viernes, noviembre 10, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - Connecting with the Essence of Being of Service - 10th November 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love extend through my being from the Angelic Kingdom. The Angels of Love and Healing wish to be reminded to you; they wish to share their support and companionship with you. They recognise you are Angels of Love and Healing on the Earth wishing to magnify your power and self-realisation of how you can assist the transformation of all especially Mother Earth. I, Archangel Raphael, come to you with the message of the Angels of Love and Healing, as well as my own guidance and inspiration of how to support the healing of yourself, humanity and Mother Earth.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Vieja Energía Adictiva - Reedición - Stamford, Connecticut, el 12 de agosto de 2017

Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Stamford, Connecticut, el 12 de agosto de 2017

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Stamford.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se hace a un lado, como siempre. Y les daré un mensaje ahora del que él no está enterado, o que no está enterado de que sería dado. Así es como funciona, queridos, que la información que se da desde el otro lado del velo, es información que tal vez no esperan, dada de maneras que podrían no haber pensado.
Esta noche es una revelación que avanza más que nunca en las diferencias entre la vieja y la nueva energía. Hoy mi socio trató de disponer la escena [en el seminario] para que puedan entender que antes de 2012 había una energía que ustedes ya no volverán a tener. Es una energía que no van a revisitar, y no regresará. La energía que está empezando a instalarse en este planeta es una nueva clase de energía, y está llena de paradigmas de realidad completamente nuevos.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday November 10, 2017

Do you have resistance to the concept of grace and ease? Can you embrace it as something that is available to you, or do you immediately think of reasons why it can’t work for you? So many human beings have an attachment to the idea of efforting their way to success.

The whole reason the idea of work for gain has been effective is because after you work an amount you deem to be hard enough, you move into acceptance to receive because you feel like you deserve it. You don’t have to wait until you are battered and worn in order to be worthy to receive, Dear Ones!

jueves, noviembre 09, 2017

Suzanne Lie -The Golden Ones - Connection, Oneness and Unity - 11-9-17

Connection, Oneness and Unity!

By The Golden Ones
Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Golden Ones,

We are ready and eager to assist the Ascending Ones. By that statement we mean that we now stand at the threshold of the fifth dimension, ready for the analysis of your Multidimensional Auras. We are aware that everyone, as well as everything, in your transitional reality is in the process of transmutations into the next octave of reality.

John Smallman - Jesus - Love is, of course, the antidote to fear, being all that is Real - November 9, 2017
There is only One, but It is infinitely vast, and It is You at One with Source, your Creator, from Whom you are never and can never be separated. So relax, all is well and always will be, as you will fully understand when you awaken from the dream that has been causing you so much pain and suffering over the eons. The human collective has made the decision to awaken, and so the process of awakening has started.

Christine Meleriessee - COUNTDOWN to 11:11 – Special GLOBAL PROJECT for GAIA - Nov 7, 2017

Ascend Earth Project
Ascension Column Pillars of Light – What They Are and How To Build Them and Why To Create Them. By Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.

In association with a new Global Project to Assist Gaia and Humanity in a very powerful way, this article provides information on how to create Ascension Column Pillars of Light in your own personal space or in specific areas of nature.

This project and the information provided are free. It is called the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT and it is initiated by Walking Terra Christa along with the Christed Beings of Light who are assisting Gaia and Humanity to raise in consciousness to the 5th Dimensional Frequency of a New Earth of Global Oneness.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 9, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Say "Yes."

Yes is a powerful word.

As you say Yes, you acknowledge your power, your strength, and your Truth.

Say yes to anything and everything that comes your way.

It is your teacher.

Victoria Cochrane - Lord Melchizadek - The Symptoms of Ascension - Nov 9, 2017

I greet you with love and in the light of the Creator. I have come forth to explain to you the symptoms of ascension, or the raising of your awareness to your own spiritual truth. As you become more awakened and aware, more light will enter into your energy centres, called chakras. Your third eye will become more knowing and your psychic senses will begin to increase. Your body will begin to change in its needs, such as being drawn to organic food or repelling the idea of eating meat. Your senses will become more attuned and honed to the sights and sounds around you and you may find yourself living a healthier lifestyle altogether. You may also find that your body becomes more sensitive to foods or to the environment and that you can no longer eat or use substances that once caused you little concern.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Percolation and Perturbation – the 11:11 Codes - November 9, 2017

A Message from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

It is a time of percolation and perturbation. New perceptions of reality are percolating through the energy centers within your body. Perturbation occurs as these new perceptions hit the coding in the imaginal system of your DNA in ways that stir you to change, like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

Sandra Walter - Merge Sequences and the Open Gateway: Meditate to Activate - Nov 9, 2017

Merge Sequences and the Open Gateway: Meditate to Activate

Nov 9, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude to all who participated in this week’s Cosmic Stargate interaction on Tuesday-Wednesday. I had another time anomaly present after the stargate focus on Tuesday. Gatekeepers focused on 1pm-2pm, when I would be up on the mountain.

