jueves, septiembre 14, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday September 14, 2017

If navigating your life feels somewhat different now, it is because you have moved beyond predestination to creation. Let us explain what this means.

For the first phase of your incarnation you had a great many things you wished to accomplish and experience. You might consider it to be your soul's to-do list. You had soul contracts to honour, karma to balance, healing to be done, and ways you wished to express yourself. It was all carefully pre-planned to prepare you to move into your authentic power and discover who you really are.

miércoles, septiembre 13, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Who Gets to Board Your Boat? - September 14, 2017

One of our great worries at this time of the 3D/5D integration and ascension is the fear of leaving others behind as we strive to complete our karmic cycles, soul contracts, and life lessons by creating the most peaceful, loving outcomes. But that is not something we can control and our karmic lessons often end with hard feelings and outcomes that do not meet our expectations.

John Smallman - Saul - Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love - 09/13/2017

We commune with you, and the many other channels presently incarnate as humans on Earth, because the messages that you receive and share greatly assist the Grand Awakening process by conveying to many the divine plan for humanity. All on Earth at this point in your spiritual evolution, whose purpose is to lead you Home to Oneness, chose and volunteered to be human in order to take part in the awakening by dissolving the veil you had inserted between yourselves and Reality.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 13, 2017

Please understand you continue to be on the receiving end of unprecedented energies. It is a complex process as your body integrates these energies. It is a far easier process if you create the ideal conditions for you to do so. This means making time to be still, to rest, to align, to give your body what it is asking for, to trust in your own wisdom to navigate this all seamlessly, and to know the universe is assisting you in all of it.

Ron Head - The Council – It’s Happening - Sep 12, 2017

The changes that you have long asked for, and that we have told you were already happening, have escalated both in rapidity and in the number if you affected. This current system of alignments that you are experiencing has kicked things off in earnest.

As You Wish Talk Radio Sierra Neblina 8 12 2017

Part 22 - PLEIADIAN ALAJE - Developing a Consciousness of Light and Love - Engl Sub

martes, septiembre 12, 2017

Jahn J Kassl - Master St. Germain - ELIXIR OF LIFE - Sep 12, 2017

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

Resurrecting the dead

Dream JJK: I see a child around the age of 7, a teenager around 14, and a young adult around the age of 20. All three of them lie dead in open trunks. I throw a substance – some powder or tree pollen – into the caskets, and immediately all three of them open their eyes almost simultaneously and return to life. (End of dream).

Beloved humans!


This is an important vision that describes the entire transformation of mankind in its „seven-year-progression“ and the final wake-up call of god.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 10-09-2017

hqdefault Septiembre 10, 2017

Queridos, venimos hoy a hablar del amor y de las ramificaciones de su negación y su represión. El amor es la energía cohesiva de todas las cosas y es omnipresente, pero hasta que no es descubierto y reconocido como tal, puede parecer inexistente. No olvidéis nunca que sois creadores.

El mundo mantiene una multitud de conceptos relativos al amor, y todos ellos reflejan una variedad de sistemas de creencias. Sin embargo, incluso el más denso y no despierto estado de consciencia no puede cambiar el hecho de lo que es el amor y que sólo puede ser todo lo que es. El amor es el pegamento energético que une a todas las cosas vivientes juntas dentro de UN todo.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 8 de Septiembre, 2017

Mike Quinsey
Queridos, no os dejéis influenciar por los signos externos de caos y los continuos problemas que parecen interminables y que no muestran señales de llegar a una conclusión. Como pronto veréis un día cuando miréis atrás, la Nueva Era comenzó como se había predicho, pero llevó tiempo establecer las nuevas formas de vivir. Las viejas energías están desapareciendo gradualmente, pero todavía están los que no se irán hasta que sean forzados a hacerlo. Al igual que cualquiera de vosotros, ellos están creando su propio destino y la línea temporal que les posibilitará continuar por el camino que han elegido. Sin embargo, las fuerzas negativas ya no podrán forzaros sus métodos a los que buscáis una vida pacífica libre de la abominación de la guerra. Las amenazas de guerra aumentan, pero al mismo tiempo muchas fuentes siguen trabajando hacia la paz permanente en la Tierra. Pero estad seguros de que sean lo graves que sean las amenazas y las posturas que se tomen, de ninguna manera se permitirá una guerra nuclear. Aunque se respeta vuestro libre albedrío, los poderes superiores han dejado totalmente claro que no se permitirá utilizar ningún dispositivo nuclear. Cualquier intento de hacerlo resultará en un fracaso total, y esa es la Voluntad de Dios.

Children of the Sun Foundation - THE ONENESS TRANSMISSIONS - September 12, 2017

Sunday, September 17

Our Unified Planetary Focus:

Assisting Humanity through the "Dark Night of the Soul"

Three Synchronized Transferences:
Sydney 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 8 pm

We are in a period of great initiation for the entire planet, which is demonstrating the deeply-rooted changes required to insure the survival of the human race.

As a result, all that is not in harmonic resonance with the new vibratory emergence is being purged for ultimate transcendence.

Sandra Walter - Cosmic Factors Affecting our Ascension: The List - Sep 12, 2017

Cosmic Factors Affecting our Ascension: The List

Sep 12, 2017 

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This lengthy update contains the key factors affecting our Ascension process at the moment. It is intended to provide some clarity on the cosmic events, effects of the last Gateway, and why Solar activity is so intense.

Apply hyperimensional logic to all of this; the cosmic perspective soothes the Ascending Soul.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - Using Imagination to Expand Your Flow - Sep 12, 2017


Hello, Dear Friends,

It's good to be with you. We are excited and happy to be with you now, and we are looking forward to what you are doing today, what you are feeling today, what you are experiencing today, and to what you will choose to create as your state of being, who you will decide to be.

