that give instructions to our DNA, and coordinates that activate our time codes, allowing our consciousness to travel through time and space.

miércoles, julio 10, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME ENERGÉTICO PARA JULIO 2024 - Jul 5, 2024

Configura tu GPS hacia
Rico, Feliz, y Exitoso
Episodio 135
Viviendo con Altas Vibras MR
con Jennifer Hoffman

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:
Ahora en MeWe

El año pasa rápido y ya estamos en el séptimo mes, pero no creo que todo el año avance a este ritmo. Estamos en un período energético muy activo en este momento y julio hace que ese proceso avance aún más rápido. Con un portal Alfa Omega altamente activo, Neptuno en transición, Plutón sobresaliendo y más grandes movimientos de energía, nos espera un gran momento.

sábado, junio 29, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are approaching July - Jun 29, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are approaching July, another harmonic and loving month, asking us for retrieval, rejuvenation, and stabilization. This is a month to continue integrating change, after the profound transformation experienced during the previous months. A month to process all the energies and allow our bodies the time to adjust to our new frequency.

lunes, junio 10, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME ENERGÉTICO PARA JUNIO 2024 - Jun 7, 2024

Configura tu GPS hacia
Rico, Feliz, y Exitoso

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:
Ahora en MeWe

Aquí estamos en un nuevo mes y comenzamos este con los fuegos artificiales de mayo aún reverberando por todo el cosmos. Tienes que admitir que más de 24 erupciones solares de clase X, incluidas 3 en las últimas 24 horas, es algo especial y va a tener algún tipo de efecto. Y lo tiene.

Como vengo diciendo desde hace meses, junio traerá muchos cambios. Es un comodín en tiempos salva-jes, así que abróchate el cinturón y sigue brillando.

Transformación (con toda esa energía girando alrededor) es el nombre del juego y nos estamos preparando para ello en junio desde el día 1. Si han estado esperando cambios o esperando algo de energía extra, lle-gará este mes. Y también es el mes representado por la diosa Juno, símbolo del amor y el matrimonio, así como de la salud, la fertilidad y el parto de la mujer. Prepárate para un mes vertiginoso con grandes sorpre-sas, movimientos de energía y algunos comodines en el camino.

viernes, junio 07, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - June 2024 Energy Report - Jun 6, 2024

Here we are in a new month and we start this one with the fireworks of May still reverberating throughout the cosmos. You have to admit, 24+ X-Class solar flares including 3 in the past 24 hours is something special and it is going to have some kind of effect. And it has.

As I have been saying for months, June is going to bring up a lot of changes. It’s a wild card in wild times so buckle up and keep shining.

domingo, mayo 05, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME ENERGÉTICO PARA MAYO 2024 - May 1, 2024


Configura tu GPS hacia
Rico, Feliz, y Exitoso
Episodio 132

Viviendo con Altas Vibras MR
con Jennifer Hoffman
Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:
Ahora en MeWe

A medida que avanzamos hacia otro mes, es posible que pienses "aquí vamos de nuevo", pero eso no sería prudente porque nada es lo que parece y todo está cambiando, simplemente no somos conscientes de ello. Tengo una teoría sobre esto que discutiré en el Informe Energético de mayo.

Mayo se abre con algunas hermosas bendiciones y eso marca la pauta para un mes cuyos temas son abundancia, fertilidad, nuevos crecimientos y comienzos, y la tierra. El mes de mayo, que lleva el nombre de la diosa griega Maia, es el comienzo de la temporada de crecimiento, por lo que se centra en el nuevo crecimiento, la floración y los nuevos comienzos.

jueves, mayo 02, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - May 2024 Energy Report - May 2, 2024


As we roll into another month you may think ‘here we go again’ but that would be unwise because nothing is as it seems and everything is shifting we just are not aware of it all. I have a theory about that which I will discuss in the May Energy Report.

May opens with some beautiful blessings and that sets the tone for a month whose theme is abundance, fertility, new growth and beginnings, and the earth. Named after the Greek goddess Maia, the month of May is the start of the growing season so its focus is new growth, blooming, and fresh starts.

lunes, abril 08, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME ENERGÉTICO PARA ABRIL 2024 - Abr 2, 2024

Configura tu GPS hacia
Rico, Feliz, y Exitoso

Viviendo con Altas Vibras MR
con Jennifer Hoffman
Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:
Ahora en MeWe

¿Fue marzo lo suficientemente emocionante para ti? Ahora estamos entrando en abril y este es el mes del que todo el mundo ha estado hablando ya que presenta el eclipse solar total. Bueno, los tenemos con bastante frecuencia y son impresionantes, pero no es lo único emocionante de abril. 

