martes, julio 10, 2018

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - Introducción a ¿Quién crees que eres? - Portland, Maine - 30 de Junio de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Portland, Maine - 30 de Junio de 2018


Marilyn Harper:

De modo que buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Qué bueno ver su energía, su amor, su luz, su brillo, su luminosidad radiante. Para quienes no nos conocen, somos Adironnda y traemos con nosotros todo un Concejo de Seres, como dice nuestro querido Lee, también queremos registrarnos ¡ja já! para hacerles saber que hemos venido a nuestro vehículo Marilyn desde el exterior. En el comienzo ella no sabía quién era Lee Carroll, si pueden imaginar cosa semejante, ella no sabía quién era Kryon y no creía en la canalización - hasta que aparecimos en escena. Y una de nuestras primeras transmisiones en 1999 fue en Google - era muy nuevo entonces, de 1989, fue en Google, Niños Índigos por Carroll. Y nuestro vehículo Marilyn no sabía que él o el libro existían. De modo que comprendan que cada uno de ustedes son predicciones del futuro también. Ustedes están sosteniendo esa energía de la maravilla dentro de ustedes. Cada uno está moviéndose hacia adelante, y nuestro trabajo es ayudarles a entender que son contenidos en total y completo amor incondicional. Tomen una respiración profunda.

Kryon - "The Way Prayer Works"

Ron Head - The Council – Chaos - July 10, 2018/

You are being shown the worst sides of all that is happening around you. It would be well to understand the reasons for this. There are concerted efforts being made to move you into, or keep you in, a certain mindset. And stirring up emotions just before, or while, passing people information insures that they will accept it. These are advertising practices. In essence you are sold ideas.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Jerarquía Espiritual y la Federación Galáctica - 10 de julio de 2018

Salamat Jalwa (estad en virtud). Volvemos para hablar con vosotros sobre muchos eventos que se desarrollan alrededor de vuestro globo. Vuestro mundo está atrapado en una guerra entre el bien y el mal. Durante 13 milenios, la cábala oscura ha estado controlando vuestro planeta. Con las nuevas estrategias que hemos proporcionado a nuestros aliados terrestres, ahora llamados la Alianza, la tendencia ha cambiado: la oscuridad está perdiendo su poder mientras la Alianza continúa ganando impulso. Todo lo que la cábala oscura ha dejado es la capacidad de causar retrasos molestos, que pronto cesarán también. La oscuridad está en serias dificultades porque se está quedando sin maneras de engañar a las masas. La Alianza, gradualmente y a su propio ritmo, está produciendo alteraciones extraordinarias en el mundo.

Sheldan Nidle Update~7-10-18~Prepare yourselves. The day of reckoning approaches!

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization
The energies that emanate from the Galactic core are awakening the people of Gaia. This global consciousness awakening is what the cabal fears the most. The volume of energy pouring in from the throne of the Creator is immeasurable! As these new frequencies become integrated and anchored in Gaia's new consciousness grid, lies and greed can no longer hold sway. Truth is emerging into the Light for all to see.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - New Moon Update 7-12-18 - July 10, 2018

The New Moon with a partial solar eclipse (the first of three) is Thursday, July 12 at 8:47PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This New Moon launches a month long period of intensity, change, breakthrough and opportunity to step up your game on many levels. During this time it is ultra important to focus on all the things that are working and that you appreciate in your life instead of letting yourself get bogged down in negativity. Face challenges with compassion and kindness and remember that not everyone has the tools that you do to see the bigger picture.

Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Ascension Symptoms Due To Approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse - July 10, 2018

Energy Update: Ascension Symptoms Due To Approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse
July 10, 2018
by Diane Canfield

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

Todays article is a quick update of the current energies.

We are experiencing Ascension Symptoms due to the approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th. Yes, it happens this way many can feel the effects before the event occurs. Many are becoming very sensitive to MOON fluctuations now and the Eclipses are known for bringing in energy before, during and after the event.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, July 10, 2018

 Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

You are being asked to go further now
to consider the consequence of self-love.

