miércoles, abril 18, 2018

Lena Stevens - Abril 2018 - Pronóstico Mensual - ATENCIÓN, PACIENCIA Y EQUILIBRIO - 2 de Abril 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Los Temas fundamentales para abril son: ATENCIÓN, PACIENCIA Y EQUILIBRIO

Este es un mes engañoso donde podemos tener desafíos a cada paso. La impaciencia no es nuestra amiga y la atención es una práctica necesaria para la supervivencia de estos tiempos. Necesitaremos prestar especial atención a lo que decimos, cómo actuamos y qué pensamos. Necesitaremos tener paciencia para aceptar y adaptarnos cuando las cosas no resulten como las planeamos. Necesitaremos esforzarnos por lograr el equilibrio con respecto a la acción fogosa que nos lleva por el camino del agotamiento, el sobre esfuerzo y una escasa salud.

Kryon - "Living In A Synthetic Reality" - Berkley Springs, West Virgiania - April 14, 2018

James McConnell - One Who Serves - “You Have A Saying: ‘Pay It Forward.’ And We Are Saying Now, ‘Share It Forward’, Share The Light” - April 15, 2018

One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

How is that for some kind of a message, huh?! If that doesn’t not to rile you up, if that does not get your blood boiling I don’t know what will!

We do not necessarily have message here at this time because we are saving it up. We are saving up our messages — many messages that are coming — that are going to be available to you when we have our Advance here. And that as you know is very close.

James McConnell - Archangel Michael and One Who Serves - ‘Pay It Forward.’ And We Are Saying Now, ‘Share It Forward’, Share The Light” - April 15, 2018

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Payson, AZ on April 15, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

Archangel Michael

I AM Archangel Michael.

Always a pleasure to be with you, to be able to share with you my brothers and my sisters. Those of you that are showing the way, preparing the way. Those of you that are the light workers and even more importantly now the warriors of light. Those that stand by my side as we continue to battle forth. Not battle forth in terms of war and destruction but yet destruction of the old; the old ways, the old paradigm. Tearing down the illusion, the veil that has been placed in front of your eyes that is no longer there. You only think it is there because of that programming.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 18, 2018

One of the most profound shifts you can make in your life is to start to make choices based on what you wish to experience rather than what you wish to avoid. The intention you choose to create change from makes all the difference in the world in terms of energetic result for the simple reason that one is born from fear while the other is born from empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Steve Rother - The Group - Collective Vibrations Are Raising - March 31, 2018

Collective Vibrations Are Raising

Greetings, dear ones.

I am Em. I am overjoyed to be joining you to look upon planet earth and all the incredible changes that are taking place. The Earth retains its own balance. As you move in one direction, the opposite direction automatically increases to find a natural balance. You are starting to make major advances in areas that we had been watching very carefully. We see humanity’s base vibration rising more than you could possibly know. Now we tell you, if you’ve watched the news lately, know that you’re going to get only one side of anything. It doesn’t mean that the news is tainted or inaccurate. What we see is the actual vibratory rate, not the reaction of that vibratory rate. What is happening is that the vibrations are starting to rise again, which is the result of many things.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Michael - A Message of Mastery - April 17, 2018

A Message of Mastery from Archangel Michael

Dear Ones,

We will speak today of Mastery. Mastery of yourself in the world becomes the principle that allows you to thrive on the Earth, where discipline and focus are essential. However, this discipline is not in a harsh or strict sense of being, but more from alignment with your Highest Self.

Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Huge Upgrade IN Process, Manifesting Through Accelerated Time - April 18, 2018

Energy Update: Huge Upgrade IN Process, Manifesting Through Accelerated Time

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloved Tribe,

As you may all remember, I talked about TIME speeding up and disappearing in my last video which you can find here on my you tube channel. I explained how I was then having time lapses of no time, time speeding up and time anomalies. It had taken place over and over again in a 2 week period. I was experiencing missing time, because of the essence of time speeding up. This is one of the precursors that HAS to take place before the EVENT can happen. ! This makes it even more IMPORTANT to pay attention to.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

You have traveled upstream and said, "Yes I can."


"Yes, I can."

A commitment has been made.

Sheldan Nidle - Federación Galáctica - Jerarquía Espiritual - Abril 3, 2018

¡Selamat Jalwa! Nos complace informarles que existe una estrategia que nosotros, la Federación Galáctica, hemos implementado con bastante éxito. La cábala, creyendo arrogantemente que nadie podría derrotarlos y no queriendo o incapaz de cambiar su forma de operar, se ha aferrado al poder con todas sus fuerzas. Esto está cambiando. Aunque ahora se dan cuenta de que están perdiendo su dominio sobre la ciudadanía de la Tierra, tercamente eligen luchar hasta el

Kryon - "A New Groove" - 2018 (NEW!)

