lunes, julio 09, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Activating Purity Through Playing, Beauty, Nature, Happiness and Joy - July 9, 2018

Higher Consciousness hUmaNITY means all of us...

Activating Purity Through Playing, Beauty, Nature, Happiness and Joy

Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEing!

Learning to play like an innocent child, frolicking in nature, connecting with the FEELING and VISUAL STIMULATION of BEAUTY is an important part of our Soul Awakening process here. I remember how much I resisted this part, because my linear me was holding on to so much still and would not make "time" for play, because it didn't fit into my schedule or what I viewed/perceived as important....

Jennifer Hoffman - Energy and Addictions - Jul 9, 2018

I once knew someone who was addicted to shopping. She spent thousands of dollars on clothes, shoes, and jewelry on her daily shopping trips. When she maxed out her credit cards, she got new ones under different names. Her closets were full of new, unworn clothes with tags, and she still bought more. In those days she was called a ‘shopaholic’ someone who was addicted to shopping. What drove her behavior was a deep, driving need for attention, to feel special, loved, and valued. Any addiction is a powerful drive to engage in behaviors we do not understand or cannot control but it is the combination of an emotional need, together with the unresolved energetic pain of soul wounds, that creates an opening for addictive behavior.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday July 9, 2018

We understand that many of you have been conditioned to fear change and the unknown. But it is through change that you continue to evolve and expand, and move into that which you desire. You cannot heal without change. Finding a new love is change. Connecting with new people and passions is change. Moving into better energetic matches comes with change. The things you wish to manifest can only find you if you allow and accept change.

Brenda Hoffman - Naysayers Everywhere - July 9, 2018

Dear Ones,

More and more you are being forced – and force is the correct word – to assert your newly claimed power to be. For those around you will greatly test your willingness to accept your powers.

Those of 3D will claim you have no power for they cannot accept that you nor anyone is different from what has been true throughout this earth life and many others. And those just beginning to adjust to their new beings will clamor for you to prove your newly discovered skills for they are frightened of both 3D and 5D.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Take Refuge in The Temple ~ The One Within The Heart - July 9, 2018

In rapturous abandon, the eyes lay bare the soul, in love and in the twining, the molten lava pours.

In euphoric trembling, eternity speaks, tossing to and fro the winds, that bend the mightiest of trees.

Who are we to know, the love instilled, in the gentlest of kisses, that marks a life and death, surpassing hoped for wishes.

The shadows and the darkness, light the way for weary souls, to a new dawn awaken, opening treasure upon the shore.

domingo, julio 08, 2018

Steve Rother.- El Grupo - Solara encontró la Tierra - Junio de 2018

Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar

Del Grupo

Los Faros de Luz - Junio de 2018


Presentados en vivo el 26 de mayo de 2018

AVISO: Las siguientes canalizaciones se presentaron en vivo en Virtual Light Broadcast y pueden ser escuchadas en inglés tal como fueron grabadas originalmente. Han sido editadas con la supervisión y posterior aprobación de El Grupo. Espero que las disfruten.

~ Solara encontró la Tierra ~

Saludos, queridos.

Hoy nos reunimos con ustedes como un colectivo porque tenemos un mensaje muy importante que darles. Les traemos saludos desde el Hogar.

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME DE ENERGÍA DE JULIO 2018 - 2 de Julio 2018

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Parece que el ensayo final de 2018 ha terminado; nos encontramos ya en la segunda mitad del año que, como dije, creo que será más fácil y menos desafiante que la primera. Puede que no sea así en concreto para ti (las creencias juegan un papel importante a la hora de experimentar la energía), pero es posible que en Julio sintamos más alegría, movimiento y expansión. Por otra parte, debemos tener en cuenta que en un mes con dos eclipses, seis planetas retrógrados y la repetición de algunos ciclos de larga duración puede ocurrir cualquier cosa, por lo que es conveniente que mantengamos nuestras intenciones de manifestación. Los temas de Julio son la elección y el cambio, que notaremos de diferentes maneras a lo largo del mes.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - JULY 2018


A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life and a ‘Sanctuary of Truth

Issue #235

JULY 2018

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light

This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.

Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years.

Thank you dear Lady of Light


***From Your Hostess of Light
***A holy intersection of time and text
***The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2018 Cosmic Red Moon
***‘DAY OUT OF TIME’ Phantom Crystals

From Your Hostess of Light: Everything that you do touches another, weaving a strand of time that seeks to be eternally experienced. There are no actions or interactions that are not in Divine proportion to each other, there is only the vibration of ‘all that is’ that seeks to be entwined with itself.

Like a tiny pebble that hits a silent lake, ripples are seen and felt from one end to the other. Everything counts and it can be no other way. When a supernova explodes its energy spreads throughout time and space, layering multi-dimensionally into a place that all can be seen and experienced.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - We've Entered Into Huge Template Re-Writing Phase(s) that Affect Everything: Your Body, Your Earthly Experience & Cosmic Remembering Processes too as we Continue Through Huge Timeline Splits - 7/8/2018


July & August Template Upgrades/Rewrites shall be HUGE...

