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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Profecías. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, mayo 02, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - APRIL 2022

APRIL 2022

In this Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light

***Easter 2022

***Opening the Sun Portal

***Prophecy and Prophesize

***Archangel MICHAEL ‘on the Wings of an Angel Crystal’

***Prayer to release negative energy

From Your Hostess of Light: This Easter opens another magical doorway of the Heart escorting us into a place that reveals ‘Hope’ for the Future and ‘Healing for the Past’. A place where all that is Light meets itself in a mirror image. A Holy Gathering of all that is sacred to the Universe. Easter is a time of corrections in the cycle of rebirth and resurrection. The Easter star-gate holds a great power for all religions and sacred beliefs. Enter this place as a holy vessel that is filled with the promise of the Creator and the future. You hold a powerful piece of the puzzle of Light for Earth. Your stay here is precious to the Universe and paramount to the Earths Healing. Never take yourself for granted. For granite you already are as the very healing protective mountains of Earth. You are totally loved, have a Blessed Easter.

sábado, julio 07, 2018

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - 2018 - Completando un año de polaridad extrema - Julio 4, 2018

2018 - Completando un Año de Polaridad Extrema

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y saludamos a cada uno de ustedes individualmente, amorosamente, en un vector de espacio sin tiempo. Los abrazamos en el tiempo del "Ahora" en que leen estas palabras, y los rodeamos con una energía de Amor Incondicional.

Queridos, en este mensaje canalizado compartimos información importante. Ofrecemos información importante, específica de este tiempo presente. Hablamos de las increíbles ondas saturnianas, de asombrosas energías meteóricas, de eclipses, del equinoccio y el solsticio que ocurrirán en su presente, el resto de 2018 (segunda mitad) Año Seis de la Nueva Tierra. Y como siempre, corresponde a ustedes discernir qué les resuena y qué no... porque ustedes ciertamente son Maestros en ciernes. Nuevamente les pedimos que no descarten la ciencia que compartimos en este mensaje, porque es parte del todo, un aspecto integral de lo sagrado. Y les aseguramos que, con la mente superior, la ciencia será comprendida y agregará esencia importante a su conocimiento práctico incluso si sucede con el tiempo.

miércoles, julio 04, 2018

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - 2018 Completing a Year of Extreme Polarity - July

2018 Completing a Year of Extreme Polarity

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we greet each of you, individually, lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. We embrace you in the 'Now' time that you read these words, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

domingo, mayo 06, 2018

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - La Ley del Uno en Francia - Mayo 5, 2018

La Ley del Uno en Francia - Parte 1 de dos partes
a través de James Tyberonn

Derechos de Autor debidamente reservados 2018

El conflicto energético atlante, el "duelo de la dualidad" entre el grupo benévolo de la "Ley del Uno" y los "Hijos de Belial", basados en la codicia, perduró por muchos milenios antes de la destrucción final de Atlántida. En un aspecto de visión general, esto es de hecho la polaridad, el aspecto de la dualidad "oscuridad versus luz"... y se derrama - por la naturaleza de las "lecciones" de los reinos de polaridad, de dualidad - hacia todos los tiempos... así es como ustedes aprenden...

Saludos, Maestros, yo soy Metatrón de la Luz Angélica, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los saludamos como siempre en un vector de amor incondicional.

jueves, enero 25, 2018

Mahala - News Flash January 2018 - January 25, 2018

We are at the beginning of a new world even though it might not seem that way right now with all of the chaos that is happening in our world. They say it is always darkest before the dawn and I believe that we are moving through that darkness and will soon come out into the light. There are huge cosmic waves of electrical energy that are hitting Earth right now. These waves have been coming in for a long time and have now reached the point where they are very large.

sábado, diciembre 19, 2015


Prophetic Vision of coming Events

With many thanks to the medium for allowing us to publish
this information in the Lichtwelt portal

Introductory Words by Jahn J Kassl

Translated by Franz

How long does it still last? When does the ascension come?

Do we find ourselves in an endless loop of repeating dramas
or are the day X closer than we anticipate?

miércoles, enero 21, 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies: 'Death Comet' - The War of the Third Antichrist - War World 3

Nostradamus Prophecies: Death Comet – The War of the Third Antichrist – War World 3

More than five hundred years after his birth, the prophesies of Nostradamus continue to intrigue, fascinate, and confound.

Nostradamus wrote that a comet will come from Cancer and something like that is going to happen: ‘Brighter than a full moon’: The biggest star in the sky.

A comet sighting in our times is key to identifying the third of three Antichrists foreseen by the prophet. In each case, Nostradamus provided clues that reverberated in similar phrases in a number of quatrains scattered throughout his book of prophecies for the fleet sooth-sleuth-sayer to decant for debate and discussion.

Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist

Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist will be the longest of the three. Napoleon’s war, as Nostradamus accurately predicted in 7 Q13, lasted 14 years (1799–1814), followed by another famous time prediction in 10 Q90 for Napoleon’s escape from exile on Elba in 1815 to lead France for a hundred days until his final defeat at Waterloo.

Nostradamus did not tag a specific length to Hitler’s war but he left powerful clues accurately framing the war in time. In his Epistle prophecies he earmarked the years “(19)37″, “(19)41″ and “(19)45″ as the beginning, middle and end of the conflict.

He was only slightly off on the beginning year–it was 1939–but 1941 did see the turning of the tide with the Second Antichrist’s disastrous invasion of Russia, started on the same day of the 129 year anniversary of the First Antichrist’s invasion, no less. Hitler’s war did end in 1945

Nostradamus gives two predictions for the length of the war of the Third Antichrist. In a passage written in 1558 about the three Antichrists in his Epistle to Henry II, he said the following:

“Finally the third [Antichrist] will cause an inundation of human blood, and one will not find Mars [the God of War] fasting for a long time… After that, the Antichrist will be the infernal prince again for the (third and) last time.

All the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even those of the Muslims, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years…”

He wrote the Epistle dedicating a serialization of the final three Centuries (volumes 8, 9 and 10) of his book of prophecies to the king of France after setting down with his pen the following well-known prophecy giving what appears to be a longer timeline:

“The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated,
Twenty-five years his bloody war will last…”

The play of the two timelines, as we will soon see, could be another clue to exactly who Nostradamus intended to be “Mabus.” He is either the Third Antichrist himself, or a key figure killed by the Third Antichrist.
His death marks the beginning of the Third Antichrist’s war.

Here is the complete – “Mabus” prophecy

“Mabus” will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands (powers) thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.”

That means: War World 3 – Nuclear Weapons – Disaster all over the world.

“The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated,
Twenty-Five years his bloody war will last.
The heretics (are) dead, captives exiled,
Blood-soaked human bodies, and a reddened, icy hail covering the earth.”

Nostradamus in the Epistle warns of much worse to come in the new war.