This is what will seal your fate
and help you begin your ministry.


Natalia Alba - The path to conscious evolution, from a total state of amnesia, into a free sovereign being...- July 10, 2018

Beloved Light Emissaries,

The path to conscious evolution, from a total state of amnesia, into a free sovereign being, is not an easy one, for it is filled with many challenges - opportunities - that trigger the inner shift required for us to regain a higher level of consciousness, remembering, again, our true nature and human purpose. At this time, in the midst of this intense passage, we are blessed with the proper frequencies for us to focus in the necessary healing we shall create for our unique journey.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Cambio Cuántico: A medida que las REALidades de la NUEVA Tierra Reemplazan lo Viejo Dentro de Ti, Incorporas NUEVOS Sistemas y Programas y TE CONVIERTES en un COMPONENTE Importante y Parte Integral de los SISTEMAS y PROGRAMAS de la NUEVA TIERRA que REEMPLAZAN también a los Viejos...- Junio 24, 2018

A TRAVÉS DE LA PRESENCIA PURA y de una Sagrada Conexión Divina dentro de nosotros, se abre un mundo entero, al que nosotros (en un nivel humano/ego) no podíamos acceder antes.

Es al ir más despacio, retirarse, observar el parloteo y perturbaciones para elegir permitir que estos se desvanezcan, permitir/asistir a nuestro cuerpo físico a ELEVAR SU VIBRACIÓN (para expandirse), aprender a conectar con Y ESCUCHAR a nuestro CUERPO ENERGÉTICO sutilmente (al principio, luego FUERTE), que HABLA... literalmente... ya que hay INFORMACIÓN e Inteligencia de Luz codificada en nuestro ADN, que realmente podemos OÍR (algo así como a nivel telepático), cuando nos permitimos SINTONIZARNOS.... COMPLETAMENTE.... ♡

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 10, 2018

It is very common to seek control when you feel discomfort. But your discomfort is telling you that you are in resistance to something, and to seek control would be to dig in deeper to that resistance which will only perpetuate the discomfort. What you are really looking for when you are uncomfortable is acceptance, and a willingness to move with the energies with faith and trust.

Natalia Alba - The alteration that our bodies are experiencing...- July 10, 2018

Beloved Ones,

, during their transformation into crystalline beings, even if barely perceptible to the human eye, is highly significant. During the Eclipse season our bodies are going to be constantly releasing, whilst they also integrate, at an accelerate rate, these new cosmic waves.

It is pivotal that during this process we work on the regeneration of our body cells, which are releasing many old memories/programs and become our own caretaker, for our bodies are passing through a deep cleansing process and we need to be supportive rather than passive. When we do not consciously work on helping our body cells regain its lost purity back, our cells tend to program themselves wrongly, and then it is when deseases surface, for our cells are acting against their natural behaviour.

lunes, julio 09, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Activating Purity Through Playing, Beauty, Nature, Happiness and Joy - July 9, 2018

Higher Consciousness hUmaNITY means all of us...

Activating Purity Through Playing, Beauty, Nature, Happiness and Joy

Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEing!

Learning to play like an innocent child, frolicking in nature, connecting with the FEELING and VISUAL STIMULATION of BEAUTY is an important part of our Soul Awakening process here. I remember how much I resisted this part, because my linear me was holding on to so much still and would not make "time" for play, because it didn't fit into my schedule or what I viewed/perceived as important....

