miércoles, febrero 13, 2019

John Smallman - Saul - As the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify - Feb 13, 2019

An event in human affairs of enormous significance is approaching rapidly.

The mainstream media have been avoiding issues of real significance, while attempting to draw your attention towards distractions which are intended to confuse and divide you so that you live in anxiety and fear. Politics is a game played by influential people who are blinded by their own self-importance and driven by their desire for power over others, and who are supported by the mainstream media, while both are controlled and manipulated by a tiny but very powerful elite who have unlimited financial resources,

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Works of Fiction - Feb 13, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to suspect that humanity is bringing about a true renaissance period in your entertainment industry. You have so many different ways now of telling stories, and those stories are often quite cathartic. You are all being served by the works of fiction that you read and watch.

Predictions, Comments and Questions for March 2019

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The Beacon…- February 13, 2019

The Beacon… 


It is time to keep your eyes wide open. There may be people and situations being designed specifically to move you into ‘fear mode’. Some may attempt to ‘sell you’ beliefs and ideas that do not resonate. Many have chosen to stay asleep in the comfort of the mass consciousness, ignoring the mounting energy engulfing your world and choosing to remain blissfully unaware that things are changing at break-neck speed. Free will dictates that you get to decide what works and does not work for you!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Wednesday, February 13, 2019


There are many great gifts that come from what you consider to be intense energies. They offer the opportunity to move the old up and out. They provide clarity on what you are doing well, what you could improve, and what you are ready to tackle based on this latest level of attainment. They transform you and are proof positive you are ready for the next step.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

You are coming to understand who you are and
are learning to bless yourself with the gifts of Divinity.

That is the role you are playing in this lifetime.

martes, febrero 12, 2019

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (59) - San José, California, 2 de febrero de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll ante la
Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (59)
San José, California, 2 de febrero de 2019

Saludos, queridas hermanas de las Estrellas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta. En estos pocos momentos me gustaría darles un desafío; me gustaría recordarles un poco más sobre la elegancia de dónde proceden, y tal vez de por qué se sientan aquí, incluso hoy. Es más que una reunión de mujeres; es más que una reunión en la que tienen algo en común, como quienes han pasado por el entrenamiento. Más que eso. Es una clase.

awakening5dhealing - We are Breaking the Matrix #tumbleweedtruth - February 12, 2019

Truth cuts through the matrix like a knife. Transparency glitches algorithms hard wired to secrecy and deception. Trailblazing light into darkness is speaking truth. Stealth mode maintains our safety. Choosing our battles carefully conserves our energy. Retreating from energy vampires and toxic people is self preservation. Truth can be spoken in silence. Tumbleweed truth. We are no longer programmed to people please, this is enslavement dressed up as duty. The fourth realm has changed the game. We can march to the beat of our own drum. Heart led living is knowing when to say no

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Find Confidence - Feb 12, 2019

Find Confidence 

Think back to when you were a teenager; just about everything felt odd, out of place, embarrassing and just plain uncomfortable. You would ask yourself, “Where is my confidence?! I know it’s in here somewhere” and there were days when you just did not know how to feel or act.

Lee Carroll - Kryon Bulletin - February Issue - Feb 12, 2019

February Issue

Here we are in February, and within this 30th Kryon Anniversary year I'm amazed to suddenly start getting so many Kryon channeled validations! It's almost like they are now coming in waves. First the confirmation of "the coming cold," and now magnetics!

When Kryon arrived in 1989, it took another four years for me to really begin channelling in public. 1993 saw the release of Kryon Book One, "The End Times," and Kryon Book Two, "Don't Think Like a Human" followed in 1994. In these books, Kryon started using the term "Kryon of magnetic service." It's actually quite a funny title, but that's what was given to me!

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Febrero 10, 2019

Blossom: ¡Hola! Bueno, claramente una cantidad abrumadora de almas sintieron lo mismo que yo con respecto a mi perorata en nuestra última comunicación. Muchos dicen que están perdiendo / han perdido "la fe" y están tan cansados ​​que ya no quieren continuar. Triste estado de cosas. ¿Un estímulo y elevación serían un placer si se sienten inclinados a hacerlo? Gracias.

Ron Head - The Council - Some Long Questions with Short Answers - Feb 12, 2019

Today we shall answer some long questions with short answers. The questions are good ones, but we find that long explanations are not needed.

Let us begin.

“HOW does one truly let go and trust in higher wisdom/connection and guidance when we have those constant negative thoughts/voices that seem so loud at times, it makes it very difficult to hear, feel, trust in anything benevolent trying to come through? With years of trying mediation, being in nature, using candles and crystals, praying, listening to high vibrational music…….I still feel disconnected and abandoned.”

James McConnell - St Germain - Ashtar - One Who Serves - You Find Yourselves Now In The Moments Prior To The Great Changeover - January 27, 2019

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ on January 27, 2019. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you in this way in these moments, for so much is in flux now.

So much is shifting and changing. Energies are coming in more and more into the planet. More and more of you are feeling these energies. So many of you who have awakened for some time now have been working with these energies more and more, and many, many more are beginning to awaken as a result of these energies coming into the planet as a result of collective consciousness rising.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Serving Your Fellow Humans - Feb 12, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

When you are considering what it is that you can contribute to the human race, do not underestimate the value of putting your faith in humankind. Do not underestimate the value in seeing the best in your fellow humans. Look for the best in your fellow humans, and tell them what you see. Be honest, but also be focused on where you see your friends, co-workers, relatives, and neighbors thriving.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Dear Ones, it is safe to trust in your growth, your knowledge, your wisdom, and your divine capability as you guide yourselves into the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

lunes, febrero 11, 2019

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El abrazador de árboles lo entendió - San José, California, 2 y 3 de febrero de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
San José, California, 2 y 3 de febrero de 2019

El abrazador de árboles lo entendió

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hace treinta años llegué a mi socio de manera muy críptica. A él le dio miedo, pero se sobrepuso. Algunos preguntan al hombre, al ingeniero, cuál fue el punto de inflexión. Cuando tenías toda la lógica que decía que esto no podía ser; tenía los miedos de todos los que lo rodeaban diciendo: "Ten cuidado, esto es perverso". Y sin embargo, él siguió de todos modos. ¿Cuál fue la transición, qué te convenció?


Brenda Hoffman - So, What is Your Role? - February 11, 2019

Dear Ones,

Many of you believe that all is not well in your world. That the fear boogeyman continues to hold the earth in its hands. That you are not in control of your life or your livelihood. That someone outside of you continues to pull strings making you dance to fear.

Even though the Universes have informed you over and over that such is no longer true, you see or sense little information to the contrary. So it is you wait for the earth to change from fear to love so you can understand your role.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Certainty About Your Ascension - Feb 11, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We can see how many of you would be wondering about the certainty that we have that you are all going to ascend in this lifetime, just so long as you stay in your bodies. And we also know that some of the ones who are going through the death experience right now are going to come right back. They will ascend as very small children, or babies.

Energy Imprint Removal Transmission: Clearing Highly Charged Energies With a Person or Situation.