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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Canalizaciones. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, abril 13, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before - Apr 13, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to go beyond where others in human form on Earth have gone. We have seen it many times in your evolutionary history, and we notice that those who break the mold so to speak do so because they feel the itch within them. And we know that those of you who receive these messages have that itch. We know that you feel ready to move beyond where the rest of humanity is at this time, and we want you to recognize that the itch doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It can feel like a calling; it can feel like a warm, loving sensation that is inviting you towards a particular endeavor.

viernes, abril 12, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Power of Stillness: A Journey within the Warrior of Light - Apr 12, 2024

The Power of Stillness: A Journey within the Warrior of Light

In a world filled with chaos and noise, finding moments of stillness can feel like a rare treasure. Yet, within the depths of our souls lies an untapped reservoir of power waiting to be discovered. In one of my recent Kundalini Activation Technique (KAT) video class, aptly titled "The Warrior of Light," attendees embarked on a transformative journey guided by the wisdom of ancient practices and the promise of inner strength.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - Apr 12, 2024


Dear friends, considering information from at least two sources, it seems that there is a likelihood of a major development by the end of the next two years. It is considered by our ET friends who are presently in our Solar System, that the time will be right for them to make an open first official contact. Following that it is likely that in 2029/2030 there will be the expected Flash from our Sun that in an instant will complete the present Solar Cycle that finished in 2012. Those souls who are of the higher vibrations and already prepared for it, will find themselves immediately in a new higher dimension. It is not clear yet exactly how the result will affect those souls of the lower vibrations.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - La luz eterna del universo

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos amigos:

Os habla Jeshua. Os amo a todos profundamente. Por favor, sentid mi energía a vuestro alrededor mientras saludo a cada uno de vosotros – os honro profundamente. Al abrir vuestros corazones, recordad que estoy allí en vuestro interior. Cuando me reconocéis en el nivel más profundo, reconocéis vuestra propia esencia, que es la de la luz más pura. Vosotros sois la luz eterna de lo cual está hecho el universo. Algunos de vosotros veis esta luz brillando desde mis ojos o desde los ojos de otro maestro, pero estoy aquí para recordaros que esta luz también es vuestra. Es mi deseo más profundo que veáis y experimentéis vuestra propia grandeza y luz interior. Esto es lo que cambiará al mundo, que necesita un cambio. Estáis aquí para marcar la diferencia, pero solo podéis hacerlo cuando realmente confiéis en quiénes sois. Esto puede ser algo difícil si os han educado con ideas que os han dicho que no sois buenos tal y como sois. Para muchos de vosotros, vuestra vida natural y vuestros conocimientos e intuición, se han visto envueltos en un velo a medida que vuestra infancia ha transcurrido.

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators - Simple Steps for Ascending Easily & Joyously - Apr 12, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are becoming your higher selves more and more every single day. One thing that you can always count on there on Earth is that your evolution is a very natural process. It is not something that you have to force or even initiate. It just is. And with each and every breath, each and every passing moment, you go higher and higher and expand further out from your center. That is why we want you to know that you can relax and go easy on yourselves. You don’t have to take all of this so seriously, and you can laugh more, play more, and go with the flow, and you will just as easily get to the place that you are going.

jueves, abril 11, 2024

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Invierno Está Llegando. ¡Realmente! - Miércoles de Sanación 28 de febrero de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación 28 de febrero de 2024

El Invierno Está Llegando. ¡Realmente!

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Qué significa eso? ¿Y qué significa para ti el cambio en el clima? ¿Y en qué dirección está yendo?

Muy bien. Este año fue medido oficialmente como uno de los más cálidos en el planeta, para quienes lo miden, y eso no diría que el invierno esté llegando, ¿no es así? Entonces por muchos años, cuando hablamos del cambio de Gaia, durante muchos años, yo les he dado un mensaje que para la mayoría es risible. Los que están mirando esto ahora mismo: ¿Qué es lo que va a decir Kryon, que pueda justificar la idea de que va a ponerse más frío?

The Secret to Manifesting Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create Your Reality

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Are You Harming Your Soul? - Apr 11, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here to tell you more about your beautiful souls. You think of your souls as something that you possess. However, your souls are who you really are. They are your truth, your essence, and they are aspects of Source/God/All-That-Is. Therefore, your souls are infinite and eternal beings of unconditional love, and that is why we tell you that it is also true of yourselves. You are infinite and eternal beings of unconditional love, and you are aspects of Source. Now, who you are pretending to be in your physical body doesn’t always hold that knowing and speaks, thinks, and acts accordingly.

miércoles, abril 10, 2024

Aurora Ray - It is Real: The Collective Ascension in Action! - Apr 10, 2024

It is Real: The Collective Ascension in Action!

