Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Activación de Portal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Activación de Portal. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, febrero 26, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Great Turning of the Wheel - Feb 26, 2020

Great Turning of the Wheel

Since the momentous cosmic events in January, followed by the rare 222 Gateways in February, we are moving into an up-leveling to higher energies. You may have been experiencing massive clearings and adjustments since the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th. It triggered much to the surface for review, healing and transmutation. We are involved in a physical transfiguration from physical density to translucent light bodies.

sábado, enero 25, 2020

Meg Benedicte - 222 and the Year of the Yang Metal Rat - Jan 25, 2020

222 and the Year of the Yang Metal Rat

In numerology the year 2020 symbolizes ‘22’ energy in a ‘4’ year. Number 22 integrates the powers of ‘11’ and represents the Spiritual Master Builder on the physical earth plane. 22 is the sign of Alchemy, altering energetic form and materializing visions into reality. 22 brings ‘Source’ life force into our creations.

viernes, diciembre 20, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Just Hours Till the Solstice-Eclipse Activations - Dec 20, 2019

Just Hours Till the Solstice-Eclipse Activations

Whenever I tuned into the energies of 12:12:12, my biofield would light up with a blast of kundalini. The 12:12:12 gateway did not disappoint. What a powerful ascension upgrade it has become! Along with the crystalline DNA activations, there has been some serious clearing occurring in our personal and collective fields. It feels like I dropped a ton of dead weight, as the crystalline light continues to transform the light body for Soul embodiment.

miércoles, diciembre 18, 2019

Natalia Alba - Energy Update - December 18, 2019

Beloved Light Emissaries,

As you know each year the Earth, from this day until December 22, aligns with the Galactic Center of our Galaxy at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. We are all One and we All come from Oneness. This is the Truth that we come here to remember and the loving remind from this annual alignment, for those who desire to commune with its energies and bring this remembrance into their human selves.

Meg Benedicte - Solstice – Eclipse Activations December 21st - Dec 18, 2019

Solstice – Eclipse Activations
December Solstice - December 21st

The Cosmos have handed us the perfect ‘fresh start’ recipe to launch our Ascension lives. We are being encouraged to ‘let go’ of the past and create new realities in our lives. Whatever we initiate during the 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway will ripple into the quantum field of all possibilities. As we near the annual Solstice on Saturday, December 21st, let your 5D imagination run free in the quantum holographic field. You are birthing your Soul’s destiny and the ascending New Earth in Unity Consciousness.

domingo, diciembre 15, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 12.12.19 ~ 22.12.19 Cosmic Light Activation Gateway - December 15, 2019

We are on a path of intensive karmic manifestation. A gateway, a Corridor of divinely fuelled Dreamweaving, Cosmic Light Activation. We are in a portal to our lives in 2020. We resist manufactured depressions. We knew this was never going to be easy. We salute all who got us this far, seed sowing, fighting the good fight. We meet fear with love head on, every single time. The Gateway will close 22.12.19 in fiery, new beginnings, transformative Solstice energies. The Solstice is our ancient springboard to release everything we don’t need, clear a pathway to

sábado, diciembre 14, 2019

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden - Walking through the Waves of Light - Dec 14, 2019

Ascension Mastery Message of the Spiritual Meaning of December 2019 as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.
As each of us is experiencing the vibrational challenges and gifts of this last month of the year, I think it is important to reflect on the emotional reflections that need to be accepted by each of us.

2020 Activation Meditation

viernes, diciembre 13, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Solstice Gateway - Dec 13, 2019

Solstice Gateway

Now that the 12:12 Gateway is open, we will be blessed with abundant plasma light infusions till 12:21 Solstice. Due to the intensity of the ascension waves, take care to integrate and support your physical self during these days leading to the Solstice. We are in a powerful corridor of momentous upgrades. This is the Seed Moment for a new cycle to start in 2020.

domingo, diciembre 08, 2019

Meg Benedicte - 12:12:12 Ascension Activations - Dec 8, 2019

12:12:12 Ascension Activations

In just a few days the 12:12:12 Gateway will surge with a powerful Ascension wave directly from the Great Central Sun at the galactic center. The annual 12:12 Stargate opens the etheric portal of the multiverse so we can access the stream of Crystal Light from the galactic vortex center. This year is a ‘12’ year (add 2019) so this is a triple ‘12’ activation.

jueves, septiembre 26, 2019

Lisa Renee - Arc Zone - September 2019

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

As the Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic female coding. Recent activations are spreading the natural Krystic divine blueprint further into the planetary grid areas, which were previously running the reversed currents to fuel the artificial timelines. In this process, clones, negative forms, alien hybrid replications, and their false timelines are being utterly destroyed into tiny consciousness units and

miércoles, julio 24, 2019

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - August 2019 - July 24, 2019

July / August 2019

In this Issue

**from your hostess of light
** The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2019 
**Day out of Time July 25, 2019: KIN 13, RED COSMIC SKYWALKER
**White Wizard is your own power doubled

From Your Hostess of Light

Thank you all, truly and genuinely from every drop of my being with heartfelt gratitude for all your prayers your financial blessings and your love, it has been my Island in This Storm. I personally answered, emailed or wrote each of you a ‘thank you’. As I renew and rewrite myself like each one of you are doing in your own personal life initiations, I see so many new phases and nuances of who I am and who I am not. I look to my world like Alice in wonderland and wonder whose clothes and shoes I am filling? Even my height and reach has shifted as if I am morphing in out and of multi-dimensional collective consciousness.

lunes, junio 24, 2019

Celia Fenn - Energy Update - June 24, 2019

Incoming cosmic radiation waves are off the scale at the moment.

I haven't felt energy this powerful for a long time, and its going to intensify into July and August.

Archangel Michael speaks about a very powerful ascension wave that will enter the planetary consciousness with the Lion's Gate in August and into 2020.

sábado, abril 13, 2019

Denise Le Fay - Multiple Higher DNA Activations - April 13, 2019

Traditionally the month of April is an intense month with plenty of big Aries-like ascension related changes and April 2019 is certainly perpetuating this. It’s April 13, 2019 as I hurriedly write this and I’m rushing because I know all too well just how quickly and easily three or four weeks can come and go now and before you know it we’re in the next month! You look back at the previous month and can barely remember it and instantly find yourself deep in the next level and phase of the rapidly unfolding everything. This is us getting used to existing in non-linear, quantum, it’s always the Now Moment life and reality. Exciting, weird in a good way and it’s forcing us to quickly adapt to this timeless, more creative and much more malleable 5D and higher way of being and living.

domingo, marzo 31, 2019

Teri Wade - It's Time, Starseeds! - March 29, 2019

by Teri Wade,

Contributing Writer,

Starseeds are beings that heard the call from Earth from a council that oversees this planet. They are here to stop the lower consciousness from destroying itself and all its creation.

This consciousness was created by greed, lust, power and control. Many lessons will have been learned at the close of this 3rd dimensional consciousness. The current Starseeds on Earth right now inserted themselves into the great stories told by Earth’s past Gods.

viernes, marzo 29, 2019

Meg Benedicte - April Solace - March 29, 2019

April Solace

What a roller coaster it has been! Since 11:11:11 there has been an increasing surge of galactic gamma photon light saturating the planetary field with Ascension consciousness. In the past, this level of gamma ray intensity would have vaporized us. Not anymore!