martes, julio 30, 2019

Suzanne Lie -Tthe Arcturians - An Important Message - July 30, 2019

An Important Arcturian Message

Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

Is something important happening now?

We, the Arcturians, wish to answer all of you, YES, something IS happening to ALL OF YOU.

Everyone is receiving the higher frequencies of energy that are moving into and through your bodies in a strange trans-mutational manner. You might say that the protective cover of the lower dimensional energy field that was placed around your bodies at birth is beginning to fall away.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - La Naturaleza de la Luz - Julio 27, 2019

Canalización del Arcángel Metatrón
a través de James Tyberonn

La Naturaleza de la Luz
Angélicos y Seres de los Reinos de la Luz

¡Saludos! ¡Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz! En esta sesión se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino.

Abarcamos a cada uno de ustedes en un vector y campo de Amor Incondicional dentro de la luz codificada. Los nutrimos, los honramos, a cada uno. Los conocemos por el corazón, por tono, por resonancia y por nombre. ¡Siempre ha sido así!

James McConnell - Archangel Michael and KaRa and OWS - July 28, 2019

Archangel Michael (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael. It has been a bit of time since I have been with you. But of course, we’re not measuring these instances by time.

We are measuring these instances by vibration, and how vibration is shifting and changing across the planet, and how the timelines that you have been experiencing for some time now have been merging together until there are but two timelines left. That is not complete yet, but it is coming to that point where there will be two timelines merging together, and then splitting off. And they are

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Moving Forward - July 30, 2019

Moving Forward

Oh dearest child; it is time to take a huge, deep breath and a step back to re-assess and re-group. The energies presenting themselves are really stirring the pot, bringing up things you have not felt in quite some time. The path you are on may feel a bit bumpy, challenging to navigate, and making more than a few of you say, “Again?! I don’t know if I have the strength to do this!”

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Fusión de las líneas de tiempo - Julio de 2019

Los Faros de Luz de julio de 2019

Presentados en vivo el 29/06/2019

AVISO: La siguiente canalización se presentó en vivo en Virtual Light Broadcast y se puede escuchar en inglés tal como fue grabada originalmente. Debajo hay una versión editada de la misma canalización diseñada para ser impresa. Ha sido editada con la supervisión y posterior aprobación de El grupo. Espero que la disfruten.

Steve Rother

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Activation: A Much Higher Consciousness HUmaNITY - July 30, 2019

Activation: A Much Higher Consciousness HUmaNITY
WE the NEW EARTH People A Cosmic Society of PURE LOVE Living as Unity Consciousness
Soul - Star - Light BEings presenting in physical form
We are the Cosmic Rainbow Bridge
Holding the Values and NEW EARTH System Templates
WITHIN all of US
and shared to support, inspire, unite, guide and assist
as all are truly ready for this.


Schumann Resonance Today – Update - July 30 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

July 30 2019 – 20:30 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

  • 7/30 20:30 UTC – Just after midnight on the graph, time in Tomsk, corresponding to 17 UTC, a powerful activity began which brought the amplitude initially to a peak of 40 Hz then, between 19 and 20 UTC at 69 Hz.
  • 7/30 17:00 UTC – Yesterday’s closure was not properly complete, the activity returned with moderate peaks between 10 and 20 Hz at 5.30 pm yesterday and again today from 4 UTC with movements that continued until 14 UTC. During this period there were two twin peak peaks at 34 Hz between 10 and 11 UTC.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Informe de la Energía Multidimensional: La Humanidad de la Humanidad, Cambios Colectivos, Aceleración de las Afluencias de Luz Fotónica...

He estado desconectada gran parte de los últimos dos meses (principalmente FB), mientras me enfoco en la compleción de estas inmensas integraciones de plantillas que estamos “haciendo” cada mes este año como prioridad para todos nosotros (guardianes de portales/rejillas/custodios/ estabilizadores de Luz y Frecuencia, etc.) En realidad, ha sido ALEGRÍA pura, con estas frecuencias ultra-altas que sustentan todas nuestras REALIDADES DE LA NUEVA TIERRA y agitan/disuelven/traen a la visibilidad aquello que cada uno necesita ver/experimentar para despertar plenamente del sueño ilusorio de lo viejo...........

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Our Energetic Transmissions - July 30, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so interested in how you respond to energy that we continuously send different strands of energy to you. Ultimately, all we want to do is learn how to best help humanity and others like you who are existing in other parts of the galaxy in the fourth dimension. And so, we study those reactions that you have to different energetic transmissions. What we are noticing at this particular time in human history is that you are responding quite well to a very unique strand of energy, a very unique flavor.