Every year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction. Our manifestation powers are strong now and we create with our thoughts so what we think becomes the reality we live in. And we can use the energy in any way we want to, so keeping the focus on high frequency expansion, and the world we want to live in, as opposed to being discouraged by what we see as ‘a world gone mad’ is important.
Now, more than ever, there is enormous power in the shared collective awareness because the collective family of humanity is far more aware of itself, its power, its interconnectedness, and its place in the Universe than it has ever been before. This makes us more powerful and stronger manifestors. If thoughts were powerful before, they are exponentially so now. Since my predictions are read by millions of people from dozens of countries, who can translate and interpret what they read in many different ways, sharing these predictions is a mission that I take very seriously and I write them with a great deal of care. And I have found that they are very accurate, when I review them during the course of the year, which I encourage you to do too.
The details of exactly ‘what will happen’ are not always part of the information I share with you, as it is more focused on what has the potential to happen or what is energetically aligned to allow certain events to unfold in particular ways. Because we have evolved so much since the beginning of this century, knowing the availability of different potentials serves as a decision making guide, rather than a dire warning of the upcoming year’s events.
As you read these predictions avoid looking for confirmation of ‘things to come’ and don’t look for the ‘doom and gloom’ scenarios, as I refuse to consider them as a possibility. Rather, use this information as a tool to manage your own life and energy as you embark on a new year filled with potential, power, and possibilities. I deliberately avoid the ‘doom and gloom’ or ‘pie in the sky’ predictions that others make, partly because I believe it serves no useful purpose to predict bad events since I know that we have control over our individual and collective realities.
And I don’t believe that spouting sweetness and light, the belief that the Universe will make everything better and that we will be taken care of (without our active participation) is simply unrealistic. It is not consistent with our roles as co-creators in the Universe and is therefore also misinformation, designed to foster the belief that are lives unfold in a pre-destined way that we are powerless to stop, alter, or control.
Are you ready to shine brightly for another year? This year will be different because we’re shining with a much higher energy frequency and we are accompanied by many more people. I know that the journey has been extremely long and challenging at times, we have been at this for several decades. But the evolving spiral of ascension isn’t achieved in a day and we can’t measure the success that is achieved over a journey of many lifetimes by what happens in a single lifetime.
2018 is the year to claim your wings, to soar above the limitations you may have imposed on yourself, to set your sights high and to have some fun. This year requires embracing yourself as a Light Beacon, acknowledging your mastery, being energetically creative and sovereign in your life. Strong boundaries will help as will big and powerful intentions. Ready for a fresh start? We are now at the ‘end’ of one very significant journey and starting on the next. Remember there is really no end, there are crossroads and switching stations and we are at one now.
Where do we go from here? It’s a new adventure and we can go anywhere we want so let’s explore the power and potential of 2018:
2018 the Mastery Year
In numerology, 2018 has an ‘11’ vibration (2+0+1+8) which is a master number. Our previous mastery year was 2009 and we have made a lot of progress on our ascension path since then, and huge strides in our 3D/5D integration and ascension journey so while 2009 may not have been a great year for you, 2018 is a portal into a whole different level of mastery.
There is also a ‘2’ energy this year as 11 is also 1+1, and this is a joining together of equal energies – we can connect with like-spirited people now, and it is the number of partnership and community. But with the 1 + 1 the emphasis is on equality, similarity, and balance. No more lop-sided, unequal relationships where one person gives all of the energy and doesn’t receive anything in return. That may be a change for some and will take some adjustment.
Mastery is not about being the best or better than others, this is self mastery, the mastering of your own energy, your soul mission and life purpose, learning how to integrate your divinity into your humanity, moving from healing into wholeness, creating a congruent reality that reflects your greatest potential and the fullness of your energetic frequency and vibration. You are the only one who can do this for yourself, the potential is there and is waiting your command.
Every year has key themes, predominant energies that will be the focus of what we experience in that year. A key theme in 2017 was Divine Congruence and we saw that expressed in many ways individually and collectively. Individually, we had to set intentions and then release everything and everyone that was not in alignment with our intentions. On a collective level, especially in the last three months of 2017, we saw a vast awakening and joining together of many people with a common intention, goal, and purpose. We’ll see more of that in 2018.
