Ascension Column Pillars of Light – What They Are and How To Build Them and Why To Create Them. By Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.
In association with a new Global Project to Assist Gaia and Humanity in a very powerful way, this article provides information on how to create Ascension Column Pillars of Light in your own personal space or in specific areas of nature.
This project and the information provided are free. It is called the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT and it is initiated by Walking Terra Christa along with the Christed Beings of Light who are assisting Gaia and Humanity to raise in consciousness to the 5th Dimensional Frequency of a New Earth of Global Oneness.
Given the increasingly tragic events and ongoing conditions that Earth and Humanity are facing, the repeated sharing of this project within your networks, groups, friends and family is going to be immensely helpful in grounding more Higher Light for Earth. The project’s first milestone goal is for 144,000 individuals to get involved.
Ascension Column Pillars of Light
Ascension Column Pillars of Light are basically the same Source Energy that you connect with through your Antakarana Bridge – The Rainbow Bridge of Light that is personally accessed during a Spiritual Meditation.
When performing an accurate Spiritual Meditation, you are bringing in the Higher Spiritual levels of Love and Light from your I AM Presence into your Soul Star and through to your Central Canal (which touches your spinal column, organs and chakra system). Technically you are “De-Ascending1” the Higher Frequency Energies into your physical vehicle so that your physical vehicle can learn to adapt to and accept the Higher Light Frequencies. That is essentially the core of the Ascension Process.
Those Higher Spiritual Energies represent the Divine Qualities that your I Am Presence holds within the 144th Dimension of Oneness to flow through your Spiritual Body. When you connect to it, you are commanding this Light Frequency composed of Electro-Magnetic pulses of energy (Masculine-Feminine Divine) to be accessed through your Soul Star activating the energies within your Etheric Self Body to assist the four-body system (which in addition to the Etheric body also includes the Mental body, Emotional body, and Physical body). The Etheric body interfaces with the Physical Body through the Chakra System. (The Etheric body is sometimes referred to as the Aura but in this use holds more complex properties than the commonly referenced visual aspects of what many call the colors in the Auric Field.)
The key difference with the Ascension Column Pillars is that they become an active creation apart from your physical vehicle yet still consciously connected to you. They are instead an Ascension Beam of Light within the Physical World of the 3rd-4th Dimensional Frequency that brings forth the same qualities.
Dr. Joshua David Stone, originally stated that you call upon the 3M’s (known as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma) to construct Pillars of Light within your own meditative or healing space to assist one to be able to fully connect to the higher realms of light.
Rev. Christine Meleriessee took this instruction a step further and constructed Ascension Columns within her entire home, not just in her meditative space. Being single and living alone there was no concerns about interfering with anyone else’s energies1. She conducted Ascension Groups and classes in the home with others so it aligned perfectly with the work she was conducting with the Ascended Masters. Personally, it assisted every participant that came into her home as it helped them to align with their own Highest Purpose in that moment.
Her own Higher Guidance within these energies enabled her to take additional steps for using the Pillars of Light in other areas. As she also liked to create the Sacred Native energies of Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun of the Medicine Wheel within her house in each of the rooms, she added the Ascension Pillar energies along with the Crystal Kingdom as they hold special higher vibrational qualities too. In placing crystals such as Amethyst or Rose Quartz or Clear Quartz in the corners of the room, she created additional protection from lower energies while assisting in re-creating a clear more powerful direct connection2.
Within each corner she asked for an Ascension Column Pillar to be placed by the 3M’s. She then uniquely expanded this energy by calling upon the 22 Rays of God so that each column would be infused with the 5th Dimensional Frequency energies, thereby creating a protective and highly attuned Ascension Column Pillar of Light.
Essentially, by combining the 22 Rays, the Crystals, and the Ascension Columns into the Medicine Wheel structure to be directly connecting with to the Power of Light of the Creative Source of Oneness (represented as the Great Spirit in many Native traditions) it establishes an ideal Sacred Space environment for significantly boosting the Ascension Mastery process.
However, as these subtler higher vibrational energies will dissipate over time if not consciously recharged and reenergized, she would also “spin” the columns on a daily or weekly basis depending upon other energetic variables such as who had been in her home, what healing work she was doing for others, or more specifically as a result of her own Ascension process of removing the etheric, emotional and mental debris from herself as she gained more Light Quotient.
Since the introduction of the Unified Whole Energies to Humanity in preparation for the gateway of 2012, the commanding energy of the Ascension Column technique has expanded to include those Higher Frequencies of Light as well.
The most important element in constructing an Ascension Column is for each person to prepare themselves Spiritually by accessing their own Antakarana Bridge, I Am Presence, Higher Self, Angelic Self (or Solar Angel), and Gatekeeper (or Guardian Angel). This is done by utilizing their breath to connect to the Higher Realms of Light, the Unified Whole Energies (by counting upwards to the 144th Dimension) and allowing the voice commands in a properly Commanded and accurate Invocation to come from their Highest Self, not the physical self.
