martes, marzo 11, 2025

Aurora Ray - You Are unique; You Are A Starseed - Mar 11, 2025

You Are unique; You Are A Starseed

Dear ones,

In the beginning, we all lived together as a collective whole. There were no nations and no boundaries; there was only one planet, and we all lived together in peace and harmony.

However, our way of life is rapidly changing—the Earth is becoming more and more crowded, and our resources are being depleted. Our beautiful planet has been polluted, eroded, and exploited by humans over many generations.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 11, 2025

Most people, at some stage of their enlightenment journey, need to examine their boundaries with others in order to support and move through their own healing processes. This is a vital part of stepping into your authentic power.

What we wish for people to know is there is not one static point in any of your evolution. You are creatures of flow, who are supported by flow, and part of a universe that works with ebb and flow. Your entire planet, your moon phases, your own body, all work with ebb and flow. So looking for one unmoveable point for anything is working against the natural rhythm of both you and the universe around you. It is, in effect, trying to use resistance as a healing tool, which will simply not be effective.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message March 2025 - Mar 10, 2025

Pleiadian Message March 2025

Beloved ones we greet you,

There is much to celebrate at this juncture. This celebration is about you and your sacred place, which you hold on planet Earth. You are actively engaged with the frequency of Truth and understanding as the multidimensional Framework of light, within your planet, is being prepared to be made manifest. Each one of you holds the platform of this Framework within your Heart’s multidimensional unique signature frequency. This has been activated, whether you are aware of this process or not. The wheel turns and you are have always been an aspect of this spoke of the wheel.

Is there a Method for Longevity? - KRYON

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Eclipse de Luna de Sangre en Virgo Marzo 2025

Los Eclipses de Luna de Sangre son eclipses totales en luna llena. Reciben el nombre de “Luna de Sangre” porque durante un eclipse de luna total, la luna adquiere un color rojizo. Los Eclipses de Luna de Sangre generalmente ocurren en un patrón de tres, y el primero de este trío cae en Virgo el 14 de marzo, y los siguientes Eclipses de Luna de Sangre se producen el 7 de septiembre y el 3 de marzo del 2026.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Are You Re-Living the Fall of Atlantis? - Mar 11, 2025

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

We know that you all like to learn about history and the history of planet Earth in particular, especially when it is different from the history that you were taught in school. You are the ones who like to hear the truth. You like an alternative story better than the official story and that is because you have these expressions there on Earth like, ‘The history books are written by the winners.’

lunes, marzo 10, 2025

Mensaje de Kryon Masters con un fragmento de un mensaje de Kryon de 2022

Hoy al Equipo de Kryon Masters le gustaría compartir un mensaje importante de una Experiencia en Vivo de Kryon el 23 de marzo de 2022.

Trabajador de Luz, ¿cómo te está yendo con el Cambio?

Estas cosas que se presentan ahora mismo en este planeta son realmente la prueba decisiva de un Trabajador de Luz.

Natalia Alba - Many of you are already embodying the energies - Mar 10, 2025

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are already embodying the energies that planet earth is now embracing from the eclipses, for they are already being formed in our Heavens, even though we only see, from our human view, the final result, and from other sixth and seventh dimensional sources, outside of our Earth's confines.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message March 2025 Article - Mar 10, 2025

Beloved ones we greet you,

There are many Galactic Federation ships entering your Earth’s atmospherically vast multidimensional terrain. These ships are creating vibrational circular pulsing flows between them, birthing pulsing light streams that allow further transformational openings to reactivate throughout your planet. Building vast vortexes of light that are pre-destined for this time, while interacting within the sacred sites scattered throughout your planet. The Network surrounding Earth has begun to expand further by releasing frequencies of starlight that are unearthing pockets of density, dissolving further realms of illusion that have been in place for lifetimes.

Judith Kusel - I am guided to address all those souls - Mar 10, 2025

I am guided to address all those souls, who like me, are living on their own and especially women. 

