Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Grupo Arcturiano. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Grupo Arcturiano. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, agosto 18, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - August 18, 2024

AUGUST 18, 2024

Dear Readers, we bring this message with love and encouragement at a time when so much of the world seems to be drowning in the false creations of a spiritually asleep collective. Never forget that every person is the creator of their world because every person is a living, breathing expression of the one and only creative realty--God, Divine consciousness, Source, or whatever you wish to call IT.

domingo, julio 28, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024

For too long mankind has been praying (preying) to a concept made in man's image that lives in the sky with a list of who is naughty or nice in order to punish, condemn, or reward them according to rules created by human, conditioned minds that hold or have held in the past positions of religious or governmental authority. Know this--the only hell that exists is the one of man's making.

domingo, julio 14, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 14, 2024

JULY 14, 2024

Welcome, dear readers.

Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan. In the very near future there are going to be events that will result in change and the awakening of many due to the information that will accompany them.

At this time you are witnessing the personal and global surfacing of large amounts of false, dense, and obsolete energy that has long been present but unrecognized as such. There are a few who feel a sense of alignment and validation from these old energies and rather than recognizing them for what they are and allowing them to clear, they act on them. This is why you are seeing an increase in violence and so many attempting to force old beliefs based in separation onto others.

domingo, junio 30, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 30, 2024

JUNE 30, 2024

Welcome to our message which is presented in love with the intention of assisting all who are receptive toward a higher level of spiritual awareness. The energetically powerful times of today offer opportunities for spiritual growth that have never before been available because the increasing presence of high frequency energy is forcing long buried densities of the past to surface and clear personally and globally.

domingo, junio 16, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 16, 2024

JUNE 16, 2024

Dear friends, we welcome you to our message.

During these times of personal and global turmoil many of you are finding it difficult to stay centered but at the same time easy to slip into worry, concern, judgement, criticism, and fear. This usually happens when socializing with co-workers, family, friends, and even through the impersonal voices of the media. You may find yourself looking back on some social event that seemed to go very well and suddenly realize that you had fully aligned with the three dimensional thinking and opinions of those around you.

domingo, junio 02, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - the Arcturian Group - June 2, 2024

JUNE 2, 2024

Welcome to our message dear readers.

Almost everyone is experiencing a sense of weariness and some physical issues at this time because the high resonating energies now flowing to earth as the ascension process proceeds are not just clearing old energies but at the same time are integrating it into the cells of physical bodies. The human mind often interprets this process as something being "wrong" because it is unfamiliar with what is taking place.

domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 19, 2024

MAY 19, 2024

Welcome dear seekers and readers.

The world has become an intense and frightening place for many. As the flow of high frequency energy expands it is serving to expose and manifest dense energies that have long been simply ignored or covered up both personally and globally. There are a few who feel empowered by these energies and are choosing to act on them rather than allowing them to simply move through and clear.

domingo, mayo 05, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 5, 2024

MAY 5, 2024

Welcome to our message dear readers.

At this time many are suffering from extreme conditions but it is important to remember that before incarnating every person with guidance, creates a plan for the experiences and people that need to be a part of their time on earth. Contracts are usually about situations that will serve to complete unfinished past life relationships, experiences necessary for opening the person to higher ways of thinking, and are frequently about the person's need to experience the "other side" of prejudicial thinking, words, and actions taken in a previous life.

domingo, abril 21, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 21, 2024

APRIL 21, 2024

Dear readers, welcome to our message which is intended to teach and empower.

You are not on earth by accident but rather are of the many brave and awakened souls who volunteered to assist earth in her ascension process toward alignment with her true spiritual expression. You knew that in order to do this you would have to enter into three dimensional density, live and work from a dense material body, and be subject to the creations of a collective consciousness based in duality and separation.

domingo, abril 07, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 7, 2024

APRIL 7, 2024

Welcome to our message, dear readers.