As Ascension Mastery teachers and trainers we assist individuals to learn how to do this process more competently. Many times, an individual will ask to have the Ascension Column built by just stating the words. It is imperative to connect to the Higher Realm of Light in order to have the right connection and effect of the Higher Energies. This allows your Feminine Divine to be initiating the energies while the voice command allows the Masculine Divine to ground them.
Based on decades of experience in working with Ascension practices and tools, we suggest that if your chosen Sacred Space area is a large enough space that you have as your sacred meditation or healing room, we suggest placement of the Ascension Column Pillars be in the four corners of the area and in the center just as we do. Otherwise simply create one column where you do your meditating so that you receive optimal benefit of the Higher Light Forms within your physical body. We suggest in be just in front of (and including3) an altar space that you have arranged.
If you are sensitive to subtle energy fields you should then be able to sense, feel, or perceive the light frequencies that have been created.
Like any other consciousness, what one forgets about ceases to exist upon earth, or at best it becomes dormant. It is therefore very important to make sure to “spin” (recharge and cleanse) the Ascension Columns after a meditation, etc. If you have not utilized the room for a while, have them to be realigned every day to help you be in the Higher Energetic space.
The 3M’s Message
In relation to creating columns in outside environments the rule from Lord Melchizedek and the Masters state this:
“We are in a time of great acceleration. Gaia needs our assistance, both yours and ours to align to a 5th dimensional awareness and beyond. We have deemed it necessary at this time that it is imperative that any awakened soul that wants to help and assist the earth that this process of the Ascension Column Pillars of Light is the answer to our collective prayers for Gaia and Humanity. We need souls to assist in this process.
“What this will do is help environments to align with the Higher Frequencies of Light while assisting Gaia to be able to Ascend with more gentleness. There will be a cleansing process that will be created to help the planet align more to a Higher Consciousness.
“We have decided through the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Unified Whole Agartha Galactic Alliance that individual human action to create the Ascension Column Pillars around the world individual and in the outside environments is now a necessary activity. The war between the light and the dark has been ongoing and assisting in this project is going to help Gaia, Humanity, and the planet to survive through this challenge of Ascension for the Earth as it has the grand potential to bring about a condition of substantially avoiding much of the terrible events that are presently occurring on many levels.
“We hope you will join us in this powerful movement of Light upon Gaia and within all of the souls inhabiting this planet at this time.”
“We thank you for participating in this project for the New Earth.
Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma as transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden (in the Christed Light of the Unified Whole of Oneness).
As a collective endeavor, for those who are reading this prior to the date of 11-11, 2017, we have a special KICK-OFF EVENT to Bless, Consecrate and Energize any Ascension Pillars that you put in place by that date.
Once you create your Ascension Column (see the link at the end of this article for a free instructional packet) you are invited to participate (and strongly encourage to do so because it makes a real difference) in the online event of the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT 11:11 GATHERING with Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light. Your active involvement will enable the Pillars to be energized beyond what your personal frequency can accomplish due to their assistance.
Not only that, as part of this Global Project for bringing forth the Highest Light Frequency, the Unified whole Agartha and Galactic Forces will join in to clean up the specific areas where placement of the Ascension Column Pillars are present. This means the areas can be assisted more deeply in receiving the frequencies required to transmute and transform them into a 5th Dimensional State of Consciousness. This is a process that takes time and effort, so the more individuals who get involved, the more progress of this type can occur for Earth.
If you are finding or reading this information after the 11:11 date, your Ascension Pillar(s) will be added to the existing network of Columns within the Web of Light that already has been established. You are then asked to join the next upcoming online event with Lord Ashtar to formally add your consciousness within the Web of Light Earth Assistance energies. Again, the more individuals who participate, the more powerful the potential to assist Gaia becomes.
Remember, what you do counts in matters where active consciousness is of paramount importance. It is vital that you as the Initiator of these Ascension Columns of Light re-align (“spin”) the Ascension Columns you have created by stating the Invocation again frequently (daily or weekly) thus enabling Lord Ashtar through the Unified Whole Command energies to assist you in the process of helping Earth. They need your help, and we all need theirs. It is a true Alliance.
Around the world there are 22 Golden Etheric Cities that have been built in the 5th Dimensional earth. The ASCEND EARTH PROJECT details includes a list of these cities in case you are in a location near one of them so you can also connect the energies of your Ascension Column Pillar(s) into that particular Golden Etheric City.
This will help to reconstruct the present earth energies into the 5th Dimensional Etheric Earth that is very alive at this time to assist Gaia.
Additionally, through this project we also connect to the Christed Agartha Cities4 located throughout the world in what is also called the Hollow Earth or Inner Earth of the 5th Dimension. The ASCEND EARTH PROJECT details also list the Capitol Agartha Cities that assist by bringing the core essence of the Ascension Column Pillars through each of their Cities of Light.
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Rev. J. Michael Aranathanara Hayden of Walking Terra Christa initiated this free project to assist the Earth. It is supported by many other organizations of like mind in bringing more frequencies of Higher Love and Light to Gaia, with special thanks to Master Joshua David Stone for his input and continued support.
