miércoles, enero 03, 2018

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Miércoles, enero 3, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Miércoles, enero 3, 2018 

Se te está pidiendo que des un salto de fé ahora.

Que vayas más allá de lo que has conocido hasta ahora.

Has estado preocupado

porque has estado atado

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

You are being asked to take a leap of faith now.

To go beyond what you have known.

You have been troubled

Sarah Varcas - Los Eclipses y sus Estaciones - 1 Enero 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse Dec 20th over Alaska December 2010

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La próxima estación de eclipses comienza el 17 de enero y termina el 21 de febrero del 2018, con un eclipse lunar a 12° de Leo el 31 de enero y un eclipse solar a 28° de Acuario el 15 de febrero.

Los eclipses ocurren en grupos de dos o tres dentro de una estación de eclipses que dura alrededor de 36 días. Durante este tiempo ocurren lunas nuevas o llenas al igual que los Eclipses Lunares y Solares respectivamente, aunque puede existir un área gris en el mismo borde de una estación de eclipses cuando pudiese ocurrir una luna nueva o llena “que no sea exactamente un eclipse”. La estación de eclipses ocurre mientras el Sol está dentro de los 18 grados de uno de los Nodos de la Luna, esto es, los puntos en la trayectoria orbital de la Luna donde esta cruza la trayectoria del Sol. Las estaciones de eclipses surgen cada seis meses.

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - January-2018 - January 01, 2018


Monday, January 01, 2018

Beloved ones we greet you,

Humanity has moved into a new potential of awakening as another phase of the ‘New Dawning’ energy has entered your planet at New Year.

At that moment when you entered the frequency setting of 2018 the Sun physically shifted its position, moving into a more direct path to planet Earth. This movement created a new multidimensional opening on your earth plane, as a series of expanded multidimensional settings of light rays from the Sun entered the planet. The Sun’s rays carry the emanations of God. This shift brings another form of the essence of God to the planet, and you are ready to receive this awakening. Earth has undergone a complete energetic reset since that moment of New Year.

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Report: Pure Crystalline Energies Arriving - January 3, 2018

Psychic Energy Report: Pure Crystalline Energies Arriving

January 3, 2018
by Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

Today and yesterday we awoke to huge crystalline energy coming in wrapping itself around our entire being. This energy is so PURELY Christed. All of the fatigue from the past few weeks has left us and we are now focused with energy to get things done again.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 3, 2018

Dear Ones, there are multiple timelines that hold a multitude of experiences that you can access at any given time. If you have a deep longing or yearning for an experience, there is always a corresponding timeline that holds that experience. The fact that you have a desire lets you know that the potential exists.

You shift onto timelines through your focus, intention, surrender, and flow. This is why you cannot create what you want through negative focus or fear. Your energetic engagement with what was unwanted would keep you firmly planted on the timeline that holds that energy.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ST. GERMAIN-JANUARY 2018 - Jan

ST. GERMAIN-JANUARY 2018 - www.TheRainbowScribe.com

From St. Germain:

New Year's Message

[Through Antera on December 30, 2017.]

I wish to address the Lightworkers of the world . . . all those who consider themselves Lightworkers, from those who have been doing work on the inner planes with Light for decades, to those who have only recently awakened to the greater reality and their skills on the inner planes . . . all of you are rising into your greatest expression now.

Sarah Varcas - La próxima Súper Luna es una luna llena a 12° de Cáncer el 1ro/2 de enero del 2018 - 1 Enero 2018


Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Primero, ¡¡el asunto técnico!!