The opposite of freedom is bondage, which happens when we block the flow of energy by putting limitations and distractions on our path.
The second theme of 2018 is convergence and this represents the ‘coming together’ or joining that we will se
The opposite of convergence is rejection, as things that cannot converge or come together reject each other. This is not a bad thing; it is very clarifying to know what you can join with and what you cannot join with. There is a lot of value in knowing what is not aligned with your energy, which includes people and situations.
Let’s move on to 2018’s Power Periods. These are periods of higher frequency and energy, where more energetic support is available for change, transitions, and transformation.
The entire year is a power period because of the 11 mastery energy. So everything in 2018 is going to happen with a little more flash, a little more speed, a little more power, and a lot more effect. The highs will be higher and perhaps last a little longer; and the lows will be lower and may be shorter in duration. Energy gaps between 3D and 5D will be more apparent, and there will be a big difference between the peopl
2018 begins with a 1-1-11 vibration, just like 2017 did, and Mercury in retrograde recovery, so we are making progress in how the new year begins. For the past two years the new year has started with similar planetary alignments and energies as the beginning of the previous year, putting us through a repeat cycle for months. We also have a super full moon on January 1 & 2, in the signature axis of the next two years, from 2018 to early 2020, Cancer/Capricorn.
January through March is a power period that includes two double full moon months, two eclipses, and what may appear to be fresh starts but are really completion of items leftover from 2017. There is a lot of fast moving energy in this period so don’t rush to judge what looks like a disaster, many of those will be blessings in disguise.
Then we move on to May and June, another power period. I feel that there will be a lot of social and political unrest as the landscapes have changed. People no longer want the 3D paradigm of domination and control, they want freedom (that word and energy will be important all year), and to be self sovereign, which is a reflection of the need to be more creative, self aware, and self sovereign (5D energies) and much less controlling and domination (3D energies).
The summer months (July and August) will be more relaxed, even with 3 eclipses, and there is a greater potential for fun this year as we start to feel more of the integrated 3D/5D energy and bring it into our lives. That may also mean a change in the family structure, moving from biological ties to energetic ones, you are ready for this, it has been happening for a while. Let go of things that no longer serve your energetic intention or that are not aligned with your energetic frequency.
In November the moon’s nodes move into the sign of Cancer/Capricorn, which reinforces the January 1 super full moon in Cancer/Capricorn and sets the stage for the 2020 Capricorn stellium. The moon’s nodes follow a 19 year cycle so think back to April 2000, which is when we previously had the North Node in Cancer. What were you doing then that is now coming around again for an infusion of new energy? Where was the world then and what is different today? The stage is being set for us to realize ourselves as the family of humanity and the energy is building for a new paradigm that will be embraced by a greater number of people.
In December 2018 and through early March 2019 the planet Uranus retrogrades into Aries from Taurus, then goes back into Taurus to stay. This is significant because in Aries, its placement since March 2011, Uranus has been responsible for much of the global upheaval we have seen in the past 7 years whose focus has been righting many wrongs done to the world’s people by a small group of elitists, and strengthening our connection, as well as awakening the world to new potentials that do not involve 3D power, domin
Now it moves from fiery Aries into earthy Taurus, where it will stay until 2025. It was previously in Taurus in 1934 (Uranus takes 84 years to go around the zodiac) a time of great unrest in the world with economic depression, the rise of fascism, and world war. But the world is a different place today and I believe we will continue to see a surge in awakening, connection, and stabilizing the transformation of Uranus in Aries to a more grounded flow of energy in Taurus. Also, Aries is ruled by fiery Mars which can turn Uranus into a real troublemaker. Taurus is ruled by Venus which may tame some of Uranus’ rebel energy into a more refined, dignified expression.
