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sábado, junio 01, 2024

Emmanuel Dagher - A New Planetary Civilization – June 2024


Hello my Friend,

We’ve got an amazing month ahead.

June will offer us many new opportunities to completely change the landscape of our lives for the better.

A New Civilization is Emerging

If we view things from a zoomed-out perspective, we can see that the current awakening we are moving through is bringing us closer to becoming a planetary civilization.

domingo, marzo 24, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Great Awakening: Earth's Quantum Leap into a New Era! - Mar 24, 2024

The Great Awakening: Earth's Quantum Leap into a New Era!

Our beautiful planet, Earth, is undergoing an extraordinary evolution - a quantum leap in its journey through the cosmos!

This process, known as the Earth's Ascension, is a complex and multifaceted transformation of the planetary consciousness and its physical structure.

martes, diciembre 26, 2023

Judith Kusel - We are now being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness - Dec 26, 2023

We are now being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness, and to fully start anchoring in the New Golden Age, inspired from deep within, and with loving intent, in the highest and most loving ways for the highest good of all. 

As our consciousness rises with leaps and bounds, we will now be able to access higher levels of Universal knowledge and need to now apply what we access. 

domingo, octubre 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - Energies of Change: Earth's Quantum Leap Initiated by the Galactic Federation's Assistance! - Oct 22, 2023


Energies of Change: Earth's Quantum Leap Initiated by the Galactic Federation's Assistance!


Dear ones hold onto your seats because I have some mind-blowing news for all of us!

Brace yourselves as the awe-inspiring Galactic Federation, composed of super-advanced civilizations, has set its complete focus on none other than Earth itself!

Just imagine the magnitude of this extraordinary development. We, the inhabitants of our humble planet, have captured the attention of these incredible beings from across the cosmos. It's as if the universe has chosen us for something truly remarkable.

martes, agosto 01, 2023

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift - Aug 1, 2023

Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift

We are living in an exciting time. Long before we knew it, humanity started to evolve, and now we are moving towards a new level of consciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, this shift is already happening at a cosmic level.

The cosmic countdown to the birth of 5D Earth has begun. The shift from third dimension to fifth dimension is a very important part of human evolution.

jueves, julio 06, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are heading into the peak of the solar energies - July 6, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the peak of the solar energies received a month ago. In two days, we will be immersed in the 777 portal, which is the bridge to the ultimate one on August 8/8, one of the most important portals of all the months, although every day, is unique and holds a unique essence that we can integrate and co-create with.

A portal that represents the quantum leap that our planet is finally taking, in consciousness, and that helps us descend more wisdom, from new dimensions, from different timeliness - especially sixth and seventh-dimensional ones - and other galactic sources that we may not be fully aware of yet, but that is helping us see higher truths required for our personal and planetary evolution.

domingo, noviembre 27, 2022

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift - Nov 27, 2022

Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift

We are living in an exciting time. Long before we knew it, humanity started to evolve, and now we are moving towards a new level of consciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, this shift is already happening at a cosmic level.

The cosmic countdown to the birth of 5D Earth has begun. The shift from third dimension to fifth dimension is a very important part of human evolution.

jueves, agosto 26, 2021

Judith Kusel - Super Quantum shifts have now pulled us into the way of no return! - August 26, 2021


Super Quantum shifts have now pulled us into the way of no return!

We have made it!

We are in the New Earth zone now totally!

Embarking on totally new territory in the Unknown!

There is much celebration, as the Universe was holding its breath and indeed because of the Lightworkers managing to expand their consciousness and vibrational energy fields in the last few months, and especially during the Lion Portal, we have are now lifted into the New Earth fully!

miércoles, mayo 05, 2021

Lauren C. Gorgo - 5:5:5 Liberation & Transformation - May 4, 2021

5:5:5 Liberation & Transformation 

The 5:5:5 interdimensional stargate portals officially open on 5/5, which is when we really dig into the 5 vibration of this universal 5 year (2021). The 5:5:5 numeric is providing us with the combination code to unlock the Original Destiny for Earth & humanity, and so the (universal ONE) month of May really sets the stage for the entire year, initiating important changes for the radical transformations to come.

jueves, abril 01, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - April's Energies: Divine Sacred Remembrance - April 1, 2021


Picture March was THE MOST POWERFUL month we've had thus far... leading into this vibrational/energetic now....