There is a much higher hidden reason, why so many women are on their own, and most often also choosing to be so, like me, who were born with a very high calling and purpose, especially with the full knowledge of the New Earth rising, to not only to heal the thousands of years of imbalance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine within themselves, but also within humanity.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday March 10, 2025

Dear Ones, many of you are receiving an influx of energy. This energy is high vibrating and spiralling, a golden energy consisting of adamantine particles which you would identify as Christed energy. This is an up-levelling of energy, if you will, and profound not only because you are ready to receive it, but also due to the shift it creates within you.

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua - Two Obstacles

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your brother and kindred spirit. I am here with an abundance of love that I connect deeply with the love in your awakened heart.

You have awakened to a more conscious reality even as you are living here on Earth, and that is very special. It is possible to spend many lives on Earth without true inner awakening because you are always consumed by the need for survival – you are caught in this perpetual struggle. Many of the lives you have led as a soul on Earth, especially in the initial phase of your development here, were about getting used to living in the earthly reality.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Encouragement & Guidance for These Times - Mae 10, 2025

Today I called upon our Angelic friends and asked for an empowering and clarifying transmission to support me at this time. What follows is the channeling I received, and am sharing now with you. Enjoy! Love, Ailia


We are happy to connect and to chime in here to assist. Thank you for inviting us to do so.

Brenda Hoffman - Your Transition Pace -- March 10, 2025

Dear Ones,

Do you need reassurance that you are transitioning beyond pain and fear?

Do not fret. You will soon reach a point where 3D fear actions hold little interest because you will be enmeshed in the love of the new world you created.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Do You Need to Go On a Spiritual Retreat? - Mar 10, 2025

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

We know that you have lives to live there on Earth and that your lives can be very busy, very hectic indeed, filled with responsibilities and things you have to do. We know that some of you then wonder when you will be able to set aside time for your spiritual work. Some of you wonder, ‘How am I going to fit meditation in to my life today?’ Or you might wonder how you will get to that retreat that you want to go to when you have so many responsibilities at home.

domingo, marzo 09, 2025

Judith Kusel - The Energies are amping up to unprecedented heights - Mar 9, 2025

"The Energies are amping up to unprecedented heights:

I was asked to go to a certain place this weekend, and when I got to this place, a very sacred, power place, linking to the Crystal Pyramids, the Crystalline Energy Grids, the Lightning Rod, the Tuning Fork, and the Winged Rod of Power of planet Earth, I was amazed at how the energies fields had amped up, since I last visited there! I was also shown what it is that is causing this, and how this is indeed now pushing the entire energy systems into the seventh to ninth dimensional frequency band, of the first creation, Elysium, and the Lion Kingdom!

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen - March 9, 2025

No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.

Dear One,

When you are in a situation where you begin to feel powerless and less than another, this can be viewed as a wake-up call. We are referring here to any situation in which you feel devalued, not necessarily one of physical abuse.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Become Your Higher Self & Meet E.T.s - Mar 9, 2025

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have so much love for you there on planet Earth, and we know that you have much love within you for us and for the other collectives in the other star systems that you are aware of. We understand your fascination with other star systems and other beings, and we appreciate that you have that desire to reach out and to connect. We also know that there are many fascinating aspects of planet Earth, of your fellow humans, and of yourselves for you to explore as you continue to draw closer to the time of full extra-terrestrial contact.

sábado, marzo 08, 2025

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Mar 8, 2025

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. 

432 Hz + 528 Hz + 963 Hz Tuning Forks 💰 Attract Wealth, Health, Love, Miracles & Blessings

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness - Your Romantic Relationships - Mar 8, 2025

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you are always doing the best that you can in all areas of your lives, but especially when it comes to all of your relationships with other people. You may be hard on someone else that you are in a relationship with because you are hard on yourself and because someone else, or several people, have been hard on you. You may be doing what you think is most appropriate within a romantic relationship because it is all that you have ever had modeled to you.

viernes, marzo 07, 2025

Blossom's latest chat and channel.

