viernes, abril 29, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Meet Your Vibration - Apr 29, 2022

Meet Your Vibration by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron, I come forth with the Angelic Vibrations of love to greet you. It is my purpose to support you in activating inner remembrance and truth that will lead you forth upon a journey that your soul desires and requests to bring fulfilment into every cell of your being. A fulfilment that opens your entire being to your oneness and completeness with the Creator. Every step you take upon the Earth supports you in this quest. Every energy vibration that comes forth from the Creator through the Universe of the Creator to you, supports your remembrance and activation. You are awakening all that you are, bringing it into experience and expression upon the Earth, so all may view the Creator and qualities of the Creator. This is such a beautiful process, one that you have contracted and agreed to be a part of because you have the strength, the courage, and the wisdom to do so.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación - La Percepción Conciente está Cambiando al Planeta - 9 de marzo de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación - 9 de marzo de 2022

La Percepción Conciente está Cambiando al Planeta

Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

No hay mejor lugar donde estar que el que acaba de describirse. Si se rodean a sí mismos, a propósito, con el amor que viene de este planeta, no pueden evitar sentir la paz y la conexión a tierra que está allí.

Es un buen lugar para empezar, especialmente para reconocer esta canalización. Recién describí, en una pregunta y respuesta, lo que he querido decir con reconocer (N.T. en inglés, cognizing) Y entonces, si no han podido oír esa pregunta, quiero decir que reconocer algo significa que es una certeza; no se puede cambiar. Mi socio dice que es una palabra que no existe en su idioma; existe, y en algunos otros. Algo que sucede, que es un hecho, que ustedes saben muy bien que no se puede cambiar. Y en esto, queridos, el trabajador de luz, el que estaba aprendiendo a tocar su alma, el que está aprendiendo lo que la paz verdaderamente significa, que puede ser obtenida en cualquier momento, esa es la persona que ha reconocido el amor del Espíritu en su vida.

Aurora Ray - You Have The Power To Ascend From This 3D - Apr 29, 2022

You Have The Power To Ascend From This 3D

Greetings, loving ones!

I have good news. It has been informed me that the Galactic Federation is sending in teams of light to begin healing the Earth on a vast scale, starting with each of you reading this message. When we all get to the same place within, when we can all agree on the solution, when we are all focused on the positive outcome, then we will achieve it.

When you look up into the night sky at any given time, you are likely to see between 5,000 and 6,000 glittering stars. The occasional meteor or satellite streaking across the sky, a brilliant planet or moon wandering across the night sky—if you live in a rural area, perhaps you may even catch a glimpse of an airborne firefly or two on a starlit summer night.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, April 29, 2022

You all have a natural speed or pace for your growth that is ideal for you. You may have times of greater movement or experience lulls, but you all have your own natural flow that you settle back into as your norm and it is perfect for you.

Some in the spiritual community will tell you the key is to move very quickly right now while others might say that the key to advancement is to go slow. But we wish for you to trust your own flow because you have a built in speed that is most comfortable for you and serves you well. That is why you tend to experience discomfort over fast movement or being slowed down – it is outside your preferred pacing.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Abril 29, 2022

Queridos amigos, a través del muy respetado David Wilcock ha llegado una entrevista en vídeo con Mike Adams. Es verdaderamente asombroso y revelador en la medida en que David ha contado detalles que no son fácilmente conocidos o publicados antes. Destacan lo que ha estado sucediendo en los últimos tiempos para romper el control que los Oscuros han tenido sobre la Humanidad. Os recomiendo encarecidamente que sigáis esto y os doy el enlace que os llevará directamente allí:

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - April 29, 2022

The dark Ones gambled unsuccessfully on being able to take over the Earth and its inhabitants and nearly succeeded. They spent enormous amounts of money to produce a “killer” virus and released it to result in a worldwide pandemic. The results of such an action have led to many deaths including those souls with weak immunity systems. It could have been considerably worse but for the intervention of the Light Forces who oppose them. The overall effects of it have caused great problems on a worldwide scale, be assured that help will be given to overcome the problems that are already beginning to lessen, due to the precautions being taken to stop it spreading.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - April 28, 2022

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council from Valerie Donner, April 28, 2022

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with all of the love in my heart.

You are such an amazing ground crew. I want you to know how important you are to the whole Divine Plan for the ascension of the earth.

As you might have realized by now, the ascension of the earth is a complex order of things. They are interlocking and intertwining, almost like the wiring of a computer but far more complex. The complexities contain past, present, and future considerations, which are also modulated and modified with ongoing, ever-changing quantum circumstances.

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - April 29, 2022

Straight from the Heart

April 29, 2022

Early for May 2022

Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo:” We greet you today on our special mission of peace. The turmoil on planet earth is creating crisis and chaos throughout your planetary system and other places too. This cannot be tolerated any longer. Special forces of light are in place redirecting the dark and negative energies that invaded the earth throughout eons of time. It is necessary to embark upon this most important Mission to resurrect the earth and return her to the light. Everything is in place for this impending shift. You are already beginning to feel these energies. You may feel unbalanced, nervous, strange, overly tired, indecisive, and like a stranger in a strange land. You may be hungrier than usual, or not hungry at all. You may feel more inwardly and like you want to get rid of things. You may have also noticed the fast pace of time. There is much going on behind the scenes and much to attend to in your own lives. It is advisable to reconcile situations in your lives that have been unattended too. Procrastination will become something of the past. If possible, attempt to clean up what you can. Ask us for help if you need it. We are with you.”

L’Aura Pleiadian - Solar Eclipse, New Moon, April 30th, 2022 ~ TRANSFORMATION 💖💖💖💖💖 - Apr 29, 2022

This is the beginning of an Eclipse Phase! This Eclipse phase Starts April 30th with the partial Solar Eclipse and lasts till October 25, 2022! This New Moon is in Taurus and is the second New Moon in April!

The most powerful phrase in astrology is the Sun conjunct Moon, as the new moon energies marks a new BEGINNING, a fresh start! For some this these energies may be profound and for some not so much noticed or felt. This is because of the Unique Blueprint you incarnated with and living through.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse takes place On Saturday April 30th, 2022 AT 5:28 pm ADT.

Sandra Walter - El Influjo del Portal de Eclipses - Abr 27, 2022

Bendiciones, Amados ~

¿Has notado el influjo del Portal de Eclipses? Nos estamos moviendo hacia un singular ancho de banda de frecuencias que alcanza su punto máximo del 13 al 19 de mayo. El eclipse solar parcial es este sábado 30 de abril. Aquí vamos.

Este pasaje está apuntando a una rápida expansión hacia una nueva experiencia en forma. Para muchos, se cerrará una puerta a la antigua forma de crear.

Guía, preparación y observaciones sobre este cambio de reino están disponibles en el YouTube en vivo de la semana pasada ( -en inglés).