The world has entered a time of important and powerful change for earth herself as well as for those living on her. Individuals who live from a consciousness of truth have a stable foundation from which to meet and understand these changes and can assist those presently struggling to understand the world from foundations built of shifting sand.

domingo, marzo 17, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Mar 17, 2024

MARCH 17, 2024

Welcome dear readers

You are often told that in order to truly love another you must first love yourself but exactly how does a person love themself? True self love (not ego bluster) is difficult for those who are spiritually awake as well as those who are not because most believe that self love refers to loving the three dimensional false sense of self that most identity with as being who they are.

domingo, febrero 25, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - February 2024

FEBRUARY 25, 2024

Welcome to our message. dear readers.

Never forget that you chose to be on earth at this time in order to participate in the ascension process and were well aware when making this choice that you would forget who you were and why you came and that it would be a time of personal and global upheavals.
Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but is not seen or experienced this way because the consciousness of the majority remains hypnotized by beliefs of duality and separation. Most do not yet realize that it is the creative aspect of their own and everyone else's consciousness creating, maintaining, and sustaining a material sense of the world.

domingo, febrero 11, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - All is proceeding according to plan - Feb 11, 2024

FEBRUARY 11, 2024

Dear readers, welcome to our message.

All is proceeding according to plan even as appearances often indicate otherwise. Long held concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, along with man made rules of correctness regarding every aspect of life are being questioned in the hearts and minds of increasingly more individuals.

domingo, enero 28, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 28, 2024

JANUARY 28, 2024

Greetings as we begin the new year of 2024 which is going to be a year of exposures and events that will help awaken many who continue to place their trust in beliefs that are now becoming obsolete. No person can remain hypnotized by illusions of separation forever because the reality of every person is God/Source/Divine Consciousness individualized.

domingo, enero 14, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 14, 2024

JANUARY 14, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which is as we have previously stated, your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message.

The Divine plan continues to unfold regardless of efforts by some to keep the status quo. Do not mourn the loss of people, places, or the things that fulfilled you in the past or attempt to restore them to what they once were. Because consciousness is the creative substance of form, and because every person is an expression of Divine Consciousness, outer forms must automatically dissolve or change as consciousness changes.

domingo, diciembre 31, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - December 31, 2023

DECEMBER 31, 2023

Welcome dear readers, and welcome also to a new year in which almost everyone will see and experience personal and global change as well as a few surprises, some welcomed and some not. The energy of the whole planet is shifting and changing as collective consciousness becomes increasingly more receptive to the idea of oneness which even when understood only from the three dimensional level contributes to the awakening of world consciousness.

domingo, diciembre 17, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Dec 17, 2023


DECEMBER 17, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

Much of the world is celebrating a holiday season while others continue to experience chaos, sorrow, and suffering, the perfect example of duality. Never forget that a necessary component of the ascension process for individuals as well as for earth is the clearing of dense and false energies. Energies long stored and often very ancient must first manifest in order to be seen and recognized for what they represent and eliminated from personal and collective consciousness.

domingo, diciembre 03, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - December 3, 2023

DECEMBER 3, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

You are entering into a season during which much of the world celebrates the birth of the master teacher Jesus. It is important to remember that the Christmas story is every person's story and not just that of one man. The Christ (Light of Spiritual consciousness) can only be born into a consciousness emptied (the stable) of personal ego and beliefs based in duality, separation and two powers. Because this state of consciousness is already full, the higher frequencies of the real Self cannot flow--there is "no room at the Inn".

domingo, noviembre 19, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Nov 19, 2023


NOVEMBER 19, 2023

Welcome dear readers. It is important to understand that it is you the readers who draw forth the contents of each message. The intention to more fully spiritually awaken acts to automatically manifest outwardly as new insights and understanding which often flow from where least expected--a word from a stranger or friend, an experience, a sudden insight, a book or article, a channeled message, or most importantly from within.

domingo, noviembre 05, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - November 5, 2023

NOVEMBER 5, 2023

Dear readers welcome once again to our message.

Trust that all is proceeding according to plan. Dark and heavy energies manifesting as hatred, violence, judgement, and separation are presently affecting everyone's life in some way. The increasing presence of spiritual Light on earth is forcing energies that have long been hidden from general awareness to surface. This is forcing many who have been living with their heads in the sand, unwilling to look at or acknowledge anything other than what they have been told to start seeing with new eyes.