Judith Kusel - The accelerated cosmic energy - Mar 7, 2025

The accelerated cosmic energy being released now, is purifying at very deep levels, so that it goes deeply into all the stuck, dense energy, false programming, belief systems, all which has kept souls asleep on this planet, as well as deeply into the subconscious, and whatever has been deeply suppressed in the subconscious minds of the collective. 

Aurora Ray - Create Your Reality Now - Mar 7, 2025

Create Your Reality Now

You are a human, and your body is a physical tool, but you are much more than just that. You are also a spiritual being with the inherent power to create your own reality.

The law of attraction is a spiritual idea that states that you will attract into your life whatever you think about. It holds that by simply thinking about something, you can bring it into your life. The law of attraction suggests that the thoughts of a person draw similar thoughts to them. Several scientists believe this happens because we are all connected by one single energy field. But the LOA is much more than generalizations; thinking about red Lamborghinis will always bring you red Lamborghinis.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday March 7, 2025

It is quite common for enlightening human beings to think that they aren’t doing enough in terms of their service. This is due to having a high level of diligence and commitment, but also from old conditioning that is based on the martyred service paradigm.

Natalia Alba - The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions - Mar 7, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions is being strongly felt at this time. Many of you will be undergoing a profound solar reconfiguration during the lunar eclipse in Virgo. In this process you will feel the pull of the New Light being born within yourself, asking you to release unwanted programs, influences, and anything that is not dwelling within Divine love in yourself and your body.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - When & How Are The Arcturians Coming? - Mar 7, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite aware of your reactions to our recent transmission about how we are coming to you, coming to Earth, and we know that some clarification is required. First of all, you want to know how, and you also want to know when. We have already been coming through Daniel here and others, energetically, and have been providing you with messages. You can start to receive the energy directly without needing him, and you can start getting your own messages directly as well.

jueves, marzo 06, 2025

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : The Healing Power You Never Knew You Had Awaits You Now

Judith Kusel - Where your attention goes, your energy flows - Mar 6, 2025

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away. 

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday March 6, 2025

Almost every enlightening human being will come to a point of frustration where what they are wishing to create is not coming together for them. We wish to offer some insight as to why that may be.

One of the greatest requirements to manifesting is your willingness to receive. Most enlightening human beings are far better at giving than they are at receiving. This is because they are on the planet with service contracts. It is far more natural to them to put others first. Because they see themselves as the help, they have trouble accepting help from others. If you are having trouble creating what you desire, we highly recommend that you examine how willing you are to receive.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - Estar en Casa en la Tierra

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos amigos, soy Jeshua. Soy su hermano y espíritu afín que les toma de la mano.

En este tiempo de cambio y profunda transformación, quiero estar con ustedes. Estoy con ustedes, porque dentro del corazón no hay fronteras, y el tiempo y el espacio no son un obstáculo. El corazón es un lugar de milagros y atemporalidad.

Natalia Alba - Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth - Mar 6, 2025

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth. As Earthseeds, your sole purpose is to retrieve Earth's original blueprint and coding, restore its fabrics and templars, and, above all, retrieve Earth's original template as it was at the beginning of its creation.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Arcturians Are Coming! Arcturians Are Coming! - Mar 6, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to be able to bring you these transmissions through Daniel here, and we are very interested in making contact with each and every one of you. We work with your higher selves and your spirit guides on coming up with plans to make contact with those of you who would like to have contact with us. We are a nonphysical collective consciousness. However, we can lower our vibration enough to have a temporary physical vessel, and that will be the way some of you make contact with us. For others of you, it will be more appropriate for us to stay in our nonphysical form and contact you through telepathic transmission and through energetic transmission.

miércoles, marzo 05, 2025

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : Discover the Angelic Vision of Earth’s Future and Your Role in It

Aurora Ray - You Are An Earth Soldier - Mar 5, 2025

You Are An Earth Soldier

Dear ones,

I wake up each day and ask myself, "What can I do to make the world a better place?" You see, I am a warrior of light. I "fight" for what is right and oppose those who would harm others. As a warrior of light, I'm sure you're going through the same thought process as me.