Nos sucederán muchas más cosas en los próximos días y semanas y hablaremos de ello en el informe energético de este mes.

jueves, marzo 28, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are stepping into April - Mar 28, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are stepping into April, a month to expand our hearts, radiating love, light, and joy to All who are willing to embrace it. A month to expand in the physical as an important part of who we are too, and a time for us to rebirth, after all the inner work achieved, more illumined and dedicated to our personal, and universal mission.

domingo, febrero 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - March's Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation - Feb 25, 2024

March's Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation

Beloved Ones,

As we step into March, one of the most important months of the year, energetically speaking, we will feel the intensity and acceleration of time and the activations that our light body will experience if we decide to align with the energies to bring more healing, rehabilitation, and reconnection into our bodies. 

This a season to continue with the planetary emancipation that has already started, through personal and planetary liberation, assisting in all we can to participate in the current transition.

domingo, febrero 04, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - February 2024 Energy Report - Feb 4, 2024

It’s February and we are witnessing a change of the guard in many ways. This new month is really the fresh start we were hoping for this year because January was full of loose ends, clearing up unfinished business, major setbacks, and very heavy energy. That wasn’t surprising given that we were closing up the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, a 16 year process of upending everything in our 3D material world and preparing us for massive change on the individual and collective levels. Now that that’s over, we can start looking forward to the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings of the powerful 8 year that is 2024.

martes, enero 30, 2024

Natalia Alba - In this new energetic month that we are stepping into - Jan 30, 2024

Beloved Ones,

In this new energetic month that we are stepping into, we will continue being immersed in the Aquarian portal that started when the Sun and Pluto moved into Aquarius, and that will continue with the 2/2 portal, and the many planets moving into this Air sign, together with a New Moon, on the 9th. 

This is going to be a new energetic month, from a cosmic perspective, for us to dive deep into our connection to the whole, for this is where we are heading, into a more unified space.
February holds the essence of number 1. 

jueves, enero 04, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2024 ENTRA EN LA LUZ PREDICCIONES DEL 2024 - Ene 1, 2024

 2024 Predictions


Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:
Mis predicciones anuales son una inmersión profunda en el potencial energético del nuevo año y las he estado escribiendo durante más de 15 años. Cada año, desde que comenzamos este ciclo de ascensión a finales de 2003, ha sido otro nivel de nuestro viaje, cada uno nos ha proporcionado una nueva perspectiva sobre nuestra misión, propósito, aprendizaje, sanación y evolución. Cada uno ha tenido sus desafíos y sus bendiciones, sus buenos y malos momentos. Hubo momentos en que las cosas parecían muy oscuras, como lo han sido especialmente durante los últimos 4 años, y de alguna manera logramos darle la vuelta a la esquina y elevarnos a un nuevo nivel de energía.

lunes, enero 01, 2024

Emmanuel Dagher - A New Renaissance Begins – January 2024 - Jan 1, 2024

 Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "MAY this YEAR be the HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST and most PROSPEROUS ONE you've EVER EXPERIENCED! EMMANUELDAGHER.COM"


Happy New Year My Friend!

It also happens to be the 15 year anniversary since we began our Energy Forecast journey together!

I started writing the forecasts with the intention of bringing you comfort, clarity and support throughout these changing times, and to remind you that you are not alone. I am immensely grateful for you and your support.

Before we catch up on the blessings 2024 has in store for us, let’s reflect on the gifts last year brought us.

lunes, noviembre 06, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - November 2023 Energy Report - Nov 6, 2023

November is a fresh start after October’s eclipses and that’s a welcome change. Eclipses always shake things up, reveal what’s hidden, bring situations to a head, and challenge us to find new options when what was once a permanent fixture in our lives is reduced to rubble. November brings in the 9 energy and like October, it’s double 9s because November was once the ninth month (novem means nine) and it’s the number of completion.

sábado, noviembre 04, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - November 11:11 2023


From your Hostess of Light with Love♥

11:11 is a Master Number, a Soul Activation sequence

♥See with The Eyes of Love♥

Becoming a Constant Channel instead of just a Conscious Channel

From your Hostess of Light with Love♥

As we move our attentions and Energies out of October and into November we find ourselves stopping at the lunar blood moon eclipse almost parallel with the Halloween vibration. This time pf year is truly of place of tricks and sometimes treats as the veils and doorways open to show their petty-coats at this junction of time. This time of year is like the dance of the seven veils as many vibrational laced doorways are finally seen in the light of a new day.