Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Diane Canfield. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Diane Canfield. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, mayo 11, 2024

Diane Canfield - Massive Solar Storms Continue To Bring In Elevated Levels Of Consciousness and Awakening ! - May 11, 2024

Blessings Everyone,

As I said in my last article we are being slammed with space weather all weekend long.

We have solar wind that is out of the range I have ever seen it at 880 KP speed. This is just unreal !

jueves, mayo 09, 2024

Diane Canfield - Massive Flares in the Past Week- Extreme CME Watch This Weekend - Massive Hole In Sun Rivaling Carrington Event! Ascension Watch ! - May 9, 2024


Blessings Everyone,

We have been experiencing massive solar flares over the past week. With M and X flares ( the highest flares) thrown into the mix. below( at the bottom) are the flares over the past week.

These flares have brought in massive Ascension symptoms such as :

sábado, febrero 04, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - UFO Disclosure is Happening…What it Means - Feb 4, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are as happy as many of you are about the disclosure that is taking place at this time on the topic of UFOs. This disclosure has been happening for quite some time, and every time that something else is disclosed, you get a bit more confirmation of what you already knew to be true. So what does this then signify for humanity? What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?

martes, agosto 16, 2022

Diane Canfield - Intense Solar Flares Arrive Today Bringing In Uplifted Psychic Energy - Aug 16, 2022


Blessings Everyone,

Two High M Class flares just arrived with possible solar storms on the way. Solar wind in rising making storms possible.

I felt these flares kick in bringing in uplifting energy this morning. You may feel more at one with the universe and have more psychic senses heightened.

I had a RUSH of psychic knowing when I first got out of bed this morning !

sábado, agosto 13, 2022

Diane Canfield - New Energy Coming In Leads To Personal Psychic Mandela Effects – Watch For Your Own Effects - Aug 13, 2022


Blessings Everyone,

Below are a few psychic Mandela type -out of this dimension experiences this week I wanted to share with everyone.

First Experience/ Frying pan handle changes size

I was cooking dinner and took out my frying pan and while looking at the pan noticed the handle is much bigger than before. The handle on this pan is now huge and I can not imagine a reality where I would have bought this pan The handle in the past was normal sized but now its super sized I have had this pan for a few years now and use it almost every day. There is no way this handle was this way before or I bought it with this huge handle.

sábado, diciembre 11, 2021

Diane Canfield - Galactic Portal Opening -December 12th Through December 21st - Dec 11, 2021


Blessings Everyone,


Full moon on December 19th
December 12/12 portal opening 3/3/3
Meteor shower December 13th and 14th
New GALACTIC Timelines Appearing
December 21st Solstice Portal Opening 3/3/3

We are right in the middle now of a new timeline opening and a new galactic portal opening. The last time we had this amount of heightened energy was in 2012 when we entered a new timeline. We are now entering a new timeline again. The galactics are very much involved in the raising of these timelines and bringing in new energy.

jueves, diciembre 02, 2021

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Update: New Beginnings Are Arriving | Eclipse And Deep Change Portal |Time Shifts - Dec 2, 2021


Blessings Everyone,

We have been in the Eclipse portal of Nov 19 to Dec 4th. these last few weeks. During this high energy period we have been experiencing massive ascension| awakening symptoms.


Here are some you may have experienced…







lunes, noviembre 22, 2021


 Blessings Everyone,

We are now at the very beginning of a NEW Timeline. This timeline is one of peace, joy and new Earth.

To join this timeline all we need to do is see this in our minds eye, our third eye. Focus on New Earth where everything is at peace and working as one. Harmony and LOVE abound on the entire planet. This is the timeline coming in, this is the new timeline we are creating.

martes, noviembre 02, 2021

Diane Canfield - Upgrades/ Downloads-Flares/Solar Storms Bring In Higher Awareness - Nov 2, 2021

Blessings Everyone,

Higher upgrades to our consciousness are coming in. These upgrades have been coming in the entire week with my last article about the X and M class flares wiping everyone out a few days ago.

Now we have more flares, very high solar wind at almost 600 ( normal is around 250 to 300) and Geo Magnetic storms caused from the solar wind and flares.

jueves, octubre 28, 2021

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Update: X And M Class Flares Bring In Upgrades Back To Back - Oct 28, 2021

Blessings Everyone,

We have some strong X and M flares making their way to us today… These came in back to back bring intense downloads and upgrades.

 Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing…

Extreme Fatigue

Extreme Loopy Brain

Extreme Thirst

viernes, octubre 08, 2021

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Update: Pressure Is Building To Mass Consciousness Upgrade/ New Energy Arriving - Oct 8, 2021



Blessings Everyone,

Pressure is building for a mass consciousness upgrade explosion. Some of you may be able to feel this as the pressure builds.

It feels as if something is coming and the current reality will not sustain itself for long. How many feel this NEW ENERGY coming in? Can you feel this pressure building ?

domingo, septiembre 12, 2021

Diane Canfield - Manifesting Peace/ Changing Timelines-A New Timeline Awaits Us All – Part 1 - Sep 12, 2021

Blessings Everyone,

We have all been through a rough year… and the future is on hold right now for everyone, This means you are able to manifest the reality you want instead of the default one that is currently running.

We need to change this timeline as a group because the more people the more power to make changes occur.

We have stepped into a timeline that seems very restrictive yet we can leave this timeline behind us.

domingo, mayo 09, 2021

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Be a Creator, Not a Cult Member - May 9, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very particular about what we place our focus upon, because we only want to lend more of our energy to something that we would like to see more of in our experience. We only mention darker timelines and world wars because we know that others are talking about these things, and we want you to know that you don’t have to experience them. You don’t have to experience anything that you do not want to experience from now on, but in order to make that leap, you must be willing to take your attention off of what is not wanted and present in your experience and what is not wanted but has been predicted to be something that will happen in the future.

viernes, marzo 12, 2021

Diane Canfield - Channeled Message Pleiadians - Who Are You And Where Are You From ? - March 12, 2021

Greetings and Love,

One of the many concerns of humans on planet Earth is who they are and where did they come from.

We know this presses on your species as a very important question many of you ask.

We feel the time is right to tell you some of your history.

You are not orginally from Planet Earth.

lunes, diciembre 28, 2020

Diane Canfield - Upgrades!!! Shifting- Before- During And After December 21st/ The Great Awakening Continues - December 28, 2020


Blessings Everyone,

December 21st was a very powerful turning point in our evolution of consciousness. I had a HUGE download come in that morning around 10:30 which I transferred as light codes to all participants of my Great Awakening Event.

Since this last week we have been experiencing many upgrading symptoms…
Back Pain
Sleep issues
Intense dreams and even replaying issues from past
Time slips / time moving slowing down or speeding up
Downloads coming in
Chakra Points Activated

sábado, diciembre 19, 2020

Diane Canfield - Age Of Aquarius/ Saturn/ Jupiter Alignment / Upgrades To Higher Dimensions/ December 21st Solstice Activation And Meditation Event/ The Great Awakening - December 19, 2020


Blessings Everyone,

Jupiter and Saturn are now in Aquarius and coming into 0 point on the 21st Solstice of December 21st.

This marks a huge upgrade for humanity in many ways entering into the NEW EARTH.

Aquarius brings in Humanitarian aspects to our surroundings. This is good news because this brings in the Age of Aquarius we have all been waiting for.

This means human issues are looked at, animal issues and the well being of the planet.

domingo, noviembre 29, 2020

Diane Canfield - Full Moon/ Eclipse Nov 30th Brings New Ways Of Being/ Bliss - Nov 29, 2020


Blessings Everyone

The PENUMBRAL Lunar Eclipse Starts tonight around 2AM and ends around 7AM. We also have a full moon happening. Around this same time the moon will become full.

I started feeling these effects last night. Bliss started coming in in a big way. I felt one with the Universe for many hours through the evening. Be prepared to new and significant changes to start to occur.

miércoles, noviembre 25, 2020

Diane Canfield - Energy Surge/ Wave Tonight/ What Is Coming ? - November 25, 2020


Blessings Everyone,

Tonight, I experienced a huge energy shift. It went into my consciousness, and through my heart chakra. It is a wave of energy that penetrates your entire body. I had been meditating a few hours before this.

I felt as though a huge change is about to occur in the next few days/ to one week. It feels more like a few days. It feels as though the tide has turned as it passed though me.