So much energetic upheaval and clearing that needed to occur... so much deeply buried (asleep) begging to be un-anchored, felt and processed through/out of the cellular body/entire template....

The whole month "one huge electromagnetic unlocking"....

viernes, febrero 19, 2021

Sandra Walter - Bliss, Experiencing Transformation - Now! - Feb 19, 2021


Blessings Beloveds ~

Above photo: Schumann spike, Thursday on Gaia.

Unprecedented frequencies are emanating through the grids after another strong magnetic shift last Monday.

To be completely transparent in this Now: I AM in a state of Bliss, Transformation and Mulitidimensional recalibration. Creating this as I embody the new frequencies. Guided to share my notes, here we glow:

sábado, febrero 06, 2021

Lev - From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 4 – The Great Quantum Transition - February 4, 2021


As it was highlighted in DNI, the rapid transition from 3D to 5D, which means a sharp jump in high-frequency vibrations, is very hard to withstand for many of us.

Even with long-term preparation, it causes in us strong pain – physical (up to a lethal outcome) and emotional, as complete hopelessness, the collapse of all dreams and expectations of a better future, incredible tiredness, and disappointment in everything and everyone.

That is why the transition is carried out so slowly, gradually, and as smoothly as possible.

Sandra Walter - Freedom codes and Quantum shifting via Magnetic Storms - Feb 6, 2021

Feb 6, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

It was an intense frequency week. Geomagnetic storms. Schumann spikes after magnetic adjustments. Perhaps you felt the quantum realms shifting our realities – again.

This is the area of space we are currently traversing; pure Source-encoded crystalline plasma bombardment. It is engulfing our Solar System, flowing through the SUN, and recoding our realities.

domingo, noviembre 15, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Seeing Through Your Higher Heart-Mind-Soul-Light and Seeing with Your Human Eyes are Completely "Opposite" Realities for Awhile...- Nov 15, 2020

Your Pure Heart SOUL SEES all differently than your human heart, human eyes and human mind does/did....

Part of NEW Earth Consciousness/5D-12D Embodiment Realms/Existence (words don't matter, energy does) is a raising/expanding of our own States of Consciousness to SEE that which was not visible to us before. This "seeing" isn't as the human aspect perceives. It's first learning to listen to your body (body's consciousness) and how it communicates/speaks to/with you.

martes, noviembre 10, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 11:11 Gateway/Passageway: Thrust - Nov 10, 2020


This has been a gateway of continual gateways opening constantly daily and building to this now, to continue to open more portals/gateways to build upon those... as this is how all works.

The power of these energies are beyond. The Pure Divine Harmonizing frequencies that stream 24/7 for all to tune-into and to with/to.... are beyond beautiful as well.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Gifts of Light - Nov 9, 2020

Embracing your Light fully gives you access to infinite possibilities, potentials and abundance in every way. Part of this process is learning/remembering to respect our own Light and the Light (Energy) of all others too. As we each start to remember/see/feel/understand how important our own Light(Body) is... everything starts to unlock, activate and come forth relative to our openness, purity, inner-beauty and love. We are all kinder, we choose peace and live this with our every sacred breath. We treat all with compassion and respect, while also assisting with breaking down/through all that programming that got in the way before. When we live as Pure Light, how we live our lives is completely different than before and often others' ways of seeing/living too. For us, Light is all there is... It's what we are, it's why we are here and our entire existence as well. It's also what have to offer and how we make a difference in the world. ♥ 

domingo, septiembre 27, 2020

L'Aura Pleiadian - Quantum Leap To THE Next LEVEL - Sep 27, 2020


Quantum Leap To THE Next LEVEL

WHAT are you observing?

Are you awake enough to know if you are in your HEART OR NOT?

Are you able to OBSERVE when you are not in your HEART?
OR DO YOU live through being ENTICED by the status QUO and have not even yet entered your heart at all? Can you observe that at all?

domingo, septiembre 13, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Organic Morphogenic Field Technology: New Earth Visionaries Living Multi-Dimensional Consciousness and bringing Holographic Quantum REALities into ACTual Form...- September 13, 2020

Quantum Materialization is an Organic Light Technology Ability...


Quantum REALities open everything up for all. All new possibilities, All NEW "realities" that did not exist within the 3D Concept of what "reality" was.

Quantum REALities are very different than previous ones were. These are no longer BOUND by linear limits, mindsets or fixed/set/restricting beliefs of before anymore.