How do you know what is right or wrong now, when everything is changing? As 3D continues to dis-integrate or fall apart, the foundation of what you have known as your reality is being transformed from materiality into potentiality. The rules of matter no longer apply and are being replaced by possibility and potential. The ‘impossible’ is now a consideration and new potentials give rise to new choices. How do you know what to choose? Your intuition is your guide now, it is the light for your 5D path and a guide into new realms of potential and being.
Your intuition is the small, still voice that you can hear when you are listening with your high heart, when you are open to the connection with your Self, and when you believe in and accept your own divine power. Your intuition is more than an inner guidance system, it is the intersection point between human and divine, your Source connection, the voice through which your Higher Self speaks, the source of information that is free of bias, fear, and emotion. Your intuition speaks through your highest energetic frequency and vibration potential so it operates from the point of intersection between your humanity and your divinity.
Listening to your intuition means that you trust that your connection to the Source is always present and is working for your Highest Good. Can you trust its wisdom and guidance and are you ready to be live from a point of empowerment? Are you prepared to dis-integrate the foundations of 3D density and its limitations and expand into 5D creativity and connection?
The potential can be exciting while the changes required for transformation can be challenging. Your opportunities do not disappear if you are not ready, they will wait for you to arrive at new points of alignment so you can surrender to this transformation. Your intuition will remind you of their presence. It is a decision that you must make for yourself, when you are ready to trust in your own power. Many of you are afraid that your intuition will tell you the ‘wrong’ thing or something that is not right for you but it arises from the light and wisdom of Source, so it can never be wrong or incorrect. If you do not trust it perhaps you are not yet ready to embrace its empowering potential.
Because your intuition is part of your energy field, its guidance cannot be wrong for you. If at times it appears to be different from what you expect or anticipate, it is because at this point in the ascension cycle and the 3D/5D integration you are being challenged to expand every aspect of your life path and open yourself to all possibilities that arise from your highest potential. When your intuition provides you with guidance that you do not understand, ask for confirmation. And trust that it will be given to you.
You cannot explore the realms of Source, energy, and spirit without your intuitive guidance so take small ste
ps and open your heart to learn of the joy, fulfillment, peace, potential, and purpose that are available to you. Any confusing or unfamiliar guidance you receive from your intuition is coming from a higher level of potential than you are currently experiencing. It is there to make you aware of the variety of options that are now available to you. Trust in its guidance and wisdom, embrace it as your partner, and step forward in confidence, knowing that when you listen to your intuition you are aligning with your highest energetic frequency and potential and integrating your humanity with your divine self in fulfillment of your light mission of 5D integration.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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