You are and always will be a creative
being. You never stop creating your reality, even once you are back in
your lofty home in the higher realms, you will still create what it is
you wish to experience in any Now Moment. This has and always will be
how it works. It will never change. But humans insist on not
taking responsibility for their living experience. They insist on having
someone else to blame because it lets them off the hook, so to speak.
They fall victim to the many false assurances that are abundant on the
internet. They look outside of themselves and lament: “When is my life
going to change??” “What am I doing wrong??” It is not so much what you
are do-ing, but rather what you are choosing to BE.
It is simple. All change starts within
You. Once you are in harmony/balance within yourself, you will radiate
harmony/balance without, affecting the collective consciousness of
humanity. Having said that, understand that you are always affecting the
collective consciousness of humanity, whether it’s in a negative or
positive way, is for you to decide. This is the law of cause and effect
in action. The good news is that positive thoughts, words and actions
have a far greater effect than the negative ones. So it takes fewer of
you to effect the change you all wish to see in your World.
Let us reiterate: You will not find the answers you are looking for outside of yourself. Do not go seeking to find your Truth in someone else’s words, actions or deeds. You came here already knowing your Truth. It is inside of you. You will only be able to access it once you understand and accept who and what you are.
You are a Divinely created Being. You are an individuated Soul of the Source of All That Is. Your Soul is
your I AM Presence, and you are its co-creator. Your I AM Presence is
always with you ~ that is why it is referred to as a ‘Presence’. It can
never leave you. It is presently around you and always will be. When you
utter the word “I”, you are not just referring to the ‘little’ you
perceived in this physical reality, but to the YOU that is your I AM
Presence, your Soul.
You are in essence a Being that exists
solely in the vibration of Love, Divine Love, that is. Love is a state
of Be-ing. You are returning to this state of being through your
ascension in vibration and consciousness. Love is All That Is, and you
are a part of All That Is, so therefore, YOU are LOVE. Once you understand this fully and completely, you
will know that you already have inside of yourself all it is that you
need, because inside of YOU, within your Sacred Heart, resides your I AM
And therein lies your true power. We have
said you are powerful beings and we have guided you to take back your
power. And we will do so again. Go within your Sacred Heart and open the door to the power within you.
Your I AM Presence is waiting to become One with you again. Your
return to Oneness starts with YOU. When you begin to merge, or become
One again with your Self or I AM Presence, you will, by your higher
vibration and consciousness, affect the vibration and consciousness of
the collective, thereby effecting the change you wish to see in your
Your I AM Presence is Divine Love. Love is ALL you will ever need to BE.