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Additional Notes:
1 Well before the arrival of the 2012 gateway for Humanity Dr. Stone specifically stated that you should be careful where you place the Ascension Columns as they pertain to the Ascension Pathway of an Individual and you could interfere with another’s energies if that was not their Free Will to be on that pathway. Since 2012 this interpretation has shifted drastically due to the current evolution of Humanity. Everyone on Earth currently has accepted at the Soul level that Earth is in her Ascension. This was not true prior to the turn of the new Millennium in 1999 as it was not known what would transpire at that time.
You can set up Ascension Column Pillars of Light for your entire house as long as other individuals living with you are aware of the Ascension Columns. Sometimes having Ascension Columns in a house with a spouse or any individual that does not align with the Higher Frequencies of Ascension can cause ill affect for them and you.
Even though the evolution of Gaia is for her Ascension to occur, and all humans at the Soul level agreed to this potentiality when they incarnated, it does not mean it is automatically accepted by the physical self’s personality, energy or consciousness.
The Ascension process is sometimes extreme even for someone who consciously chooses it as it is a real dimensional shift that the four body system including at the atomic level of the physical vehicle must adapt into. When Ascension is not in alignment with the Free Will of an individual, it will always create energies to arise that they may not be ready to handle. So be very respectful of where you put the columns within a communal living space.
Outside columns are not quite the same as they are in nature and not being lived in as an enclosed space. The purpose they serve is to assist GAIA directly. They also have a benefit of introducing, or exposing the Higher Energies to all individuals that come into contact with the Ascension Column Pillars or through the areas they are located in. This helps their consciousness in the physical self-personality to awaken more to choosing a way of life that raises their vibration to be in alignment with GAIA as she increases her own vibration.
2 Any earth crystals you can use will be of assistance. We recommend that they first be properly “awakened” and “programmed”, just as we do with ours. Artificially created or manufactured crystals (which are not always identified as such when they are sourced from certain areas of the world that specialize in low cost knock-off materials) are not going to assist and interfere with the energy of the Column(s). For our own home we now exclusively use specific energetically charged, enhanced and blessed earth crystals which we call White Raven Atomic Crystals(sm). These are not required to set up Ascension Columns but do bring in a directly enhanced energy from Lord Saint Germain.
3 When you “spin” an Ascension Column Pillar, you use the same Voice Commands and Invocation that created it originally except those commands now act to re-energize the Pillar. This cleanses its energetic structure, removes debris that it has collected, and energizes it back up to its level of Highest Light Capacity available to Earth at this time. When the columns are activated and spinning, they actually spread out up to about 10 feet in diameter. So for an average home, the “four corners+center” method of constructing the Ascension Column Pillars encompasses the whole room. And, if creating just one column, it easily covers the meditation an altar space for an individual.
4 The term “Christed” is controversial yet also essential to understand how it is used in regards to Earth’s Ascension. It is controversial because it does not directly relate to anything that has to do with any present earthly religious structures, nor does it reference explicitly the historical figure many call Jesus Christ.
Instead it is a global reference that goes beyond any single individual to that of a Spiritual status attained by consciously and unfailingly choosing to align one’s physical personality self-existence with that of the Highest Good of All in Oneness, as it fully acknowledges and incorporates that we are all part of the Creative Source of Oneness.
In regards to Inner Earth-Hollow Earth beings and to Extraterrestrial beings, this is a crucial and often overlooked distinction. Unfortunately for Humanity and Gaia there are many beings who are not Christed that are now communicating quite often through many various channels and organizations that in themselves do desire to only be of the Highest Light.
Most individuals just assume any materials brought forth by an E. T. or “Higher Beings”, or a person who has special access or connection with them, that speak about advanced technology assisting humanity or speak about the topic of Disclosure and Global Oneness, (the end of war, end of poverty, etc.), must automatically mean that the message is energetically part of that Christed Oneness. These assumptions also pertain to many “angelic” messages especially those supposedly given through A. A. Michael, or a that person’s own “Higher Self” channeling.
This is a great falsehood to assume or believe and it is directly related to how both Lemuria and Atlantis fell when E. T.’s of the non-Christed variety falsely pretended to be assisting them in their evolution.
Most of these types of materials do not even address the topic of “being Christed” at all, and simply allow people reading or listening to the material to make their own assumptions that the beings behind the message have their best interest at heart. The messages can get deceitful too, as we have seen articles and channeled messages that specifically use the term “Christed” or words like “Benevolent” (which bring to mind “for our good”) in some part of the document or messages, while never actually stating the communication itself is within the Christed Oneness. This is another reason why this project is of such importance as the Unified Whole Command and Alliance is made up of only the Christed Beings of Light.
Related to this is the term “Ascension” itself. It can refer to a dark version of Humanities future when not in the context of Christed Light. In the context of the Unified Whole and the Christed Light, it means Humanity and Gaia elevating their consciousness to a state of Spiritually Christed 5th Dimensional Global Unity and Oneness where Love and Light are in the Highest and Best Good of All Soul’s within the Creative Source of Oneness; in other words, without any separation on any level of reality where some types or class of beings control or limit other beings.
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