Jennifer Hoffman - Energy and Addictions - Jul 9, 2018

I once knew someone who was addicted to shopping. She spent thousands of dollars on clothes, shoes, and jewelry on her daily shopping trips. When she maxed out her credit cards, she got new ones under different names. Her closets were full of new, unworn clothes with tags, and she still bought more. In those days she was called a ‘shopaholic’ someone who was addicted to shopping. What drove her behavior was a deep, driving need for attention, to feel special, loved, and valued. Any addiction is a powerful drive to engage in behaviors we do not understand or cannot control but it is the combination of an emotional need, together with the unresolved energetic pain of soul wounds, that creates an opening for addictive behavior.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday July 9, 2018

We understand that many of you have been conditioned to fear change and the unknown. But it is through change that you continue to evolve and expand, and move into that which you desire. You cannot heal without change. Finding a new love is change. Connecting with new people and passions is change. Moving into better energetic matches comes with change. The things you wish to manifest can only find you if you allow and accept change.

Brenda Hoffman - Naysayers Everywhere - July 9, 2018

Dear Ones,

More and more you are being forced – and force is the correct word – to assert your newly claimed power to be. For those around you will greatly test your willingness to accept your powers.

Those of 3D will claim you have no power for they cannot accept that you nor anyone is different from what has been true throughout this earth life and many others. And those just beginning to adjust to their new beings will clamor for you to prove your newly discovered skills for they are frightened of both 3D and 5D.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Take Refuge in The Temple ~ The One Within The Heart - July 9, 2018

In rapturous abandon, the eyes lay bare the soul, in love and in the twining, the molten lava pours.

In euphoric trembling, eternity speaks, tossing to and fro the winds, that bend the mightiest of trees.

Who are we to know, the love instilled, in the gentlest of kisses, that marks a life and death, surpassing hoped for wishes.

The shadows and the darkness, light the way for weary souls, to a new dawn awaken, opening treasure upon the shore.

domingo, julio 08, 2018

Steve Rother.- El Grupo - Solara encontró la Tierra - Junio de 2018

Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar

Del Grupo

Los Faros de Luz - Junio de 2018


Presentados en vivo el 26 de mayo de 2018

AVISO: Las siguientes canalizaciones se presentaron en vivo en Virtual Light Broadcast y pueden ser escuchadas en inglés tal como fueron grabadas originalmente. Han sido editadas con la supervisión y posterior aprobación de El Grupo. Espero que las disfruten.

~ Solara encontró la Tierra ~

Saludos, queridos.

Hoy nos reunimos con ustedes como un colectivo porque tenemos un mensaje muy importante que darles. Les traemos saludos desde el Hogar.

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME DE ENERGÍA DE JULIO 2018 - 2 de Julio 2018

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Parece que el ensayo final de 2018 ha terminado; nos encontramos ya en la segunda mitad del año que, como dije, creo que será más fácil y menos desafiante que la primera. Puede que no sea así en concreto para ti (las creencias juegan un papel importante a la hora de experimentar la energía), pero es posible que en Julio sintamos más alegría, movimiento y expansión. Por otra parte, debemos tener en cuenta que en un mes con dos eclipses, seis planetas retrógrados y la repetición de algunos ciclos de larga duración puede ocurrir cualquier cosa, por lo que es conveniente que mantengamos nuestras intenciones de manifestación. Los temas de Julio son la elección y el cambio, que notaremos de diferentes maneras a lo largo del mes.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - JULY 2018


A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life and a ‘Sanctuary of Truth

Issue #235

JULY 2018

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light

This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.

Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years.

Thank you dear Lady of Light


***From Your Hostess of Light
***A holy intersection of time and text
***The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2018 Cosmic Red Moon
***‘DAY OUT OF TIME’ Phantom Crystals

From Your Hostess of Light: Everything that you do touches another, weaving a strand of time that seeks to be eternally experienced. There are no actions or interactions that are not in Divine proportion to each other, there is only the vibration of ‘all that is’ that seeks to be entwined with itself.

Like a tiny pebble that hits a silent lake, ripples are seen and felt from one end to the other. Everything counts and it can be no other way. When a supernova explodes its energy spreads throughout time and space, layering multi-dimensionally into a place that all can be seen and experienced.