El término súper luna se refiere a una luna nueva o llena que ocurre en (o cerca del) punto de la órbita de la luna más cercano a la tierra (conocido como perigeo lunar). Hay alrededor de cuatro a seis lunas de este tipo en el año. Una súper luna parece visiblemente mayor en el cielo y puede ser una imagen espectacular, especialmente en el hemisferio norte durante el invierno cuando son mayores.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Regreso a Lemuria - Parte 5 - Hawaii, 22 de diciembre de 2017

Canalización triple: Kryon por Lee Carroll,
Adironnda por Marilyn Harper, y Alcazar por Prageet Harris
Regreso a Lemuria
Hawaii, 22 de diciembre de 2017

Parte 5

Marilyn Harper:

Buen día para ustedes. Estamos aquí, algunos nos conocen, otros no, somos Adironnda. Y traemos con nosotros todo un Concejo de Luz solo para reflejar la luz de ustedes. Verán, queridísimos, ustedes son la razón para que hayamos venido aquí desde la 17ª dimensión. Muchos preguntan sobre nosotros. Muchos que no comprenden que nuestro mensaje es siempre permitir que la nueva energía dentro de ustedes esté presente. Somos un activador de su akash, queridísimos. Fuimos a lo profundo de su cuerpo emocional y los honramos por su labor. Su juego-trabajo, como nos gusta decir, porque creemos que el trabajo debiera ser juego más trabajo, que resulta en juego-trabajo.

martes, enero 02, 2018

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 2018 SERÁ UN AÑO TOTALMENTE FRONTAL

Por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2018 es el año del conocimiento, un conocimiento claro, sin diluir, imposible de probar, invisible. Basta de excusas humanas, no más travesuras de niña, basta de ponerle la otra mejilla a la vida y a sus exigencias. Este es un “año totalmente frontal” porque lo que se dé a luz a sí mismo en el 2018 ha ocupado un lugar en su biología durante algún tiempo. Es como un manto de sanación que consuela a un niño. Solo sostenerlo da tranquilidad, da seguridad e infunde una esperanza visible. No importa qué dio lugar a las energías sanadoras, solo importa nuestra participación en la secuencia de los acontecimientos. Porque en el año 2018 no se trata tanto del libre albedrío permanente, como de unirse al destino mientras se intenta aprender los nuevos pasos de la Tierra y los propios. El baile cuadrado* en un círculo describirá los aprendizajes que busca la humanidad. ¡La vida confundirá el elemento del “libre albedrío” con las luces de colores, la purpurina y glamour, ¡la fantasía creando una gran ilusión!

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Martes, enero 2, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Martes, enero 2, 2018

Confía en el proceso del amor.

El amor te está enseñando

y te está guiando.

¿Qué tal si hubiera más para aprender

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Trust the process of love.

Love is teaching you

and guiding you.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Lunes, enero 1, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Lunes, enero 1, 2018

Libérate de la necesidad de saber

y confía.

No necesitas conocer el plan final

o el resultado final.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Mensual La Conexión Hilarión© (Enero 2018)


Mensaje Mensual La Conexión Hilarión© (Enero 2018)
por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


¡Vengo en las alas del amor! Todo a su alrededor, los dominios y los Reinos de lo invisible trabajan incesantemente para crear el Orden Divino a medida que las viejas estructuras se desvanecen. Todo en este planeta se está renovando y recreando hacia una totalidad cohesiva más funcional. La nueva realidad de la Tierra requiere nuevas formas y nuevas perspectivas que tendrán en cuenta la conexión entre cada persona y todo lo que existe en su entorno y en el mundo más amplio que los rodea, ¡y de hecho, en todo el cosmos!

Sarah Varcas - Eclipses and their Seasons - Jan 2, 2018

Eclipses and their Seasons

The next eclipse season begins on 17th January and ends on 21st February 2018, with a lunar eclipse in the 12th degree of Leo on 31st January and a solar eclipse in the 28th degree of Aquarius on 15th February.

Eclipses occur in groups of two or three within an eclipse season which lasts for approximately 36 days. During this time any full or new moons occur as Lunar and Solar Eclipses respectively, although there can be a grey area at the very edge of an eclipse season when a ‘not quite an eclipse’ new or full moon occurs. An eclipse season occurs while the Sun is within eighteen degrees of one of the Moon’s Nodes, that is the points on the Moon’s orbital path where it crosses the path of the Sun. Eclipse seasons arise every six months.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Domingo, diciembre 31, 2017

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Domingo, diciembre 31, 2017

Estamos pidiéndote que ahora te fundas con tu potencial presente.