Natalia Alba - The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing - Mar 5, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing at this time is a consequence of the planetary agreements you made before your present incarnation. Soul agreements meant to occur when planet Earth is ready to move into a new sphere of Creation, for it is then when your assistance is required to support our current planetary shift. We all have been waiting for this time, working incessantly to shift and liberate our minds, to be prepared for this unique moment in our galactic history.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 5, 2025

Dear Ones, you have so many noisy filters that can create confusion when you are trying to make decisions. You may know very well what is best for you but then second guess it because you wish to please another or do what others will think is smart or best. But the fact remains that you are the only one who knows your own energetics, and thus, only you can discern when something is a true energetic match to you.

Judith Kusel - We are in the greater shift now - Mar 5, 2025

We are in the greater shift now, the Shift into our own true soul selves, freedom to live our true magnificence, our true soul birthright, living our soul purpose, and calling, with love and joy!
Yes, it truly is a blessing to be in this powerful shift and rediscovering our innate freedom to be our true soul selves. 

A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation: The Revelation

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Want a New Version of Earth? You Get to Choose It - Mar 5, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are working with you all the time, whether you realize it or not, and you are benefiting from the stability that we provide to you in the twelfth dimension, allowing you to have experiences of great instability in your dimension. We are the tether that keeps you there and helps you to find your way back to your center, back to your power and your truth. We derive much joy from helping you, and sometimes we see an area where everyone on planet Earth could use some help. Now is one of those times.

martes, marzo 04, 2025


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 4, 2025

Love is expansion. Fear is contraction. Acceptance brings comfort. Resistance leads to discomfort. These are basic facts enlightening human beings understand.

Where things start to get more challenging is when you understand these things and then make yourself wrong if you are not loving and accepting 100% of the time. This is where you start to judge yourself and beat yourselves up unnecessarily.

James McConnell - Saint Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - The Energies Are Coming! - Feb 20, 2025

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

And I am Saint Germain.

And I come to be with you at this time, at this time, when you are about to experience a major influx of energy that is going to be coming in, many of you are going to feel that energy. You are going to feel it just walking out in nature and you’ll feel that expression. You’ll feel that lightness or that blissful feeling that will come over you, even if it is just for a moment, but it will heighten in your expression, it will heighten your consciousness and your vibrational frequency at that time.

Jennifer Hoffman - March 2025 Energy Report - Mar 4, 2025

We are moving into a new month and a brand new vibe, much different from February which was an 11 month, the number of the spiritual initiate which is always a challenge. Now we are into a more creative energy but don’t get too comfy because we have retrogrades, eclipses, and lots of movement in March too. We are in the fast moving aspect of this ascension pathway and it is all happening at once.

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : Ancient Wisdom Awakening Your Soul’s Cosmic Memory

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Energies of Change & The Awakened Collective - Mar 4, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a unique opportunity to help humanity at this time, and that unique opportunity has presented itself to us because of how many of you are ready for change. Now, when you are ready for change, you tend to open yourselves up more to receive the help that is always coming to you. And it is also true that when you are ready for change, you are more likely to then look within yourselves and ask yourselves, ‘How can I change?’ This is a time where it is of the utmost importance that human beings of Earth look to the skies for help from your galactic family members. It is important for you to look to the nonphysical for the support that you have desired to receive from the physical for perhaps this entire lifetime.

lunes, marzo 03, 2025

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - New higher frequencies; advancement in conscious awareness; uprooting - March 3, 2025

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher illumination, luminescence. In concert with action in your solar system, your galaxy and on into the universe, a great deal is taking place behind the global curtain, but the most important action is within souls.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Marzo 1, 2025

Blossom: Hola, amigos. ¿Qué les parecería hablar sobre la IA?

