Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Historia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Historia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, abril 22, 2024

Natalia Alba - Embracing stillness during this Scorpion passage is essential - Apr 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Embracing stillness during this Scorpion passage is essential, as many of you are awakening to your galactic lineage and need periods of deep communion with your soul and monad. As the 8th dimensions continue being rehabilitated, especially the one that connects us to Orion within our planetary eight-dimensional gate, many of you are awakening to your Orion memories, as this a time of profound galactic healing to clear our monads, embodying our original essence, and universal mission.

domingo, enero 14, 2024

Aurora Ray - Galactic Whispers: The Astonishing Secrets of Ancient India's Extraterrestrial Connections! - Jan 14, 2024

Galactic Whispers: The Astonishing Secrets of Ancient India's Extraterrestrial Connections!

The ancient Indian texts known as the Vedas contain a lot of fascinating stories and messages connecting the people of India with extraterrestrial beings from outer space.

These scriptures date back thousands of years and give glimpses into India's intergalactic interactions during ancient times.

sábado, diciembre 16, 2023

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Secrets Revealed: The Untold History of the Galactic Federation - Dec 16, 2023

Cosmic Secrets Revealed: The Untold History of the Galactic Federation


The Galactic Federation, also known as the Galactic Federation of Light or the Galactic Confederation, is an interplanetary alliance of civilizations from multiple star systems and galaxies that watch over the evolution of the Earth and guide humanity towards Ascension.

The Galactic Federation has several million members spanning hundreds of thousands of different worlds. These extraterrestrial civilizations have come from star systems in the Milky Way galaxy as well as Andromeda, Pleiades, and other nearby galaxies.

martes, septiembre 19, 2023

Lisa Renee - Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire - September 2023

September 2023

Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During this stage of the Ascension Cycle, the hidden magical jewel and Dragon Eye of the Cosmic Mother, the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire, was discovered to be protecting angelic humanity’s evolutionary purpose as recorded in the local planetary grid architecture, confirmed to be installed within the landmass of Ireland. Thus, the landmass of Ireland, formerly called Hibernia and referred to as Éire by the Irish, was specifically chosen by the Cosmic Mother to hide her most sought-after spiritual treasures from the God Worlds. That which was to be embodied by her triple solar sons and daughters, Aryans, as they incarnated into the lands of Éire to be genetically key coded into the landscape, imbued with her sophianic codes and hidden historical records of the Emerald Order, flowing through the sacred trees, grottoes, lush rolling hills and fresh water springs.

sábado, septiembre 02, 2023

Aurora Ray - Pleiadians and the Game Masters: Crafting Civilizations Beyond Imagination

Pleiadians and the Game Masters: Crafting Civilizations Beyond Imagination

The Game Masters are limitless, without shape, and can change their forms. They possess an incredible brilliance that goes beyond the creation of games. They do more than just imagine a game; they sketch out an entire plan for a civilization to thrive within it.

This blueprint includes everything, from the most skilled artisans to the humblest beggars. Then, they create doorways that actually place these civilizations into the world we live in, like putting pieces into a puzzle on Earth.

jueves, agosto 31, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Secrets of Ancient Civilizations: Unveiling Earth's Cosmic History - Aug 31, 2023

The Secrets of Ancient Civilizations: Unveiling Earth's Cosmic History

For over half a million years, Earth has been a canvas for civilizations from distant stars. Each of these civilizations was part of a grand plan, and their arrival was carefully timed.

They succeeded in breaking through a protective barrier that had been keeping Earth isolated. After getting in, they thrived for certain periods – like 500 years, 5,000 years, or even 10,000 years – before the controlling forces of the planet either pushed them out or defeated them. These civilizations left behind hints and steps to unlock the planet's hidden library. They couldn't own Earth, but they paved the way for us to do so.

viernes, agosto 25, 2023

Aurora Ray - Unraveling Earth's Ancient Origins: Our Cosmic Connection - Aug 25, 2023

Unraveling Earth's Ancient Origins: Our Cosmic Connection

Let's go on a fascinating journey through time to explore the history of our planet and the incredible link it shares with Pleiadian ancestors.