Esto lo haces cuando estás dispuesto a liberar

aquello con lo que estuviste implicado en el pasado.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Regreso a Lemuria - Parte 4 - Hawái, 21 de Diciembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Regreso a Lemuria
Hawái, 21 de Diciembre de 2017

Parte 4 - En el Volcán

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para quienes están escuchando estamos en el Parque Nacional de Volcanes de Hawái. Es un lugar que mi socio ha frecuentado muchas veces. Kahunas de ambos géneros le han mostrado parte de la majestad.

Quiero contarles sobre la celebración de este tema porque no es la primera vez que un grupo se ha sentado a disfrutar de una energía sumamente especial. Queridos, no es realmente la energía de Lemuria, ni tampoco de las maestras, sino de Gaia. Y de eso quiero hablar.

Ainulindalë 🎆

Sarah Varcas - Supermoons and Black Moon Lilith: You can’t have one without the other! - Jan 1, 2018

Supermoons and Black Moon Lilith: You can’t have one without the other!

The next Supermoon is a full moon in the 12th degree of Cancer on 1st/2nd January 2018

First, the technical stuff!

The term supermoon refers to a new or full moon which occurs on (or near) the point on the moon’s orbit closest to the earth (known as lunar perigee). There are usually between four and six such moons a year. A full supermoon appears visibly bigger in the sky and can be a truly spectacular sight, especially in the northern hemisphere during Winter when they are at their largest.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Sábado, diciembre 30, 2017

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Sábado, diciembre 30, 2017

Recibe tus regalos ahora.

No lo dejes para más tarde.

¿Qué tal si se te están ofreciendo ahora?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Regreso a Lemuria - Parte 3 - Hawai, 20 de diciembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Regreso a Lemuria
Hawái, 20 de diciembre de 2017

Parte 3 - El Círculo de Enseñanza

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Deseo dar un mensaje que nunca se dio antes; Atributos de los que nunca oyeron antes, porque estoy en este lugar. Este es un mensaje específico que solo se puede dar aquí, y es tiempo de darlo, porque hay quienes lo tomarán, lo entenderán, que están escuchando y ni siquiera están en este salón. Es hermoso, porque habla de la enseñanza de las madres pleyadianas. Específicamente, cómo se hacía, qué se enseñaba, por qué se enseñaba, y quién aprendía. Yo no podría dar este mensaje si no estuviera en este lugar, en la cumbre de esta montaña donde sucedió. No fue en la cumbre, fue en la costa, pero la montaña es esta, y ustedes están aquí, y yo estoy aquí. Yo no podría dar este mensaje si no estuviera rodeado ahora, de ambos lados, por maestras lemurianas - y están aquí. Uso su akash, así como aquello que Kryon sabe, para traérselo a ustedes de manera que lo puedan entender. Queridos, lo que presento en este momento será estudiado como lo que es, y parte de esto es críptico; parte de esto solo lo entenderán los maestros de los maestros de hoy. Parte de esto solo será entendido por los físicos - créanlo o no.

Solara’s 2018 Surf Report – Living Our Mastery - Jan 2, 2018

Solara’s 2018 Surf Report – Living Our Mastery – Solara's Surf Reports

Solara’s 2018 Surf Report
Living Our Mastery 2017 was a deeply challenging year full of far reaching, seismic changes. There was a lot of upheaval, shocking events and tricky situations as the world of duality continued to collapse all around us.
All year long, we were seared in the Fires of Transformation which affected us deeply on multiple levels. Many lost their homes and livelihoods through fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods and are now forced to begin anew. The tremendous pressure we’ve been experiencing has been transforming the coal of our beings into a diamonds.

Emmanuel Dagher - Energy Forecast - January 2018

The Year of the Divine Feminine

In 2018, the Divine Feminine seeds that were planted in the Summer of 2017 will blossom fully, and command our full attention.

The power that comes with this Year of the Feminine will be like none other in our recent history. The closest time this much Feminine energy came in was in the late ’50s. What followed was all of the advancement that took place in the ’60s.

