Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Registro Akáshico. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Registro Akáshico. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, abril 16, 2024

Natalia Alba - During this eighth universal year - Apr 16, 2024


Beloved Ones,

During this eighth universal year, the year of soul and monadic reconnection, many of you are consciously building the cord to your Divine Selves. At this time, due to all the healing you are achieving, there is a major opening for all of you who are working on building this monadic connection to your eight-dimensional chakras and eight DNA strands. As you continue merging your human self with your soul and monad, access to your cellular memories occurs, allowing you to receive more information about who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming, as well as the unique mission you brought to this earth.

jueves, mayo 21, 2020

Anna Merkaba - May 22 – 7 Day Bridge Portal – Important! Oraphim & Auroras - May 20, 2020

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! On May 22nd for 7 days a very powerful “Seven Day Bridge” portal is opening. I have received a fascinating channeling from the Auroras and Oraphims. They explained what has been happening and the reason for such a tremendous departure of souls from earth at this time, what is to come and what we are going to experience in the next 7 days and beyond.

viernes, enero 03, 2020

Un mensaje de Gillian y El Despertar Cuántico - Llegando Al Final Del 2019 - Dic 30, 2020

Llegando Al Final Del 2019

Un mensaje de Gillian y El Despertar Cuántico Al llegar al final del 2019, es importante saborear cada momento como si estuviésemos en la última cena. Porque realmente estamos al final de nuestra cuerda dimensional y avanzamos hacia una perspectiva más elevada para que podamos mirar a través de los ojos de nuestro corazón, que se reflejan a lo largo del tiempo. Mucho se ha transformado y cambiado con o sin nuestro permiso en 2019, preparándonos para el gran salto en la fe. Los actores de nuestro

lunes, diciembre 30, 2019

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - A word from Gillian and the QuantumAwakening - COMING TO THE END OF 2019 - Dec 30, 2019

A word from Gillian and the QuantumAwakening


As we come to the end of 2019 it is important to savor every moment of it like we are at the last supper. For we truly are at the end of our dimensional rope and are moving on up into a higher perspective so we are able to Look through the eyes of our heart which are mirrored throughout time. So much has shifted and changed with or without our permission in 2019 preparing us for the big leap in faith. the players in our documentary enter and exit our lives and hearts causing emotional backwash as we review our choices. Truth, past and present parade in a panoramic display demanding that we look down that long Hall of Mirrors. Seeing glimpses of whom and what we once were and what we shall become.

viernes, junio 07, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Varios Niveles de Akasha Determinan Tu Experiencia Aquí: ¿Sabías que Cada Pensamiento, Aliento y Acto Tuyo queda “Grabado” Vibratoriamente? - Junio 4, 2019

Varios Niveles de Akasha Determinan Tu Experiencia Aquí: ¿Sabías que Cada Pensamiento, Aliento y Acto Tuyo queda “Grabado” Vibratoriamente?

por Lisa Transcendence Brown

La percepción humana del akasha y la percepción de la Conciencia de la Fuente del Akasha son percepciones muy diferentes... ya que hay todo un programa matriz egoico que se creó alrededor de esto (y de todo).

martes, junio 04, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Various Levels of Akash Dictate Your Experience Here: Did You Know that Your Every Thought, Breath and Act are Vibrationally "Recorded"? - June 4, 2019

The human perception of akash and Source Consciousness awareness of Akash are very different perceptions... as there is an entire ego-matrix program that was created around this (and all).

Are you aware that your every experience here is dictated by all of your Akashes, which pertain not only to this human experience, yet all of your existences all rolled up into ONE?

sábado, enero 19, 2019

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Catalyst of Thought-Matter Ideation Enigmatic Crysto-Cosmic Glue -

Catalyst of Thought-Matter Ideation
Enigmatic Crysto-Cosmic Glue

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Copyrights Reserved 2019

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we welcome you, in a vector, of Unconditional Love.

And so in part one of this interesting and timely topic, we speak about the divine science of planetary transitions ongoing and indeed, quickening on the Earth.

domingo, julio 29, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 9+ New StarGate Codes Opened Up/Activated/Delivered/BEcame Available/Dialed In - This Week - 7/29/2018

We are in heightened/hyper photonic frequencies daily now, where each's own self-awareness, self-accountability and self-mastery are KEY.