The corridor now underway, we enter into Body Template Rewriting and Deep Re-Gridding Processes, which normally would be this entire week or so, yet because of the magnitude of the phase we are in, with Inner-Eclipse Season and Inner-Planetary Retrogrades (which reverse everything, then reverse again when all goes direct), the importance of these awesome re-writes and body re-configurations on every level, are understood as each tunes into their own Physical LightBody and honors the DEPTH at which these Cosmic Codes work.

Part 22 - PLEIADIAN ALAJE - Developing a Consciousness of Light and Love - Spanish Sub

Kara Schallock - Massive Energy Wave - 08-Jul-2018

While we have wave after wave of high-impact Light flowing into us, one of the things that is impacting us is our perception. Our perception of ourselves and all things on Earth is shifting. Everything is new and unfamiliar. Observe it all with Compassion and understand what is happening, without the need to cling to the old, familiar way. It's best to not put it in a box for contemplation; let it flow. In your Silence, you know. The chains that bind you to the old are dissolving. Pay attention to when you receive Truth. Each has their own way of doing this...some have goosebumps; some have expansion around the Heart and some vibrate. Only you know the Truth. There is no right or wrong; there are only different choices. Some choices expand you; others limit you. Feel before you choose.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing - July 8, 2018

Without patience you can never understand
the meaning of Divine Timing.

Dear One,

Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.

sábado, julio 07, 2018

Aisha North - Blossoming dynamics - July 7, 2018

Blossoming dynamics 

The contours of Self pulsate

as the blossoming fields of dynamics

keep pushing at your boundaries.

Do not hold back the flood

of information surging through you

for it is only by letting go of expectations

you can fully surpass them.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - 2018 - Completando un año de polaridad extrema - Julio 4, 2018

2018 - Completando un Año de Polaridad Extrema

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y saludamos a cada uno de ustedes individualmente, amorosamente, en un vector de espacio sin tiempo. Los abrazamos en el tiempo del "Ahora" en que leen estas palabras, y los rodeamos con una energía de Amor Incondicional.

Queridos, en este mensaje canalizado compartimos información importante. Ofrecemos información importante, específica de este tiempo presente. Hablamos de las increíbles ondas saturnianas, de asombrosas energías meteóricas, de eclipses, del equinoccio y el solsticio que ocurrirán en su presente, el resto de 2018 (segunda mitad) Año Seis de la Nueva Tierra. Y como siempre, corresponde a ustedes discernir qué les resuena y qué no... porque ustedes ciertamente son Maestros en ciernes. Nuevamente les pedimos que no descarten la ciencia que compartimos en este mensaje, porque es parte del todo, un aspecto integral de lo sagrado. Y les aseguramos que, con la mente superior, la ciencia será comprendida y agregará esencia importante a su conocimiento práctico incluso si sucede con el tiempo.

Asara - Archangel Michael - July 7, 2018

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

From the heart-center of All That Is:

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – July 7, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

We note that many of you are in a state of some confusion, as the powerful Light data pours in from different parts of this and other galaxies, and as your Great Central Sun continues to share its intelligence, and its desire that you should move up to another whole level of consciousness.

viernes, julio 06, 2018

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 6 de Julio, 2018

Cuánto tiempo pase antes de que os introduzcáis en el futuro prometido y experimentéis los diversos beneficios de los que hemos hablado depende mucho de vosotros. Actualmente, las condiciones sobre la Tierra se están deteriorando y no parece llegar una solución. Aunque las respuestas se conocen y solo es una cuestión de tiempo antes de que una ola de expectación eleve a la gente como resultado de lo que se está aproximando. Ciertamente, muchas fuentes han estado trabajando incansablemente para hacer que se muevan las cosas, para que pueda hacerse un anuncio que os introduzca en la panorámica y aliente una actitud más aceptable.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 6 July 2018

How long is it before you advance into the promised future and experience the many benefits that have been spoken about, it depends very much on you. At present the conditions upon Earth are deteriorating and a solution does not seem to be coming. Yet the answers are known, and it is only a matter of time before a wave of expectation resulting from what is approaching lifts up the people. Certainly many sources have been tirelessly working to get things moving, so that an announcement can be made to keep you in the picture, and encourage a more acceptable outlook.

You are still experiencing the result of the old energies, but they are slowly being dispersed and the souls involved are being lifted up in consciousness. It is no longer necessary to dwell upon past events that have proved to be negative, and it is far better to enjoy the thoughts of coming changes that will prove to be far more beneficial than previously. No one wishes you to continue experiencing the troubles and traumas of the past, and in fact it is essential that you help the new energy to be fully established upon Earth. You will find it hard to make visible progress but by persevering you will eventually see results.

