Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Seres de la Naturaleza. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Seres de la Naturaleza. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, agosto 22, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO AGOSTO 2024




▲ De su Anfitriona de la Luz

▲Truenos y relámpagos: las enseñanzas internas del año de la Tormenta Galáctica Azul

▲ La verdadera energía detrás de las tormentas eléctricas y los rayos

▲ Todos los pensamientos son importantes


A medida que elevamos nuestra percepción consciente unos cuantos niveles, llegamos a muchos senderos con nuevas comprensiones que exhiben allí verdades como migas de pan en un camino perdido. La consciencia misma del clima ha cambiado al igual que nosotros, y es el momento de observar nuevos patrones de verdades ocultas. Todos sabemos que el clima tiene un temperamento y todo clima surge de muchas partes del mundo y se envuelve alrededor de aquellos que no entienden ni quieren las enseñanzas planetarias.

sábado, marzo 18, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth - Mar 18, 2023

The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth

In the unfolding spiral of the Sacred and Galactic year, the two Equinoxes form part of the 8 Points of Light, together with the two Solstices and the 4 Time Portals.

viernes, septiembre 16, 2022

Natalie Glasson - The Nature Kingdom - Being a Source of Awakening - Sep 16, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Sacred bliss and love, we extend to your being now. We are a collective consciousness, the collective energy of the Nature Kingdom. We are the spirits, the souls that oversee the Nature Kingdom while also inhabiting it. We wish to come forth to share a message with you to inspire you to be of service. It is often in your own spiritual evolution and your reality that you focus independently upon your own ascension, your own awakening process. While this is perfect and appropriate, there is also a balance that can be achieved when you are a source of awakening for another energy, soul, or being. This automatically awakens the same within your own being.

jueves, junio 03, 2021

Celia Fenn - Nature, Magic and Abundance : The Way of the New Earth - June 2, 2021

The Natural Magic of Nature and the Artificial Grid of Economics : Freedom versus Slavery

Humanity and the Planet were designed by Prime Creator and the Elohim Angels to function within the Flow of Nature and natural “magic” and abundance. The Prime Life Force is designed to respond to consciousness and to create whatever is desired and needed.

This Life Force energy ensures that all on the Planet will Thrive and not just survive.

viernes, octubre 06, 2017

Dianne Robbins - All of Nature Is Calling You - Monthly Message October 2017

Our depth is the cause for our clarity and brilliance of light, for we capture the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and it pulses within our encasement and sheen of pure Crystal. We wait here silently, as surface folk go about their business of hurrying and scurrying about to make a “living” for their very existence, when our existence just is, and we do nothing to stay alive, but bask in the Creator’s heartbeat deep within the Earth. It is this heartbeat that generates all we need and gives us the nutrition (although we don’t “eat” as you do) that we need for our growth.