Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Gatekeepers and Gridworkers have been diligently working with the Galactics to open the Solar Gateways and Solar aspects of the New Grid systems. This activity began last year, and took a huge leap mid-December. Solar influxes of a much higher frequency than the charts can track, began January 4th and have been steadily increasing to compliment upcoming global events. Remember the plan includes as much ease and grace possible, however the influxes of light are less diluted as the thoughts, actions and emotions of the Lightworker collective affect the acceleration of our timelines.
Fortunately, the High-Vibe Tribe has more decision-making power as we progress, and in the past month a split was made to override - or bypass - the influence of the decaying external hologram. We are focusing on bringing in a more pure experience of these Solar influxes for the Tribe, so it can be anchored and available for all of HUmanity.
You may see some flashing and extremely bright light in your visions, dreams, or meditations. Embodiers are taking it to the next level of Solar Cosmic Christ manifestation, and with the assistance of Divine Cosmic Mother, are allowing the Divine DNA to adjust the body accordingly. Rest and meditation are important now; remember the guidance to be in stillness twice a day.
I AM taking a moment from offline activity to share an update on the Ascension, the experience of embodiment, and what is unfolding for 2017 with my dear friend Lauren Galey on Thursday, January 12 at 3pmPT. A replay will be available following the live show.
Topics will include:
- The status of the dimensional Shift underway
- The DNA activations available right now and how to reclaim your strands
- Changes in the body as the energies intensify
- How to assist in Gridwork right here, right now
- An overview of 2017 timelines and our Solar influxes
Register here for access to the live call and replay:
Infinite blessings during this sacred passage of transformation!
In Love, Light and Service,