Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Victoria Cochrane. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Victoria Cochrane. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, mayo 10, 2024

Victoria Cochrane - The Cosmic Council - Returning to Lemuria - May 10, 2024


The lost land of Lemuria was like Heaven on Earth. Everything that grew there was created with love and nurtured with the Golden Ray of Hope. There was endless peace in the gardens of Lemuria, with no being ever doubting their existence or straying from their path. Their lives were idyllic, if not a little remote and devoid of excitement.

domingo, agosto 08, 2021

Victoria Cochrane - Archangel Michael - Reharmonise and Awaken! - Aug 8, 2021

Take a breath and breathe out deeply into your core. Centre your energy there and feel into the energy of your body. How tense or relaxed are you? Are you anxious, worried, angry or restless, or are you calm, centred and feeling positive in your outlook?

Now check in on your thoughts. What have you been saying to yourself? Are your thoughts positive or predominantly negative? Is your mind constantly racing, or are you able to monitor your mind and bring it under control?

miércoles, noviembre 22, 2017

Victoria Cochrane - Channellings From the Masters: The Wonder of Trees - Nov 22, 2017

Trees are the centurions of our world. They stand guard, sometimes for centuries, producing life-giving oxygen and absorbing toxic carbon-dioxide. They provide food, shelter and resources for animals and humans alike, and are both plundered and revered by the human race.

jueves, noviembre 09, 2017

Victoria Cochrane - Lord Melchizadek - The Symptoms of Ascension - Nov 9, 2017

I greet you with love and in the light of the Creator. I have come forth to explain to you the symptoms of ascension, or the raising of your awareness to your own spiritual truth. As you become more awakened and aware, more light will enter into your energy centres, called chakras. Your third eye will become more knowing and your psychic senses will begin to increase. Your body will begin to change in its needs, such as being drawn to organic food or repelling the idea of eating meat. Your senses will become more attuned and honed to the sights and sounds around you and you may find yourself living a healthier lifestyle altogether. You may also find that your body becomes more sensitive to foods or to the environment and that you can no longer eat or use substances that once caused you little concern.