Humanity stands at the precipice of a new age. As we look out upon the horizon, we can feel it in our bones - change is coming!

The old ways no longer serve us, and the structures that once provided stability now hold us back.

Connecting with the Divine: How to Recognize a Genuine Ascended Master and Receive Their Wisdom.

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators - The Awakened Ones Are Meant to Do This - Apr 10, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know you very, very well, and we find you quite fascinating, even from our nonphysical dimension. That is we seek to help you as best we can, but it also because we know that you are a part of us. And so, you can also trust that we are a part of you. Everything that we say to you resonates with you, when it does, because we are a part of you. We are meant to bring that to the surface for you that is your truth. You can do the same with each other of course. You can look at everyone around you and recognize them as an aspect of you, and you can realize that another person can bring the best or the worst out of you and that you can do the same for that other person.

martes, abril 09, 2024

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Puede un Ser Humano Cambiar su Propio ADN? - Miércoles de Sanación 21 de febrero de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 

Miércoles de Sanación 21 de febrero de 2024

¿Puede un Ser Humano Cambiar su Propio ADN?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es una gran pregunta, ¿no es así? Y por supuesto, la respuesta en tres dimensiones, la respuesta en la ciencia médica, la respuesta que se les ha dado toda su vida, es: ¡por supuesto que no! Ese es el genoma humano con que nacen. No se puede cambiar eso.

Entonces, estamos echando una mirada a algo que es excepcionalmente controversial, todavía está por probarse de alguna manera; mi respuesta es Sí. Se puede. Un humano, cualquier humano, todos los humanos, tienen la capacidad para algo bastante asombroso en lo que se refiere al ADN.

James McConnell - AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - In Divine Timing - Mar 24, 2024

The light is overcoming the shadows of darkness

AA Michael and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna´s Higher Self channeled by JoAnna McConnell

(James McConnell beginning of meditation:)

Now remaining in your tube of protective white light, focus a moment on your breathing as you take several deep breaths.

Finding the center within yourself, going deeper within yourself with each breath. Just focus now on relaxing and letting go. As you take a deep breath now, breathing in the light and exhale out any tension, stress, negativity of any kind. Just let that go out gently with the exhalation of your breath.



Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies - Apr 9, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are in the midst of a massive wave of energies there on Earth. You can do what you will with those energies, because you have free will and because you are creator beings. You create with energy, whether that energy is a stone or a thought, whether it is a pain or a sound. You are creating with energy, and when there are new energies upon you as there are now, you can create that which is new and that which has been unknown to humanity prior to this moment. That is what is exciting about being there on Earth at this time.

lunes, abril 08, 2024

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Puedes Cambiar Quién Eres? - Miércoles de Sanación 14 de febrero de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación 14 de febrero de 2024

¿Puedes Cambiar Quién Eres?

¿Piensas que es posible para una cebra cambiar sus rayas? ¿Piensas que es posible para un ser humano convertirse en otro?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estas son las preguntas. Ahora bien, hay mucho debate sobre lo que acabo de decir. Ahora, la cebra, esa parte, Hum, eso es una metáfora para lo que realmente vamos a tratar.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Abril 7, 2024


Blossom: Hola, una vez más. Hubo gran interés en la charla de la semana pasada sobre los monolitos. Sin embargo, al volver a leerlo, me di cuenta de que no habían respondido la pregunta de cómo llegan realmente a nuestro Planeta... ya que no hay huellas ni marcas de ningún tipo a su alrededor. ¿Pueden comentar?

FOL: Buenos días, Blossom. Desde nuestro posicionamiento en “otra parte” damos la bienvenida a esta conversación, además de transmitir una Energía de pensamientos Amorosos a Cada Uno mientras leen o escuchan lo que tenemos para decir.




▲▲▲ From your Hostess of Light; Solar encodings and emanations

▲▲▲ Quantum Healing Codes that will assist in this Solar downloading

▲▲▲ The power to Love is literally your Superpower

From your Hostess of Light; Solar encodings and emanations. Those of us that sense and feel deeply are not to be thought of as conspiracy theorists, for we are intuitionists; our body feels every word that is said on earth; energetically, psychically, intentionally and unintentionally. We feel what is to come; we hear with the words from the cells of our very human body. we sense the words that are spoken behind closed doors, the deals that are made with that which is not of a higher light. Our dreams are prophetic and speak to us, sometimes they shout, sometimes they whisper, but always they are instructive of nature asking us to respond to that which we see internally.

Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - Abril 5, 2024

Con cariñosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. El genocidio en Gaza liderado por Netanyahu, los Illuminati que planearon el ataque de Hamas contra Israel, está derrotando esa sociedad secreta. Cada vez se sabe más que crearon y financiaron a todos los grupos terroristas y que su objetivo es matar a seis mil millones de personas.