This is the year that the Divine Feminine makes her presence felt more than ever in the heart, mind, and experience of every being.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización De Luna Llena 1/1/18 - 30 de Diciembre 2017

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos Amigos,

La Luna Llena es el lunes, 1ro de enero a las 7:24 pm horario estándar de las montañas

Se considera una Súper Luna que optimiza su poder para influir en cualquier cosa que pongan su energía. Sugerimos que dediquen algún tiempo intencional y utilicen sus emociones, intuición e imaginación para definir sus sueños y deseos para el venidero año si ya no lo han hecho. Si lo han hecho, entonces dediquen algo de tiempo a expandir su imaginación respecto a lo que es posible o a imaginar esos sueños energéticamente.

También es buen momento para determinar intenciones específicas de cómo quieren y necesitan ser útiles a ustedes mismos en las semanas y meses venideros. Este es un año de servicio y el servicio debe comenzar por ustedes personalmente. Si no pueden servirse a sí mismos, no pueden apoyar a otros. Esta es una luna amorosa que los inspirará a limpiar su nido, lavar la ropa sucia y enfocarse en cómo hacer que su entorno hogareño los sostenga mejor en este año. Recuerden que no tienen que hacerlo todo hoy, pero pueden concretar las intenciones de qué quieren ver que suceda en este año próximo.

Muchas bendiciones,


L’Aura Pleiadian - Each Moment is NEW ~ Or is it? How are YOU Living your Light? - Jan 2, 2018

Each Moment is NEW ~ Or is it? How are YOU Living your Light?

One Moment we experience this…and even though it may feel familiar, the next moment it may be gone. It may be completely different.

The key to being aware, is beginning to recognize the patterns within us, that create a “standard” of how we want or expect things to be.

Kara Schallock - El Cuerpo Habla - 29 de Diciembre 2017

Traducción: Fara González
Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Al avanzar con gracia hacia el final de este año Terrestre, no reconocido por las dimensiones superiores, ya que no hay tiempo más allá de la Tierra, continuamos recibiendo frecuencias que mejoran y actualizan nuestros propios Códigos de Luz, células y ADN. Esto nos despierta aún más a cualquier vieja ilusión que todavía sostengamos a lo interno. Despierta nuestro Saber, la Verdad en nuestros Corazones, que afecta cómo percibimos las cosas en nuestra vida. En este punto, el único ustedes es su Yo Superior. ¿Cómo se siente al irradiar tal Luz y cómo se siente ser uno de los muchos que crean un nuevo mundo? No ha sido tan fácil de atravesar como chasquear los dedos. Al dejar atrás el viejo mundo, comenzamos frescos de nuevo, ya que la Ascensión es infinita en su movimiento en espiral. Somos parte de una celebración grandiosa al unirnos a otros Seres de Luz en una danza de Alegría.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 2, 2018

Do you ever find yourself yearning for elements of your past? Perhaps it is an old relationship, an old job, an old location you lived in, or perhaps an old lifestyle. It can be confusing when this happens. We wish to shed some light on what is going on when this occurs.

It could be easy to think that you should go back when those thoughts arise, that those times were better. But please know, that is expired energy. How do you know it is expired energy? Because it is no longer in your life.

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - use your amazing visions... - Jan 2, 2017

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

We have long described the enormity of the prosperity that awaits you. We bless all who, in the past, have so magnificently held the energies of the light around us as we worked behind the scenes to safely bring in your new reality.

January 2, 2018

Joy and salutations from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters! We come after this wonderful holiday season that kick-started the final stages of the cabal’s demise. Although for many decades they have been referred to as the “powers that be”, we now refer to them as “the powers that were”. More will be revealed in the coming weeks as to why we say this year-end holiday season has brought many gifts for your freedom. We wish to alleviate your frustrations, for this journey has been long and rambling. Now, however, you can glimpse the Light at the end of the tunnel.

