sábado, febrero 08, 2020

Sandra Walter - Astral collapse and the end of Solar Minimum - Feb 8, 2020

:: Astral collapse and the end of Solar Minimum ::

Astral planes of consciousness are held in place by magnetic fields within and around Gaia. As the magnetosphere diminished during Solar minimum, it allowed cosmic energies and brand new frequencies to penetrate Gaia. We reached Solar minimum last year. SUNspots changed polarization, signaling we are rising to Solar Maximum again.

All of the Gatekeeping and Gridwork of the last 30 years focused on utilizing the weakened magnetosphere to open, reconnect and reunify Gaia with the cosmic Stargate system of the higher planes of light. That work completed in 2018 when the Crystalline grid merged with the New Earth Grids.

As of January 13, 2020 we have a brand new Gate and Grid system on Gaia, which reconnected us with brand new Cosmic Stargate flows. They open us to the organic Ascension as a very lucid, physical, and somewhat surreal experience.

First Embodiers are anchoring this non-linear New Earth state. Embodiment changes everything, for the individual as well as the collective. It accelerates the dismantling of outdated creations, and healing events on a global scale.

Now we rise with the SUN and enter a new phase into Solar maximum. This is very exciting for Gatekeepers, since we work directly with the SUN. As Solar flares and CMEs return, you will notice the stronger stargate system and energies they provide. I had a direct experience of the new Solar flashing activity in December; it is glorious and transformative. More on that soon.

The astral planes assisted in our co-creation of 3D/4D and supported those collective memory fields (torus fields.) As those structures dissipate in the New Light, our collective thought-forms, emotions, and creations break down. Our DNA is a record of that, and the fields/strands which supported the 3D/4D begin to reflect the larger operation just as Gaia is doing in this Now.

As Gaia’s old creation dissipates in the new light, our DNA does the same with our choice and support. It fades from our perception, because we have chosen a new point of focus, the New Earth realms of love, peace and unity.

Full article at http://www.sandrawalter.com/ascension-and-2020-the-surreal…/

Because #Ascension