Walking Terra Christa starts the journey of the 11th Step of “Living in the Light” within the Golden Etheric City of Tamaranqea (over British Columbia, Canada) for Ascension Mastery Training.
Tamaranqea is located in the 5th dimensional earth over British Columbia and spans approximately a 680-mile radius. This city is representative of the 8th Ray of Higher Cleansing within the essence of the Seafoam Green (Aquamarine) Flame.
Mantra: “I sit and breathe deeply through the Unified Whole energies to command my Physical Self to relax in order to receive the Higher Energies of my Higher Self and I AM Presence. As I do so, I feel the essence of the Seafoam Green to help me be calm and ready to receive direct communication of my Higher Self.”
We visited the Temple of Regeneration with Lady Isis and Lord Osiris. Lord Metatron initiated the 11th Metatronic Seal: Accessing all parts of the Soul Essence (Formlessness, Angelic, Intergalactic, Interplanetary, Human, and travels on the Inner Plane Levels.)
The city is constructed very much like Egypt- there are pyramids in various places. So the land is very flat in the middle of the city and then it moves into a hillside; gradually it creates the mountainous area and the ocean lies mainly on the western side with bay areas and lagoons that are around the circumference of the other areas. There are also many lakes, streams, and bodies of water that is reflective of synchronicity and movement.
Ray No. 8 ~ The Perception and Clarification of What Has Been
Definition ~ Higher Cleansing Ray
Color: Sea-Foam Green – Aquamarine
Chakra: Thymus (in between Heart and Throat) ~ Representing the Seat of the Soul
Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Ahelioah & Lady Ahelieoh
Overlighting Beings: Lady Isis & Lord Osiris with Archangel Ramiel, Representing Hope and Clarity.
Aspects: Good for cleansing the subconscious mind. It helps to raise one to a higher vibrational level and frequency. It integrates with the 8th chakra representing the Seat of the Soul. The Seat of the Soul is located between the Heart and Throat chakras, commonly known as the Thymus Chakra which allows the integration of the Higher Self between the Soul Star and Earth Star to occur.
Decree ~ Finding the Light Within Me
As I continue my journey,
Of Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of My Soul,
I now desire to walk through the doorway,
Of Living in the Light.
I am guided to work with Lady Isis and Lord Osiris,
In the Golden Etheric City of Tamaranqeq,
Which resides in the 5th Dimensional Earth,
Over British Columbia, Canada.
As I arrive in the city,
I feel the beautiful qualities of the Seafoam Green Flame,
Represented by the 8th Ray of Higher Cleansing.
I feel its essence as it is being transmitted by Lord Ahelioaah & Lady Aheleooh,
The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace of this flame.
I feel the ability to allow my old energies I have been holding onto,
To be resurrected by this flame;
I feel the re-birth occurring within me,
As I transform myself into a new sense of joy.
I walk with Lady Isis and Lord Osiris through a beautiful garden,
In the forest with a canopy of twigs and flowers of every kind.
They call this the doorway of Understanding What Needs to change.
I feel this movement of light within me,
As I allow the old self to die away with every step I take.
We arrive at the Temple of Regeneration,
It looks like it is placed on the base of a pyramid,
There are Golden Bricks as the base,
With Crystalline flecks of light all around it.
The Gold represents the Christ Consciousness,
As the colors that are reflection bring forth an aquamarine essence.
I can feel the change within me,
As I walk with these magnificent Beings of Light,
I realize that now is the time for me to fully accept who I am becoming.
I look forward to this journey of light,
I know it will assist me and help me with the issues I am facing presently.
Lady Isis and Lord Osiris take my left and right arm,
As we walk within the temple,
I feel the purest essence of Divine Light within me.
I am now ready to accept the challenge,
I have been unable to face,
As I am now ready to receive,
The Light that is Within Me.
I AM that I AM that I AM
©WalkingTerraChrista.com/November 15, 2017, New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light.
The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities. Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals. You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available.
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