Lena Stevens - January 2018 Monthly Forecast - The main theme for January is “EVALUATION-ACTION”. - Jan 2, 2018

January 2018 Monthly Forecast

The main theme for January is “EVALUATION-ACTION”.

Note: in this forecast we mention some of the themes and influences for 2018. For a more complete picture of 2018 you can download our Trends audio (link here)

As we start the New Year we are inspired to evaluate what works and what doesn’t, what we like and what we don’t like, what we have put up with that no longer serves, and what we have always desired but could not let ourselves have. This is the Evaluation part of the month. The Action piece is what we decide to do about it. Both are equally as important and both have aspects that are supported by some of the themes of this coming year.



Message from Master Mary

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

Grasping the nature of transformation means complete surrender to it.


Surrender is the prerequisite of any transformation. What does true and complete surrender mean?

lunes, enero 01, 2018

Monday Message - Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Escape from Bias - Jan 1, 2018


JANUARY 1, 2018

Escape from Bias

From Kryon Live Channelling: The Great Escape
March 2017 in Boston, MA

Every single Human is different. What you've experienced and what you've been taught is unique to you. Where you've come from and why you're here is unique and different. There is no one rule, one pill, one solution or one doctrine that is going to work for all humanity. Instead, there are a billion truths, all leading to the one solution - the escape from the bias of who you were in the past.


through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion’s Monthly Update - January 2018

Hilarion’s Monthly Update, January 2018

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! All around you, the unseen realms and kingdoms work ceaselessly to create Divine Order as the old structures fall away. Everything upon this planet is being renewed and recreated into a more functional cohesive wholeness. The new Earth reality requires new ways and new perspectives that will take into account the connection between every person and everything in their environment and in the greater world around them, and indeed, in the entire cosmos!

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Nancy, January 1, 2018

Wake up Call: Nancy, January 01, 2018

When I awoke this morning I happened to look out from our bed through some tree branches at the northwestern horizon and saw what I realized after a minute or so was the setting of the full moon. It was huge and brilliant; I felt so lucky to be able to watch it as it began to go down below the horizon. After breakfast when I came to the computer, I saw the news that the largest super moon of 2018 is tonight.

Taryn Crimi - “2018: A Look at What’s To Come” - Dec 26, 2017

“2018: A Look at What’s To Come”

“We have been asked to share our perspective of the upcoming energies for the New Year, the year of 2018. As with all years, each has its own vibrational signature if you will. We would be delighted to share our perspective upon this New Year, but first we want to briefly touch upon your calendar year of 2017.

Taryn Crimi - “2018: Un Vistazo A Lo Que Está Por Venir” - Dic 26, 2017

“2018: Un Vistazo A Lo Que Está Por Venir”

Canalizado por la Dr. Taryn Crimi

“Se nos ha pedido que compartamos nuestra perspectiva sobre las energías para el Nuevo Año, el año 2018. Como con todos los años, cada uno tiene su propia firma vibracional, por así decirlo. Nos encantaría compartir nuestra perspectiva sobre este Año Nuevo, pero primero queremos hablar brevemente sobre su año calendario 2017.

Natalie Glasson - Maestro Hilarión - El Núcleo de Su Tristeza Interior - Dic 15, 2017

El Núcleo de Su Tristeza Interior
por el Maestro Hilarión

Canalizado via Natalie Glasson – 15 de diciembre del 2018 – Fuente Original: Sacred School of OmNa

Hoy Yo, el Maestro Hilarión, Chohan del Quinto Rayo de Luz, deseo hablarles acerca de la energía de la tristeza dentro de su ser, El reconocer y sanar su tristeza interior es un aspecto de su propia evolución espiritual, y loa ayuda a accesar la maestría dentro de su ser.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - January 1, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, January 1, 2018

Release the need to know

and trust.

You needn't know the final


or outcome.

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Report: January Ancestral Merging of Consciousness - January 1, 2018

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Divine Tribe,

January 1st starts us off with a Full moon in Cancer at 9:24 pm ET. Leading off from this Full moon, we have been experiencing many Ascension consciousness raising symptoms. When we experience these symptoms we KNOW our consciousness is expanding in the Ascension process.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday January 1, 2018

Dear Ones, stepping into the energies of a new year is quite a profound act. You are shifting from one energetic cycle that had its own theme into another that holds its own unique energetic stamp.

