When you understand that you are not separate from anything or anyone or from Source, you experience yourself and everyone and everything as pure Love. Therefore, you are aware that all you experience and share is Love. Even when you judge something as not being Love, realize that all is Love, even though it may disturb you. It only disturbs you if there is something within you that is not Love. Then you may let that go and fill up the empty space with Love. Be aware that all you create and share is that which you are...Love. When you see and understand that everyone demonstrates Love to the extent that they know they are Love; when you see the similarities and not the differences between you and all others, do you build a bridge of Love.
We are here to create more Love and more Joy. By being these, we create more of what we are. Step by step we open to the Truth that we are Source. If we are not separate from Source, then the next step to embrace is that we are Source. We are pure energy, as Source is. We are pure Love, as Source is. So, we already know how to live as Love and as Source. We are continually evolving to be more Source. As we keep our focus on being that, we cannot help but create only that...Love. Every thought and every action creates. It is up to us as to whether that is Love or less than Love.
Many can see that their consciousness has shifted in the past eight or so years. Whether you woke up during this time or woke up before, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that you have awakened. No longer are you satisfied with the status quo or doing things in order to belong to a bigger group or to an identity that isn't your own. Your Awakening helped you question everything and set you on a path of inner and outer Discovery. Sometimes what you discovered wasn't pleasant, yet it helped you align more and more to a bigger Truth of you. Then you set off on a journey to discover the Authentic You. Along the way, there have been roadblocks (illusions) to move through, yet they always led you to Clarity and more Awareness.
Those of us who took on this challenge are the wayshowers of the world. We follow our Intuition, rather than the “conventional wisdom” of intellect. We do not do something in a way we've done it before unconsciously, but allow our Heart's Wisdom to guide us. Much as been shed and yet this clearing has allowed more Love to pour into us, changing us, including our cells, our DNA and assumptions we had. We learned that we are free to choose and therefore free to create from a higher and more conscious knowing...not from the past; not from the future; but from this very Moment. We are clear; we are clean; we are not held to the never-ending karma of the old, but from our fullest potential of being Source.
You attract what you are. The clearer you are, the clearer are your manifestations. You do not attract what you necessarily want; you attract what you are. So instead of getting what you want, you get what you need to help raise your vibration. If your mind wants more money and it doesn't come, what needs to change within you first? If you still believe in lack, because it is what you've experienced in the past, you will only attract more lack. When you take Responsibility for what you are within, realize that it is a huge first step. Then do things that are fun and light for you. Notice all the ways in which Abundance is in your life. Abundance is a Soul Essence; it is much more than money. Question: are you thriving or surviving? Feel the difference between these words. Do those things that illicit a feeling of thriving. Let go of surviving, for that is lack consciousness. When I donate money or goods, I feel abundant. When I pay bills, I feel abundant. When I am thankful for the warm house I live in, I feel abundant. Giving and Gratitude are sure ways to change any lack belief into Abundance. And when I receive, I give thanks.
We each are leaders. Whether you are a leader in a career or not; you are a wayshower. You lead through honoring yourself and being a lighthouse, shining bright. It is not necessary to lead groups or classes or be a healer. You lead through example. You are not a follower, so be in your Power and be all of who you are. There are some big lessons for those who don't believe they lead. A long time ago, I placed someone on a pedestal, thinking they knew so much more than me. They came tumbling down as I saw that they did not live what they taught. I did this over and over again until I got the message: “I am my own teacher, my own healer and my own leader.”
Words, actions and feelings all must be aligned in Integrity and Congruency. If they are not, it is impossible to walk your talk. It is impossible to lead or be authentic. Everything you do and say affects others. Your energy touches all.
Everything you say, do and are must have a higher purpose. It is this purpose that lends energy to all you say, feel and do. Purpose is not necessarily a doing; it is how you show up; it is the essence you shine out. You may dispassionately observe how duality is in play in the world. You needn't follow along, for your purpose is to leave all duality behind and be Love. There is no us and them; there is no good and evil; these are dualistic beliefs. There are some who refuse to see or be Love; they insist on judging whether something or someone is good or evil. This judgment is all a part of duality. When you complain or judge, you engage the energy of duality. Let it go. You needn't engage in arguments about what you think is “right” or “wrong,” for then you actually empower duality. For instance, my mother is very vocal about hating Barack Obama. I don't try and convince her otherwise; she can do what she wants. I do smile, since she claims how important it is to be “open-minded.” I don't need to point anything out to her or anyone; I know who I am. We need not engage or show another the “error of their ways.” We detach; we remain aloof (remember when that was a “bad” word?). We stay focused on who and what we are. We need not convince anyone of how enlightened or smart or anything we are. Those are egotistic labels and we have moved beyond this. We quietly just love.
Our New Earth began in Spirit...in the ethers. It is through our choices that it has begun to take form. The more choices we make that are of Love consciousness, the more the New Earth takes form. Each choice is based in consciousness, so as our consciousness grows, the forms in our lives are created from a high place. Consciousness evolves based on who we are within and on the choices we make. In the old 3D world, we based decisions on lack and competition. In the New, we base decisions on Love and Collaboration. Competition creates fear and lack. Collaboration is based on Oneness and Love.
As we stay in the Moment and choose based on our Heart's Wisdom and our Intuition; we become Soul-guided. We become what Soul intended long ago...to be completely merged with Soul, while we express Love mentally, emotionally and physically. There never intended to be a separation between Soul and separate ego. And now we understand that our egos (created by having a body) are intended to express Soul. When we lead from Love/Soul/Source, we let go more of the old struggle and fear. We trust as we intend with our Hearts. When we keep our thoughts and feelings high, our consciousness expands and therefore, the forms created are of Love. Instead of intellectually creating goals, we focus on how we want to feel and consciousness creates from the Soul Essences we intend from. Of course, we need not wait, for as we focus on a desired feeling in the Moment, consciousness creates the form that matches our feeling/vibration. As we let go of any attachment to how it “should” look or how it is created or by what timetable, we free this energy to manifest.
As Love, there is no struggle, no “making something happen” or doubt. We trust that all is in Divine Order and occurs in Divine Time. We let go and let be. Realize that what you intend is not just for you, for we are all connected; it is for all. We cannot have a thought, feeling or action that does not affect the Whole. Also realize that if there is anything that is not Love within you, it will surface so that you may release it and then fill up with Love. The purpose for this is so all our choices are of Love. Flow with what is and see if it is aligned with a thought or feeling. If it is not aligned with Love, then make an adjustment.
Goal-planning, worrying, controlling, struggling, resisting or pushing does not help. All these separation-thoughts and actions keep you in the old. Rather, flow, trust and Heart-know that all is in Divine Order. Fill up with Universal Divine Love instead. Do this continuously no matter what seems to pull you off course. Let go of anything that is not Love and refuse to be seduced by outer drama, which seems to be so prevalent now. See where you still hold duality within and remind yourself of the Truth...you are Source; you are Love. And you are so very loved and supported through all.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
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