A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life,
Solstice Issue #228
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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light
This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.
Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years. Thank you dear Lady of Light
***from your Hostess of Light
***The human heart unfurls itself
***Each kindness you do travels thru space and time
*** The sacred geometry of nature
*** ‘transmission sessions’ with Gillian
From your Hostess of Light
This Christmas I asked to be used as Mrs. Miracle, ‘she who dispenses miracles to those in need of one’. No matter how small of how seemingly insignificant the action, I followed the signs and inner prompting, while fussing the whole time with the cosmos about their choice of dispersion. I may be a star girl but I have spent the last 66 years on earth, (mostly) and I still think the meek should raise their heads and be heard in the halls of heaven.
Like a ringleader at a comic circus I followed the bouncing cosmic ball and shared that blessed info with others, and they too followed the Christmas sparkle as it led them down glittered alleys and into holy parking lots. We have all entertained the Angels this Christmas month unknowingly or maybe not! Please ask to be a miracle giver to others even if it is you who really needs the miracle. Become the blessing you seek, give what you need most!
I sit tucked into the side of a blessed mountain that knows its purpose; it is alive and very animated even in the dormant teachings of winter. In this place I hold many secret and sacred relics and teachings that seek to be shared. In 2018 new doorways of these teachings will activate and open.
Until the new opportunities arise from their sleep I mend nets when I cannot go to sea. This Christmas I glittered all of the universes demands of me, whether a dollar bill that was released randomly or a Christmas angel or card left on a car, the glitter came from deep in the Golden Heart of God. A place where the sacred heart and the immaculate heart share a space!
The ‘Sacred Heart is the Christ Heart and the Immaculate Heart is the Divine Mother Heart. The first sound Christ heard upon coming to earth was the heartbeat of the Divine Mother, his earth-heart Mother. The Divine Mother saw all that was to come in a moment’s notice and continued to birth what seemed impossible to do or bear in the fuutre. When the sacred heart and the immaculate heart beat as one, they trigger a new cadence in Gods heart as well. A familiar sound far off yet beckoning one to get closer.
The sound of home and hope and miracles waives thru the universe like sugar cookies doing the dance of the sugarplum fairies. The heart remembers home, no matter what form one may have taken, it is the heart that earth seeks to awaken. The very heart of the universe is summoned and the blending of the immaculate heart and the sacred heart are given as proof of what is desired by a planet that comes to its knees in this season of Giving and for-giving.
The human heart unfurls itself
In this Decembers learnings the human heart will find its way to a great opening in the soul and soil of what is old, finally Growing wings for a flight that was not scheduled. The human heart is a powerful device, more powerful than the ark of the covenant, as it inherently has a greater longer lasting force and effect on all that cross its path, which there is no protection from its sharp learning. It can be a cruel mistress on occasion and can seduce one into wrong choice’s, that all end on the same street of the future, the human heart always follows its self sometimes landing on dead end streets.
The human heart has a perseverance that unfolds and unfurls its self as a banner that is strewn across the earth sky. Humanity stands tall in their tall in their unity when there is reason to fear. But as time passes and the pastures of their life are no longer in danger, they turn from the unison that was so important a day ago, an hour ago, a week ago.
The death of the old is upon you as you awaken to a higher institution of light and enter the hallway of capabilities that are now available. You have the ability to cast your hope into a place that is unfurled in glory and anchored in faith.
Listen for the signs with every inch of your body. Do not allow your gridlocked consciousness to get you lost in the corn maze of life and seeking the light!. Listen to the heighten senses of the body. When the hairs upon your body raise a red flag – listen. Pay attention to what is around you, if the alarm is going off, literally listen, child listen. For what affects one, affects the ALL. You have been given the ‘gift of supreme Realization, a virtual clarity’ what do you do with this sacred gift, how will you use it and store its truths? Look to your future with clear eyes, see clearly what unfolds. Do not be blind to the worlds, for each choice escorts you into another place of knowing and learning in a distinct and Different latitude and cosmic longitude.
You are asked to enter the quantum fields of reality where you direct the orchestra, where you direct the energies, where you direct the creations without fault, without fear, without falling, or without failing. You are each Masters and Maestros of Light. Nature has have held the sacred text and the sacred truths until humans were aware enough to embrace them in love. All of life has messages hidden within it. It is time to release the bounty that lives within the rocks, the clouds, the sky, the snow, the trees, and the water.
Each kindness you do travels thru space and time
As the Living Presence of Christmas comes into your Heart, allow it to unfurl its dovelike wings with purpose and a divine plan. Plan to be a better human with a vaster purpose. Listen to the signs and hear the future as it beckons your immediate attention.
Each and every day listen with your heart and then move into that place of thought. Follow your light as it connects with person place or thing. Follow your light as it directs you like a beacon into a place of heavenly choices. Choice is the Grand Master of all human energies as it consumes humanity. People are always at a point of choice. Ask to choose wiser, to choose from a place of love.
Each kindness that you do travels thru space and time touches all on its way to the beginning. You touch the very Godhead, the Source with your every action and inaction, know this always then choose to walk the fine line of creation. Give to those who do not expect it, Give anonymously with zest. Give of your silent prayers. Give without thinking allowing it to be a way of life not a season!
Become that which you yearn to be in your inner heart. Become the picture in your mind as you embrace the higher purpose. Let the Light point you in a new direction that will support you to be all that you were born to be. Spend your time and energy wisely in your creational mode which runs full speed all the time. Stop fighting the currents of your life and drifting from drama to drama. Become the master of your fate, challenge the status quo and allow a champion to be born.
