Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Familia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Familia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, abril 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - The keys and codes are now being activated - Apr 28, 2024

The keys and codes are now being activated for the next stage of the ascension process.

Huge activations ard occurring and this will continue until all 50 to 300 chakras are fully opened in the New Golden Age for the new human race.

It is opening new faculties in our brain as the heart-mind becomes more balanced, in harmony with thd soul itself.

viernes, abril 19, 2024

Natalia Alba - It is time now for us to focus on our earthly plane - Apr 19, 2024

Beloved Ones,

It is time now for us to focus on our earthly plane, bringing our focus into our bodies, planetary mission, the second chakra, and DNA strand, for as the Sun enters into Taurus, we are invited to transform our bodies through the process that we have already initiated of polarity integration that we are experiencing.

viernes, marzo 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - The dance between the female and masculine continues - Mar 15, 2024

·Beloved Ones,

The dance between the female and masculine continues as we reach the eclipses and the month of May, which will be key as well to bring more restoration, and unification, into ourselves and our planetary grids. The galactic awakening and healing of polarities during this month is unprecedented.

March is preparing many of you to start embracing your unique star lineage and mission, by integrating opposites and becoming more unified, so you can descend all the knowledge required to be of assistance.

sábado, agosto 12, 2023

Aurora Ray - Embracing the Path of the Family of Light - Aug 13, 2023

Embracing the Path of the Family of Light

In a world filled with limitless possibilities and transformative potential, the emergence of the Family of Light shines as a beacon of hope and purpose. Comprising individuals who wholeheartedly embrace personal responsibility for their own evolution, they embody the essence of true change.

They understand that the power to shape the world lies within their hands, and they are driven by a profound desire to bring forth a new paradigm of co-creation and harmony.

sábado, marzo 18, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth - Mar 18, 2023

The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth

In the unfolding spiral of the Sacred and Galactic year, the two Equinoxes form part of the 8 Points of Light, together with the two Solstices and the 4 Time Portals.

domingo, agosto 29, 2021

Suzanne Lie - WHO IS OUR GALACTIC FAMILY - August 29, 2021


In many ways,  WE are our Galactic Family.

By WE, is meant that many of the "humans" on Earth, have chosen to take on a third dimensional Earth body so that they could assist dear Gaia. Gaia is the name that has been given to the "third dimensional humans."

We say,"third dimensional humans" in order to assist the awakened and awakening 3D humans to remember that there is much more than their third dimensional life on third dimensional Earth. 

It is important to realize that more and more 3D humans are beginning to remember other realities in which they lived and/or visited in-between our 3D lives.

sábado, agosto 28, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Greetings from our Galactic Family - August 28, 2021


 More and more and more often, we are we are getting more and more information about our Galactic Family. Our Galactic Family is our higher dimensional SELF who resonates to the higher frequencies of reality.

If you look on the Internet you will see more and more movies and information about beings who live in outer space. 

Please take some time to check out some of the shows that are on the Internet about the different types of crafts that they have, also more and more people have seen Starships flying in their sky. 

jueves, agosto 26, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Going Inside to find Up Above - August 25, 2021

                           Going Inside To find "Up Above"

There are many people now who are on "lock down" inside their homes. The newest virus problem is reminding everyone that our life is no longer what it was before. 

We can all remember what it was like before, when there was no virus in the sky, and no masks that we had to wear to protect ourselves from breathing in this "unseen enemy."

The fact is that the "enemy" is not able to be seen, and that we need to be careful, wear a mask outside, and still try to live our lives as best we can.

sábado, julio 10, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Summer of 2021 - July 9, 2021

The Summer of 2021

How is your summer so far? This summer is so very different from many other summers because there is so many questions about how we doing in our every day life, as well as how are we adapting to our environment and our life in general.

Now, more and more people are inviting the Arcturians to communicate with them, and then share that informations with others. Then together they can combine all that they have learned/experienced so far. It is through those people that share with others on Earth how things are going in the higher frequencies of our Galactic Family.

miércoles, julio 07, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - July 7, 2021

A Message From the Arcturians during our time of great need. Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

Please send me some information that I can share with others to assist us all during this time of great challenge.