FOL: Bienvenida, Blossom y Cada Amada Alma que ha asumido la Enorme y Gigantesca tarea de cambiar el rumbo de su Planeta y elevarlo a un lugar de Belleza, Amor y Paz.

El tema de la IA podría llevar a mucha confusión, ya que está muy arraigada.

Judith Kusel - We, as Lightworkers need to become aware - Mar 3, 2025

We, as Lightworkers need to become aware, of what we are choosing to give our attention and energy to, and not to get embroiled in what is seemingly happening around us, especially the current sensatiolism regarding certain "news".

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : Unlock The Divine Healing Power Of The Circle Of 12

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday March 3, 2025

We have a surrender experiment to propose for you today. Why not surrender into being of your highest service at the start of your day and see what happens?

This is a wonderful exercise for it shows that your service does not need to be grandiose. You may notice that a person may ask you the time or to reach something down from a high shelf if you are in a store. You may run into someone who simply needed a hug or an encouraging word. As a non-resistant human being willing to make a difference, you will be led to many ways you can make a positive difference.

Brenda Hoffman - It’s Over - March 3, 2025

Dear Ones,

It’s over. You passed through the eye of the needle.

Of course, many of you reading this message will declare such is inaccurate. You awake each morning worried about terrible things that might happen to you or others. Or you awaken with a numb feeling of nothingness – nothing is meaningful or interesting, much less joyful. That all is lost in your former life, and nothing replaces it, especially joy or love.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - The Multitude of Energies Coming in to Humanity & How to Receive Them - Mar 3, 2025

"I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

You are working with many different energies all at once there on Earth. I am not just talking about the energies you know of and can perceive. There are many other energies coming in all the time to give you an activation, an upgrade, an attunement to help you in some way and with some aspect of your life. Some of you are very sensitive to these energies, and you know when there's something going on cosmically, galactically, or maybe just for you. Others walk around somewhat oblivious to the energies that are pouring in at all times, and that is okay. They are meant to be focused more on the physical than on the energetic because they're doing specific work that they can only do by being focused on the physical reality.

domingo, marzo 02, 2025

Natalia Alba - As we navigate March we will feel the push - Mar 2, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As we navigate March we will feel the push but also the balance between the many retrogrades and the intensity and transformative frequency of the Eclipses, for there is always Divine Order in the macro and in everything we experience to help our growth and evolution. 

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment - March 2, 2025

Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment.

Dear One,

When we suggest for you to accept what is, we mean to be lovingly aware of all situations occurring in and around you — both personally and globally. This means to accept the appearance of what is occurring, without judgment. There is a greater truth underlying all things, no matter how it appears. When you accept a situation as it is, it allows you to release any attachment to having it be different. It is this attachment that can cause you pain.

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : Master Your Mind and Manifest Peace with the Release Technique

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Intention Is Needed - Feb 9, 2025

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda, and i come to be with you at this time in these amazing times that you are in right now, not that you are approaching, not that are down the road; so to speak, but that you are in right now because every day every moment can be amazing, it can be whenever you deem it to be, wherever you desire it to be, wherever you intend it to be.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 2, 2025

March 2, 2025

Welcome dear ones. Know that you are loved and supported not only by your Guides and Beings in the higher realms but also by many from other planets who are cheering you on as they observe and learn from earth's ascension process.

Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan. Much of today's confusion and chaos is a reaction to the break down of long held but fast becoming obsolete systems of healthcare, education, government, organized religion, and tradition. Many familiar systems are and will disappear in their present form because they are out of alignment with the high frequency energies now flowing to earth from the higher realms as well as from the increased presence of evolved states of consciousness on earth.