You are in a time of birthing yourself into higher light at a different octave of truth. As you sit in the womb of No-time, No-space, you try to stretch, but the walls of illusion keep you restricted in an undetectable prison. You push and push trying to stretch into the limitlessness you innately know yourself to be. When a child is in the mother’s womb, the child’s spirit has the ability to reach out past limitations, skirting about in the parent’s energy field reaching into the past, and future, overcoming space and time seeking knowledge while in the place of safety. .
Your life is similar to that of the unborn child. You feel limitations; as if the very walls of your life grow steeper and slippery with every fear. You grunt and groan, complaining as the limitations become more and more animated and real. You are living in this dimension of matter and also living in spirit, in the light on a multitude of levels. Your body seems limited and vulnerable, yet the spirit and light-force that inhabits it has magnificent never-ending capabilities.
You are connected to everything in the Universe; everything flows through you and to you. All energies, thoughts, and words flow through time continually. There is not an end nor a beginning, but a recurrent flow of life, changing form. There is no failure in this type of existence only evolution.
It is a time of yielding and trusting your process. The butterfly that you are inside is far greater than any illusion. Let go and know that the divine plan will work. The caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly it can be no other way! Surrendering is accepting that the universe knows your every whim and desire before even you desire it. The hole is small only in the mind of the caterpillar, not in the mind of God. The creational fields of God are large enough to accommodate all the future butterflies of earth and every place else.
The sacred geometry of nature
Everything within and upon the planet earth has a geometry, a light, and a sound that is involved with its expansion. like crop circles all of life sends a message on a conscious or subconscious level. snow is solidified sacred patterns miniature frozen in time crop circles. The frozen geometric light comes forth to infuse all with sacred patterns of ancient teachings’. Like a snow globe that has landed in its field of choice, releasing its very refined data. Like love letters from the Heavens to earth, they are absorbed into the heart of the land. .
People, who live in places that do not receive snow, yearn for the purity of snow, the crisp clean feeling of something that magical that has been birthed. The coldness feeds upon the warmth of the heart and the hearth. Imagine trillions upon trillions of snowflakes, each one holding a different geometry, a different light reflection, a different purpose and truth, all joining together to give the gift of Love to earth.As you walk upon them and hear the crunch of the geometries breaking apart. Imagine yourself walking through every crop circle that was ever created all at once, frozen in time allow that thought to be birthed, yielding unexpected rewards. Move beyond that which seems slippery and frozen, skate across the pond of your life in a place of safety and knowing.
Transmission Sessions with Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As life twists and turns and tries to wiggle away from us we all come to a place of greater tails that seek to be completed in a place of the immaculate heart. We are all becoming more, no matter how it may look on the inside or outside. What is light and alive within us seeks to get out the small box one has painted them selves into. We are all more than just the pieces of frayed memories that hold us together. As the glue of the past shifts and no longer adheres to our cosmic Teflon coating, we begin to let go of how we explain ourselves and allow our living soul lights to be sculpted into more than just a block of the past frozen in time.
I have been hearing the call to do these ‘Transmission Sessions’ for some time now, not knowing if I was ready and able to go in that direction with all the other demands. As I get older in dog years and younger in heart-years I hear the old Bob Dylan song playing in my head ‘ I was so much older than I am younger than that now’. As we all squeeze play into another level of dimensional rife, the news tells us mountains all over the world have suddenly ground up and out of proportion. New technology tells us it is so, it must be true!
Or are we just in a different place and experience, where the dreams of our hearts will play out in living Technicolor; is this our second chance to get it right? God/ Goddesses I hope so!
Is this the year that Cayce’s Atlantis will rise, is this the year your heart opens to an unexpected love, or an unexpected child? Is this the year that accrued miracles finally curtsy in the center of your karmic wheel? God/ goddess I hope so, for us all, each and every one!
About the Transmission Sessions
The word transmission means “across, beyond, through” and that is exactly how these sessions can be defined. They are not just your vanilla box reading, they are an experience that you can hold onto as long as you live. Each is uniquely tailored by Spirit to fit your body mind and spiritual needs. Each sound, each mantra, each truth, is for you to experience and absorb. Your ‘Transmission session’ will be recorded and the recording will be sent via email to you.
Each transmission session will consist of some or all, of what is listed below. Sessions are min. 1 hour long/ recorded/ each session costs $133 which includes a $5 credit toward any future crystal product purchase.
*** First off we will clear the energy field to release any blocks via sound. Clearing with Peruvian Healing vessels/ or crystal bowls / or other healing sound modality. This will clear any energies that have attached themselves to your field of light that are not for your highest good.
*** Healing statement release/ Archangel Michael spiritual release statement
***Bring in light saturate field of light
***Tones/ seed mantras
*** healing past lives
*** healing future lives
***healing in the now
***Spiritual teacher working with you at this time
*** Spiritual totems/ allies/ mineral/ animal/ elemental/ fairy kingdom/ star kingdom /
*** Spiritual teaching or sacred place aligned with you at this time
***Empowering session with breaths and tones before channeling
*** Channeled message from Gillian and your Teacher of Light
When I receive payment for your transmission session via (send payment or USA check or MO/ then I will send you an email and a form to fill out/ At that point your name will be added to the waiting list. You will be informed via email when your session is to begin. At my end it may take more than one sitting with the energy, like intervals of light infusion and transmission. Each session is so unique in concentration and outcome it is hard to digest in one sitting. This transmission session is to heal your soul giving it a time out to blend with the sacred sounds, light codes, mantras and the sweet energies Spirit has to offer.
Gillian has been channeling for the public since 1986, she is a natural channel and has been that way since she can remember. Just like Rudolph the reindeer all the other kids knew she was different, it was no secret. However it took a long time to let that side of her show publically. In these ‘transmission sessions’ Gillian will use every light modality to get the exact energy signature that will fill your heart with light love and healing.
Please send USA check/ MO To
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, TN 37725
Please email me at