Here are my global predictions for the year:
We’re going to see more odd weather this year but not with the severity that we have been seeing although chemtrails are still a big concern and how they are being used in weather modification. I do believe we have on- and off-planet assistance in this area and that will become more pronounced in 2018. There are dire uses for the ionization of the atmosphere, as we saw with the DEW (directed energy weapon) fires in California where aluminized soil and aerialized nanothermite from chemtrails, along with SMART meters, were used to burn houses to dust. I have done my research on this and can assure you that houses do not burn from the inside out, nor do ‘natural’ fires burn hot enough to disintegrate every fixture in the house. This will be investigated and more information will be available this year. I think we will see support to protect us from these technologies that are from ET sources and are being used against people.
The phony climate change agenda will continue to be denied and will eventually lose energy this year too. In the US, President Trump has wisely stepped out of the Paris Accord and I believe other countries will too as they learn how much of their national wealth they will be forced to turn over and citizens will reject the other terms of these agreements that are nothing more than yet another agenda to destroy national sovereignty and private land ownership.
We’ll have more earthquakes too, especially around April and May and a few odd earthquakes that look like they are triggered with HAARP technology. Some will not be reported by the media but information will be available from alternative news sources. Also pay attention to the presence of large sinkholes, related to frakking, that will again not be covered by mass media. I believe those are happening now but we are not being told.
We do need to pay attention to the world’s oceans and large bodies of water this year, they are undergoing yet another year of great stress but we can, through our intention for clean, healthy oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams, to reverse this cycle. Water is a cleansing element and it has taken on the energy of corruption that has plagued the earth and humanity for the past century. Focus daily on clean, healthy water, so we can support this important part of the earth’s energy body.
Throughout 2018 politics and economy will be a source of attention and it will be a source of great awakening as the corruption, dirty dealing, self enrichment, and collusion that has been part of politics for centuries gets a long overdue makeover.
All eyes are on the US and President Trump who, like him or not, is the most powerful force in the upheaval of the old guard and the re-introduction of representative government, where governments fulfill the desires of their constituents and not of the corporations that pay off politicians to do their will.
We have been subverted for too long and that pendulum swung out so far it nearly fell off but it is now swinging back to a more sustainable center. This political corruption is everywhere, so do not be surprised at anything you hear about dirty politics. It is necessary to show this so people can awaken to the truth and come together to demand truth, transparency, and fair dealing. This is another aspect of the 3D/5D integration that is being played out in the material world.
If you have been wondering when people will ‘wake up’ be prepared because this began in 2017 and continues throughout this year. It will extend through 2020 and beyond too, because once people are awakened to their reality they do not go back to sleep. Some people may be horrified at the details that will emerge this year, of the true nature of the elitists’ rituals, ceremonies, and deeds but it has been going on for a long time. I believe that as humanity’s awakening has increased the amount of energy that is available to them has decreased exponentially. So, in their desperation, they are preying on younger victims in their need for energy to feed from. This is going to be a tough truth to handle because it involves very young, defenseless, innocent children and it will be the final straw for many to awaken. It is going to be hard to learn of these things, so be prepared.
We are moving from Christ Consciousness to Christed Awareness, I have been writing about this since 2013. Christ Consciousness is the Martyred Healer, Christ on the cross, the story that has kept us in energetic bondage for centuries. Jesus said, of his miracles, ‘all these things you can do and more’. We need to embrace the ‘and more’ part and step into our own Christed Awareness and the empowerment that goes with it.
We are becoming divine humans, fully integrating our humanity with our divinity. We’ve been doing this for a few years, now we get to experience it in a practical way and we’re in an integrated 3D/5D reality that allows to fully expand the miracle energy and its instant manifestation in our lives.
We will see a lot of this in 2018’s power periods, as well as throughout the year. Shine your light brightly so those who awaken have a light to see and embrace. You are the example for them, not their healer or support. Everyone is energetically sovereign and makes their own choices.
We will see more community activism happening too and if you have been waiting to move to a like-spirited community from wherever you are right now, it may happen in 2018. In fact, if it hasn’t happened yet, 2018 will probably be your year. We had to wait for communities to be at the energy we needed, and to also finish up where we were living. We were doing important energy work since 2009 and even before, now that’s done and we are no longer doing this by ourselves, we have massive numbers of people who are carrying that light with us.
If you aren’t sure where you are going to go, focus on what you want, the energy you want to experience, the kinds of people you want in your life, and the lifestyle you want. Start considering your choices in terms of energy rather than physical properties, that will help create the perfect match.