Suzanne Lie - Is It Real or a Dream--Chapter 12 of Through The Matrix - April 18, 2018



Is it Real or Just a Dream

Suddenly I woke up with the thought in my mind of, “Is there a difference? Is there a difference between what, I asked myself. Or, maybe I was asking the tree that I dreamed of, or met, in my dream state.

“Maybe you are asleep now, and you were awake when you had what you call a “dream?” spoke a voice that was far away, but also deep inside me.

martes, abril 17, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 17, 2018

We wish to explain vibrational layers in a way that will be easy for you to understand. Imagine you have a house with many different floors – a basement, a main floor, an upper floor, and an attic. Each floor represents a different vibration, with the basement holding the most density and the attic holding the highest energies.

James Tyberonn - Ventanas Astrológicas - Descubrir al Yo Profundo - Abril 15, 2018

Canalización de Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Ventanas Astrológicas ~Descubrir al Yo Profundo

¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. ¡Los saludamos en Amor!

Las energías que se aproximan en Junio-Julio-Agosto también estarán cargadas con el "Efecto de Crisol". Empieza a aligerarse, a aclararse en alguna medida, en Septiembre. En el entretanto, ustedes serán probados, convocados a enfrentar al yo profundo. Pero esto tiene propósito, a cada uno de ustedes se le da en este tiempo la oportunidad cíclica para revisar, reflexionar y confrontar sus acciones y examinar el "yo interior"... en su relación con las vidas pasadas y la presente.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Martes, 17 de abril, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Martes, 17 de abril, 2018

Te pedimos que creas.

¿Has escuchado alguna vez la expresión,

"vamos a hacer un creyente de ti"?

Ese es el tiquete que estás buscando en este momento.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

We ask you to believe.

Have you ever heard the expression,

"We are going to make a believer out of you?"

That is the ticket you are looking for at this hour.

Ron Head - The Council – Surfing the Wave - April 17, 2018

You are all aware that there is a vast sea of change, building in intensity, upon your planet. A more accurate description would be that your planet is now becoming more and more deeply immersed in energetic fields that are both creating changes on your world and responding to the changes you are embracing.

Sheldan Nidle - Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - Marzo 20, 2018

Selamat Balik. Un nuevo día está naciendo. Los trabajadores de la luz y sus aliados ahora entienden que la victoria se acerca. Durante mucho tiempo las profecías anunciaron esta victoria ahora inevitable. Es un tiempo en que vuestra prosperidad debe ser liberada y una nueva forma de hacer las cosas ha de convertirse en la menor de vuestras preocupaciones. Los trabajadores de la luz entienden este nuevo escenario y aceptan la desaparición de la cábala con facilidad y gracia. Este es un

lunes, abril 16, 2018

Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - 15 de abril de 2018

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Agradecemos al lector que enumeró varias áreas en las que ve el progreso y luego escribió: "¡Gracias por ayudarnos a todos a mantener el rumbo, seguir encontrando nuestro optimismo y seguir trabajando por el mundo que sabemos que es posible!" Porque el optimismo se llena de luz, juega un papel vital en el desarrollo de una sociedad, y las personas que ven el mundo como tumultuoso y temeroso rara vez pueden sentirse optimistas sobre lo que está por venir. No saben que lo que ven como agitación es el choque de las bajas vibraciones con las altas y las últimas están ganando dominio en el camino hacia la predominancia general. No saben que esta "tormenta antes de la calma", por así decirlo, tiene un propósito, está marcando el comienzo de cambios poderosos en todo el mundo. Ustedes saben esto, y hablar con la gente sobre los cambios sustantivos en marcha es una manera espléndida de dejar que la luz de su optimismo brille en sus vidas.

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - April 15, 2018

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We thank the reader who listed several areas wherein she sees progress, then wrote: “So thank you for helping us all stay the course, keep finding our optimism, and keep working for the world we know is possible!” Because optimism is light-filled, it plays a vital role in a society’s evolvement, and people who view the world as tumultuous and fearful rarely can feel optimistic about what is to come. They don’t know that what they see as upheaval is the clashing of low vibrations with high and the latter are gaining dominance on the way to prevailing overall. They don’t know that this “storm before the calm,” so to say, is purposeful, it is ushering in powerful changes worldwide. You do know this, and talking with people about substantive changes afoot is a splendid way to let the light of your optimism shine into their lives.