Today, we're going to do a little-guided visualization, and we're going to encourage you to use your will deliberately to entrain yourself into states of being that benefit you and feel good to you.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Tuesday September 12, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you just let yourselves BE for a moment? So often you are very aware of your need for something and then talk yourselves out of it, or make yourselves wrong for what you feel or wish to experience. Many human beings have an inner dialogue that never lets up, usually focused on what is unwanted. It is like living with someone who nags you relentlessly or talks incessantly through the amazing movie of your life.

awakening5dhealing - The Great Shift Gateway expect Turbulence – Sep 11, 2017

We have been plunged into deep, turbulent waters of cosmic transformation friends. The culmination of 888 Lions Gate and American Solar Eclipse Gateway on 23rd September will mark the most accelerated wave of higher frequencies we have experienced so far. We each respond to upgrades and transmutation of negative energies in our own unique ways. For those who have been consciously and actively welcoming and embracing upgrades this current tidal wave is taking us to heights previously unknown, and depths previously feared. We are realising that to surf higher wavelengths, to integrate upgrades and to embed higher frequencies in our own energy field, is to be aware at all times of this momentous process. Fluctuating between dimensions on the vast universal frequency spectrum of life can be intensely challenging. The impending closure of 888 timeline gateway on 23rd September is cranking up the pressure on a global and individual scale. As the matrix is further decommissioned the elite fight dangerous and dirty in their bid to maintain their control.

Jennifer Hoffmann - Informe de Energía de Septiembre 2017 - 4 de Septiembre

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Nos encontramos en un nuevo mes y en un nuevo ciclo de nueve meses. Septiembre se abre con una energía un tanto caótica que podría parecer llevarnos hacia un abismo pero, en realidad, se trata de una colosal estructuración energética del paradigma de 3D.

En este mes tendremos que tomar decisiones importantes, pero contamos con los conocimientos necesarios para ello porque en este nuevo ciclo tenemos mucha más conciencia. Ahora podemos convertir la marea de oscuridad en luz brillante. Las palabras claves durante este mes caótico son auto-soberanía y Congruencia Divina (que es también el tema de 2017) y a lo largo de él tendremos ocasión de demostrarlas.

the SIGN:Trey Smith - What happens Sept 23rd 2017? (Kim Clement, Revelation 12)

Sheldan Nidle - ...you are beginning to realize your power...- September 12, 2017

10 Oc, 8 Zip, 1 Ik

Dratzo! We begin by thanking all whose grand visions are making possible the release of prosperity funds long awaited by all. What we wish to discuss with you today is the immense progress of Gaia and her people toward accepting the growing role of higher consciousness in this world. When we first arrived many decades ago, we saw a population being run around in circles by the Anunnaki and their worldwide network of minions. This tyranny is being brought to an end by the rising up of each one of you!

lunes, septiembre 11, 2017

Jenny Schiltz - Temporary 5D Timeline now Available - Sep 11, 2017

In meditation, I was shown where souls are being moved into temporary timelines. It was an amazing sight, each soul was receiving an energetic boost and a clearing. I asked what was taking place and they told me that each one is being reminded of who they are and their intention of ascending. I saw each soul get a little lighter, brighter and then they were then put on the appropriate collective timeline.

Laura Pleiadian - Thoughts and Feelings ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - Sep 11, 2017

Being centered in your Heart ~ feeling Bliss and Joyful Feelings ~ are the result of a laser focused AWARENESS ~ of Being Present.

When there is a shift to thoughts of entertaining DOUBTS ~ leading to the process of recognizing fear that still exists within our own consciousness as active energetic thought patterns. We begin to recognize ~ the difference ~ between being present and not being present.

This is not to say ~ you have complete control over your thoughts. Or whether you are aware of being present or not.

Mastery does exists ~ through the TRUE realization ~ of what thoughts and emotions are. And why you are in whatever process you are experiencing.

Understanding the impact of not Being AWARE of What process one is in ~ may bring one to the place where surrender, becomes the NEW automatic RESPONSE.

Mastery through no control ~ mastery through awareness. Of WHAT IS NOW ~ Going On.

Thoughts as energetic impulses may be the result of still activated frequencies, waiting to be cleared ~ AS the old pattern.

Soon obsolete ~ are the ways of communication based on past and future, fear and doubt.

The NEW WAY of feeling and creating through the impulses of feelings energetically aligned through your Heart ~ are really not new. They are the result of being present.

Emotions not aligned with your heart ~ based on activated doubt and fear ~ are simply the old program playing out long enough ~ FOR YOU TO RECOGNIZE IT.

This is YOUR consciousness after all.

The program you ARE functioning through.

Consciously letting go of conscious fears becomes automatic when you are ready.

So no reason to add fuel to the fire, so to speak, yet if you do, it is there for you so YOU WILL RECOGNIZE IT.

There is no escape through battle.

There is freedom through harmony.

Harmony with your Heart. Being a coherent WAVE of conscious FEELINGS ~ that NOW FLOW through you ~ because you are now ready.

Recognize the battle is the battle.

The harmonious synchronizing of your Heart and Feelings ~ become the New communication and new Mastery.

Again this is not new.

The experience itself may feel new.

Because you have switched programs entirely.

The Old has lost its power.

As the forces of consciousness do PLAY their role.

Always ~ surrender ~ ALWAYS ~ feel what feels the greatest. Even admit old programs till playing out their course.

You ARE entering the New Way.

Although this may feel cryptic ~ it is WHAT is.

Which you are in.

Which is playing through you.

Which is now.

Love it ALL. EITHER WAY ~ it is still happening.

I love YOU!

With Love and JOY ~ with the Divine Council of Overseers. Playing out all now and now. So it is ~ NOW.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.