There are no shortcuts to success but hard work will undoubtedly bring you results. All around you there is an awakening to the responsibilities that you have to look after the Earth. In many respects the problems have reached dangerous levels, and the need for correcting them is yours to work out. However, once you indicate your intention to put things right there are legions of helpers waiting to assist you, but you must make the initial move to change things before help can be given. Certainly there is a movement amongst you to create groups capable of initiating moves towards putting things into good order. Whilst they will improve with the upliftment of the vibrations, you must start to think “New Age” and help the upliftment of Humanity.

Movements in the right direction will come with the acceptance of all other Human Beings regardless of colour or religion, and the creation of a worldwide network of help. There are currently too many differences between you all, and it is time to set them apart and encourage all that is beneficial to the whole. Help will come to you from some surprising sources and it will help speed up the changes. In the meantime there are inventions about to be released that will enhance your quality of life. In real terms you have been held back for such a long time and almost been stuck in a time warp. However, everything is slowly changing and you have yet to see the beneficial changes that are ready to be introduced that will greatly lift you up.

The major changes that are needed relate to the appointment of those who have the experience and right intentions to move Humanity into a new era. It will be one of fairness, charity and consideration for all those who have suffered under the old regime. What was acceptable previously has no place with the new ways of cooperation and sympathy that will address the inequality that exists at present. You are One Human Race and working together will achieve great things that will speedily lift you into the New Age.

There are suggestions that the timing of events is at hand, and as things are developing, the time for Ascension is drawing nearer and ready to bring in an instant change. It is possible because as soon as the “old” is cleared away the “New” is ready to be manifested, and with help it can be established in a relatively short time. There are certainly mammoth tasks involved, but with ET technology and assistance, advancement will be miraculous as judged by your existing abilities. The size of the tasks may appear very daunting and overwhelming, but with help you will be surprised if not amazed at how quickly they can be carried out. So do not allow yourselves to become morose or disheartened, as on a higher level all is proceeding well.

There are many of you who subconsciously sense that great and welcome changes are coming, and instead of spreading gloom are as you would say “upbeat and confident” where the future is concerned. For eons of time it has been known that the last Age would most likely end in success instead of failure as has occurred for the previous end of cycles. Be assured that you have earned the success that is coming to you, and you will not have to wait too long to begin to see the first signs of it. Project positive vibrations for the future and the sooner it will come into being.

You could say that having reached rock bottom, there is nowhere to go now except back up again. However, having dropped to the depths of darkness that are holding you back it will nevertheless become apparent to you, that it is now time to rebel against that which is not of the Light. Not only that, turf out those who have assisted the dark Ones for personal benefit, as they in no way represent the people or their ambitions for freedom, and free speech. You are not exceptional in your needs, but the United States as a very large country of huge wealth and potential you should be able to ensure that your monies are well spent on you, and not to further the causes of the dark Ones, who have redirected your wealth to cover their covert activities. Once the truth is really recognised there will be a great uprising and the people will demand and obtain the changes they need. Remember, that your thoughts are powerful and collectively you can get things done. Do not be swayed by false promises and question whatever is placed before you, and bear in mind that the whole world is in the process of change and it is all leading to Ascension.

As you rise up into the higher vibrations you will find less and less disharmony, and eventually that it cannot exist at all. The new energy is powerful and of a high vibration and in the course of time souls of a lower vibration will be unable to exist in it. So automatically you will find yourselves with like souls, and it is such conditions that have often been described as Paradise. It is your future to continue evolving, and move into the higher levels of Light whilst at the same time raising your own levels of awareness. Eventually you will become a totally evolved soul with a full set of chakras. You will have powers beyond your present imagination and also have the power of creation, but through your evolution will be able to handle them correctly along with the attributes of Universal Love. This is what to expect way into your future, and as each lesson is learnt you grow more in spirituality and understanding.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Natalie Glasson - Quan Yin - La ola de unión divina femenina - Julio 6, 2018

Fuente original: Escuela Sagrada de OmNa

Traducción: Julio Ferreira

La luz rosada, blanca y amarilla más bella y encantadora se está anclando en la Tierra ahora desde los planos internos y los Niveles Cósmicos.

Esta onda de luz está apareciendo a muchos como una frecuencia de haces de luz muy parecidos al ADN, girando y retorciéndose, envolviéndose en una danza de unión.

La luz de rosa, blanco y amarillo es una oleada de energía y conciencia nacida de los aspectos Divinos Femeninos del Creador y los reinos de la Diosa de los planos internos. Hay un propósito importante y vital para esta expresión, que yo, Lady Quan Yin, deseo compartir con ustedes.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - July 5, 2018

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work full time with the Earth Council to assist with the Ascension Process.

I am pleased to report that all is proceeding well with your Ascension Process. Missing parts have been put together. Massive amounts of karma have been cleansed. Relationships are being healed and cleared. Like the earth, you are moving on. You are clearing out the past and letting go of what no longer serves you. The earth is volcanically erupting as she releases molten lava to clear massive amounts of darkness within. It is not her darkness. It is a result of what has been done to her. She has been showing how powerful she is and how ready she is for her ascension. Humanity is beginning to pay attention to these messages.