February 2024
From your Hostess of Light
Higher octaves of financial formation
Time waddles forward like an old agitator washing machine from the fifties, keeping things stirred up, compressed and moving around in molecular confusion. The sense of being here and there is as real as anything else on planet earth. Being stretched forward and backward can make one very dizzy and unbalanced. Missing objects are strewn about in-between dimensions, seeking a place to land. The plates of time will continue to rub against one another issuing unexpected seasonal and personal changes. The playing rules of one dimension does not hold true in another.
Time, stars and climates rewrite themselves in accord with new collective laws. Like a change in speed limit from country to uptown. Each door you open will take you down another highway and by-way of self into a multidimensional portal of the yet formed. Fractured parts of human evolution now seek to be cohesive trying to fit into a new diagram oneness; Keeping everyone busy scooping up missing parts of self. Each person is escorted into deep-level aspects of their atomic structure. All Original blueprints are laced with future promises, outcomes and back-doors. To become your true presence you must walk into the deep abyss of all aspects of you. Realities are challenged doing hand to hand combat with the emotions. Time rushes by without a thought, as the whirlwind of dimensional change has us riding our bikes against the wind like the wicked-witch of the east.
Time cannot be forced into a bottle or pigeon holed. Time has grown wings and takes flight into unfamiliar patterns. The sextants of humanity demand that time fly in a direction that makes sense. All sensors of Earth – smell, taste, touch, feel are changing standards. Do not take them for granted, and do not trust them fully as they explore all of their possibilities. What was once written in stone, has now shifted in schedule. What you know to be truth is challenged non-stop on a daily basis. The body has received so many mixed signals, so many conflicting truths it is in overload and seems to be taking on a life of its own. All circuitries are overloaded. Earth is at an intersection of timelines as the Spiritual totem of the year 2024 comes fully into position.
Higher octaves of Financial formation
As we move our awareness up into higher octaves of financial formation we come to the mesa with a backdrop of financial fears. We come to a place that encircles us with what seems like very little choices. As the energies of this year unfold their origami selves we will all see new angles of political perceptions and cosmic perceptions. A doorway of seeing is opened wide-eyed like one who has cosmic cataracts and is finally ready to release the thick covering of the past. To fully see is to be sanctioned, to be empowered to act. The vibration of reaction is like a retrograde planet going back and repeating a pattern which does not serve the higher purpose. Every little thing of life pecks at your resources forcing one to move their awareness in-between the seen and the Unseen. Everything seeks an emotional reaction from you, as every little financial peep that comes your way and drains the steam from your future dreams.
You are asked to stand tall like those that face the many walls of life before them, behind them and that which keeps them from reaching what they think is their destiny. Financial fears create blockages within the thinking, within the memory, within the body, the bloodstream and the very air flow. Financial fears keep you hostage in a three ring circus on a groundhog repetitive day. The universe asks you to stand strong like an ancient Celtic Fortress that still holds its timely position without fear. Earthly needs continually demand your attention like a child that will not let go of its mother’s leg. Circumstances beyond your control creep into your thoughts whether you actively view them or not. The populace of Earth creates its own mighty wave of energy that Peaks and Ebbs accordingly.
As we step forward into the year 2024 we all come to the peak of The Emotional Self. This year is numerically an eight and four, asking you to stretch what you know into a place of seeing a future displayed within your inner eye. For many years now people of Earth have stuffed their emotions, they have stuffed them into places within the energy field that now asks to be seen fully in the light of a new day. The emotional weight and waiting of the past has reared its head like the very Dragon of this year and asks you to transmute emotionally what you have kept hostage within the cells organs hairs and wrinkles of your body.
Look and see with the vibration of your heart where you still have not allowed forgiveness, healing and release. This energy is like a room within your soul that is packed already with the old furniture of the past and yet you try to fill it with what is new shiny and fresh. Imagine yourself in the living room of your soul sitting on all aspects of the past that you have not forgiven or released. Imagine all the dust the cobwebs and oldness that you have not acknowledged. In this place look at the library of your soul see what is written upon the walls of time and unlock all the hidden doors of your past self. In 2024 the Earth rises to a place of a great Universal forgiveness, a place that has not been seen by humanity in many millenniums.
Like one who prepares for a Great Ball in a Cinderella-Princess type fashion, you too are being asked to prepare into a place of self-reference that had not been acknowledged earlier. Look at the old pictures of who you once were and come full circle in your heart and soul. Sit in the ancient sanctuary of what was but be of the now. You all have the ability to release the emotional weight of the past that you keep as a souvenir, as a reminder like a best friend sometimes. You have done well and you have protected yourself in every Shelf of soul but now awakened to a great planetary releasement as all released the many Cosmic croissant layers of what was to finally be seen in a shiny perfection of what is possible.
Take all of the events of your life and your experiences and breathe your life force into them. Breathe your signature, your difference, your sound, and your color into every portion of your life. Do not try to color and change yourself by mimicking the same vibrations as others, for you cannot nor will not fit into their blueprint. Honor all of your creations and honor the creations of those around you. There is no need to change them to compete with others life experiences for each life has its own design and destiny which serves the greater good and the greater God.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217
PO Box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217