miércoles, diciembre 20, 2017
A SMALL FRAGMENT OF SOLARA'S DECEMBER 2017 SURF REPORT ~ Finding our Entry Point to 2018
December begins with a profusion of elements coming into our lives from multiple directions. There's too much to do, including many things which we'd really love to do. There's also a plethora of energies affecting us. We may feel torn into many directions and not know what to do next. Various undercurrents are swirling around us, all at the same time, triggering a whole spectrum of emotions.
As we cross December's bridge into 2018, it's becoming clear that we can't take our old dreams and old desires with us because what is going to unfold in this New Year is far beyond what we can presently imagine. We no longer need to be limited or defined by our old yearnings. As long as we are fully in the Expanded HERE and NOW, our steps will be true ones and all things that truly belong with us will appear naturally within their perfect timing.
Trying to manifest our true dreams while we are still living in duality will never happen. Instead, it distracts us from our True Path and keeps us from living a True Life. If we continue to search our familiar, known world for the fulfillment of our dreams, we won't find them there. If we limit ourselves to what is within our probable realities on the linear landscape of duality, we will only see a continuation of what is already present. If we look at our lives wearing the greasy glasses of duality, we won't see anything new, just the same old. We won't see the wondrous possibilities that are all around us.
The most important thing is to start living our lives as if we were already in our True Lives. Even if we don't have a partner and we want one, we can embody love all the time, with everyone whom we encounter. We can live a True Life, wherever we are. We can inhabit the New Reality, even if we are living in the midst of duality.
We have been traveling for ten months through the Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster / Phoenix, passing through intense Fires of Transformation. Until the Chinese New Year on February 16, 2018, the Fire Rooster / Phoenix energy will continue to make its presence felt with ever stronger Wake Up Calls to humanity..
December is when we need to get ourselves into the truest position possible, as we prepare to enter the Starting Gates of 2018. We have this entire month to wash off the dust of the road, to heal any hurts or injuries we acquired along the way, to release our expired old dreams, to embrace any lingering sadness or disappointments that we carry in our hearts, so we can become bright and shiny True Ones.
Instead of focusing solely on holidays, presents and parties, we can utilize this time to deeper align ourselves to our True, Eternal Selves. This is the part of us who ever resides in the Timeless True Worlds. And this is the part of ourselves who can fully inhabit the New Reality of AN.
We don't need to wait until the beginning of the year to start bringing in the energies of the New Reality. New information and new elements are already coming in that are ready to be incorporated into our daily lives. The more true we become before the New Year begins will make the year much easier, and set the tone for what types of experiences we will have in 2018.
December will give us a clear look at where we now stand. It will also give us the opportunity for huge shifts, if we so choose. It's a month of multiple possibilities in which everything will be culminating. With this comes a welcome opportunity to take a good look at all aspects of our lives. Everything will escalate in 2018 ~ the chaos and the New. It's all up to us. Where do we focus our consciousness? What do we believe to be possible? What is real? What do we choose to experience? Which reality are we going to inhabit?
December creates the bridge that aligns us with what we know is True. This is made easier since many of the bridges to our past have now disappeared. We're not even the same people we were at the beginning of the year. We realize that we can no longer find the things we've been looking for in their old places. This requires us to expand our vision so we can look in new places.
This month is full of quantum breakthroughs that allow us to delve deeper into the New Reality. All that we have grown and evolved during the year will be reflected in the patterning of the New Reality and everything will be reconfigured once again. At the same time, we, ourselves, will be repatterned as well. Each time the spiral turns and moves to another level, previously unseen sectors of this New Reality become visible and are anchored deep within the physical Planet.
December heralds the culmination of our RESET process which we've been experiencing all year. It's time to get onto our True Path before the New Year begins. This energy of RESET tends to dismantle everything. It's as if all the pieces of the puzzle of our life were detached and thrown up into the air where they float and rotate. Everything that is not REAL and TRUE will go through a dissolution, so that only the pieces impregnated with Trueness remain. At the same time, empty spaces will be generated where the New will be inserted. This new emptiness often brings up a feeling of poignant nostalgia ~ a feeling of missing that which is no longer there. But instead of turning back, we choose to go forward to our true connections.
Duality is like an iceberg that has just broken off the polar ice shelf. It's drifting away and melting in the warm seas of a shimmering New Reality. All the while, it is trying to convince us that it is still viable and still attached to the ice shelf. Duality continues to clamor for our attention, bombarding us with threats and fear while trying to keep us emotionally attached to it.
Meanwhile the great divide widens.... This is where the element of choice presented to us in 2018 comes in. We can continue to cling onto the familiar and known, while trying to convince ourselves that duality is real or we can watch it drift away and dissolve. Let nothing distract us. Let's make a definitive stop in the old habit of exploring the old well worn paths and routes searching for what cannot be found there. The New Reality is present in the simplest things. It's surprisingly natural and wrapped in freshness. Now is the time for a deep alignment with what we have been since the Beginning, our eternal True Self.
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This is a small fragment of Solara's complete DECEMBER 2017 SURF REPORT. The Full December Surf Report contains lengthy sections on: Review of November 2017, Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places, Volcano Energy, A Reflective Look Backwards, Finding our Entry Point to 2018 and the DECEMBER 2017 Overview.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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