Pleiadian ancestors were like special guides who helped create worlds and civilizations with their love and creativity. Remarkably, they are also part of our family tree, as they passed down their DNA to become our ancient relatives.

domingo, agosto 20, 2023

Aurora Ray - Echoes of Ancient Cosmic Events: How Cosmic Conflicts Shaped Humanity's Story on Earth - Aug 21, 2023

Echoes of Ancient Cosmic Events: How Cosmic Conflicts Shaped Humanity's Story on Earth

In a time long, long ago, almost beyond our wildest imagination, something incredible happened in a distant corner of the universe. And you know what? Those incredible happenings left their fingerprints on Earth, and those fingerprints are still visible today. They shaped how things are now like a hidden hand guiding the way.

Picture Earth as a valuable treasure, something truly precious. But way back then, Earth seemed to lose control over itself. It was like a new group arrived and said, "Hey, we're taking charge now." Think of it as if a new owner moved into a house, bringing in new rules. But here's the twist – these new rulers weren't always the nicest. They didn't always treat Earth well, which adds a layer of complexity to our story.

miércoles, julio 05, 2023

Aurora Ray - Beyond the Stars: How the Sirians' Connection to Earth Shapes Our World - July 5, 2023

Beyond the Stars: How the Sirians' Connection to Earth Shapes Our World

Have you ever wondered about the role of extraterrestrial beings in shaping our world?

Among the many star systems and galaxies that exist, the Sirians have played a significant role in grounding advanced information on Earth.

In this post, we explore the ways in which the Sirians have contributed to our planet and the spiritual significance of their connection to Earth.

sábado, julio 01, 2023



 En este nuevo documental nos centraremos en algunos misterios relacionados con la Tierra Hueca y las civilizaciones desarrolladas que viven en su interior. Desde el origen de la humanidad con el mito de "Adán y Eva" bíblicos y los restos de culturas, las cuales han dejado leyendas de gigantes, restos vestigios muchos relacionados con el interior de montañas sagradas.

Igualmente en distintas culturas y en lugares del mundo como Grecia, Malta, Israel, Rumanía, Rusia, Irlanda, Escandinavia, los Montes Urales, Asia... descubrimos historias legendarias vinculadas con los enigmas y misterios de la Tierra Hueca, los gigantes, seres inmortales, ciudades, lugares paradisíacos como el Edén, Shambalah y otras ciudades maravillosas.

Lo mismo seres enigmáticos como los Thuatas de Danann, el mago Merlín, Lao-Tsé, o dioses nórdicos como Odín, Lugh, Dana-Brigit, Monje Sergius, Apolonio De Tiana y otros, todos ellos relacionados con los misterios de la Tierra Hueca.

Así en este nuevo y maravilloso documental, veremos cómo todas las piezas se van uniendo y nos van mostrando nuestro brillante pasado, y nuestro brillante futuro como humanidad.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades


Alcyon Pleiades 155: Eden-Delphi, T Dé Danann, Adam and Eve, Giants, Lugh-Dana, Odin, Shambhala Yeti

In this new documentary, we will focus on a number of mysteries associated with the Hollow Earth and the civilisations residing in its depths. From the origins of humankind, to the myth of biblical ‘Adam and Eve’, there are remnants of culture that form part of our legacy. This includes legends featuring giants and other vestiges – many of which are linked to the inside of holy mountains.
By the same token, in different countries all over the world, in places like Greece, Malta, Israel, Romania, Russia, Ireland, Scandinavia, the Ural Mountains and Asia, we discover legendary stories linked to the mysteries of the Hollow Earth. This includes giants, immortal beings and paradise-like places such as Eden, Shambhala and a host of wonderous cities.

Furthermore, it is associated with mysterious beings like the Tuatha Dé Danann, the wizard Merlin, Lao-tzu and the Norse gods, including Odin, Lugh, Dana-Brigit. It should also be noted that the Monk Sergius, Apollonius of Tyana, and others were associated with the mysteries of the Hollow Earth.

In this wonderful, new documentary, we will see how all of these pieces are starting to fit together to reveal our brilliant past, and our shining future as a humanity.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

lunes, noviembre 28, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Earth Will Be A Galactic Federation Planet Again! - Nov 29, 2022

The Earth Will Be A Galactic Federation Planet Again!

What happened to Earth?

Some time ago, negative forces arrived on Earth. They used advanced mind control techniques to take over the planet's inhabitants and seize control of the Earth's resources. The negative forces are currently trying to overtake the entire galaxy.

But that's not all! These evil creatures can also disguise themselves as humans. This is what makes it difficult for us—they hide in plain sight!