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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Conspiraciones. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, abril 11, 2020

James Gilliland - ECETI NEWS April 9th - April 11, 2020

ECETI NEWS April 9th

When you are Authentic, a Red Pill that is hard to swallow.

There is a war of polarities ensuing between those who are self-serving and in service to others.

Those who are authentic and those who are posers. Those who act as if they are for the greater good, here to educate, inform, heal and empower yet they are maintaining a disempowering status quo, a controlled narrative. The only thing they are empowering is their fame and bank accounts. The alternative media is no longer the alternative.


jueves, abril 02, 2020

Benjamin Fulford - Abe, Macron, Merkel & Prince Charles to be “coronavirused,” as Battle for Planet Earth intensifies - March 30, 2020

By Benjamin Fulford March 30, 2020

The Battle for Planet Earth is reaching a climax as opposing forces try to use the “coronavirus pandemic” to achieve their agendas. The liberation forces are using the lockdown as an opportunity to arrest senior Khazarian Mafiosi, while the Satanists are hoping to vaccinate and microchip the general public back into submission, multiple sources agree. It’s almost as if reality is bifurcating, with one version filled with fear and death and other in breathless anticipation of planetary liberation.

miércoles, abril 01, 2020

Final Wakeup Call: The Money Changers

The Money Changers
Money made on the backs of the populace

Boom and bust cycles are made to happen

History and Origin of our Debt Slavery

The union, in 2000 BC, between Babylonian religions, Babylonian banking and Babylonian law has put the world into serfdom. – Shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ also named Yeshua Messiah; The Romans set-up a “Puppet Regime” in Israel, so-as-to more effectively mask the harsh reality that the Israelites were a Conquered Folk. And, because “Law” was frequently administered by a “Priesthood” in these ancient cultures, a group of priests known as “Pharisees” among them joint with the Romans to Deceive, Confuse, Plunder, and Enslave the common Israelite

martes, enero 28, 2020

awakening5dhealing - 2020 Upgrade Twins, Soundbites (light and dark) and Recalibration - Jan 28, 2020

24.01.20 New Moon Aquarius – 9.02.20 Full Moon Leo – 23.02.20 New Moon Pisces Moontime Divine Feminine riiiiiissssssiiiiiiing

Aquarius to Pisces vibratory shift January to February in Sun and Moon. Transformational gateway fuelled in 24.01.20 new moon Aquarius frequencies creates a cosmic wave which will peak through February’s Leo full moon 9.02.20. We invert the inversion, 22 meets 9 square on, love and hate. The gateway will close with Pisces New Moon 23.02.20. The sun moves into Pisces on 26.02.20, wisdom comes knocking beautiful people. Aquarius to Pisces Shift in Moon and Sun vibratory fields is all about twin flame energy. Love is here on Gaia, Divine feminine and masculine vibrations, 222, source light magnetises the material plane.

miércoles, octubre 16, 2019

Teri Wade - The Reptilian Resistance - Oct 16, 2019

One of the biggest advantages the Reptilian race and occult have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in a different dimensional frequency. You need to ask yourself how effective would they be if this veil of illusion was lifted?

lunes, agosto 05, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Archangel Zadkiel - A Message - Opening your Spirit to Unconditional Love - August 5, 2019

A Message from Archangel Zadkiel

Through Suzanne Lie

Opening your Spirit to Unconditional Love

Blessings, I am Archangel Zadkiel,
I come to you today through your Third Eye and High Heart to remind you all that your Third Eye and High Heart can identify and see through EVERY third dimensional “false flag” and “projected illusion.” 

As the Dark Ones become increasingly desperate, they will stop at nothing to maintain the Power Over Others that they have gained through the fear that they have created through the power of fearful illusions that they have created. 

viernes, febrero 22, 2019

Benjamin Fulford - 18-02-19. El gobierno estadounidense en quiebra emite bonos falsos en un intento inútil por mantenerse a flote

(Se aprobó en el congreso estadounidense otro paquete inflado que Trump firmará, a pesar de no cumplir con sus peticiones sobre el muro. Aprobaron un gasto masivo que nuchos no se preocuparon de leer. ¿Que más da una deuda de 23 trillones o de 223?.. comenta Garrison. En el cartel se lee: la Casa Blanca dicen "Más gasto, más", y la lata de la reserva federal patea al tio Sam mientras le dice: "es hora de patear tu lata por el camino").

Fuente y comentarios en ingész:

Por Benjamin Fulford Informes semanales

El gobierno estadounidense en quiebra en Washington, DC, pudo fingir que no fue a la quiebra la semana pasada emitiendo bonos falsos, pero estos estarán bloqueados, según el Pentágono, la sociedad secreta asiática y las fuentes reales europeas.

viernes, enero 25, 2019

Benjamín Fulford - 21-01-19. El 4º Reich fascista colapsa a medida que continúa la redada de criminales de guerra

(Un ejemplo de actividad maléfica de la ONU, dominada por sionistas, 22-1-19: "Israel elegida en el comité de la ONU que supervisará los Derechos Humanos" (anteriormente estaba al cargo de una Comisión de anti-colonización),
Otro clásico es la Agenda 21, que se nos ha vendido como de protección al medio ambiente, pero se nos ha ocultado que hay una agenda oculta que incluye muertes masivas de personas y agutinarlas en ciertas zonas en estado de semicautividad. (buscar "agenda21 nuevo orden mundial" por ejemplo".)

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Por Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports, White Dragon Society

La destitución del Führer George Bush Sr. ha expuesto a una nueva capa de fascistas que asesinan en masa en los EE. UU. y Japón para detenerlos o que nueran repentinamente a medida que avanza la guerra contra la mafia satánica jázara.

jueves, enero 17, 2019

Benjamín Fulford - 14-01-19. El juez de la Corte Suprema, el presidente del Banco Mundial y otro Rothschild caen mientras continúa la revolución

(La pancarta dice "saltad, jodidos")

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Por Benjamin Fulford - informes semanales

Ahora que los cabalistas jázaros satánicos de alto nivel han caído, funcionarios de segunda fila como el juez de la Corte Suprema Ruth Bader Ginsburg, el jefe del Banco Mundial Jim Yong Kim y Serena Rothschild (viuda de Jacob Rothschild) están siendo eliminados a medida que continúa la guerra para liberar a la humanidad.