Dear Suzille,

We, the Arcturians, are happy to assist you, as well as anyone who asks for our assistance. We Arcturians, as well as all of our Galactic Family are working as ONE “Higher Dimensional Team” to assist our beloved Planetary Friend, Gaia. Yes, the issues that the humans are confronted with are also impacting all the levels of our dear Planet Gaia.

sábado, julio 03, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - July 3, 2021

Dear Arcturians, Please send me some information that I can share with others to assist us all during this time of great challenge.

Dear Suzille, We, the Arcturians, are happy to assist you, as well as anyone who asks for our assistance. We Arcturians, as well as all of our Galactic Family are working as ONE “Higher Dimensional Team” to assist our beloved Planetary Friend, Gaia. Yes, the issues that the humans are confronted with are also impacting all the levels of our dear Planet Gaia. Therefore, we suggest to all of you that you, too, connect with us, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, The Venusians and other Galactic Beings that most of humanity has not met—yet! 

miércoles, junio 23, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - June 23, 2021

Dear Arcturians,

Please send me some information that I can share with others to assist us all during this time of great challenge.

Dear Suzille,

We, the Arcturians, are happy to assist you, as well as anyone who asks for our assistance. We Arcturians, as well as all of our Galactic Family, are working as ONE “Higher Dimensional Team” to assist our beloved Planetary Friend, Gaia. 

jueves, junio 10, 2021

Suzanne Lie - AWAKENING TO GAIA - June 9 2021



First of all, our/your Galactic Family is not just the advanced beings who are more and more frequently choosing to live on Gaia's Earth. The reason for these many Higher Dimensional Beings gathering on Earth is because we, the Awakening Fifth Dimensional Galactics, are preparing to teach the earthly humans as they remember their true Galactic SELF.

Those who have been born and lived on Gaia, are slowly or quickly beginning to remember their Home-worlds on the higher dimensions of reality, and on their Starships which took them to Earth.

martes, junio 01, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Saving Gaia - June 1, 2021

Saving Gaia


It is the NOW in which, we the humans, 

who once believed we were the most 

evolved beings on Gaia's Earth,

are beginning to  realize that 

It is the NOW for humanity to:




Their beloved 


domingo, mayo 02, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Saving Gaia A Conversation with the Arcturians - May 1, 2021

A Conversation with the Arcturians


Dear Arcturians
What do you have to share with us today? 

We, the Arcturian Members of your Galactic Family, are very pleased to communicate with our Family Members who have called upon us to assist the awakening humans to remember their true Higher SELF.

We the Arcturians have been calling our members who have taken a third dimensional Earth body, to remember that that they too have a higher dimensional frequency of SELF We are pleased to see that more and more of our third dimensional humans are awakening to their true Multidimensional SELF.

miércoles, abril 21, 2021

Suzanne Lie - OUR GALACTIC FAMILY - April 21, 2021



Our Galactic Family is actually the higher frequency of our own human selves. However, just as our human selves resonates to the same frequency as the planet Earth that we live on, our Higher Dimensional Selves resonate to the higher frequency of the planets, Starships, and realities in which they exist.

There are many other versions of our own self that resonate to the higher frequencies. However, most humans are not "yet" aware of their own higher dimensional frequencies of their own human self. 

miércoles, abril 07, 2021

Suzanne Lie - What Has Changed and What is the Same? - April 6, 2021

What has changed for you and what is the same?

When you look into a mirror, who do you see?
Do you see who you want to be?
Or do you see who you have always been?

Perhaps, you may feel the "who" you have always wanted to be, 
but you do not know when that day will come,
 Or how that change will occur!

Also, when you look into the mirror, are you pleased with your self?
Or do you judge your self before you even know if there will ever be "a great change?"

jueves, abril 01, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - WHO COULD HAVE IMAGINED? - April 1, 2021



Who could have imagined that Earth's reality would be what it is within this now? 

But then, who could ever believe that there are higher dimensional beings, The Galactics, who are "over lighting" humanity? "

And why are these Galactics over-lighting humanity? 

The reason is that they, the Galactics, are here (in the higher frequencies of reality) so that more and more humans will gradually, or quickly, move more and more into the Higher Wavelengths of Gaia Planetary SELF.