Have you noticed people talk about the ‘great awakening’ and describing themselves as ‘awake’ or ‘woke’? We are moving from the new age, the beginning of this ascension cycle and vast energetic transformation, into the Light Age, where the light is firmly anchored into the 3D reality that is dis-integrating (coming apart) to make room for 5D energy.
Like spirited people will continue to connect as they did last year. This is also going to make energy gaps far more apparent, where you see the difference between those who are awake and asleep. Remember that we move from 3D density and awaken to the 4D bridge when things get dire enough for us to reconsider where we have been and want to put our energy. For some that takes a long time, for others it happens very quickly. But the critical mass of people who are awakening are going to push others towards that 4D bridge, and the ones that are already over the bridge, like you, are there to remind them that there is something awaiting them when they get to the other side.
Whether that is because we now have more awareness and discernment, or they are coming to a point where they have to reveal these connections (I think it’s combination of both) be ready for some big reveals about aliens, alien technology, and different on and off-earth beings, energy forms, and other aspects of energetic and non-physical life. We are being subject to ‘soft disclosure’ so that when the big disclosure happens people are not so freaked out (even though they will be).
I have felt for several years that the reason we don’t ‘see’ the other life forms and life forms that inhabit this planet alongside us, and there are many of them, is that we are trying to ‘see’ them with our 3D sight and we need to shift that to being able to use our 5D vision to discern their presence. In 2017 and through to 2020 we will have many more UFO sightings and be able to connect and interact with these life forms. The process will begin slowly but as soon as we master it, those connections will be easily made. This doesn’t mean that we’ll be rescued or saved because not all of these life forms are benevolent but we will have stronger and more frequent interactions with them.
What can you do to ease into this process and make 2018 a wonderful year? I have prepared this video for you as it discusses one of the most important aspects of our lifetimes, the Source contracts we have made to hold dense energy in escrow so ascension could occur. It was something we had to do to begin the process but now that we have exceeded critical mass and are far beyond critical momentum, we have to release this energy so we can move into a greater expansion of our own light and energy potential.
Let’s make 2018 a great year!
Dark vs Light, Evil vs Good
We are fighting an epic battle of the ages, between dark and light, evil and good, and while we’re winning mightily, the war is not over yet. Each of us plays an important role in this battle which is a fight between opposing energies in the polarity of 3D. Every time we shine brightly, set powerful intentions, establish our high vibe energy boundaries, empower our vision, claim our energetic sovereignty, we claim new 5D territory in the ongoing 3D/5D integration to edge closer to multi-dimensional duality. This is the battle to bring heaven on earth and we are engaged as individuals and as the collective, it is a battle we have fought for eons but now we are ready to take ascension into a new level.
Each light is important and each light shines brightly for the whole. Yes the battle is important and we have fought this before, and lost. But we are not going to lose this time and now we are joined by many in the collective who are awake, aware, aligned with a new truth, and who want this for themselves. Celebrate your victory as you continue to expand your energy, raise your frequency, and embrace the joy energy of 5D. We have created a community of light so there is plenty of support for you on your journey. Ask and receive, be in your energetic sovereignty, and remember that you are a spark of divine light with the full power of the light of Source with you.
I make these predictions carefully because nothing is set in stone and we have creative power over all of our individual and collective realities. While both the dark and the light are potentials, it is our desire for the energies of peace, love, joy, and prosperity for all that will allow these to be dominant energies on the planet.
If we want a different kind of world, we need to set intentions for that world to exist. It can, if we do it and do it as the collective family of humanity.
The age of self interest has expired; the era of collective social interest has arrived.
We have moved from the New Age into the Light Age. We have rejected the power, greed, domination, competition, and control of the 3D paradigms to embrace the connection, collaboration, community and creativity of the 5D paradigms. We’re in full integration mode now, onward and upward.
Shine on Light Beacons, be bold, have powerful intentions and strong energy boundaries and let’s make this a great year for us and for all of humanity.
With much love for your continued presence and support on this ascension path, I wish you the biggest, best, and brightest blessings for the new year. I am honored to be a guide for you and humbled by your trust, faith, and love.
Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman
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Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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