As we gracefully move to the end of this Earth year, which isn't recognized by the higher dimensions, as there is no time beyond Earth, we continue to receive frequencies that upgrade our very own Light Codes, cells and DNA. This awakens us even more to any old illusions we still carry within. It awakens our Knowing; the Truth in our Hearts, which affects how we perceive things in our lives. At this point, the only you is your Highest Self. How does it feel to radiate such Light and how does it feel to be one of the many creating a new world? It has not been an easy snap-of-the-fingers traverse for sure. As we leave the old world behind, we begin fresh again, as Ascension is infinite and it spirals. We are part of a grand celebration as we join other Light Beings in a dance of Joy.
Being New means you are not dualistic; you are One with and as the Light. Anyone still hanging out in the old, dualistic world; that of judgment; will have a rude awakening, because being New you simply cannot dwell in duality. The old power over others is gone, as is doing anything for purely selfish reasons. In the New, the separate ego transforms to the ascending ego; that which serves to express your Divinity while on Earth.
To help you be more authentic and autonomous, you might ask yourself if you are following anyone; deeming them more knowing and powerful than yourself. Are you giving your Power over to someone or something else? Do you feel obligated to anyone? Do you speak your truth honestly or do you hide who you are? Are you still pleasing others in order to be loved, respected and accepted? Are you attached to someone else's approval of you? If you answered “yes” to any of these, step now into your own Integrity by being fully who you are.
As duality within you dissolves, it may feel very uncomfortable because, simply put, you just haven't experienced Wholeness before. And yet, it truly is the only way to be Love. Die to the old; be born in the New. As you serve, be sure to include yourself. Be compassionate, kind, patient, nurturing and honest with yourself and all others. Ask yourself if you sabotage you by having limiting thoughts and beliefs. Are you present in each Moment; fully in your body; grounded and centered?
When you speak aloud the word “wayshower,” what does your body do? Does it open up or vibrate or do you not feel it at all? Your body tells you who and where you are, whether you are in your Heart or your head. When you are in your head, your body does not respond. When you are in your Heart, your body tells you by responding. When you have a decision to make, go in the direction your body leads you. If you are new to this, begin now to pay attention to what your body is communicating to you. This is why it is so important to be fully in your body; to be centered and grounded. You see, as a master you must be in your Heart and your body. Analyzing or thinking about something will not do a thing except to bring about doubt, confusion and a circular tautology; round and round you go; where you stop no-one knows. Jump off the merry-go-round.
Fear separates; Love joins. The way to overcome fear is to walk through it; you will see that the fear is an illusion, while Love is real. Some time ago I had a meditation. I was in a land that was familiar. I walked down a few old stone steps and entered an underground tunnel. It was completely dark. All there was was an old metal banister on my right, which helped to guide me forward. I kept walking and then began to see a dim light ahead. I kept walking toward the light and then there were a few steps up, which I took and I came out of the tunnel and looked around. I ended up in a beautiful new place. While unfamiliar, it was brighter and more beautiful than the old place from which I came.
Are you a leader? Leaders are not static, sitting on a pedestal. They continue to evolve, grow and learn. They do not stop at a particular point and say, “I've arrived; now I'll stay put.” They have let go of all victim energy, knowing instead that life happens for them; not to them. They do not engage in drama, chaos or gossip. They are grounded and don't make a big deal out of anything. They share their process in the Moment and by sharing, those with eyes to see and ears to hear take full Responsibility for what resonates for themselves. You see, a leader isn't attached to another's action or inaction. They simply are. Never do they put themselves out there as a leader; never do they claim to be something or someone. They don't see themselves as leaders or anything really. They simply are and they know that in the next Moment, things will shift yet again. Are you a leader?
In the last many years, we have been transforming. Transformation; what does that word mean to you? Transformation is not merely a change. It is going from one thing to being a completely different thing. It is not just changing one's appearance and remaining the same within. It is a complete letting go of what has been and having the Willingness to be completely new in every way without even knowing what that might be. Transformation takes complete Faith and Trust in yourself as Divine. Source doesn't question; Source allows and surrenders to what is; Source creates. You are Source.
We begin anew and yet there are still aspects of ourselves that are waiting to shift. Completion is not yet upon us, and yet we can see the Light at the end of the tunnel. There is an inner push to surrender to Divine Will without the compulsion to hold onto any sort of false life of the old. This is a time we can stop romanticizing other lifetimes or cultures, but stay real in the Moment. For those who are ready, there is another big descension of our Lightbodies that is available now. This can result in many physical adjustments including more acute hearing and seeing; in other words, more sound and seeing things that are not accessible in the old. There is more following one's guidance, even if it doesn't make sense in the moment. There may be no or little tolerance of large groups. Body temperature fluctuates and you may notice that you vibrate at times. There is a lot of movement around the Heart Chakra, as there is constant rebalancing and adjusting. There may be a need to balance, ground and center often. There may be a sudden onset of sleepiness and/or nausea and so much more. Pay attention to your physical body; ask it how you can help.
As the old matrix continues to devolve, we may find ourselves humorously observing the actions of others while they take themselves so seriously. We just don't seem to fit in, so we may be viewed as non-conformists; even more than before. Yes, we are rebels, holding true to our own vision and purpose. Challenge yourself to discover beliefs and attitudes that get in your way and then take a step forward. Make sure all chakras are aligned and clear; not just the upper, more spiritual ones. The lower chakras help us to be grounded and in our body. Floating is fun and nice and yet it takes all of our bodies to operate as one unit to be fully functional.
Follow your guidance and not the old rules of the matrix. This means to always listen to and follow your guidance and your own energy. Be discerning; don't just do something without feeling it first. Keep things simple. When in doubt, do nothing; don't be forced to make a decision. Wait till it feel right, if it does. Rest and Be. It doesn't matter what is going on in the world; hold true to you. As far as new technologies go, be in Discernment; don't just run out and buy because everyone else is. Keep things simple.
Be in the eye of the storm. Stay peaceful amidst strife; calm amidst calamity; loving amidst angst and anger. Be Love.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!