It can take as long as arriving at the first equinox to fully acclimate into the energies of a new year, depending upon how different it is to the year that preceded it. The most profound shifting you will feel energetically will be within the first few weeks.

Brenda Hoffman - Jump in, the Water is Delightful - January 1, 2018

Dear Ones,

You are free – of both your inner and 3D earth chains. For as we have commented time and time again, you have progressed further and more rapidly than either you or we thought possible before your entrance to earth in this lifetime.

You are now ready to fly, not walk or crawl, but fly into your new life. For you have paid the price of many lifetimes of servitude in these past few years by clearing both personal and global fears.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Commander Zarton - MESSAGE FROM SPACE - 1-1-18




I am Space Commander Zarton from a planet that is unknown to Earthlings as we are too close to the Sun for you to imagine that we exist. However, our world resonates to the frequency of the sixth/seventh dimensions and beyond.

I say “sixth/seventh” because some of our world resonates to the sixth dimension and some of our world resonates to the seventh dimension. You have a similar situation on Earth in that some of your world resonates to the third dimension, and some of your world resonates to the fourth dimension.

Jennifer Hoffman - January 2018 Energy Report - Jan 1, 2018

While I am glad that 2017 is over and very excited about this new year and its 11 vibration, I am equally excited about how many people I saw awakening in the last four months of 2017. In January we have strong support for a big start on the fulfillment of this mastery year, with two full moons, an eclipse, the end of Mercury’s retrograde shadow, and no retrograde planets. The ride is still wild but we know what to do and we’re in charge of the energy flows with our boundaries and intentions.

domingo, diciembre 31, 2017

Asara - Adama's New Year's Message And How Do We Know Our Divine Purpose - Dec 30, 2017

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are entering a new year, the energies are ideal to plant the seeds for your experiences in 2018.

Jennifer Hoffman - 2018 Predictions - Dec 31, 2017

Every year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction. Our manifestation powers are strong now and we create with our thoughts so what we think becomes the reality we live in. And we can use the energy in any way we want to, so keeping the focus on high frequency expansion, and the world we want to live in, as opposed to being discouraged by what we see as ‘a world gone mad’ is important.

L’Aura Pleiadian - A New Year, A Master Year ~ 2018 ~ Abundance and Glory - Dec 28, 2017

A New Year, A Master Year ~ 2018 ~ Abundance and Glory

The Year 2018 ~ A Master Number “Eleven” Year.

This is ENTERING your Full Embodiment, the Life beyond your wildest dreams..

The Full MOON impacting the frequencies. And of course the August 21st powerful Solar Eclipse, continuing to manifest its shifts..

Sacred, Holy and Majestic!

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Partner with Your Intuition - Dec 30, 2017

This weeks message is an Archangel Uriel channel.

How do you know what is right or wrong now, when everything is changing? As 3D continues to dis-integrate or fall apart, the foundation of what you have known as your reality is being transformed from materiality into potentiality. The rules of matter no longer apply and are being replaced by possibility and potential. The ‘impossible’ is now a consideration and new potentials give rise to new choices. How do you know what to choose? Your intuition is your guide now, it is the light for your 5D path and a guide into new realms of potential and being.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 31, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, December 31, 2017

We are asking you now to merge with your present potential.

You do this by being most willing to release

any involvements with the past.

James Gilliland - Using Rational Thinking Concerning Psychopathsl is not Logical - December 26, 2017

New Year's Edition
Using Rational Thinking Concerning Psychopathsl
is not Logical
by James Gilliland

December 26, 2017

We are seeing false icons fall in all walks of life.
We are truly living in a world of opposites

We are seeing false icons fall in all walks of life. We are truly living in a world of opposites. People being exposed on the highest levels in politics, the movie, music and business industries of ungodly actions to say the least.