After Gatework I drove back down (snowy roads, so it was slow), visited the headwaters to collect water, where I waited for some siSTARs with many large bottles, drove to the store to get juice, where my order disappeared and I had to fill out another form and wait again. And yet when I arrived home, the clocks said 1:54pm. It should have been 3pm; a whole hour of activity went out-of-time.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - November is Gateways upon Gateways (Passageways & Initiations), portals abound - Nov 9, 2017

November is Gateways upon Gateways

(Passageways & Initiations), portals abound.

Lisa Transcendence Brown

It's a HUGE CLEARING PROCESS before moving into POWER GATEWAYS of the deepest depths of DECEMBER GATEWAYS/PASSAGEWAYS.... where anything of old structures/systems still held must collapse/dissolve/re-structure through new geometric/mathematical Quantum Light Codes that FLOOD through all day/every day now. This is about to increase again, substantially, and will continue to do so....

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday November 9, 2017

Dear Ones, your level of monetary abundance is not dependant upon a specific job or source of income. It is an alignment that you carry with you everywhere you go.

You will create for yourselves according to what you think is possible for you. Simply put, most people get comfortable with a certain level of abundance and stay there. This is why it is difficult for most people to manifest a huge amount of money. They can’t find the energetic alignment of it. It is too big of a vibrational jump for them. But this does not mean you cannot create more monetary ease in your life. Far from it! It simply means that you must find your comfort with larger amounts incrementally.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 November 2017

Mike Quinsey
Events are moving ever more to a conclusion where re-valuation of the currencies is concerned. That it will happen is beyond question, and the first countries to benefit have already prepared themselves to go ahead at short notice. As you are undoubtedly aware, many things are progressing well that signal the significance of changes that are occurring all over the world. The old energies are dying away but not before causing some confusion and upsets. Be assured however that the cleansing is proceeding well and uncovering that which has been concealed for a very long time, and those involved are no longer able to hide their activities. There will be no hiding place for them and their crimes will be brought to light, and be answered for. New levels of honesty and integrity will be the order of the day, and anything less will not be tolerated.

Selacia - The Way Forward -Step Into the Light - Nov 9, 2017

The Way Forward
-Step Into the Light-
by Selacia

While the world around you is changing at lightning speed, do you sometimes feel stuck and unable to change something in your life? Right now there's some good news on this common dilemma, since we have some helpful planetary energies for making breakthroughs on even the most challenging issues. Continue reading to learn how you can apply these energies, and how you benefit from addressing things that have held you back.

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - La Iniciación del Triple Portal, el Despertar de la Cápsula de Tiempo y el Avance Hacia Tu Nueva Misión del Alma - 27 de Octubre 2017

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora.

Queridos amigos de Starchild

!Es difícil creer que ya estemos en noviembre y que estemos llegando al final del 2017!

Muchos de ustedes son conscientes del caos permanente y de la falta de armonía en la Tierra. Como yo, pueden estar experimentando esto en su comunidad local y pueden estar trabajando en función de sostener las energías de paz y amor en su corazón conjuntamente con su práctica diaria de gratitud. Por favor sigan haciendo esto. Estoy segura de que están conscientes de cuánto aporta cada ser despierto al incremento de la luz y al establecimiento de las Nuevas Frecuencias de la Tierra.

miércoles, noviembre 08, 2017

Meg Benedicte - Resurrection Spiral - Nov 6, 2017

As we gain proximity to the Galactic Center, exact on the 12:21 Solstice, we move into position with the black hole portal to the Great Central Sun, the source origin of our universe. This is where stars are being birthed! While the 11:11 – 12:21 Gateway is active, you have the golden opportunity to birth alive your ascension life!

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - November 8, 2017

Blessings to you, wherever it is you are!
We are ‘here’ in this moment with you.

Are you also elsewhere?

Indeed. For as with the Energy of White Cloud … we are not just restricted, as you ‘believe’ you are … to Being in just the one place at one time.

It’s not that I believe I am restricted … far from it. It’s just, I haven’t quite mastered the flitting hither and thither at will … yet!

You shall. Many are!

Hints on how?

Without doubt … ‘FAITH’.


Jennifer Hoffman - Judging, Judgment and Energy Flows - Nov 8, 2017

The amount of darkness, density, corruption, and criminality that is being exposed in the halls of government, film, music, in the US and internationally, is simply astounding. While it has been going on for a long time, the entire house of cards has come crashing down. Look at how quickly Hollywood went from being celebrated on its ivory tower and is now being trashed around the world, and the ivory tower is smashed to pieces. One revelation was enough to end the cult of celebrity, as I wrote in the November Energy Report.

Suzanne Lie - Return to Day 4 of 7 Days with My SELF -11-8-17

Return to 7 Days with my SELF
Day 4 of 7 Days With My SELF

Finding and Living your Inner Power
Suzanne Lie and Your SELF
Greetings every ONE,

I took a little break from the 7 day process of: “Finding and Living your Inner Power.” I needed to absorb that process a bit, and I hope you all had a chance to absorb it as well. If that process is new to you, then you will find the beginning of it at:

It is on my blog, just as this article is. If you are new to this process, or wish to refresh your memory, please see the above link.
Day ONE was, “Unconditionally Loving My SELF”
Day TWO was, “Embracing the Light”
Day THREE was, “Forgiveness.”

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 8, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


The ego will tell you that you must hurry to stay safe.

You must stay busy.