Increasing photonic activity exacerbates, makes distortions more visible/louder, for each to go within to SEE and clear that programming from within.

viernes, junio 01, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Our Photonic Light Bodies Continue to Evolve... and our Quantum Multi-Dimensional Realities are Constantly Restructuring; July Focuses on Inner-Connected Courage & Holding Your Dreams as REAL, while Birthing Your NEW from DEEP Within and Realizing How it - 6/30/2018

The Only TIME you will not be happy and free, is when you have an unconscious Matrix Program to clear fully from within... Every "Real"ity you experience has a Matrix to it and it's held within the/your/our physical bodies. The entire Old Earth Matrix program is held within each's Cosmic Akash, which correlates to Gaia's & Our Universe/Galactic Cosmic Akash). In order to transcend the entire Matrix Program of Old Earth, each must fully clear all "levels" of (your) Akashic Records, that make up the different "levels" of the Matrix (Programs, Systems, Structures) and how all is housed in your physical body form, linking up to the Dimensions of Earth that you occupy physically, as well as vibrate in and out of on a cellular level.

jueves, julio 27, 2017

Selacia - Love Secrets in Your DNA Akashic Records - July 26, 2017

The power of love to bring people together and create a lasting bond is without question one of the most amazing magnetic forces at work in relationships. Have you ever wondered how you could have been attracted to someone, or stayed with someone, when he or she didn't fit your idea of the perfect match? Likewise, have you wondered why you are still single or why the person supposedly perfect for you left with no explanation? Continue reading to understand some of the "why" of such things, learning how specific answers can be found in your DNA akashic records.

domingo, mayo 28, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - GodHead Gifts: Before Creation, Clearing Your Cache' (Akashic Records) for Accessing The Halls of Amenti and Infinite Access to All - 5/28/2017

This recent Light Encoded Gateway has opened up collectively for more access to all new timelines by each. We've entered into Expedited Askashic Clearings, Thoth/Halls of Amenti access and Godhead abilities for BEFORE CREATION too. This has been available to/by Forerunner Gatekeepers continually holding these highest encodements from within, and anchoring these Christed frequencies in their own body templates and holding these NEW EARTH Constructs in place. The entire gridwork/gate system has synchronized with Gaia/Galactically and Crystalline/Christed BEings physical bodies for all to link up too, and become of part of further anchoring these higher timelines in the physical together and from within each one of you. :)

miércoles, abril 12, 2017

Selacia - Amor en los registros Akashicos de su ADN - 6 de Abril 2017


Traducción: Alicia Virelli -
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Las relaciones están teniendo una dosis extra de desafíos en abril con energías planetarias estresantes que juegan y se suman a las tensiones amplificadas que hemos estado experimentando desde que comenzó 2017. En este artículo voy a esbozar algunas maneras de cómo puede recrearse esto con la gente que aman, así como la conexión entre la discordia y los viejos patrones en sus registros akáshicos del ADN.


Dentro de su ADN están los vastos registros akáshicos del viaje de su alma durante los tiempos. Acontecimientos clave, creencias, patrones, cualidades, talentos y tendencias están registradas allí. Los recuerdos y lecciones de relaciones están allí también, junto con los votos y acuerdos realizados con tus seres queridos a través del tiempo. Muy a menudo en mi práctica de sanación intuitiva del ADN, es una cuestión de la relación que una persona primero presenta como un desafío clave.

miércoles, abril 05, 2017

Selacia - Love in Your DNA Akashic Records - April 5, 2017

Relationships are having an extra dose of challenges in April as stressful planetary energies play out and add to the amplified tensions we've been experiencing since 2017 began. In this article, I'll outline a few ways this can play out with the people you love, as well as the connection between discord and very old patterns in your DNA akashic records.


Inside your DNA is the vast akashic records of your soul's journey over time. Key events, beliefs, patterns, qualities, talents, and tendencies are recorded there. Memories and lessons of relationships are there too, along with vows and agreements made with loved ones across time. Quite often in my DNA intuitive healing practice, it is a relationship issue a person first presents as a key challenge.