As the New Earth higher dimensional frequencies begin to ankhor within the cellular structure of the human vehicle how the human vehicle begins to interact with the frequencies will begin to change. Again it is vital to become more consciously aware of the process that you are entering into so that you may FEEL that which is taking place and work WITH it as opposed to the human logical mind which left to its own devices may work AGAINST it. To explain this further let us look at a scenario that many of you may be faced with at this time, that of nutrition. I have many people contact me to help them work through the process when the teachings of nutrition and the human vehicle begin to break down and become challenged.
It is to be noted that ALL within the old 3d earth paradigms are a construct that is DESIGNED to contain and suppress. Many people at this moment are trying to eat and drink healthily, attempting to bring their bodies back into balance, many of them are filtering out TRUTH in relation to the human vehicle, it is a SELF REPAIRING construction, it was DESIGNED to remain in balance. The transition process will begin the NATURAL balancing of the human vehicle.
To the logical human mind this may seem relatively straight forward, the mind trying to persuade you that you must not eat sugar, that you must eat “LIGHT” foods whilst again filtering out TRUTH, the human vehicle is CHANGING from its cellular structure outwards. These changes cannot be seen at human conscious waking mind level for they are appearing at cellular level. How deeply ankhored the teachings of “health and nutrition” are will be obvious by your reaction to YOUr body’s need for certain nutrients during the transition process. If you reject the needs of your human vehicle in favour of what your human logical mind teaches you then you are not in FLOW, you are in FEAR. You have been TAUGHT within the old 3d earth paradigms to distrust your body, for many who have taken human female form this has gone much further where you have literally been TAUGHT to despise your human form. This is DELIBERATE, to separate YOU from your human vehicle seeks to destroy the natural bond and TRUST that exists between the energy that YOU ARE and that has incarnated INTO the human vehicle and the human vehicle itself.
Eating a whole chocolate cake WILL NOT make you fat, the emotions that you ankhor in relation to the act of eating MAY, for it is emotions that create weight problems NOT food, if it was food then everyone who ate only a certain ratio of calories would all be the same weight. Many are falling to this distortion and working AGAINST the human vehicle. It is the same with exercise, if you BELIEVE that you must spend hours at the gym and override your human vehicle’s need for rest and relaxation then you are working AGAINST the process no matter how much the logical human mind states to you that you are working with the process.
In order to work with and ankhor the higher dimensional frequencies YOU must surrender to FLOW, to let go of the human logical mind and its NEED to KNOW WHY and work with the HEART space which will show you what you already KNOW. YOU are energy incarnate INTO a human vehicle, the transition process that ALL now enter prepares to balance and to bring into WHOLENESS both parts of this equation, that is energy and human vehicle. The old 3d earth paradigms deliberately TAUGHT you to separate them in order to lower and keep lowering your frequency and contain your energy signature.
At this time YOU are asked to BE, for many of you this may challenge YOU enormously, you would not ask a new born baby to get out of its cot and run around the room and yet many of you are attempting to do just that at this time. NURTURE SELF as you move through the initial stages of this transition process for the process will begin to shift and to change and life will begin to take on a new perspective. A new perspective is only achieved by first of all acknowledging that THERE IS ANOTHER ONE and that you are ready to experience it. After all the CHOICE of what to experience on this planet rest with YOU at ALL times, for only YOU can experience this planet in the way that YOU do for ONLY YOU are YOU.